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Languages English (en)
Users 10
Active users (last month) 3
Active users (last six months) 3
Characters per post (max) 767
Known instances 14,607
First sight Dec 7, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Sep 18, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Hometown 4.2.10+hometown-1.1.1
Registrations Closed
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) Not available
Short description
An instance for freethoughtblogs.com. We're LGBTQIA2S+-friendly. We're also strongly opposed to misinformation of all forms, under any motive, and are happy to debate that if you're willing.
Long description

We're all part of the atheist and skeptic community, on the social justice side of the deep rift. We're worried about religion and pseudo-science, but we're also worried about climate change, fascism, and bigotry in all its forms. We rarely agree on things, but we try to focus our anger on social institutions rather than people.

Does that sound like you? Then come join us! Not sure? Most of us come from Freethought Blogs, so by browsing there you can get a feel for what we're like here. However, Mastodon is not a blog, nor even Twitter without Nazis; don't worry, we have some reading material available to help explain what it is.

Just like our other site, there are no ads here. We do not sell your data to third-party brokers, either. This instance is made by the community, for the community, and runs on volunteers and donations. Conversely, be mindful of that; running this server is not our job, and we have lives and time commitments elsewhere.

Code of Conduct

The server rules do a pretty good job of explaining what's acceptable or otherwise here. Still, a few points are worth elaborating on.

... filling up the local timeline with posts.

Many people catch up on what's new by scrolling through the local timeline. If you post your twenty-post-long magnum opus all at once, you're forcing others to scroll past twenty consecutive posts if they're not interested. Putting a content warning on them doesn't help, as most clients don't shrink the post down to the content warning, so you've just exchanged a wall of text for a wall of blank space.

The recommended approach is to make the first post relatively short, add either a content warning or description stating it's part of a long thread, then setting the visibility of the remaining posts to Unlisted instead of Public.

Incidentally, this is why we don't recommend you use the official Mastodon phone app; for some bizarre reason, it prevents you from using the Unlisted visibility. If you have an iPhone, Metatext does not have this problem plus it has a threaded view, and last time we looked it was free. There are other choices for iOS, as well as for Android.

... excessive private messages ...

This is a bit of a tangent, but worth mentioning. Private visibility means your posts can only be seen by the people mentioned in them. Twitter, in contrast, keeps direct messages private even when they mention another person's handle. This has lead to more than a few people being surprised their private gripes about That User are visible to said user.

... "just asking questions" ...

The devil doesn't need an advocate. If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me how we can be evolved from monkeys because monkeys still exist, or pointed out the high level of black-on-black crime, or gestured vaguely at Hannah Mouncey, I'd have maybe two nickels. That's because I avoid conversations where one side hasn't done the bare minimum of research necessary to become informed, and are likely just trying to feed a martyr complex. If you try to engage in sealioning, don't be shocked when you're banned or blocked from this instance.

No feds.

The police have not been kind to LGBT people. Within living memory, they have gone out of their way to harass and ruin them financially. This is just one of the many, many, many problems with law enforcement. Excluding them makes our community friendly and safer, without causing a public safety issue. Other branches of the state have their own issues, hence why they're included as well.

No short links.

Having said that about short links, Mastodon can create huge spikes in network traffic due to its decentralized nature. If you're linking to a small Mastodon instance in a post, consider using a proxy like jort.link to soften the traffic spike.

No stereotyping.

Consider this asshole.

What will we do if an Islamist regime, which grows dewy-eyed at the mere mention of paradise, ever acquires long-range nuclear weaponry? If history is any guide, we will not be sure about where the offending warheads are or what their state of readiness is, and so we will be unable to rely on targeted, conventional weapons to destroy them. In such a situation, the only thing likely to ensure our survival may be a nuclear first strike of our own. Needless to say, this would be an unthinkable crime—as it would kill tens of millions of innocent civilians in a single day — but it may be the only course of action available to us, given what Islamists believe.
Sam Harris, The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason. (2004)

His hypothetical future scenario was not hypothetical when he wrote it. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan performed their first nuclear weapons tests in 1998, and claims to have been capable of detonating a nuke since 1984. Yet despite being an active sponsor of terrorism and engaging in occasional small wars with neighboring India, we're far more concerned about Russia dropping a nuclear bomb nowadays. Sam Harris holds a wildly stereotyped view of religious terrorists, at odds with reality.

This tendency to stereotype is shockingly common. Think all Buddhists are pacifists? In reality, Buddhists have found ways to justify violence and war. Ever shake your head at how bigoted Floridians are against gay people? Support for gay rights in Florida is on par with Minnesota, Hawaii, and Pennsylvania, plus not too far behind New York, Maine, or California. Argued that all Texans are gun nuts? A majority favour stricter gun laws, they're just stuck in a state that allows minority rule. In sum, critique the actual views of specific people, rather than assume an entire group is homogeneous in how they think.

But seriously, First Nations people are l33t gamerz.

Use content warnings so that other people won't see things they don't want to, but don't force others to use content warnings they don't think are appropriate.

Mastodon has a culture of putting content warnings on pretty much everything. Think of it as a subject line for what follows, allowing you to skip reading something you don't care about. There's also the argument that something you find bland, such as a photo of your meal, might be annoying to someone else, say those with an eating disorder. Why risk making someone's day worse, when all you have to do is type a few words in the "content warning" box?

Thanks to the recent influx of Twitter users, there's been quite a bit of push-back on that culture. The two best counter-arguments are that if you put content warnings on everything, you're arguing that everything is equally triggering. "Hair woes" and "sexual assault" are clearly not. It's also tough to scrub out your unconscious sexism/racism/etc. if you can easily ignore posts on sexism/racism/etc.

In practice, both posting styles coexist quite peacefully. Those who must have a content warning can add filters as insurance, and if someone is egregious about not using them you can mute or block that user, or report the post to a mod. In case the implication isn't clear, let's be explicit: refusing to put content warnings on posts that need them are a violation of the rules and can get you kicked off this instance. Trolling people with misleading content warnings is also a violation of the rules.

Avoid replying to a post with an request for a content warning, that rarely works unless you're a moderator.
Instance rules
  1. No -isms. This includes, but is not limited to, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, age-ism, and able-ism.
  2. No spam. This includes, but is not limited to, unapproved bots, advertising on behalf of others, and filling up the local timeline with posts.
  3. No harassment. This includes, but is not limited to, non-consensual trolling, excessive private messages, and posts with dog whistles or other microaggressions.
  4. No scams. This includes, but is not limited to, advertising cryptocurrencies and NFTs, misrepresenting yourself as part of a group you are not, or "just asking questions" that others have long since answered.
  5. No feds. This includes, but is not limited to, members of any law enforcement, military, or intelligence agency.
  6. No short links. Link shorteners like bit.ly, t.co, and others obscure their destinations and track who clicks on them.
  7. No incitement. This includes, but is not limited to, encouraging others to commit violence or flood the account of another person with unsolicited messages.
  8. No stereotyping. When critiquing religion It is easy to treat heterogeneous people as a homogeneous group and become a bigot. Not all Christians are terrorists, not all Buddhists carry machine guns, and not all First Nations people are video game streamers.
  9. Act with consent. Use content warnings so that other people won't see things they don't want to, but don't force others to use content warnings they don't think are appropriate. Respect the boundaries set by others, and so on.
Moderated instances [?]
  1. *.bigguys.club: suspended (reason: Neo-nazis, harassment)
  2. 0n.ee: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on 0.0n.ee at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  3. 101010.pl: suspended (reason: Freeze peach, permissive federation)
  4. 10minutepleroma.com: suspended (reason: Spam, potential for abuse; Spam)
  5. 1210mw.com: suspended
  6. 12vpx.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.12vpx.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  7. 13bells.com: suspended (reason: Allows transphobia.)
  8. 1611.social: suspended (reason: Anti-LGBT slur in site rules.)
  9. 2.distsn.org: suspended
  10. 2k36.org: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fed.2k36.org at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  11. 2nd.slum.cloud: suspended
  12. 2snc.eu: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on rb.2snc.eu at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  13. 3zi.ru: suspended (reason: Republishes content from RT.)
  14. 5273.me: suspended (reason: Appears to be a heavily-modified server that obscures the administrative account.)
  15. 5dollah.click: suspended
  16. 5evo.fan: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on 5evo.fan at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  17. 7.62x54r.ru: suspended
  18. 80percent.social: suspended
  19. 8777.ch: suspended (reason: Racisme)
  20. 9kb.me: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  21. 9tail.net: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  22. a.nti.social: suspended
  23. a.sc: suspended (reason: Extreme racism, fascism; Hate speech)
  24. a3size.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.a3size.com at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  25. abraham.su: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  26. absolutelyproprietary.org: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  27. academia.pub: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  28. activism.openworlds.info: suspended (reason: Federates with instances that violate our CoC/ToS, such as Gab, Kiwifarms, etc., harassment, doxing)
  29. activitypub-proxy.cf: suspended (reason: Used to evade domain blocks.)
  30. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended (reason: Trolling, spam, DoS attacks; Spam; Spam/Troll)
  31. adachi.party: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  32. addy.gg: suspended (reason: "This instance is hosted for the purpose of free speech. This means there will not be taken any action by any moderator unless the content is child pornographic.")
  33. adforward.org: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  34. aether.run: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  35. aethy.com: suspended (reason: pedophilia)
  36. affiliates.social: suspended (reason: Marketing spam.)
  37. agarthangooncave.com: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  38. agates.io: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on activitypub.agates.io at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  39. agdersam.no: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on sosial.agdersam.no at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  40. aguilera.soy: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.aguilera.soy at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  41. ai.wiki: suspended (reason: Marketing spam.)
  42. ai8w.ddns.net: limited (reason: Single user instance with a conspiracist both-sides bias.)
  43. airwaves.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  44. ak.kawen.space: suspended (reason: Reason: channers, no moderation)
  45. ak.kyaruc.moe: suspended (reason: fash)
  46. akko.disqordia.space: suspended (reason: racism, channer stuff)
  47. akko.saturno.black: suspended (reason: Federates with / endorses instances that host racism and support pedophilia)
  48. albin.social: suspended (reason: Utilise de la publicité ciblée)
  49. allistodon.xyz: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on allistodon.xyz at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  50. alongtheray.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on alongtheray.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  51. alpaca.gold: suspended (reason: Does not honour delete requests.)
  52. alteregocreations.com: suspended (reason: Racism, promotes harassment)
  53. amala.schwartzwelt.xyz: limited (reason: "This isn't a serious rule I'm just being autistic.")
  54. america.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  55. amiantos.net: suspended
  56. ams3-03.**********ing.nl: suspended
  57. angrytoday.com: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  58. animalliberation.social: suspended
  59. anime.website: suspended (reason: Shitposting oppressif)
  60. anitwitter.moe: suspended (reason: Shitposting oppressif)
  61. annihilation.social: suspended (reason: "We do not block any instances.")
  62. anticom.world: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on anticom.world at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  63. ap.maladaptive.art: suspended (reason: admin interacting with known hate instances)
  64. apathy.tv: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  65. app.kenhbit.com: suspended
  66. applied-langua.ge: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  67. arachnid.town: suspended (reason: Homophobia from the admin accounts)
  68. archaeology.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  69. archivefedifor.fun: suspended (reason: Scraping; Agrège et recoupe des données publiques)
  70. argentum.social: suspended (reason: Reason: racism, white supremacism)
  71. aria.company: suspended (reason: Shitposting oppressif)
  72. arinbasu.online: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.arinbasu.online at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  73. artalley.social: limited (reason: Silenced for accusations of hosting/defending underage sexual art. Will unsilence if the administration makes changes or positively addresses these issues. If positive changes are not made, we will defederate. We have a zero-tolerance policy on underage sexual art.)
  74. artritelacy.jp: suspended
  75. as59715.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.as59715.net at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  76. asbestos.cafe: suspended (reason: Racist harassment)
  77. asdgsadga.social: limited (reason: Potential transphobe, has a history of ban evasion.)
  78. asimon.org: suspended (reason: admin interacting with known hate instances)
  79. aspiechattr.me: suspended (reason: Crypto spam)
  80. assortedflotsam.com: suspended
  81. asteroidm.space: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  82. atlas.fedi.live: suspended
  83. awakari.app: suspended (reason: Alleged data mining.)
  84. awoo.fyi: suspended
  85. awootism.club: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  86. awscommunity.social: suspended
  87. ayotocorp.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pfeed.ayotocorp.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  88. azazel.fun: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on tw.azazel.fun at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  89. b.9chan.lol: suspended
  90. b.bo****.*ech: suspended (reason: BirdSiteLIVE/Bot)
  91. b10m.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.b10m.net at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  92. babyfurs.social: limited (reason: Not as much furry content as the name suggests.)
  93. badly.co: suspended (reason: Reason: freeze peach, chummy with transphobes)
  94. bae.st: suspended (reason: 4chan qanon stuff; Inappropriate content; Many posts which breach our rules. No moderation against them.; Nazisme, transphobie)
  95. bajax.us: suspended (reason: abuse, harrassment)
  96. baraag.net: suspended (reason: hosting pedophilia; Inappropriate content; Many posts which breach our rules. No moderation against them.; Pédopornographie (lolicon))
  97. barach.at: suspended
  98. baradoz.cloud: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.baradoz.cloud at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  99. bassam.social: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  100. battleangels.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on battleangels.net at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  101. bbs.keinpfusch.net: suspended
  102. bdsmspace.club: suspended
  103. bearbir*****.*****.social: suspended
  104. bearvideo.win: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on bearvideo.win at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  105. beausejour.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on beausejour.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  106. beef.moe: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  107. beefyboys.club: suspended (reason: Neo-nazis, harassment ; Inappropriate content)
  108. beefyboys.win: suspended (reason: Hate speech; Racisme, homophobie)
  109. beehub.org: suspended
  110. bemrose.social: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  111. berserker.town: suspended (reason: Federating with 'free speech' instances, hosting ableist, transphobic, fascist content; Racisme)
  112. besties.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  113. beta.birdsite.live: suspended (reason: Twitter automatic reposter; Third-party bots)
  114. beta.mstdn.cf: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  115. bgzashtita.es: limited (reason: Misinformation)
  116. bibly.com: suspended (reason: Allows transphobia/homophobia, despite stated code of conduct.)
  117. biendeo.com: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  118. bigballchunkyverse.online: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  119. bigbluecitadel.com: suspended
  120. bikeshed.party: suspended (reason: Harassment, federating with Gab, etc.)
  121. bimmer.social: suspended
  122. bir*.***.io: suspended
  123. bir*.****am: suspended
  124. birb.****.wtf: suspended
  125. birb.*******.net: suspended
  126. birb.elfenban.de: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  127. birbbe*.*********.pics: suspended
  128. bird.****.nu: suspended
  129. bird.****.one: suspended
  130. bird.*****.*pace: suspended
  131. bird.******.ee: suspended
  132. bird.******.pl: suspended
  133. bird.*******.*pace: suspended
  134. bird.*******.com: suspended
  135. bird.*******.de: suspended (reason: BirdSiteLIVE/Bot)
  136. bird.*******.fun: suspended
  137. bird.*******.io: suspended
  138. bird.*******.net: suspended
  139. bird.*******.pro: suspended
  140. bird.********.info: suspended
  141. bird.*********.host: suspended
  142. bird.*******d.uk: suspended
  143. bird.band: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on bird.band at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  144. bird.evilcyberhacker.net: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  145. bird.froth.zone: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  146. bird.istheguy.com: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  147. bird.lu********.**nss.de: suspended
  148. bird.m*****.****f.com: suspended (reason: BirdSiteLIVE/Bot)
  149. bird.makeup: suspended (reason: Auto Twitter reposter)
  150. bird.r669.live: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  151. bird.s*********.today: suspended
  152. bird****.***.co: suspended (reason: BirdSiteLIVE/Bot)
  153. bird****.*ive: suspended
  154. birdbots.leptonics.com: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  155. birdbridge.autonomy.earth: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  156. birdli**.*******.*at.cu: suspended
  157. birdmak***.*******st.org: suspended (reason: BirdMakeup/Bot)
  158. birds.garden: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  159. birds***.***.**cial: suspended
  160. birds***.****.dev: suspended
  161. birds***.****.link: suspended
  162. birds***.****.org: suspended
  163. birds***.*****.com: suspended
  164. birds***.*****.dev: suspended
  165. birds***.*****.net: suspended
  166. birds***.*****.net: suspended
  167. birds***.******c.fr: suspended
  168. birds***.*****e.me: suspended
  169. birds***.****i.de: suspended
  170. birds***.****x.de: suspended
  171. birds***.***p.pe: suspended (reason: BirdSiteLIVE/Bot)
  172. birdsi**.*****.ninja: suspended
  173. birdsi**.*****.space: suspended
  174. birdsi**.******.**twork: suspended
  175. birdsi**.******.*ocial: suspended
  176. birdsi**.******.casa: suspended
  177. birdsi**.********.land: suspended
  178. birdsi**.*********.tech: suspended
  179. birdsi**.*********.zone: suspended
  180. birdsi**.*********b.com: suspended
  181. birdsi**.*********t.dev: suspended
  182. birdsi**.********d.com: suspended
  183. birdsi**.********in.fr: suspended
  184. birdsi**.********s.com: suspended
  185. birdsi**.********wo.de: suspended
  186. birdsi**.*******s.net: suspended (reason: BirdSiteLIVE/Bot)
  187. birdsi**.*******y.com: suspended
  188. birdsi**.******ak.ca: suspended
  189. birdsi**.******ch.de: suspended
  190. birdsi**.******eh.de: suspended
  191. birdsi**.******g.com: suspended
  192. birdsi**.******ik.me: suspended
  193. birdsi**.******r.net: suspended
  194. birdsi******.****i.app: suspended
  195. birdsi******.***o.dev: suspended
  196. birdsit*.*****.*****uch.de: suspended
  197. birdsit*.**********.*oot.sx: suspended
  198. birdsit*.************.cloud: suspended
  199. birdsit*.************.swiss: suspended
  200. birdsit*.**********el.com: suspended
  201. birdsit*.**********ss.com: suspended
  202. birdsit*.*********ng.com: suspended
  203. birdsit*.*********y.tech: suspended (reason: BirdSiteLIVE/Bot)
  204. birdsit*****.****.social: suspended
  205. birdsit*****.******.*onster: suspended
  206. birdsit*****.********ko.com: suspended
  207. birdsit*****.********ld.net: suspended
  208. birdsit*****.*******nk.com: suspended
  209. birdsit*****.*******rds.ca: suspended
  210. birdsit*****.*******st.org: suspended (reason: BirdSiteLIVE/Bot)
  211. birdsit*****.******ome.au: suspended
  212. birdsit*****.*****ema.nl: suspended
  213. birdsite.***************.social: suspended
  214. birdsite.b93.dece.space: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  215. birdsite.cloutier.co: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  216. birdsite.darkesttimeline.social: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  217. birdsite.frog.fashion: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  218. birdsite.gabeappleton.me: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  219. birdsite.gred.al: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  220. birdsite.james.moody.name: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  221. birdsite.jemverse.xyz: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  222. birdsite.link: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  223. birdsite.mastodon.me.uk: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  224. birdsite.monster: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  225. birdsite.nytpu.com: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  226. birdsite.oliviaappleton.com: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  227. birdsite.skye.cx: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  228. birdsite.slashdev.space: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  229. birdsite.spectreos.de: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  230. birdsite.tcjc.uk: suspended (reason: Third-party bots; Bot that links Twitter accounts to ActivityPub without permission of the Twitter account owners.)
  231. birdsite.thorlaksson.com: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  232. birdsite.toot.si: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  233. birdsite.vrparty.social: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  234. birdsite.wilde.cloud: suspended (reason: Reason: data-scraping, bot bridging reposting without user consent; Third-party bots)
  235. birdsite****.***********.social: suspended
  236. birdsite****.*********ed.site: suspended
  237. birdsite****.*********ence.io: suspended
  238. birdsite****.*********ng.tech: suspended
  239. birdsite****.********sko.com: suspended
  240. birdsitel***.**********.***ology.me: suspended
  241. birdsiteli**.********.**.*****helix.com: suspended
  242. birdsitelive.bubbletea.dev: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  243. birdsitelive.loca.lt: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  244. birdsitelive.moistgarbage.info: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  245. birdsitelive.treffler.cloud: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  246. bitacadie.com: suspended
  247. bitcoin.ninja: suspended (reason: reason: cryptocurrency)
  248. bitcoinersagainst.boats: suspended
  249. bitcoinhackers.org: suspended (reason: Instance non-modérée, sans contact et hébergeant du racisme et du complotisme)
  250. bitcoinlizard.net: suspended (reason: reason: cryptocurrency)
  251. bitcoinplebs.net: suspended
  252. bitcointv.com: suspended (reason: reason: cryptocurrency)
  253. bl.refusal.biz: suspended (reason: "anti-moderation")
  254. blimey.social: suspended
  255. blob.cat: suspended (reason: freespeechextremist.com association, federating with Kiwifarms)
  256. blockedur.mom: suspended (reason: Anti-semitism, trolling.)
  257. blog.chudbuds.org: suspended (reason: Associated with chudbuds.lol)
  258. blue.*******y.io: suspended
  259. bmu.b*********.com: suspended
  260. boks.moe: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  261. bondsdogs.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  262. bookwor.ms: limited
  263. borj.org: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on nebula.borj.org at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  264. bot.*******.sh: suspended
  265. boymoder.biz: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  266. bozgor.org: limited (reason: Pronoun joke in description.)
  267. brainport.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on brainport.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  268. brandonage.xyz: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on smile.brandonage.xyz at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  269. brands.town: suspended (reason: Spam)
  270. brapbarn.farm: suspended (reason: "Engage in degenerate behaviour within bounds of legality.")
  271. breastmilk.club: suspended (reason: Admin is openly anti-semetic.)
  272. brettiverse.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on brettiverse.com at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  273. brid.gy: limited (reason: Proposed an opt-out Bluesky bridge; however the author has suggested converting it to opt-in, hence silence instead of suspend.)
  274. brid**.****.me: suspended
  275. bridg*.******.tech: suspended (reason: BirdSiteLIVE/Bot)
  276. bridge.birb.space: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  277. bridge***.*****ls.us: suspended
  278. brighteon.social: suspended (reason: Radical right-wing instance; Conspiracy theories; Instance d’extrême droite)
  279. brockha.us: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on brockha.us at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  280. brodi.me: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pl.brodi.me at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  281. brokenmirror.cc: suspended
  282. brotka.st: suspended (reason: admin interacting with known hate instances)
  283. bsd.moe: limited (reason: Harassment)
  284. bsite.*********.net: suspended
  285. bsl.***.*ive: suspended
  286. bsl.****.***.am: suspended
  287. bsl.****.one: suspended
  288. bsl.*****.cc: suspended
  289. bsl.*****.de: suspended
  290. bsl.*****.de: suspended
  291. bsl.******.com: suspended
  292. bsl.******.org: suspended
  293. bsl.*******.me: suspended
  294. bsl.a*******.com: suspended
  295. bsl.b*********.com: suspended
  296. bsl.com*************g.club: suspended
  297. bsl.pr************s.com: suspended
  298. btrfly.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on btrfly.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  299. budsbots.com: suspended
  300. bull-session.nicebit.net: suspended
  301. bumpto.space: suspended
  302. bungle.online: limited (reason: Spamming the fediblock hashtag, federating with questionable instances)
  303. bunny.cafe: suspended
  304. bunnyanarchy.org: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  305. burggit.moe: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  306. busshi.moe: suspended (reason: Allows lolicon)
  307. bussy.monster: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on bussy.monster at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  308. bylines.social: limited (reason: Published a transphobic article, but show evidence of contrition.)
  309. c.im: limited
  310. c.wtf: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on c.wtf at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  311. cachapa.moe: suspended (reason: Racism)
  312. cachapa.xyz: suspended (reason: Code of conduct uses a racist slur.)
  313. caekis.love: suspended (reason: Sexism.)
  314. calculate.social: suspended
  315. calders.us: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on calders.us at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  316. calobar.club: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on calobar.club at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  317. campduffel.social: suspended (reason: Sexism, federates with bigoted instances.)
  318. cannibal.cafe: suspended (reason: Claims to share similar moderation values to rape.pet, rapemeat.express, and childlove.space.)
  319. carbonnotes.zone: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.carbonnotes.zone at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  320. carnivore.social: suspended (reason: Conspiracies, MAGA / truthsocial crowd)
  321. carrot.army: suspended (reason: Trolling)
  322. caruso.one: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.caruso.one at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  323. catgirl.life: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  324. catgirls.nya.gay: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  325. catposter.club: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  326. cawfee.club: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  327. cd0.nl: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on cd0.nl at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  328. cdrom.tokyo: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  329. chads.usethetools.org: suspended
  330. chalec.org: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on toot.chalec.org at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  331. chamba.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on soapbox.chamba.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  332. charcha.cc: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on charcha.cc at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  333. cheeseburger.social: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  334. cherryberry.pink: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  335. childlove.space: suspended (reason: CSAM, plus the obvious.)
  336. childlove.su: suspended (reason: Associated with childlove.space, CSAM.)
  337. childpawn.shop: suspended (reason: Inappropriate content)
  338. china.al: limited (reason: Potential political risk for Chinese users)
  339. chiptune.uk: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on some.chiptune.uk at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  340. chocoflan.net: suspended
  341. chudbuds.lol: suspended (reason: kiwifarms; Hate speech; Instance d’extrême droite)
  342. chungus.cc: suspended (reason: ableism, transphobia, racism, slurs)
  343. cipay.ca: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  344. circlebasti.at: suspended (reason: COVID denialism, sexism.)
  345. clew.lol: suspended (reason: Racism, federates with bigoted instances.)
  346. cliterati.club: suspended (reason: TERF instance; Transphobie)
  347. closednetwork.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  348. cloudisland.online: suspended (reason: Impersonation)
  349. cloutfa.re: suspended
  350. clubcyberia.co: suspended (reason: Harassment, hate speech; Racisme)
  351. clube.social: suspended
  352. cmm.fyi: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  353. cmx.ee: suspended
  354. cnet.site: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  355. cock.fish: suspended
  356. cock.li: suspended (reason: Racism, fascism, harassment, trolling, etc.)
  357. coffeeeldritch.art: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on coffeeeldritch.art at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  358. coinfundit.com: limited (reason: Cryptocurrency)
  359. collapse.pub: limited (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  360. collapsitarian.io: suspended (reason: Reason: anti-moderation, freeze peach, channers; Shitposting oppressif)
  361. comfyboy.club: suspended (reason: free speech, racism, etc)
  362. communick.com: suspended (reason: No server rules.)
  363. community.halle-leaks.de: suspended (reason: Nazi/far-right rhetoric, xenophobia)
  364. completelysafe.download: suspended
  365. computerhater.club: suspended
  366. comradesonly.duckdns.org: suspended
  367. concho.bar: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on p.concho.bar at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  368. conchrepublic.social: limited (reason: Redirects to a Mastodon instance for a business.)
  369. contrapointsfan.club: suspended
  370. coolsite.win: suspended (reason: Bigotry, encouraging suicide)
  371. coom.club: suspended (reason: Associating with Gab, antisemitism, ableism, etc.; Harassment)
  372. corginet.duckdns.org: suspended
  373. corkboard.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on corkboard.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  374. cosmicfir.es: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on cosmicfir.es at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  375. cottoncandy.cafe: suspended (reason: server for pro-contact MAPs.)
  376. counter.fedi.live: suspended
  377. cp2.j*******.**cial: suspended
  378. cr4.pw: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.cr4.pw at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  379. crashed.org: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on soc.crashed.org at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  380. craveiro.pt: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on rants.craveiro.pt at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  381. creativity.cafe: suspended
  382. crlf.ninja: suspended (reason: harassment, ableism)
  383. crosstalk.tech: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  384. crucible.world: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  385. cryo.icu: limited (reason: Abusing Fediblock hashtag)
  386. crypt.shedsys.space: suspended
  387. cryptids.online: limited (reason: Incite au harcélement)
  388. crypto-group-buy.com: suspended (reason: Spam; Publicité intempestive)
  389. cryptocartel.social: suspended (reason: reason: cryptocurrency)
  390. cryptodon.lol: suspended (reason: reason: cryptocurrency)
  391. cryptotalks.social: suspended (reason: reason: cryptocurrency)
  392. cryptotooter.com: suspended (reason: reason: cryptocurrency)
  393. csdisaster.club: suspended
  394. ctdl.co: suspended
  395. cubes.link: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on cubes.link at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  396. cubhub.social: limited (reason: Just being cautious.)
  397. cuicu*.*******.net: suspended
  398. cum.camp: suspended (reason: harassment, bigotry; Inappropriate content)
  399. cum.desupost.soy: suspended (reason: Ableism, racism, transmisia; Hate speech)
  400. cum.salon: suspended (reason: uncensored porn, slurs; Hate speech; Spam)
  401. cunnyborea.space: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  402. cunnyborea.top: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  403. cutecatgirls.cafe: suspended (reason: CSAM content.)
  404. cuyes.mooo.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  405. cybercriminal.eu: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  406. cybercrusade.xyz: suspended (reason: Racisme)
  407. cyberretards.xyz: suspended (reason: Sexism, on top of the obvious.)
  408. cybersecurity.masto.host: suspended
  409. cyberstorm.one: suspended (reason: Nazi; Hate speech)
  410. cyzed.com: suspended
  411. d-fens.systems: suspended (reason: kiwifarms)
  412. daffodil-11.org: suspended (reason: Spam)
  413. daishouri.moe: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  414. dansu.org: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on dansu.org at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  415. dark-alexandr.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.dark-alexandr.net at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  416. dasaku.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on key.dasaku.net at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  417. datenkastl.de: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fedi.datenkastl.de at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  418. dawdle.space: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.dawdle.space at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  419. daystorm.netz.org: suspended (reason: Looks like a hacked or trojan server.)
  420. dcentralisedmedia.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on dcentralisedmedia.com at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  421. dcomm.net.ua: limited (reason: Possible Russian troll farm.)
  422. deadreckoning.cc: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on deadreckoning.cc at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  423. decayable.ink: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  424. decept.org: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  425. declin.eu: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  426. deepnexus.link: suspended (reason: Admin is a 'free speech' supporter, conspiracy theories, antivax, etc.)
  427. deepspace.cafe: limited (reason: Single-user instance with no information, posts nothing but face swaps.)
  428. def.social: suspended
  429. defake.app: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on we.defake.app at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  430. defenestrate.it: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.defenestrate.it at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  431. definitely-not-archivefedifor.fun: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  432. degenerates.fail: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  433. delta9.me: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on delta9.me at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  434. democracy.town: limited (reason: Don't CW heavy political content)
  435. desuposter.club: suspended
  436. detmi.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  437. detroitriotcity.com: suspended (reason: racism, homophobia, etc; Hate speech; The moderation doesn't comply with our rules, allowing many posts breaching the rules.; Racisme, homophobie)
  438. develop.gab.com: suspended (reason: Trump's network)
  439. developers.live: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  440. devsrv.farhan.codes: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  441. diamondelizaa.com: suspended (reason: Entire server rule: "uhm be chill")
  442. dickkickextremist.xyz: suspended (reason: Federates with instances that violate our CoC/ToS such as Gab, etc.)
  443. digitaldata.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  444. dingdash.com: suspended (reason: Anti-vax.)
  445. dirigibly.ltd: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.dirigibly.ltd at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  446. dirtyhobby.xyz: limited (reason: un-CWed NSFW)
  447. discorporea.com: suspended
  448. discourse.helenprejean.org: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  449. disequilibrium.org: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on disequilibrium.org at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  450. disqordia.space: suspended (reason: Racisme)
  451. disroot.org: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fe.disroot.org at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  452. dissident.business: suspended (reason: White supremacy.)
  453. distrotoot.com: suspended
  454. dixies.land: suspended (reason: White supremacy.)
  455. djsumdog.com: suspended (reason: Antivax, harassment)
  456. dlf.social: suspended (reason: Paedophilia; Inappropriate content)
  457. dline.xyz: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on dline.xyz at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  458. dogsex.org: limited (reason: nsfw domain name)
  459. doingyourmom.club: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  460. don.blognot.co: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  461. don.neet.co.jp: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  462. doom.broker: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.doom.broker at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  463. dotnet00.dev: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  464. dovac.org: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on dovac.org at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  465. dox.land: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on dox.land at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  466. dragoncave.dev: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances (TLS cert is invalid, too).)
  467. drcassone.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on drcassone.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  468. dreamersreality.dev: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  469. drinkingatmy.computer: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  470. dryusdan.fr: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.dryusdan.fr at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  471. dsocialize.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on dsocialize.net at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  472. dtris.moe: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  473. dtzbts.xyz: suspended (reason: Racisme)
  474. duckchat.me: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on duckchat.me at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  475. duckdns.org: suspended (reason: Source of disposable sites spun up for harassment)
  476. eatthebugs.social: suspended (reason: Reason: rampant transphobia, antisemitism, channerism, freeze peach.)
  477. ecurie.social: limited (reason: Sexisme)
  478. ediot.social: suspended (reason: Antenne de l’Encyclopedia Dramatica)
  479. edm.haus: suspended
  480. educhat.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  481. edusocial.it: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  482. ehnit.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on ehnit.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  483. eicht.me: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.eicht.me at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  484. eientei.org: suspended (reason: racism; Hate speech; Many posts which breach our rules. No moderation against them.; Racisme)
  485. eightpoint.app: suspended (reason: Instance admin is apparently a known abuser)
  486. el-spot.xyz: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on el-spot.xyz at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  487. electroverse.tech: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  488. elekk.xyz: suspended (reason: Admin's involvement in anti-black harassment campaign against PlayVicious)
  489. elonsucks.org: suspended (reason: Spam)
  490. emacs.ch: limited (reason: Harassment)
  491. embracing.space: suspended
  492. encryptomatic.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.encryptomatic.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  493. enjoyer.network: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  494. entire.vc: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on entire.vc at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  495. epenguin.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.epenguin.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  496. epsilon.social: suspended (reason: Racism/sexism.)
  497. esglife.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  498. eskimo.com: suspended (reason: "Home of Censorship Free Hosting")
  499. esmailelbob.xyz: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  500. espeweb.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.espeweb.net at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  501. eter9.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on eter9.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  502. etr.ist: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on po.etr.ist at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  503. eveningzoo.club: suspended (reason: free speech, conspiracy theory, racism, antisemitism, fascism; Hate speech; Many posts which breach our rules. No moderation against them.; Transphobie)
  504. ewatchers.org: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.ewatchers.org at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  505. exited.eu: suspended (reason: Racisme)
  506. expired.mentality.rip: suspended
  507. expression.social: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  508. f.ckpg.space: suspended (reason: Transphobic, conspiracism)
  509. f.haeder.net: suspended (reason: Reason: transphobia)
  510. fabean.xyz: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.fabean.xyz at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  511. faggot.zone: suspended (reason: Allows homophobia.)
  512. fandom.community: suspended (reason: pedophilia)
  513. fans.sonichu.com: suspended (reason: Reason: transphobia, harassment, KF-adj, homophobia)
  514. fbxl.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.fbxl.net at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  515. february.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on february.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  516. federatedfandom.net: suspended (reason: Toxic admin)
  517. fedi.absturztau.be: suspended (reason: freespeechextremist.com association, pedophilia defenders)
  518. fedi.agency: suspended (reason: Relay for poa.st.)
  519. fedi.app: suspended (reason: Data mining instance; Harassment)
  520. fedi.aria.dog: suspended (reason: Spamming the Fediblock hashtag)
  521. fedi.buzz: suspended (reason: Exploits user tokens to see the federated timeline of an entire instance.)
  522. fedi.cyuucat.moe: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  523. fedi.darlow.co.uk: suspended (reason: Sexism.)
  524. fedi.intkos.link: suspended (reason: Free speech, antisemitism)
  525. fedi.pawlicker.com: suspended (reason: transphobia, racism, kiwifarms, loli, conspiracy theories)
  526. fedi.site: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  527. fedibird.com: limited (reason: Transphobic comments have remained up for months.)
  528. fedichive.tk: suspended
  529. fedicy.allowed.org: suspended (reason: Holocaust denial, misogyny, fascist ideology/symbolism)
  530. fedilist.com: suspended (reason: Enumerating fediverse instances without permission, ties to a "free speech extremist.")
  531. fediscanner.info: limited (reason: Appears to be archiving posts connected to hashtags. Dubious, but needs more investigation.)
  532. fediverse.one: suspended
  533. fediverse.pl: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pl.fediverse.pl at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  534. fediverse.science: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  535. fediversealmanac.com: suspended (reason: A Fediverse crawler that doesn’t respect consent.)
  536. fedposters.club: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.fedposters.club at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  537. fedsearch.io: suspended (reason: Reason: yet another fedi scraper/indexer.)
  538. feminism.lgbt: suspended (reason: Harassment; Sexisme et pédopornographie (lolicon))
  539. fetziverse.de: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.fetziverse.de at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  540. fgc.network: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fgc.network at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  541. fglt.nl: suspended (reason: Instance non-modérée hébergeant du racisme et de l’homophobie)
  542. fightbig.tech: suspended (reason: "Free speech" instance, far-right ideology)
  543. fightthis.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fightthis.net at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  544. firebird.mullet.social: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  545. firedragonstudios.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.firedragonstudios.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  546. firefaithfellowship.com: suspended (reason: Admin posts COVID conspiracies.)
  547. firefish.social: limited (reason: Admin engaging in bad faith behaviour.)
  548. flauschig.social: suspended
  549. flockingbird.social: suspended (reason: Opt-out content scraper.)
  550. floyds.io: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on floyds.io at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  551. fluf.club: suspended
  552. fluffytail.org: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  553. forestver.se: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  554. forum-lucifer.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  555. fosstodon.ong: limited (reason: Instance non-modérée)
  556. fosstodon.org: limited (reason: Continues to be poorly moderated, after multiple warnings and promises to improve.)
  557. foxden.party: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.foxden.party at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  558. foxgirl.lol: suspended (reason: Racism, sexism.)
  559. foxy.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on soapbox.foxy.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  560. foygl.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on foygl.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  561. fr13nd5.com: suspended (reason: Federates with the usual suspects; Misinformation)
  562. freak.university: suspended (reason: Inappropriate content)
  563. freeatlantis.com: suspended (reason: ableism, nationalism, right-wing rhetoric and conspiracy theories; Misinformation; Instance d’extrême droite)
  564. freecumextremist.com: suspended (reason: Alt kiwifarms instance; Hate speech; Racisme, homophobie)
  565. freedomstrike.net: suspended (reason: Freeze peach, COVID denialism)
  566. freefedifollowers.ga: suspended
  567. freequeefextremist.com: suspended
  568. freesocial.co: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  569. freesoftwareextremist.com: suspended
  570. freespeech.club: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.freespeech.club at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  571. freespeech.fans: suspended (reason: "If our discourse offends you then you must remember that being here is a choice.")
  572. freespeech.firedragonstudios.com: suspended (reason: "Free speech" instance, little to no moderation oversight, lack of CoC)
  573. freespeech.group: suspended (reason: Alt-right rhetoric, conspiracies, etc)
  574. freespeech.host: suspended (reason: "Free speech" instance, federates with Gab, Kiwifarms)
  575. freespeechextremist.com: suspended (reason: Hate speech; Hate speech; Racisme, sexisme et transphobie)
  576. freetalklive.com: suspended (reason: Instance non-modérée)
  577. freevoice.space: suspended
  578. freewahaextremist.wtf: suspended (reason: Ableism, racism, transmisia)
  579. freezepeach.online: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on freezepeach.online at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  580. freezepeach.xyz: suspended (reason: Harassment; Shitposting oppressif)
  581. frennet.xyz: suspended (reason: Hate speech; Racisme)
  582. frens.mahodou.moe: suspended (reason: Abusing the Fediblock hashtag, federating with bigoted instances)
  583. fribygda.no: suspended
  584. friendica.ironbug.org: suspended (reason: Allows transphobia.)
  585. friendlica.de: suspended (reason: Racism, sexism.)
  586. friends.nico: limited
  587. froth.zone: suspended (reason: Federates with the usual suspects; Racisme)
  588. fsebugoutzone.org: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  589. fsmi.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fsmi.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  590. fuckedtodeath.net: suspended
  591. ful.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on ful.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  592. funky.at: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.funky.at at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  593. furcel.club: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  594. fusionpros.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  595. fwedivewse.vfpmedia.com: suspended (reason: transphobia, antisemitism)
  596. fyi.rfsl.bz: suspended (reason: "anti-moderation")
  597. gab.ai: suspended (reason: Harassment; Instance d’extrême droite)
  598. gab.com: suspended (reason: Harassment; Instance d’extrême droite)
  599. gab.io: suspended
  600. gab.protohype.net: suspended (reason: Racisme)
  601. gabble.xyz: suspended
  602. gabe.rocks: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  603. gabfed.com: suspended
  604. gabtest.gameliberty.club: suspended
  605. gajsin.name: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.gajsin.name at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  606. galacticpatrol.masto.host: suspended
  607. game-tecx.de: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  608. gameliberty.club: suspended (reason: Racism; Bot that announces blocks; Accueil des nazis)
  609. gamers.exposed: suspended
  610. games.retrotalk.live: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  611. gangstalking.services: suspended
  612. gasthe.lgbt: suspended
  613. gate***.****.cc: suspended
  614. gearlandia.haus: suspended (reason: Transphobia, racism)
  615. gecekafasi.com: suspended (reason: Harassment, no CoC/Moderation Policy)
  616. genart.social: suspended
  617. genderheretics.xyz: suspended (reason: transphobia; Transphobia)
  618. gensokyo.club: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  619. gentoo.live: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  620. geofront.rocks: suspended (reason: Racism, slurs; Fascisme)
  621. getgle.org: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  622. getimiskon.xyz: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  623. getindor.com: suspended (reason: racism; Inappropriate content)
  624. gh0st.live: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  625. ghetti.monster: suspended (reason: Antisemitism)
  626. gigaohm.bio: suspended
  627. giov.dev: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fediv.giov.dev at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  628. gitmo.life: suspended (reason: Alt-right rhetoric, conspiracy theories, zenophobia; Hate speech)
  629. gladtech.social: suspended (reason: Not sufficiently actioning racism)
  630. gleasonator.com: suspended (reason: TERF instance, admin created spinster.xyz; Transphobia; Transphobie)
  631. glee.li: suspended (reason: Open bigotry and sexism.)
  632. glibre.org: suspended (reason: Complotisme)
  633. glindr.org: suspended (reason: Transphobia; Transphobia; Transphobie)
  634. globalwarming.fun: suspended
  635. glowers.club: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  636. gogel.social: suspended
  637. goreslut.xyz: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  638. gorf.club: suspended (reason: Free speech, conspiracy theory, racism, antisemitism, fascism, homophobia...; Shitposting oppressif)
  639. gorf.pub: suspended (reason: Free speech, conspiracy theory, racism, antisemitism, fascism, homophobia...)
  640. gorf.space: suspended (reason: free speech, conspiracy theory, homophobia, etc.)
  641. goyim.app: suspended (reason: racism, ableism, transphobia, nazi content; Hate speech; Nazisme)
  642. goyim.social: suspended (reason: Racism.)
  643. goyslop.cafe: suspended (reason: Racism; Antisémitisme)
  644. graz.social: suspended (reason: Admin defends TERFs)
  645. greenish.red: suspended (reason: Transphobic comments have remained up for months.)
  646. grim.run: suspended
  647. grim.social: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  648. grin.hu: suspended (reason: Sea-lioning, "Offensive Content")
  649. groupsebelah.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  650. gs.kawa-kun.com: suspended
  651. gs.smuglo.li: suspended (reason: Shitposting oppressif)
  652. gtfo.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on gtfo.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  653. gyutte.site: limited (reason: Some users on the instance engage in lolicon, silencing to protect our users)
  654. h5q.net: limited (reason: Wall-to-wall porn, though content warnings seem to be consistent.)
  655. hafkehafke.org: suspended
  656. hagra.net: suspended (reason: Racism, harassment)
  657. hallsofamenti.io: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  658. handicapped.tk: suspended (reason: Pedophilia, nazi, racism, homophobia)
  659. happytoo.cyou: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on happytoo.cyou at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  660. harpy.faith: suspended (reason: Freeze peach)
  661. hash.social: suspended
  662. hayu.sh: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on hayu.sh at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  663. hdty.in: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  664. headcannon.xyz: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on headcannon.xyz at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  665. headpat.cafe: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  666. hell0friend.de: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  667. helladoge.com: suspended
  668. hellthread.church: suspended (reason: "I probably won't be doing much harassment myself, but I don't mind enabling it")
  669. hendrixgames.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.hendrixgames.com at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  670. hentai.baby: suspended (reason: Inappropriate content; Pédophilie)
  671. heonian.org: limited (reason: Federates with suspended instances.)
  672. here.blue: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.here.blue at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  673. hermit.cafe: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on hermit.cafe at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  674. hermitmountain.top: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  675. hessen.social: suspended (reason: unmoderated transphobia)
  676. hexagon.space: suspended (reason: NFTs, crypto)
  677. heymaven.com: suspended (reason: Mass downloading of posts without consent.)
  678. hidamari.apartments: suspended (reason: Admin promotes nazis)
  679. hijacked.download: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  680. himk.am: suspended
  681. hinter.bayern: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.hinter.bayern at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  682. hitchhiker.social: suspended (reason: Antivax, harassment)
  683. hodlr.one: suspended
  684. hodltech.com: suspended
  685. hogh.tk: suspended
  686. homelab.host: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on homelab.host at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  687. honkwerx.tech: suspended (reason: transphobia, racism; Hate speech; Transphobie)
  688. horny.enby.space: limited (reason: un-CWed NSFW)
  689. hornyjail.pro: suspended (reason: Reason: alts of usual scum, channer, shitposting, soapbox)
  690. howlsoverelpaso.xyz: suspended
  691. humanities.one: limited
  692. humble.cafe: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  693. humblr.social: limited (reason: N’impose pas de marquer comme sensible l’érotisme et la pornographie)
  694. hunk.city: suspended (reason: Spamming; Spam)
  695. husk.site: suspended (reason: Associating with instances we've banned for harassment, trolling, and other offences; Many racist an shitposts.)
  696. hvn.network: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fed.hvn.network at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  697. i.transmit.love: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  698. iamterminally.online: suspended (reason: Transphobie, racisme)
  699. iamterminallyonline.com: suspended
  700. ichibi.eu: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.ichibi.eu at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  701. iddqd.social: suspended (reason: No CoC/ToS, interacts with known Nazi affiliated instances; Harassment)
  702. idolheaven.org: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  703. ieji.de: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  704. iero.org: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on rebel.iero.org at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  705. ignorelist.com: suspended (reason: Misskey forkbomb)
  706. ilias.church: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  707. illegitimate.technology: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  708. immibis.com: suspended (reason: Sea-lioning, offensive content.)
  709. imouto.pics: suspended (reason: CSAM content.)
  710. impeccable.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on impeccable.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  711. imvegan.fyi: suspended
  712. incipientjoy.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on incipientjoy.com at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  713. incorrigible.moe: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on shitposting.on.incorrigible.moe at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  714. indytelegraph.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on indytelegraph.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  715. info.refusal.biz: suspended (reason: "anti-moderation")
  716. infosec.exchange: limited (reason: Lax moderation.)
  717. innerwebs.social: limited
  718. inst*****.com: suspended
  719. intahnet.co.uk: suspended
  720. intkos.link: suspended (reason: Hate speech; Racisme)
  721. is.badat.dev: suspended
  722. is4.site: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pub.is4.site at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  723. itm.osaka: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.itm.osaka at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  724. itmslaves.com: suspended
  725. j4nk.dev: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on j4nk.dev at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  726. jacksonhomestead.me: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on jacksonhomestead.me at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  727. jaeger.website: suspended (reason: Transphobia, harassment; Harassment; Sexisme et racisme)
  728. jascha.wtf: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on soc.jascha.wtf at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  729. jasonsanta.xyz: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.jasonsanta.xyz at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  730. jawsh.xyz: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.jawsh.xyz at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  731. jayus.net: limited (reason: loli.)
  732. jojo.singleuser.club: suspended (reason: Racisme et transphobie.)
  733. jollyville.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on jollyville.net at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  734. jordanwages.com: limited (reason: Abusing the fediblock hashtag.)
  735. jorts.horse: limited (reason: Admin is cool with users spamming the #Fediblock hashtag.)
  736. journa.host: limited (reason: Instance full of journalists, YMMV)
  737. jpop.club: suspended (reason: Trolling, abusive behaviour; Sexisme et racisme)
  738. juche.town: suspended (reason: Harassment, Gab supporters, values inconsistent with •ART's CoC)
  739. justbros.xyz: suspended (reason: Admin uses homophobic slurs.)
  740. justicewarrior.social: suspended
  741. jvpiter.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on jvpiter.net at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  742. k.posix.gay: suspended (reason: Reason: channers, shitposting; Racisme)
  743. kabuki.club: suspended (reason: Racism; Homophobie)
  744. kabukimono.top: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  745. kafeneio.social: suspended (reason: Freeze peach)
  746. kafka.icu: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  747. kag.social: suspended
  748. kakafe.ga: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  749. kansas-city.social: suspended
  750. kaosteam.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on wave.kaosteam.net at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  751. kawa-kun.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on sb.bbs.kawa-kun.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  752. kazv.moe: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on wa.kazv.moe at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  753. kelarima.com: suspended (reason: Ableism.)
  754. kernkraft.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  755. kfem.cat: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  756. khajiit.tech: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on khajiit.tech at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  757. killrobot.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pub.killrobot.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  758. kilogram.makeup: limited (reason: Instagram bridge.)
  759. kink.town: suspended
  760. kinky.business: limited (reason: Un-CWed NSFW)
  761. kisslolis.com: suspended (reason: loli)
  762. kisslolis.moe: suspended (reason: Inappropriate content)
  763. kitsunemimi.club: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.kitsunemimi.club at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  764. kiwifarms.cc: suspended (reason: Transphobia, doxxing, harassment; Harassment; Instance officielle de Kiwi Farms)
  765. kiwifarms.is: suspended (reason: Transphobia, doxxing, harassment; Harassment)
  766. kiwifarms.net: suspended (reason: Transphobia, doxxing, harassment; Harassment)
  767. kneegrows.top: suspended
  768. kokuusa.club: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  769. kolektiva.social: limited (reason: Poor moderation, abusive/harrassment behaviour,)
  770. kommunismus.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  771. kompost.cz: suspended (reason: Racisme)
  772. kotobank.ch: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  773. kotodama.space: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  774. koyu.space: suspended (reason: Reason: admin is anti-moderation, channery)
  775. kpop.social: limited
  776. krackhou.se: suspended (reason: Racism.)
  777. krdtube.org: limited (reason: Misinformation)
  778. kurosawa.moe: suspended (reason: loli, racism, slurs, channer; Hate speech; Racisme)
  779. kwaa.moe: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on kwaa.moe at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  780. kwot.in: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on kwot.in at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  781. kyaruc.moe: suspended
  782. kyot.me: suspended
  783. kyou.social: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  784. kys.moe: suspended
  785. kyun.host: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  786. labmonkeys.space: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.labmonkeys.space at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  787. lacaveatonton.ovh: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.lacaveatonton.ovh at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  788. lain.com: suspended (reason: Transphobie)
  789. lain.gay: suspended (reason: Cooldown period after a moderation issue)
  790. lain.la: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  791. lain.sh: suspended (reason: Racism, harassment)
  792. lancasterpa.social: suspended
  793. langsec.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on langsec.social at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  794. lanuevebastarda.es: suspended (reason: Hate speech, abuse, harassment; Hate speech)
  795. lasanha.org: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.lasanha.org at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  796. lbry.world: suspended
  797. leadslinger.org: suspended (reason: Racisme)
  798. leafposter.club: suspended (reason: Free speech, racism, harassment; Hate speech; Transphobie)
  799. leon*******.dev: suspended
  800. lets.bemoe.online: suspended (reason: freespeechextremist.com association, federating with Kiwifarms)
  801. lets.saynoto.lgbt: suspended
  802. letsalllovela.in: suspended (reason: associates with the usual suspects of blocked instances like bae.st)
  803. lewdieheaven.com: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  804. lexingtonbitcoin.social: suspended
  805. lgbtfree.zone: suspended (reason: Sexism)
  806. lgbtqia.space: limited (reason: Casual racism from admin)
  807. liberal.win: limited (reason: "We stay gold as all sports betting forums should. Games. Gambling. Girls.")
  808. liberdon.com: suspended (reason: Harassment and toxic behaviour from users, parler/gab associations; Instance libertarienne)
  809. libertarianism.club: limited
  810. libertynode.net: limited (reason: Server rules: "Be cool.")
  811. library.love: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  812. libre.tube: suspended (reason: Héberge des vidéos gores et complotistes)
  813. librem.one: suspended (reason: Lack of moderation oversight for harmful ideologies; Incite au harcèlement)
  814. librenet.co.za: suspended
  815. librosphere.fr: suspended (reason: Sexisme)
  816. ligma.pro: suspended (reason: Transphobie)
  817. linuxrocks.online: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  818. liveview.cf: suspended (reason: Homophobic slurs, abusive behaviour by instance Admin toward users of other instances)
  819. lizards.live: suspended (reason: Racist harassment)
  820. llamarific.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on chatter.llamarific.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  821. lllsecurity.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  822. loadaverage.org: suspended
  823. loli.church: suspended (reason: Associated with dotnet00.dev, federates with bigoted instances.)
  824. loli.estate: suspended (reason: loli)
  825. loli.exposed: suspended (reason: loli.)
  826. loli.pizza: suspended
  827. lolison.network: suspended (reason: loli)
  828. lolison.top: suspended (reason: loli ; Inappropriate content)
  829. lolitube.moe: suspended (reason: loli)
  830. loliverse.xyz: suspended (reason: Reason: lolicon)
  831. lostvoid.cyberretards.xyz: suspended (reason: Ableist domain name)
  832. loveforlandlords.com: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  833. lovingexpressions.net: suspended (reason: Nazisme)
  834. luizpicolo.com.br: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.luizpicolo.com.br at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  835. lukepreston.xyz: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.lukepreston.xyz at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  836. lyricaltokarev.fun: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  837. m.corduba.tech: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  838. m.sprovoost.nl: suspended (reason: Reason: cryptocurrency, anti-moderation)
  839. m.techsocial.site: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  840. m.xunitc.org: suspended
  841. m0e.space: limited (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  842. magicalmirro.red: suspended (reason: Federates with alt-right/fash/etc. instances)
  843. magicka.org: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  844. majestic12.airforce: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  845. makemake.site: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.makemake.site at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  846. maladaptive.art: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on ap.maladaptive.art at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  847. maneisacutie.club: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fedi.maneisacutie.club at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  848. mapsupport.club: limited (reason: MAP, though they claim to be against child abuse in all forms.)
  849. mapsupport.de: limited (reason: MAP, though they claim to be against child abuse in all forms.)
  850. marsey.club: suspended (reason: racism)
  851. marsey.moe: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  852. mashtodon.alterracloud.com: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  853. masochi.st: suspended (reason: harassment, white supremacy; Moderation doesn't match with our rules. Many posts and images on the local timeline which aren't allowed here.; Transphobie)
  854. mast.s*********l.com: suspended
  855. mastadon.astuto.cc: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  856. masthead.social: suspended
  857. mastinator.com: suspended (reason: "not a fediverse instance but a ActivityPub software that seems to be aggregating and republishing posts without permission")
  858. mastodo*.*********ll.com: suspended
  859. mastodon-ero.xyz: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  860. mastodon-swiss.org: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  861. mastodon.adtension.com: suspended (reason: "No Rules")
  862. mastodon.becomesovran.com: suspended
  863. mastodon.bgzashtita.es: suspended (reason: Threats of violence, harassment)
  864. mastodon.bida.im: suspended (reason: Anti-semitism.)
  865. mastodon.blue: suspended
  866. mastodon.brodi.space: suspended
  867. mastodon.btcmb.org: suspended
  868. mastodon.cf: suspended (reason: Uncensored porn & hosting pedophilia)
  869. mastodon.cloud: suspended (reason: Not moderating racism and hate speech targeted at a user, federating with poa.st)
  870. mastodon.com.tr: suspended (reason: Crypto spam)
  871. mastodon.conquestuniverse.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  872. mastodon.creation.md: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  873. mastodon.dragonbox.de: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  874. mastodon.education: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  875. mastodon.enkitunes.com: suspended
  876. mastodon.fail: suspended
  877. mastodon.fightforthefuture.org: limited (reason: Supports Web3)
  878. mastodon.fun: suspended
  879. mastodon.hirad.it: suspended (reason: Permits abuse)
  880. mastodon.integrata-stiftung.de: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  881. mastodon.io.seg.br: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  882. mastodon.la: limited (reason: Sexism.)
  883. mastodon.loliandstuff.moe: suspended
  884. mastodon.lolicon.win: suspended (reason: Federates with pawoo, minimal server rules.)
  885. mastodon.my: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  886. mastodon.network: suspended
  887. mastodon.ninja: limited (reason: Transphobia, anti-semitism.)
  888. mastodon.nl: suspended
  889. mastodon.nzoss.nz: suspended
  890. mastodon.sbs: suspended
  891. mastodon.scot: suspended
  892. mastodon.se: suspended (reason: freeze peach, harassment)
  893. mastodon.sl: limited (reason: Looks like advertising spam.)
  894. mastodon.snmsoc.org: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  895. mastodon.svgun.ru: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  896. mastodon.tech: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on mastodon.tech at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  897. mastodon.teia.art: suspended (reason: Cryptocurrency)
  898. mastodon.thedirtydis.co: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  899. mastodon.unpluggedrva.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  900. mastodon.xaetacore.net: suspended
  901. mastodong.lol: suspended
  902. mastodonhub.com: suspended (reason: Mirroring other Mastodon accounts without permission)
  903. mastodonlist.com: suspended
  904. mastodutchservers.com: limited (reason: Alleged to be a host of auto-following bots.)
  905. masturbated.one: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  906. mattrnet.org: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.mattrnet.org at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  907. maven.ly: suspended (reason: Mass downloading of posts without consent.)
  908. mcjarbo.com: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  909. mcrypt.com: suspended
  910. md.ilyamikcoder.com: suspended
  911. md.kakise.tech: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  912. meatbag.app: suspended (reason: Poor moderation)
  913. mediastodon.com: suspended (reason: Full of socks)
  914. melalandia.tk: suspended (reason: Inappropriate content; Incitation à la haine et pédopornographie (lolicon))
  915. meld.de: suspended (reason: "does not block other instances" (actually blocks two instances))
  916. melmc.nohost.me: suspended
  917. meme.moe: suspended (reason: Requested defederation.)
  918. mementomori.social: suspended (reason: Implements full text search that includes posts from other instances but defaults to opt-in with no opt-out other than defederation.)
  919. meneeraart.nl: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.meneeraart.nl at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  920. mentalhealth-masto.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  921. mentalhealthmasto.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  922. mentality.rip: suspended (reason: Instance d’extrême droite)
  923. merovingian.club: suspended (reason: "A club for red-pilled exiles.")
  924. miaow.gay: suspended
  925. micca.xyz: suspended (reason: Trolling, harassment)
  926. microblog.club: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on microblog.club at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  927. midnightride.rs: suspended
  928. midwaytrades.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on soapbox.midwaytrades.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  929. miku-enthusiast.club: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  930. milker.cafe: suspended (reason: Un-CWed NSFW)
  931. milkers.online: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  932. minaduki.dev: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on soapbox.minaduki.dev at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  933. minds.com: suspended (reason: Freeze peach, cryptocurrency.)
  934. minecloud.ro: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.minecloud.ro at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  935. minidisc.tokyo: suspended (reason: Affiliated with cdrom.tokyo)
  936. mirr0r.city: suspended (reason: Inappropriate content)
  937. miruku.cafe: suspended (reason: Racism; Racisme)
  938. misc.brainsoap.net: suspended (reason: Permissive federation.)
  939. misono-ya.info: suspended (reason: Transphobie)
  940. misskey-forkbomb.cf: suspended (reason: Spam/Troll)
  941. misskey.gg: suspended (reason: Hosts AI-generated CSAM.)
  942. misskey.io: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  943. misskey.xyz: suspended
  944. mitra.social: suspended (reason: Crypto, conspiracies, ableism)
  945. mk.absturztau.be: suspended (reason: Reason: interacting with known scum, freeze peach/anti-moderation, cryptocurrency)
  946. mk.disqordia.space: suspended (reason: racism, channer stuff)
  947. mnh48.moe: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.mnh48.moe at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  948. moa.st: suspended (reason: Associated with Poast (open bigotry))
  949. moar.cachapa.xyz: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  950. mobile.co: suspended (reason: Instance d’extrême droite)
  951. molaguay.xyz: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  952. momostr.pink: suspended (reason: Nostr bridge, claims of spam.)
  953. monads.online: suspended (reason: Racism, harassment)
  954. monero.town: suspended (reason: Cryptocurrency)
  955. monk.ey.business: suspended (reason: Claims to share similar moderation values to cannibal.cafe and rot.gives, federates with bigoted instances.)
  956. monstergirl.space: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  957. moonlight-party.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on moonlight-party.net at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  958. morale.ch: suspended (reason: Open bigotry)
  959. moron.city: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on moron.city at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  960. mostr.net: suspended (reason: Nostr bridge.)
  961. mostr.pub: suspended (reason: Relay bot that operates without permission of the account owner.)
  962. moth.zone: suspended
  963. mountaincommunity.co: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on mountaincommunity.co at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  964. mouse.services: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  965. mstdn.ca: limited (reason: Reported bigotry against a black user was met by a domain block - poor moderation)
  966. mstdn.foxfam.club: suspended (reason: Alt-right, islamaphobia, xenophobia; Third-party bots)
  967. mstdn.io: suspended (reason: Hosting fash content, not defederating from fash instances, transphobic accounts that harass others)
  968. mstdn.jp: limited (reason: Appears to permit transphobia.)
  969. mstdn.party: limited (reason: Poor moderation of racism/sealioning.)
  970. mstdn.rsync420.com: suspended (reason: Permits abuse)
  971. mstdn.satania.social: suspended (reason: Reason: transphobia kink/non-consensual fantasy content without CWs)
  972. mstdn.starnix.network: suspended (reason: 4chan nonsense)
  973. mstdn.xpub.one: suspended
  974. mu.zaitcev.nu: suspended (reason: Federating with Gab, transphobia)
  975. mugicha.club: suspended (reason: Racism; Hate speech; Racisme, sexisme)
  976. mulmeyun.church: suspended (reason: Transphobie)
  977. murderhobos.party: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on toot.murderhobos.party at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  978. musksocial.com: suspended (reason: "Free speech")
  979. mw.social: suspended
  980. myasstodon.xyz: suspended (reason: Racism and harassment (involvement in driving a black instance off fedi))
  981. mycub.space: limited (reason: Allegations of questionable media.)
  982. myonlinelife.social: suspended
  983. nakamoto.social: suspended
  984. nalocal519.social: suspended (reason: Anti-vax.)
  985. narikiri.hostdon.ne.jp: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  986. nasface.cz: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  987. natehiggers.online: suspended (reason: Hate speech; Racisme)
  988. nationalist.social: suspended (reason: Associated with nobodyhasthe.biz, federates with bigoted instances.)
  989. nationaljustice.social: suspended (reason: racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia)
  990. navisocial.club: suspended (reason: Associated with vigilate.tv, freeze peach.)
  991. navistream.tv: suspended (reason: Associated with vigilate.tv, freeze peach.)
  992. nazi.social: suspended (reason: Self-explanatory; nazism)
  993. neckbeard.xyz: suspended (reason: Lolicon, abusive behaviour; Inappropriate content; Sexisme)
  994. needs.vodka: suspended (reason: Might be new home of squid.kids. Federates with bigoted instances.)
  995. neenster.org: suspended (reason: Gab-fork, spin off of TERF instance spinster.xyz, admin is a moderator of spinster.xyz)
  996. neet.church: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  997. negroes.forsale: suspended (reason: Racisme)
  998. neighborli.xyz: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on neighborli.xyz at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  999. neko.ci: suspended
  1000. nekocave.xyz: suspended (reason: Porn without content warnings.)
  1001. nekos.cafe: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1002. neomobius.com: limited (reason: Wall-to-wall porn, though content warnings seem to be consistent.)
  1003. neondemons.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on neondemons.net at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1004. networked.space: suspended
  1005. netz.darknight-coffee.org: suspended (reason: Unmoderated racism, sexism, anti-vax content.)
  1006. netzsphaere.xyz: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1007. neuroscience-mastodon.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1008. neuss.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1009. newcitadel.net: suspended
  1010. newjack.city: suspended (reason: Nid de follow bots)
  1011. news.ongii.com: suspended (reason: Third-party bots.)
  1012. newsie.social: limited (reason: Allows transphobia.)
  1013. newsrelay.org: limited (reason: Bots reposting articles without CWs)
  1014. nextworldherbalism.party: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on nextworldherbalism.party at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1015. nicecrew.digital: suspended (reason: racism, homophobia; Hate speech; Nazisme, transphobie)
  1016. nicecrew.tv: suspended (reason: Associated with NiceCrew, federates with bigoted instances.)
  1017. nickslaney.net: suspended
  1018. niederbayern.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1019. nightshift.social: suspended (reason: Encouraging suicide)
  1020. niscii.xyz: suspended (reason: Admin holds an account on a known hate instance)
  1021. nitecrew.rip: limited (reason: Complicit in the racism and harassment against PV)
  1022. nnia.space: suspended (reason: 'Free speech"; MAPs)
  1023. noagenda.social: suspended
  1024. noagendasocial.com: suspended (reason: 'Free speech'; Harassment; Instance de droite)
  1025. noagendasocial.nl: suspended (reason: No Agenda)
  1026. noagendatube.com: suspended (reason: Part of No Agenda.)
  1027. noauthority.social: suspended (reason: Freeze peach)
  1028. nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended (reason: Nazisme)
  1029. noc.social: suspended (reason: Not actioning harassment of LGBTQI, black, & disabled people)
  1030. nodemixaholic.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on nodemixaholic.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1031. noexce.pt: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on noexce.pt at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1032. nomoresha.me: suspended
  1033. norden.social: suspended
  1034. normie.cafe: suspended (reason: hate speech)
  1035. norwoodzero.net: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1036. novoa.nagoya: suspended (reason: Racisme)
  1037. now.kibousoft.co.jp: limited
  1038. npf.mlpol.net: suspended (reason: Shitposting oppressif)
  1039. ns.auction: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  1040. nuked.social: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1041. nukem.biz: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1042. nullwhere.social: suspended
  1043. nya.house: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1044. nyanide.com: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1045. nycity.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1046. obo.sh: suspended (reason: "We federate with all servers: we don't block any servers. Period.")
  1047. occulti.ca: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.occulti.ca at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1048. occultist.space: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1049. oddballs.online: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1050. olender.me: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on olender.me at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1051. onevery,ignorelist.com: suspended (reason: Spam, comportement de fédération inattendu)
  1052. oneway.masto.host: suspended (reason: admin interacting with known hate instances)
  1053. onion.social: suspended (reason: free speech, conspiracy theory, etc)
  1054. onlybsds.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1055. opalstack.social: suspended (reason: "about page says - “Geared for Commerce” and “Apolitical”, admin is a blockchain bro")
  1056. optiplex.************.ts.net: suspended
  1057. orebro.online: suspended
  1058. ortodogs.info: suspended (reason: Freeze peach, federates with bigoted instances.)
  1059. orwell.fun: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on orwell.fun at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1060. otakufarms.com: suspended (reason: Anti-vax, right-wing extremist.)
  1061. oti.st: suspended (reason: hate speech)
  1062. otr.rocks: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1063. ourvillage.news: suspended
  1064. outerheaven.club: suspended (reason: spamming the fediblock hashtag)
  1065. outerkosm.us: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances. Allows bigotry in posts.)
  1066. outpoa.st: suspended (reason: Free speech, hate speech, racism; Hate speech; Racisme)
  1067. outrnat.nl: suspended (reason: New domain for outerkosm.us)
  1068. owo.town: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1069. oxgoad.page: limited (reason: Casual racism)
  1070. oyd.app: suspended (reason: Permits targeted harassment.)
  1071. pajcevina.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pajcevina.net at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1072. pal.icu: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on dev.pal.icu at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  1073. pals.chat: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pals.chat at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1074. paradigm-x.tokyo: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on amami.paradigm-x.tokyo at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1075. parcero.bond: suspended (reason: Racism.)
  1076. parkfans.network: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1077. pasta.wtf: suspended (reason: Racism)
  1078. pawlicker.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fedi.pawlicker.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1079. pawoo.net: suspended (reason: hosting pedophilia; Inappropriate content; Many posts which breach our rules. No moderation against them.; Pédopornographie (lolicon))
  1080. paypig.org: suspended (reason: Alt-right associations, hate speech, transphobia; Hate speech)
  1081. pcwizards.nl: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fedi.pcwizards.nl at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1082. pedo.school: suspended (reason: I mean, look at the domain name...; MAPs; Pédophilie)
  1083. peertube.biz: suspended (reason: Sexism, racism, freeze peach.)
  1084. peertube.redpill-insight.com: suspended (reason: Male separatist.)
  1085. peertube.se: suspended (reason: Promotes bigotry and conspiracy theories.)
  1086. peervideo.club: suspended (reason: Engages in conspiracy theories.)
  1087. peister.org: suspended (reason: Sexism.)
  1088. pengi-san.moe: suspended (reason: "Expressing hatred toward an individual is not hate speech." Also federates with freespeechextremist and refusal.)
  1089. penner.party: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.penner.party at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1090. petrolkorps.cc: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1091. pettanko.art: suspended (reason: machine-generated CSAM)
  1092. pfiffimus.de: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pfiffimus.de at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1093. pheme.au: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pheme.au at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1094. phreedom.tk: suspended (reason: Free speech instance; lack of moderation/CoC)
  1095. phyrexia.ru: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1096. piazza.today: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on piazza.today at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1097. pieville.net: suspended (reason: Harassment; Nazisme)
  1098. pisskey.io: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  1099. pissqordia.space: suspended
  1100. pizzaf.art: suspended (reason: Nazi shitposting)
  1101. pkteerium.xyz: suspended (reason: free speech, conspiracy theory, etc)
  1102. pl.765racing.com: suspended (reason: Racisme)
  1103. pl.anon-kenkai.com: suspended (reason: Racism, homophobia, antisemitism)
  1104. pl.comfysnug.space: suspended (reason: Reason: no moderation policy, admin interacts with well-known creeps.)
  1105. pl.cum.makeup: suspended
  1106. pl.info.natehiggers.online: suspended (reason: Racism)
  1107. pl.kitsunemimi.club: suspended (reason: Racism)
  1108. pl.natehiggers.online: suspended (reason: Racism)
  1109. pl.pclmulqdq.dev: suspended
  1110. pl.psion.co: suspended (reason: Refusal-adjacent, bigotry.)
  1111. pl.pube.tk: suspended
  1112. pl.skyn3t.in: suspended (reason: Harassment, transphobia)
  1113. pl.slash.cl: suspended (reason: Admin mocks pronouns, some weird political ideologies that conflate communism with fascism, federates with known nazi affiliated instances)
  1114. pl.smuglo.li: suspended (reason: Inappropriate content; Version Pleroma de gs.smuglo.li)
  1115. pl.starnix.network: suspended
  1116. pl.thj.no: suspended
  1117. pl.tkammer.de: suspended (reason: Federates with spinster, transphobia; Transphobie)
  1118. pl.valkyrie.world: suspended (reason: Reason: racism, transphobia, channers)
  1119. pl.wowana.me: suspended (reason: Racisme, sexisme et incitation au suicide)
  1120. pl.zombiecats.run: suspended (reason: Transphobic)
  1121. pl765racing.com: suspended
  1122. plagu.ee: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1123. plero.sirward.com: suspended
  1124. pleroma.com: suspended (reason: Harassment, federating with Gab, etc.)
  1125. pleroma.eientei.org: suspended (reason: kiwifarms adjacent, racism)
  1126. pleroma.elementality.org: suspended (reason: Racism, fash, harassment)
  1127. pleroma.fedposters.club: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1128. pleroma.foxfam.club: suspended
  1129. pleroma.freespeech.club: suspended
  1130. pleroma.freespeech.host: suspended (reason: "Free speech" instance, federates with Gab, Kiwifarms)
  1131. pleroma.fun: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  1132. pleroma.gnusocial.club: suspended
  1133. pleroma.hatthieves.es: suspended
  1134. pleroma.in.th: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.in.th at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1135. pleroma.kitsunemimi.club: suspended (reason: Racism, harassment, transmisia; Hate speech)
  1136. pleroma.kiwifarms.net: suspended
  1137. pleroma.mouse.services: suspended (reason: Federates with Gab, Kiwifarms, etc.)
  1138. pleroma.narrativerry.xyz: suspended (reason: slurs, ableism, covid-denial, and harassment)
  1139. pleroma.nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended (reason: Transphobia; Hate speech; Many posts which breach our rules. No moderation against them.)
  1140. pleroma.rareome.ga: suspended (reason: Ne respecte pas la confidentialité des messages)
  1141. pleroma.runfox.tk: suspended (reason: Racism, alt-right conspiracies, etc)
  1142. pleroma.site: suspended (reason: Federates with nazi instances)
  1143. pleroma.skyshanty.xyz: suspended (reason: racism)
  1144. pleroma.soykaf.com: suspended (reason: Federates with instances that violate our CoC/ToS such as Gab, etc.)
  1145. pleromer.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleromer.net at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1146. plma.plus.st: limited (reason: Harassment; however admins may be cleaning it up)
  1147. plopchute.com: suspended
  1148. ploptodon.com: suspended
  1149. plus.st: suspended (reason: Racisme)
  1150. plush.city: limited (reason: Frivolous reports)
  1151. pm.ernix.jp: suspended
  1152. pmth.us: suspended (reason: harassment, federates with toxic instances)
  1153. poa.st: suspended (reason: Nazi content; Hate speech; Many posts which breach our rules. No moderation against them.; Instance d’extrême droite)
  1154. poast.eth: suspended
  1155. poast.org: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on poast.org at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1156. poast.tv: suspended (reason: Associated with Poast (open bigotry))
  1157. podcastalot.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on plrm.podcastalot.com at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1158. podkos.xyz: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on podkos.xyz at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1159. polar**.******r.it: suspended
  1160. politb***.*******s.top: suspended
  1161. pone.social: suspended (reason: antisemitic, racist, homophobic)
  1162. pooper.social: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  1163. porntoot.com: limited (reason: Un-CWed NSFW)
  1164. portal.0svc.com: suspended
  1165. post.ebin.club: suspended
  1166. postblue.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on postblue.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1167. poster.place: suspended (reason: Free speech, racism, nazi, queerphobia; Racisme)
  1168. posting.lolicon.rocks: suspended (reason: loli; Hate speech; Many posts which breach our rules. No moderation against them.; Pédo, Nazisme, Transphobie)
  1169. postnstuffds.lol: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1170. pouet.evolix.org: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1171. pouque.net: suspended (reason: Nazi-adjacent.)
  1172. pp.dembased.xyz: suspended (reason: New domain for pp.logografos.com .)
  1173. pp.logografos.com: suspended (reason: Only server rule: “Dont be a dick”.)
  1174. prado.it: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.prado.it at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1175. pravda.me: suspended (reason: Russian propaganda.)
  1176. press.coop: suspended (reason: Bots that repost news site feeds, has misleading verification for each.)
  1177. preteengirls.biz: suspended (reason: pedophilia; Inappropriate content; Pédophilie)
  1178. princess.cat: suspended
  1179. privex.social: suspended
  1180. prodottoinrete.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.prodottoinrete.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1181. producers.masto.host: suspended (reason: Lesbophobie et transphobie)
  1182. prospeech.space: suspended (reason: "a true free speech place for everyone, but especially looking for individuals interested in 'alternative subjects'.")
  1183. protectors.moe: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.protectors.moe at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1184. prout.social: suspended (reason: Racism, harassment; Antisémitisme)
  1185. pso.li: suspended (reason: Sexism)
  1186. pub.satoshifi.org: suspended
  1187. pythia.cloud: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on hub.pythia.cloud at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1188. qoto.org: suspended (reason: Federates with instances that violate our ToS/CoC (such as Gab, Kiwifarms.cc, freespeechextremist.com, etc.))
  1189. quad.moe: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1190. quakers.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1191. quanta.wiki: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1192. quey.la: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1193. quey.org: suspended
  1194. quickapps.com.mx: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on mobile.quickapps.com.mx at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1195. quietplace.xyz: suspended
  1196. quitter.im: limited (reason: alt-right)
  1197. quitter.pw: suspended (reason: alt-right)
  1198. quitter.se: suspended
  1199. quorum.inumbra.xyz: suspended (reason: White supremacy.)
  1200. r18.social: limited (reason: Explicit visuals without a CW.)
  1201. rabbithou.se: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on rabbithou.se at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1202. raccoon.quest: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1203. rage.lol: suspended (reason: "Free speech" instance, members with nazi affiliation, members that advocate genocide and eugenics)
  1204. rainbowdash.net: suspended (reason: Shitposting oppressif)
  1205. raki.social: suspended
  1206. rakket.app: suspended (reason: Nazis, harassment ; Hate speech; Transphobie, antisémitisme)
  1207. rally.guide: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on rally.guide at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1208. rape.lol: suspended (reason: The URL is self-explanatory.)
  1209. rape.pet: suspended (reason: CSAM, plus the obvious.)
  1210. rapefeminists.network: suspended (reason: Incitation au viol)
  1211. rapemeat.express: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1212. rapemeat.shop: suspended (reason: pro-rape)
  1213. rapemeat.solutions: suspended (reason: Pro-rape; Inappropriate content)
  1214. raplst.town: suspended (reason: Glorifies sexual assault; Harassment; Incitation au viol)
  1215. raspberrypi.social: limited (reason: Poor moderator conduct)
  1216. ravergram.club: suspended (reason: Engages in conspiracy theories.)
  1217. rawr-xd.club: suspended (reason: Loli)
  1218. rayci.st: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1219. rayn.bo: suspended
  1220. rbq.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.rbq.social at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1221. rcsocial.net: suspended (reason: Homophobia, federating with Gab)
  1222. rdrama.cc: suspended (reason: racism, homophobia; Hate speech; Shitpost oppressif, Nazisme)
  1223. rebased.io: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on rebased.io at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1224. rebased.network: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.rebased.network at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1225. rebased.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on rebased.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1226. rebelbase.site: suspended (reason: "censor resistant")
  1227. redd.live: suspended (reason: Cryptocurrency)
  1228. redeyes.site: suspended
  1229. redsnake.io: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on redsnake.io at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1230. refusal.biz: suspended (reason: "anti-moderation")
  1231. refusal.llc: suspended (reason: Poor moderation, admin has been sealioning. “Anti-moderation”)
  1232. reisen.church: limited (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1233. relay.*********l.org: suspended
  1234. relay.travnewmatic.com: suspended
  1235. repl.co: suspended (reason: Denial of Service attacks)
  1236. replicant.pl: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on replicant.pl at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1237. republic.red: suspended (reason: Admin posts COVID conspiracy theories.)
  1238. retroedge.tech: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.retroedge.tech at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1239. rettiwtkcuf.social: suspended
  1240. returtle.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on returtle.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1241. rigcz.club: suspended (reason: Freeze peach)
  1242. rneetup.com: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1243. rojogato.com: suspended (reason: Harassment, hate speech; Racisme)
  1244. rope-access-work.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1245. rot.gives: suspended (reason: Actually refusal.)
  1246. royalhellcustoms.com: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1247. roysbeer.place: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on roysbeer.place at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1248. rqd2.net: suspended (reason: Radqueer.)
  1249. rtypedbs.hostdon.ne.jp: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1250. rucksfuchs.de: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.rucksfuchs.de at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1251. ruinouspowe.rs: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fedi.ruinouspowe.rs at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  1252. runstop.org: suspended
  1253. ruoiu.app: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.ruoiu.app at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1254. ryona.agency: suspended (reason: Transphobia; Hate speech; Nazisme)
  1255. s-h.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1256. s.yelvington.com: suspended
  1257. saghul.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.saghul.net at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1258. sakh.social: suspended (reason: Contains automated scrapers that vacuum up information without knowledge or consent.)
  1259. salastil.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.salastil.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1260. samicrusader.me: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on soapbox.samicrusader.me at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1261. samizdatpixelpress.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.samizdatpixelpress.net at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1262. sander.social: suspended
  1263. sanfranciscan.org: suspended (reason: Federates with sexist instances.)
  1264. sankara.me: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.sankara.me at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1265. saramara.ai: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on easy.saramara.ai at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  1266. saturno.com.ve: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on saturno.com.ve at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1267. sb.refusal.biz: suspended (reason: "anti-moderation")
  1268. scamdemic.party: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on cyber.scamdemic.party at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1269. scfzfilm.org: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1270. schmaker.eu: suspended
  1271. schwartzwelt.xyz: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  1272. sea.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on sea.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1273. seal.cafe: suspended (reason: Antisemitism, racism, free speech, harassment; Hate speech; Racisme, sexisme, transphobie)
  1274. sealion.club: suspended (reason: 'Free speech'; Shitposting oppressif)
  1275. search.fedi.app: suspended (reason: Data mining instance)
  1276. seikora.one: limited (reason: Porn without content warnings or attribution.)
  1277. selq.me: suspended
  1278. sementerrori.st: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  1279. sensitive.hostdon.ne.jp: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1280. seo.chat: suspended (reason: Reason: instance of people dedicated to making the internet worse)
  1281. seo.community: limited (reason: Reason: instance of people dedicated to making the internet worse)
  1282. serialmay.link: suspended (reason: Racisme)
  1283. servernerds.net: suspended (reason: Possible server misconfiguration causing packet spam)
  1284. severa.name: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.severa.name at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1285. shadowsocial.org: suspended (reason: Anti-abortion, anti-vax, islamophobic.)
  1286. sharivegas.com: suspended (reason: Requested defederation.)
  1287. sheep.network: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1288. shigusegubu.club: suspended (reason: Harassment; Instance non-modérée, racisme)
  1289. shinkai.party: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on shinkai.party at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1290. shitpisscum.mooo.com: suspended (reason: harassment, bigotry; Hate speech)
  1291. shitpost.cloud: suspended (reason: Racism, alt-right; Homophobie, Transphobie, Shitpost oppressif)
  1292. shitpost.poridge.club: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  1293. shitposte.rs: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1294. shitposter.club: suspended (reason: 'Free speech'; Harassment; Shitposting oppressif)
  1295. shitposter.world: suspended (reason: Associated with shitposter.club)
  1296. shitposting.army: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  1297. shortstackran.ch: suspended (reason: racism, homophobia; Hate speech; Shitposting oppressif)
  1298. shortstacksran.ch: suspended (reason: Affiliated with shortstackran.ch.)
  1299. shota.house: suspended (reason: free speech, pedophilia? (re. domain name))
  1300. shota.social: suspended (reason: free speech, pedophilia? (re. domain name))
  1301. shotatube.xyz: suspended (reason: NSFW content without warnings.)
  1302. shpposter.club: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1303. shrimpposter.club: suspended (reason: Associates with asbestos.cafe)
  1304. shrine.moe: suspended (reason: Loli, racism)
  1305. sigmoid.social: limited (reason: AI-focused instance)
  1306. silkhe.art: suspended (reason: Transphobie)
  1307. silliness.observer: suspended (reason: Racism/sexism.)
  1308. simplo.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on simplo.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1309. sinblr.com: suspended (reason: Spam; Permet de payer pour augmenter son nombre d’abonné·e·s)
  1310. singing.dog: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1311. skaeya.com: suspended
  1312. skinheads.eu: suspended (reason: Server rules don't ban neo-Nazis nor their friends.)
  1313. skinheads.io: suspended (reason: Server rules don't ban neo-Nazis nor their friends.)
  1314. skinheads.social: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1315. skinheads.uk: suspended (reason: Server rules don't ban neo-Nazis nor their friends.)
  1316. skinnyver.se: suspended (reason: Spamming the Fediblock hashtag, permissive federation)
  1317. skippers-bin.com: suspended (reason: Lolicon, abusive behaviour; Inappropriate content)
  1318. skyenet.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on skyenet.social at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1319. sleepy.cafe: suspended (reason: Racism, harassment ; Hate speech; Racisme, transphobie)
  1320. slothy.win: suspended (reason: Soapbox instance, mocking pronouns)
  1321. slum.cloud: suspended
  1322. smallint.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.smallint.net at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1323. smartcraft.me: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1324. smokecircle.co: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on smokecircle.co at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1325. smooth.guru: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1326. smuganimeavatar.xyz: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on smuganimeavatar.xyz at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1327. snarfed.org: limited (reason: Proposed an opt-out Bluesky bridge; however the author has suggested converting it to opt-in, hence silence instead of suspend.)
  1328. sneak.berlin: suspended (reason: Agrège et recoupe des données publiques)
  1329. sneed.shop: suspended (reason: Racism, antisemitism, fascism)
  1330. sneed.social: suspended (reason: Racism, antisemitism, fascism; Hate speech; Many posts which breach our rules. No moderation against them.)
  1331. sneed.vip: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on sneed.vip at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1332. snowdin.town: limited (reason: Was poorly moderated, but appears to be cleaning up.)
  1333. soapbox.alphasoft.org: suspended
  1334. soapbox.fedposters.club: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1335. soapbox.midwaytrades.com: suspended (reason: Transphobie)
  1336. soapbox.pub: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fe.soapbox.pub at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1337. soc.h4x.group: suspended
  1338. soc.mahodou.moe: suspended (reason: Slurs)
  1339. soc.ua-fediland.de: limited (reason: Poor mod policies, bigotry (though mods may be overwhelmed).)
  1340. soci*******.nl: suspended
  1341. social.076.ne.jp: suspended
  1342. social.anthro.cc: suspended
  1343. social.arinbasu.online: suspended (reason: admin interacting with known hate instances)
  1344. social.au2pb.net: suspended (reason: Shitposting oppressif)
  1345. social.azkware.net: suspended
  1346. social.b10m.net: suspended
  1347. social.bbc: limited (reason: The BBC has promoted transphobia without correction or apology, though currently there's no evidence this instance has done so as well.)
  1348. social.beck.technology: suspended
  1349. social.berzs.xyz: suspended
  1350. social.bitcoiner.guide: suspended
  1351. social.blep.cz: suspended
  1352. social.bristow.one: suspended
  1353. social.btcpins.com: suspended
  1354. social.buffalomesh.net: suspended
  1355. social.byoblu.com: suspended
  1356. social.cascadia.chat: suspended
  1357. social.cezeri.tech: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1358. social.cobaltia.org: suspended
  1359. social.consoledated.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1360. social.cutefunny.net: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1361. social.daspr.io: suspended (reason: Anti-vax, right-wing extremist.)
  1362. social.dev-wiki.de: suspended (reason: Associates with right-wing extremists.)
  1363. social.epenguin.com: suspended (reason: Transphobia, great reset.)
  1364. social.featyre.xyz: suspended
  1365. social.foxfam.club: suspended
  1366. social.freetalklive.com: suspended (reason: "Free speech", praising the KKK, antivax, etc.)
  1367. social.getgle.org: suspended (reason: homophobia)
  1368. social.handholding.io: suspended (reason: Transphobia, homophobia)
  1369. social.hattheves.es: suspended
  1370. social.hatthieves.es: suspended
  1371. social.heckin.tech: suspended
  1372. social.heldscal.la: suspended (reason: Shitposting oppressif)
  1373. social.hendrixgames.com: suspended (reason: Conspiracy theories, alt-right adjacent rhetoric, etc)
  1374. social.here.blue: suspended (reason: Promotes bigotry and conspiracy theories.)
  1375. social.imirhil.fr: suspended (reason: Instance personnelle utilisée pour contourner des suspensions)
  1376. social.jacksgloryhole.com: suspended (reason: Some lewd photography visible without an appropriate sensitive flag or content warning.)
  1377. social.k3tan.com: suspended
  1378. social.kyushojitsu.ca: suspended
  1379. social.librem.one: suspended (reason: Lack of moderation oversight for harmful ideologies)
  1380. social.linux.pizza: suspended
  1381. social.lo3.online: suspended
  1382. social.louisoft01.moe: suspended
  1383. social.lovingexpressions.net: suspended (reason: transphobia, nazism)
  1384. social.lucci.xyz: suspended
  1385. social.mamushi.io: suspended
  1386. social.midwaytrades.com: suspended
  1387. social.mordicux.xyz: suspended
  1388. social.mypdns.org: limited (reason: Seems conspiracist and freeze peach: "The free and open DNS service is violating laws in many countries for ex. Denmark, which actually isn't a democratic country... there are lots of censoring and mass surveillances on non criminal as well going on, and laws that say you have to block access to 10000's of domains if you run an open DNS server.")
  1389. social.nolim1t.co: suspended
  1390. social.nothingplanet.com: suspended (reason: Federates with instances that violate our CoC/ToS, such as Gab, Kiwifarms, Spinster.xyz, etc.)
  1391. social.oalm.gub.uy: suspended
  1392. social.pistoltrainers.com: suspended (reason: Gun fetishization, just repeats YouTube content.)
  1393. social.platypush.tech: suspended (reason: Reason: admin being racist, "no discrimination on political opinions" freeze peach)
  1394. social.projectsegfau.lt: suspended (reason: Spam)
  1395. social.pseudo-whiskey.bar: suspended (reason: pedophilia)
  1396. social.quodverum.com: suspended (reason: Misinformation and conspiracy theories)
  1397. social.raidarou.com: suspended
  1398. social.sasix.it: suspended
  1399. social.secureprivacy.tech: suspended
  1400. social.shrimpcam.pw: suspended (reason: Designed to subvert blocks.)
  1401. social.snopyta.org: suspended
  1402. social.sphere.com.ai: suspended
  1403. social.susmaninsurance.com: suspended (reason: Marketing spam.)
  1404. social.targaryen.house: suspended (reason: Tolère le harcèlement)
  1405. social.tcpcat.net: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1406. social.teci.world: suspended (reason: Freespeech instance associated to gab)
  1407. social.undernet.uy: suspended
  1408. social.wideboys.org: suspended (reason: Racism, homophobia, channer stuff)
  1409. social.xeltica.work: suspended
  1410. social.xenofem.me: suspended (reason: Reason: ableism, suicide-baiting, channers)
  1411. socialgoblins.club: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on socialgoblins.club at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1412. socialnetwork.ninja: suspended
  1413. societal.co: suspended
  1414. socks.pinnoto.org: suspended (reason: Transphobie, Spam)
  1415. socnet.supes.com: suspended
  1416. softgirl.online: suspended (reason: Transphobie)
  1417. solagg.com: suspended (reason: crypto spam; Spam)
  1418. someotherguy.xyz: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1419. somewhy.net: suspended (reason: Hate speech, queerphobia)
  1420. sonichu.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fans.sonichu.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1421. sopelj.ca: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on federation.sopelj.ca at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  1422. sosial.agdersam.no: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1423. soulcrash.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on soulcrash.net at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1424. sovr**.***ial: suspended
  1425. sovran.me: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on sovran.me at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1426. spacelase.rs: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1427. spacetime.social: suspended
  1428. speakfree.world: suspended
  1429. spearman.xyz: suspended (reason: Code of conduct: "Intentionally left blank.")
  1430. sperg.city: suspended (reason: Reason: usual scum, misogyny, freeze peach)
  1431. spinster.dev: suspended (reason: Transphobia/TERFs; Transphobie)
  1432. spinster.xyz: suspended (reason: Transphobia/TERFs; Transphobia; Transphobie)
  1433. spooky.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on spooky.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1434. sportsbots.xyz: limited (reason: Twitter bridge.)
  1435. springbo.cc: suspended (reason: racism, free speech, transphobia)
  1436. squeeble.lol: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on squeeble.lol at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1437. squid.kids: suspended (reason: New domain for shortstackran.ch)
  1438. stale.link: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.stale.link at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1439. stamper.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on esocial.stamper.net at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  1440. stars.eroaward.com: limited (reason: NSFW advertising)
  1441. staycuriousandkeepsmil.in: suspended (reason: Engages in conspiracy theories.)
  1442. stealthward.xyz: suspended (reason: Public search engine with no opt-out.)
  1443. stereophonic.space: suspended (reason: Poor moderation)
  1444. storkeus.xyz: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.storkeus.xyz at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1445. stormcloak.info: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on stormcloak.info at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1446. strelizia.net: suspended (reason: Alternative instance to posting.lolicon.rocks, same admin)
  1447. stuartpb.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on stuartpb.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1448. stupid.moe: suspended
  1449. styxhexenhammer666.com: suspended (reason: Engages in conspiracy theories.)
  1450. subs4social.xyz: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1451. subvisual.co: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fedi.subvisual.co at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  1452. supernets.social: suspended (reason: "no bans no kicks no ignores")
  1453. supes.com: suspended (reason: Instance libertarienne)
  1454. suya.place: suspended
  1455. suzu.eu.org: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on suzu.eu.org at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1456. svltan.at: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on svltan.at at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1457. switter.at: suspended (reason: Preparing for announced shutdown)
  1458. synth.zip: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on synth.zip at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1459. syspxl.xyz: suspended (reason: Transphobic, conspiracism)
  1460. t.bee*****.**cial: suspended
  1461. t.l**.me: suspended
  1462. t2m.d********n.fr: suspended (reason: BirdSiteLIVE/Bot)
  1463. taihou.website: suspended (reason: Associated with 5dollah.click.)
  1464. takehi.to: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.takehi.to at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1465. takesama.com: suspended (reason: Bot host designed to subvert blocks.)
  1466. talokan.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on talokan.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1467. tambayan.us: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1468. taobox.pub: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1469. tastingtraffic.com: suspended (reason: Associated with tastingtraffic.net.)
  1470. tastingtraffic.net: suspended (reason: Queerphobia; Spam; Homophobie)
  1471. taullo.social: suspended (reason: hosting pedophilia)
  1472. tcpcat.net: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1473. teamhydra.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1474. tech.lgbt: limited (reason: Poor moderation.)
  1475. tech.retrotalk.live: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1476. teci.world: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.teci.world at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1477. teichisma.info: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on epi.teichisma.info at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1478. tenhou.in: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on tenhou.in at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1479. tenshi.sh: suspended
  1480. terabyte-computing.com: limited (reason: Alleged transphobia.)
  1481. terere.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1482. terrafirma.space: limited
  1483. terrible.place: suspended (reason: fascism, racism, harrassment)
  1484. test.*******.cf: suspended
  1485. testing.pleroma.lol: suspended
  1486. tevps.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.tevps.net at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1487. the.hedgehoghunter.club: suspended (reason: Trolling, abusive behaviour; Transphobie)
  1488. the9thcircle.club: suspended (reason: Spam, friendly with freespeechextremist.xyz)
  1489. theapex.social: suspended (reason: No rules, associated with noagendasocial.)
  1490. theautisticinvestors.quest: suspended
  1491. thebag.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on thebag.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1492. thebased.club: suspended (reason: Transphobia, anti-vax.)
  1493. theblab.org: suspended (reason: Freeze peach.)
  1494. thechad.zone: suspended (reason: Accueil des nazis et des masculinistes)
  1495. thechimp.zone: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1496. thecitadel.social: suspended
  1497. thecrow.uk: suspended (reason: Sexisme)
  1498. theepicblock.nl: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fedi.theepicblock.nl at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1499. thefire.work: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on thefire.work at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1500. thefloatinglab.world: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fediverse.thefloatinglab.world at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  1501. themeparks.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1502. themiddleofthestreet.xyz: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on themiddleofthestreet.xyz at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1503. thenobody.club: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on member.thenobody.club at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1504. theolddude.masto.host: suspended
  1505. theosis.church: suspended
  1506. thepostearthdestination.com: suspended (reason: Admin is a transphobe and uses ableist language)
  1507. theredcaps.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.theredcaps.net at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1508. theres.life: suspended (reason: Bigotry, gab/pleroma adjacent)
  1509. thesolarrepublic.org: suspended (reason: Freeze peach.)
  1510. theway.social: suspended
  1511. thisawfuldungeon.art: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.thisawfuldungeon.art at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1512. thoughtful.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1513. threads.net: suspended (reason: Meta/Facebook.)
  1514. tinyb*******.com: suspended
  1515. tmprs.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.tmprs.net at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1516. tnd.lol: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1517. toad.social: suspended (reason: reason: transphobia)
  1518. togethr.party: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on togethr.party at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1519. tomw.social: suspended (reason: Federates with noagenda.)
  1520. toot.canberrasocial.net: suspended (reason: Racism, "free speech" instance)
  1521. toot.kartonrad.de: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1522. toot.love: suspended (reason: Harassment; Accueil des nazis)
  1523. toot.poedelwitz.de: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1524. toot.pt: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1525. toot.quest: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1526. toot.world: suspended
  1527. toot.zone: suspended
  1528. tooter.conman.co.za: suspended
  1529. tooters.org: limited (reason: Admin engaging in bad faith behaviour.)
  1530. tootnet.nl: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1531. toots.morepablo.com: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1532. topteeth.xyz: suspended
  1533. touha.me: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1534. touhou.vodka: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1535. tpo.world: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1536. traboone.com: suspended
  1537. treeoflifecomic.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fedi.treeoflifecomic.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1538. tri.cash: suspended
  1539. triangle.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on triangle.social at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1540. troll.cafe: suspended
  1541. troplo.com: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1542. trumpislovetrumpis.life: suspended (reason: Instance d’extrême droite)
  1543. truthsocial.co.in: suspended (reason: truthsocial)
  1544. truthsocial.com: suspended
  1545. truthsocialpro.org: suspended (reason: Trump instance)
  1546. tube.doctors4covidethics.org: suspended (reason: COVID denialism.)
  1547. tucson.claims: suspended (reason: Conspiracy theories, federating with known nazi affiliated instances)
  1548. turturea.online: suspended (reason: Sexism, freeze peach.)
  1549. tut.andreer.no: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1550. tweet*.******.town: suspended (reason: BirdSiteLIVE/Bot)
  1551. tweet****.***5.eu: suspended
  1552. tweetb*****.****sa.de: suspended
  1553. tweetbr****.******.social: suspended
  1554. tweetnet.uc-netcorsoft.de: suspended
  1555. tweets.icu: suspended (reason: Twitter mirror)
  1556. twhtv.club: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on twhtv.club at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1557. twi.social: limited (reason: Wall-to-wall porn, though content warnings seem to be consistent.)
  1558. twit.*******.in: suspended (reason: BirdSiteLIVE/Bot)
  1559. twit***.***.hu: suspended
  1560. twit***.****.de: suspended
  1561. twitb*****.*lick: suspended
  1562. twitiverse.com: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  1563. twitt**.***.**cial: suspended
  1564. twitt**.****.cat: suspended
  1565. twitt**.******.cafe: suspended
  1566. twitt**.*******b.eu: suspended
  1567. twitt**.****s.ro: suspended (reason: BirdSiteLIVE/Bot)
  1568. twitte*.***.******ck.de: suspended
  1569. twitte*.******.cloud: suspended
  1570. twitte*.*******e.net: suspended
  1571. twitter.******.***off.de: suspended (reason: BirdSiteLIVE/Bot)
  1572. twitter.************.social: suspended
  1573. twitter.***********t.club: suspended
  1574. twitter.1d4.us: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  1575. twitter.activitypub.actor: suspended (reason: Bot mirroring Twitter accounts; Third-party bots)
  1576. twitter****.******aws.cc: suspended
  1577. twitter*******.*****.berlin: suspended
  1578. twitterbr****.********.****0419.com: suspended
  1579. twiukraine.com: limited (reason: Freeze peach.)
  1580. twt.pu********.*acing: suspended (reason: BirdSiteLIVE/Bot)
  1581. twt*.***.de: suspended
  1582. twtr.*****.lol: suspended
  1583. twtr.carnivore.social: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  1584. twtr.i********.party: suspended
  1585. twtr.plus: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  1586. twtr.vrij.social: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  1587. twtr.wappie.land: suspended (reason: Third-party bots)
  1588. twtr******.de: suspended
  1589. tyil.nl: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1590. tylerdavis.xyz: suspended (reason: Affiliated with blob.cat.)
  1591. uden.ai: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.uden.ai at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1592. udongein.xyz: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1593. ugoday.co: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.ugoday.co at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1594. unbound.social: suspended
  1595. undeadnetwork.de: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on anti.undeadnetwork.de at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  1596. unexpected.singleuser.club: suspended
  1597. unigiri.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.unigiri.net at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1598. universeodon.com: suspended (reason: With minimal notification, implemented full text search that includes posts from other instances. Defaults to opt-in, only opt-out is to defederate.)
  1599. unperson.us: suspended (reason: Only admin rule: "don't be a dick")
  1600. unsafe.space: suspended (reason: Shitposting oppressif)
  1601. unstoppablecode.org: suspended
  1602. uop1908324.zip10538.workers.dev: suspended
  1603. updog.no: suspended
  1604. urchan.org: suspended (reason: free speech, homophobia, etc; Hate speech)
  1605. ursal.zone: suspended (reason: Harassment, racism, queerphobia, admin account participates and encourages this)
  1606. usualsuspects.lol: suspended (reason: "a notorious group of fediverse users that all the pRoBlEmaTiC instances federate with.")
  1607. utxo.id: suspended
  1608. vampiremaid.cafe: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1609. vanderwarker.social: suspended
  1610. varishangout.net: suspended (reason: transmisia, homomisia, racism; Inappropriate content; Racisme, Shitpost oppressif)
  1611. vasra.masto.host: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1612. videos.freedomstrike.org: suspended (reason: Freeze peach, COVID denialism)
  1613. vigilante.tv: suspended (reason: Sexism, conspiracy theories.)
  1614. vikalp.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on vikalp.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1615. vinaymanro.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on www.vinaymanro.com at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1616. violence.church: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1617. vipgirlfriend.xxx: suspended (reason: Un-CWed NSFW)
  1618. vive.im: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1619. vivere.uno: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1620. vladtepesblog.com: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1621. vltava.cloud: suspended
  1622. voltrina.net: suspended (reason: Asked to be suspended.)
  1623. voluntary.world: suspended (reason: Engages in conspiracy theories.)
  1624. vrij.social: suspended (reason: admin interacting with known far-right/qanon instances)
  1625. vrutkovs.eu: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on social.vrutkovs.eu at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1626. vsieti.sk: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on podhubie.vsieti.sk at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1627. vtuberfan.social: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1628. vtw***.**ve: suspended
  1629. vuju.com: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  1630. wagesofsinisdeath.com: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  1631. waha.desupost.soy: suspended (reason: Ableism, racism, transmisia)
  1632. waifu.social: suspended (reason: Harassment; Antenne de JVC)
  1633. waifuappreciation.club: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  1634. waifuhunter.club: suspended (reason: Part of waifuhunter.club, a freeze peach service provider.)
  1635. waifuism.life: suspended
  1636. wake.st: suspended (reason: Paedophilia and lolicon apologist)
  1637. waskuisland.com: suspended (reason: "No GAY/Trans Men content.")
  1638. waterlily.tokyo: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1639. we.1being.org: suspended
  1640. weeaboo.space: suspended
  1641. weeb.academy: suspended (reason: Shitposting oppressif)
  1642. weedis.life: suspended (reason: Spam)
  1643. wei.mentalswarf.com: suspended (reason: nazi soapbox instance)
  1644. were.social: suspended (reason: Reason: KF-adjacent, usual scum)
  1645. westen.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1646. westergaard.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on westergaard.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1647. what.weesefamily.ca: suspended
  1648. whatiwanttoknow.org: suspended (reason: 'This site for now serves as a "no-censorship" zone for /well-behaved/ posters.')
  1649. wherelinux.xyz: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1650. whinge.house: suspended (reason: New domain for whinge.town.)
  1651. whinge.town: suspended (reason: Federates with the usual suspects)
  1652. whit*.***.dev: suspended
  1653. whitesmokebbq.social: suspended (reason: Reason: racism, harassment)
  1654. whitewomen.dog: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1655. whomartthou.com: suspended (reason: Open bigotry and sexism.)
  1656. whoseknowledge.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on whoseknowledge.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1657. whynot.hostyourown.tools: suspended
  1658. wikileaks2.org: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1659. winther.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on winther.social at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1660. wired.socotrine.com: suspended (reason: Loli, runs with the same crowd as shitposter.club, freespeechextremist.com, neckbeard.xyz, etc.)
  1661. wisebuilders.win: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on wisebuilders.win at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1662. witches.live: suspended (reason: Racism/harassment by the admin toward people on POC instances)
  1663. withbrains.com: suspended (reason: Spam, transphobia.)
  1664. wolfgirl.bar: suspended (reason: Harassment, hate speech)
  1665. woln.eu: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on woln.eu at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1666. womyns.land: suspended
  1667. woodynet.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on pleroma.woodynet.net at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1668. woof.*****.gay: suspended
  1669. woofer.alfter.us: suspended (reason: Shitposting oppressif)
  1670. workers.dev: suspended (reason: Botnet)
  1671. worm.pink: suspended (reason: Spamming the Fediblock hashtag)
  1672. wpmastodon.es: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1673. wreck.rocks: suspended (reason: soapbox, federates with known fascists)
  1674. wurm.host: suspended (reason: Suicide baiting, racism, slurs, trolling, harassment)
  1675. www.banepo.st: suspended
  1676. www.superstork.org: suspended (reason: Cryptocurrency)
  1677. www.writehere.is: suspended (reason: Climate denial, anti-vax.)
  1678. www.wuwox.com: suspended (reason: Promotes bigotry and conspiracy theories.)
  1679. wxw.moe: suspended
  1680. x0.dk: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on x0.dk at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1681. x0f.org: suspended (reason: Reason: cryptocurrency)
  1682. xarxa.cloud: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on plrm.xarxa.cloud at 2023-08-12 by soapblock.sh)
  1683. xarxamontgri.masto.host: suspended (reason: "The rule is that there is no rule.")
  1684. xcess.one: suspended (reason: Crypto spam)
  1685. xhais.love: suspended (reason: Pedophilia, zoophilia, grooming)
  1686. xinu.me: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on fedi.xinu.me at 2023-08-11 by soapblock.sh)
  1687. xion.social: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on xion.social at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1688. xmpp.refusal.biz: suspended (reason: "anti-moderation")
  1689. xmrposter.club: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1690. xn--6r8h.tk: suspended
  1691. xn--p1abe3d.xn--80asehdb: suspended (reason: Another name for xn--p1abe3d.xn--80asehdb.)
  1692. xscape.top: suspended (reason: Soapbox detected on xscape.top at 2023-08-05 by soapblock.sh)
  1693. xxxtumblr.org: suspended
  1694. yams.lol: suspended (reason: undermoderated: "be chill" and "use common sense")
  1695. yang.social: suspended
  1696. yeshuafreedom.com: suspended (reason: Engages in conspiracy theories.)
  1697. yesmap.net: suspended (reason: Sexism, minor-attracted people.)
  1698. yggdrasil.social: suspended (reason: TERF instance, homophobia; Hate speech; Nazisme)
  1699. yorishiro.space: suspended
  1700. youjo.love: suspended (reason: pedophilia, holocaust denial, antivax ; Inappropriate content; Pédopornographie (lolicon))
  1701. yuga.surf: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1702. yukioke.com: suspended (reason: Federates with pawoo.)
  1703. z9.qat13565.workers.dev: suspended
  1704. zeal.center: limited (reason: Cryptocurrency)
  1705. zecircle.xyz: suspended
  1706. zedsocial.ca: suspended (reason: Doxxing, permissive federation)
  1707. zeonet.xyz: suspended
  1708. zer0.click: suspended
  1709. zetamu.club: suspended (reason: pedophilia; Inappropriate content; Pédophilie)
  1710. zettel.haus: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  1711. zhub.link: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1712. zoomer.photography: suspended (reason: Part of waifuhunter.club, a freeze peach service provider.)
  1713. zoomers.lol: suspended
  1714. zov.oti.st: suspended
  1715. zwezo.o-k-i.net: suspended (reason: Twitter mirror)
  1716. zyzzsupremacy.xyz: suspended (reason: Federates with bigoted instances.)
  1717. zztails.gay: suspended (reason: Free speech, racism; Hate speech)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. mastodon.zlatiah-no.one: suspension
  2. quey.la: limitation
  3. social.cutiecluster.cc: suspension
Admin account Opted out of search engines indexing
Date of creation Not available
Display name Not available
Not available
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 1593 statuses, 17 logins, 0 registrations)
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Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/11/24, 7:40:20 AM UTC9/12/24, 3:16:22 AM UTC9/13/24, 1:31:14 AM UTC9/14/24, 1:30:34 AM UTC9/15/24, 2:37:51 AM UTC9/16/24, 2:48:59 AM UTC9/17/24, 1:29:15 AM UTC9/18/24, 2:04:13 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 584/584 (100%)