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Languages English (en)
Users 62,102
Active users (last month) 11,341
Active users (last six months) 16,791
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 53,582
First sight Before Oct 14, 2020 UTC [?]
Last successful check Sep 19, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.2.12
Registrations Closed
Meta’s Threads moderation Unknown (this instance is not listed in the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list), and its list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) LinkedIn, ConfessionsByAnnoyingPeople, MeerMittwoch, MusicWomenWednesday, Wednesday, WhiskersWednesday, Mickey17, WipWednesday, WalkieTalkies
Short description
Fosstodon is a Mastodon instance that is open to anyone who is interested in technology; particularly free & open source software.
Long description
Proudly powered by Fastly

We've teamed up with Fastly to provide both CDN and DDoS mitigation to our users, improving both performance and uptime.

Huge thanks to the team at Fastly for supporting Fosstodon.

Code of Conduct

The code of conduct at Fosstodon can be simply summarised as "don't be a jerk". However, if you need more detail as to what we consider unacceptable behaviour, please take a look at our code of conduct.

Support Fosstodon

If you enjoy your time on Fosstodon and want to support what we're doing here, you can do so in a number of ways. To find out how, use the link below:

Fosstodon Hub

We have created a mini-site called the Fosstodon Hub. It contains useful information about Fosstodon in the form of a blog.

Longevity and Fosstodon

One of the issues with a federated social network like Mastodon is users need to be sure their instance isn’t going to disappear overnight. This has happened a number of occasions we've seen, and we want to ease your mind in that regard should you choose Fosstodon.
Our Commitment to You
Instance rules
  1. Do not use slurs or racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or otherwise discriminatory or hateful jokes or language or promote white supremacy, anti-Semitism, transphobia or other hateful ideologies.
  2. Do not harass anyone, participate in group harassment of anyone, or otherwise engage in personal attacks. Posting or threatening to post other people’s personally identifying information (“doxing”) constitutes harassment.
  3. Do not be intentionally antagonistic. A post or reply designed to provoke a confrontation is not acceptable.
  4. Do not post adult content, including pictures containing nudity, or unwelcome sexual attention (including sexualized comments or jokes).
  5. Do not post spam. Toots that are nothing other than a link and/or contain an inordinate number of hashtags are spam, as does any overly commercial self-promotion. (It is fine to toot about your own projects and share what you are excited to be working on — just keep the toot itself interesting).
  6. Do not use automated tools to toot without participating in the community. It is fine to post with an automated tool so long as you are an active member of the Fosstodon community and respond to replies you receive here. Unmonitored accounts that post automatically are not acceptable.
  7. Do not “shitpost” - while humorous posts are allowed, and actually encouraged, there is no place for “shitposting” on Fosstodon.
  8. Do not post about inflammatory, controversial subjects without a Content Warning.
  9. Do not engage in name calling, ad hominem attacks, or any other uncivil behaviour; criticize ideas, never people.
  10. Do not tone police. Toots may violate the standards of civility we set on Fosstodon, but you should not criticize users for their tone. Report them or feel free to block them. In neither case should you criticize their tone.
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. ailbhean.co-shaoghal.net: limitation
  2. artisan.chat: limitation
  3. biscuit.town: limitation
  4. butts.team: suspension
  5. ceilidh.online: suspension
  6. chilemasto.casa: limitation
  7. deadinsi.de: limitation
  8. eldritch.cafe: limitation
  9. fandom.garden: limitation
  10. flipping.rocks: suspension
  11. freethought.online: limitation
  12. furry.community: suspension
  13. fv.technogothic.net: limitation
  14. glaceon.social: suspension
  15. glitch-dev.pixie.town: suspension
  16. goblin.camp: suspension
  17. h-i.social: limitation
  18. icosahedron.website: limitation
  19. is.nota.live: limitation
  20. jubi.life: limitation
  21. koehlercode.dev: limitation
  22. masto.donte.com.br: suspension
  23. mastodon.art: limitation
  24. mastodon.koehlercode.dev: limitation
  25. mastodon.sandwich.net: limitation
  26. mastodon.yurialbuquerque.dev: suspension
  27. monads.online: suspension
  28. monsterfuckers.online: limitation
  29. myasstodon.xyz: suspension
  30. mytter.jp: suspension
  31. octodon.social: limitation
  32. polyglot.city: limitation
  33. rage.love: suspension
  34. religion.masto.host: limitation
  35. simcha.lgbt: suspension
  36. social.finkhaeuser.de: limitation
  37. social.mootech.eu: suspension
  38. social.pawsitiv.space: limitation
  39. solarpunk.moe: limitation
  40. spanner.works: suspension
  41. strangeobject.space: limitation
  42. wolfbunny.lgbt: suspension
  43. writeout.ink: limitation
  44. www.librepunk.club: limitation
Admin account Opted out of search engines indexing
Date of creation Not available
Display name Not available
Not available
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 241769 statuses, 98995 logins, 239 registrations)
S: 20923
L: 8554
R: 18
S: 22442
L: 8707
R: 33
S: 24298
L: 8580
R: 8
S: 21380
L: 8478
R: 17
S: 21860
L: 8495
R: 17
S: 21092
L: 8432
R: 16
S: 21407
L: 8552
R: 23
S: 20746
L: 8488
R: 23
S: 21248
L: 8573
R: 21
S: 20642
L: 8472
R: 29
S: 22058
L: 8619
R: 27
S: 3673
L: 5045
R: 7
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/12/24, 1:27:31 AM UTC9/13/24, 1:37:33 AM UTC9/14/24, 1:47:03 AM UTC9/15/24, 2:38:30 AM UTC9/16/24, 1:50:56 AM UTC9/17/24, 3:08:37 AM UTC9/18/24, 3:17:14 AM UTC9/19/24, 1:11:45 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 755/756 (99.87%)