The Church of CathodeCathode Church is a Mastodon instance on the Fediverse for trans and gender-diverse makers, coders and tinkerers.
It is intended to be a supportive, friendly, and creative online space.
TenetsCourtesyHarassment, vitriol, exploitation and abuse are not tolerated. This includes racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism and other expressions of power across structural power/privilege differentials.
Respect and venerate the great constellation of human experience and self-expression, across gender, sexuality, neurology, psychology, body, ability, race, identity, culture, spirituality, et cetera.
Content warnings should be used in accordance with evolving community standards and the needs of fellow users.
Accounts posting content not suitable for minors such as pornography or explicit sexual content should be locked and clearly marked as 18+ only in the display name or bio. The account-holder must reject follow requests from users who do not make clear that they are over 18. All posts containing explicit material must also be content-warned as such and have media hidden.
Bot accounts are allowed, but must not interact with other users without their consent.
Copyrighted content should not be posted without permission, and always with credit, ideally hyperlinking to the author's online presence.
SolidarityChurch users are expected to work to educate themselves and support their fellows with different lived experiences, cultures, beliefs, and intersections of structural power. It is not the responsibility of those whose identity or experience you do not understand to explain themselves to those yet uninformed. Any education offered is given as a favour and should be respected as such.
No one person can champion all worthy causes, and bigotry cannot be fought on any single front. Respect the work of those who are dedicated to different parts of the fight. Respect the capacity of others.
Irradiate the RichAs part of our Solidarity, always remember who the greater persecutor is, who is responsible for the ignorance of our peers, and oppression of our communities. Disagreements among us are important and natural but can obscure the greater perspective.
IntersectionalitySolidarity is meaningless without acknowledging and actively working against the multitudinous gradients of privilege/power any of us may hold over others. Consider your privileges and their ramifications when engaging with other users.
Privacy Church users are not required or expected to disclose or externally verify any aspects of their identity or to administrators other than a functioning email for signup, excluding conditions agreed to during the sign-up process.
Creating or using alternate accounts to evade blocks, mutings, suspensions or silencings is not allowed by any users.
AdvocacyInstances with a history of permitting harassment, abusive behaviour, and spam by their users will be blocked, regardless of the wording of their policies.
Church administrators will stand behind users reporting harassment and personally follow up where necessary and wanted, maintaining the anonymity of our users where possible, including against other church users.
Moderating disputesWhere a church user is under investigation for violating the Tenets, they will be informed of such as soon as practical, and offered the right of defence through a moderator. No public announcements will be made until a final decision is settled, and only if the decision affects other parties (such as in the case of an outright ban of a serial harasser).
Both those accused and those reporting are requested to avoid non-conciliatory public interaction with each other, 'callouts', and the like, until moderating decisions have been made.
EphemeralityThe highest priority of Cathode Church is maintaining the safety of our users and this can contradict some assumptions of federating software regarding open access. The server is configured to disable search indexing and unauthenticated viewing of the timeline or toots where possible. Known fulltext-indexers are blocked. Hosts detected attempting to scan/crawl media files will be blocked.
That said, it is not recommended to rely on the security of Mastodon for very private information.
ConclusionTo be considered for an account, you must confirm that you have read and understood these responsibilities and expectations, by mentioning the Tenets in the "Why do you want to join?" field. If you do not, your account will not be activated.
If you have any issues, email s0 at this domain.
Administrative detailsTechnicalCathode Church is run off a VPS in Sydney, Australia, and uses OpenStack Object Storage also in Sydney for media storage. The site should be fully accessible via IPv6 and modern HTTPS/TLS.
Multiple SessionsInspired by's setup, it is possible to maintain multiple separate sessions for separate accounts by using the subdomains,,, and
Local-only PostingToots that end with 👁 or have "Local-only" enabled in the web interface are not federated from to any other instance. They are only visible to Cathode Church users (depending on the toot visibility setting).
DonatingYou can donate to the server's upkeep at
s0's Ko-fi. It will be appreciated.
Art & EmojiThe background image of the Cathode skin under Glitch Edition flavour is by
the Weld, and All Rights Reserved.
This instance uses hand-picked subsets of the following emoji sets:
- Mutant Standard emoji, which are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
- Robomoji, a modified subset of the Mutant Standard emoji, which are also provided under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
- Blob Emoji, which are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
- Meowmoji, a modified subset of Blob Emoji, which are also licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
- Blobhaj emoji, by heatherhorns, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
- Dragn emoji, by, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
GuildsUTVICathode Church is a member of the
Union of Typeslut Verified Instances. Freeze peach nerds stay mad.