This is a general-purpose Mastodon server administrated in the Greater Boston, Massachusetts area. All are welcome to sign up, so long as the rules are followed.
We federate with Threads, some do not. Read our
Threads FAQ.
We use Cloudflare to block artificial intelligence (AI) bots, crawlers, and scrapers from scraping your content for training large language models (LLM) to recreate posts without your permission.
While most Mastodon servers are limited to 500 character posts, here posts can be up to 12,000 characters because we think you have important things to write.
We also relay with over 1,500 other servers, some very large. This means we share each other's posts and accounts in real time. Your posts go to those servers immediately, even if there are no follow relationships. Servers without relay relationships only share posts when there are follow relationships. Your audience is large here, and you see more posts than you would on servers that do not relay.
You can see the incoming messages arriving here from all over the Fediverse from the relay by going to our
Live feedWe do not secretly shadow-ban our own users ("limit" or "silence"). We will always notify the account owner of the action and the reason.
When signing up, you must read the quick, short, set of rules presented to you. Requesting an account is confirmation that you have read and agree to abide by our rules.
Donations:Donations are appreciated, but are never required! They go toward supporting this Mastodon instance and the other apps that I run, which are now averaging about $300/month in total. Besides this Mastodon server, I also run:
Peertube (a Fediverse YouTube equivalent):
https://my-sunshine.videoPiefed (a Fediverse Reddit equivalent):
https://feddit.onlineFriendica (like Mastodon + Facebook + Reddit in one and also integrates Bluesky, Tumblr, and RSS Feeds into the Home Feed):
https://my-place.socialBlueSky PDS (Private Data Server) If you are interested in a Bluesky account where your data and identity are not kept on their corporate server, but rather on the server, email and I will send an invitation code. Your Bluesky account will be named similar to mine,
Where you can donateBuy me a coffee: bc1qqgjydw28athy9jare342eh703jagmwecmmgemm
ETH: 0x07aD621C7661f75123b0667407C007B4A3acb5c6
Excellent Mastodon FAQTips on using MastodonLots of information on how to use MastodonTechnical information and work logImportant to know to get the most from Mastodon, is to understand the difference between hashtag use on Twitter and on Mastodon.
You can follow hashtags in Mastodon so that any posts visible to this server that have the hashtag, will appear in your timeline. You don't have to search for a hashtag as you do on Twitter.
Therefore, using hashtags in Mastodon is important if you want people in other instances to see your post. And it's a great way to be discovered and to discover other interesting people.
You can follow a hashtag by clicking on it within a post and then clicking the "+" in the top-right corner.
On this server, the maximum number of characters in a post is 12,000. The Mastodon default is 500, but I bumped it higher. Also, note that a URL in a Mastodon post always counts as 23 characters, regardless of its true length. URL shorteners are not required for Mastodon posts.
Leaving Twitter? Add your Mastodon account name to your Twitter profile, so others can find you on Mastodon. Your Mastodon account name looks something like this:
DMCA Takedown Notices: We adhere to the rules regarding DMCA Intellectual Property takedown notices. Please send notices to This email address is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office
This server prohibits posting copyright-protected materials, and we will remove these materials when notified. Anyone found posting copyrighted materials may or may not be notified before having their account suspended. A suspended account has 30 days to contact us, at, to appeal.
This server prohibits posting Child Sexual Abuse Materials (CSAM). Images are actively scanned. Their mathematical hashes are compared to the hashes of known CSAM images in the NCMEC.ORG database. Any matches are automatically reported, and the image is blocked. Nobody, nor any software, looks at the actual images, it's just a mathematical calculation on the bits.
While I do not believe anyone on this server posts CSAM material, since we relay with over 1,500 other servers, it is necessary to scan the images the server is exposed to.