Newsie is a general-purpose Mastodon server supporting all languages. With a large user base of journalists and news outlets, posts trend heavily on news and current events.
Newsie is closed to new account registrations.
Newsie subscribes and adheres to the
Mastodon Server Covenant.'s operating costs are crowdfunded.
There is
no advertising,
no subscription fees, and
no paywalls, and your data is never shared or sold.
We kindly request our members to contribute financially towards our significant operating costs, which include hosting, maintenance, and associated projects.
You may contribute using
Open Collective or by
One-time or monthly (preferred) $1, $5, $20, $50 or whatever feels right to you.
Moderation PolicyWe have a
balanced moderation policy that encourages a free press and responsible free expression and speech while enforcing rules against extremist, prohibited, and/or illegal content.
Our aim is to maintain responsible free expression while ensuring a safe and inclusive community for all users. Our moderation approach focuses on
behavior that occurs on the Newsie platform.
You can report violations directly from an individual post, image, or profile, including spam, abusive or harmful content, inappropriate ads, self-harm, and impersonation.
When making a report, please make sure to include at least a few posts that demonstrate rule-breaking behavior. If there is any additional context that might help make a decision, please include it in the comment as well.
We usually handle most reports within
72 hours.Please note that we do not comment on moderation actions, and you will not be notified when a report you have made has led to moderation or other action.
Additionally, not all punitive actions are externally visible. For first-time offenses, we may choose to delete offending content, escalating to harsher measures for repeat offenses.
Appeals and feedback channels are available for members.
Privacy and Terms of ServiceBe sure to check the
Terms of Service and privacy policy.
HostingNewsie is sustainably hosted by
Really Good Host- a
Honeytree Technologies service.