Polyglot City is an instance for people interested in languages, language learning, and translation, as well as multilingual and polyglot people. You're free to toot about any topic (or even about no topic at all) as long as you follow a few simple rules (elaborated below). You can use any language you'd like here -- in fact, the use of different languages is strongly encouraged and appreciated!
Elaborated rules - No discrimination or harassment of any kind in any language. No nazism or nazi-sympathies. No illegal content. Violations will be moderated and can lead to account deletion.
- No bot accounts or accounts used solely for automated crossposting, redirection or data farming. Every account on this instance must be used manually by a real person. Bot accounts and automated accounts will be deleted. (To be clear: You are allowed to follow bots that are on other instances.)
- Please consider using a content warning (CW) when tooting about topics that might be sensitive. Common topics for CW are things like politics, mental/physical health, food, alcohol, sex/nudity, images with eye contact. (This list is in no way exhaustive.) In mild cases, not using CW won't lead to moderation, but you will be asked to use CWs. Please note that not using CWs for sensitive topics may lead to our entire instance being blocked by other instances.
- We believe the Fediverse is a space for people and communities, not corporations and profiteering. We will proactively block any instances that are run for profit or by for-profit organizations.
- In general, try to be considerate and compassionate.
- Please follow good Mastodon etiquette.
- The rules will be revised as needed. If you think an important rule is missing, please inform the admins.
Moderation circleWe will try to add moderators as needed to keep up with the volume and common languages on the instance. Our moderation circle currently has the following members:
- @FrankauLux (EN, FR, PT, ES)
- @nolittlefinger (EN, ES, ZH)
- @Stoori (FI, EN, SV, NL, ES)
- @thurisaz (EN, FR, AR, FI)
Suspension of inactive accountsAt the moment, the hosting of this instance is paid for entirely by the admin, which limits how many active accounts we can support. New registrations might therefore close when we approach the limit. To keep us below the limit, the admin will periodically suspend accounts that have not been used in six months. When this is about to happen, these users will get a direct message telling about incoming suspension. After this announcement, they will have 30 days to reply if they wish to continue to keep the account active. If no reply is received in 30 days, the account will be suspended.
GovernanceThis instance currently has a single admin, but our goal right is to transform the instance into a form of sociocratically organized platform cooperative. A discussion about governance structures is planned; contact the admin if that interests you.
CreditsThe server thumbnail image is made by
Privacy & Data PolicyThe instance is hosted by
fedi.monster, which has its servers in Europe (mainly in Finland). We collect only the information you voluntarily enter in your profile and your toots, and your information is not handed to any third party other than our hosting service. We use no trackers and show no ads. The hosting service may collect some technical information necessary to deliver the service. For more information, see the fedi.monster Privacy Policy. You may delete your own data or account at your will, or ask us to remove your account.
Toots and other data posted on polyglot.city are a communicative act between people. They may not be used to train machine learning systems, create marketing profiles, or other similar practices.
Please note that everything you publish on this instance should be considered publicly visible. Mastodon has a direct message feature, but please note that
they are not encrypted messages. If you really want to protect your privacy or send someone private information, please use some other tool than Mastodon for that.