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Languages Italian (it)
Users 96
Active users (last month) 33
Active users (last six months) 70
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 13,779
First sight Jan 1, 2023 UTC
Last successful check Oct 18, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.0
Registrations Open
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is neither suspended nor limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) opensource, privacy, Cat, webdev, MutualAidRequest, ClimateEmergency, rock, Web, parenting
Short description
Un server Mastodon in lingua italiana che nasce con lo scopo di creare uno spazio sicuro per persone LGBTQIA+, marginalizzate, neurodivergenti, e in generale "queer" nel senso ampio del termine.
Long description
Un server Mastodon in lingua italiana che nasce con lo scopo di creare uno spazio sicuro per persone LGBTQIA+, marginalizzate, razzializzate, neurodivergenti, e in generale queer nel senso ampio del termine.

Su questo server è consentito parlare di tutto purché si rispettino alcune regole volte a facilitare la convivenza di tuttɜ, le trovate elencate scorrendo nella pagina.

Se cercate uno spazio di crescita, dove potervi esprimere liberamente e siete apertɜ al confronto vi sentirete a casa!

Politica di federazione

Qualsiasi server con politiche di moderazione incompatibili con le regole di Devianze, o che fallisca nel modererare adeguatamente i propri contenuti, sarà bloccato o limitato.

Questo server si sincronizza periodicamente con la blocklist "TIER 0" di Oliphant, verificando ogni nuovo blocco manualmente.

Contribuire al progetto

Devianze è uno spazio giovane e in evoluzione. Sei interessatə a dare una mano? Hai idee per migliorare il server? Entra nel nostro gruppo Matrix e parliamone (contatta @janitor o @AlbertoeFabio per un invito)!

Emoji personalizzate

Questo server utilizza le emoji Mutant Standard, rese disponibili sotto licenza CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Devianze "Cloud"



Frontend alternativi


  • Invidious: invidious.devianze.city (chiuso a gennaio 2024, reindirizzamento verso YouTube)
  • Nextcloud: in arrivo (forse 😎)
  • Matrix: in arrivo (forse 😎)

Costi operativi

I servizi sono attualmente installati su un server dedicato affittato dal provider OVH e localizzato in Francia (Gravelines). I costi operativi, includendo anche il dominio e lo spazio d'archiviazione, ammontano a circa ~50€ al mese (al 12/04/2023).

Devianze è uno spazio completamente privo di pubblicità, che non vende i dati dei propri utenti, e che si regge sul lavoro di (pochi) volontari. Per questo motivo vi chiediamo di prendere in considerazione di supportare il progetto tramite sottoscrizione OpenCollective o donazione una tantum PayPal.
Instance rules
  1. Vietato postare contenuti illegali in Francia e/o Italia. Esempi non esaustivi: pedo pornografia, molestie sessuali, minacce di violenza.
  2. Vietato promuovere in qualsiasi modo idee razziste o xenofobiche.
  3. Vietato promuovere in qualsiasi modo idee omofobiche o transfobiche. Promuovere "femminismo trans-escludente" è considerato transfobico.
  4. Vietato promuovere in qualsiasi modo idee misogine o sessiste in generale. Promuovere idee "incel" o "redpill" è considerato misogino
  5. Vietato promuovere l'acquisto di cripto valute e/o NFT.
  6. Vietato postare contenuti sensibili senza marcarli appropriatamente con la funzione "content warning" (CW). È considerato "contenuto sensibile" qualunque cosa che, secondo il senso comune, può andare a infastidire o a urtare la sensibilità degli altri utenti.
  7. Vietato infastidire altri utenti per il puro gusto di farlo. In altre parole: niente "trolling" eccessivo.
Moderated instances [?]
  1. 076.moe: suspended
  2. 076.ne.jp: suspended (reason: hate-associated, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, On social.076.ne.jp we found a collection of the worst hateful, toxic and dangerous ignorance compressed in one single post by the moderator of the instance. See https://sociale.network/@gubi/108526157829419354)
  3. 0x68756773.moe: suspended
  4. 101010.pl: limited (reason: fascism, HomoMisia, TransMisia)
  5. 10minutepleroma.com: suspended
  6. 13bells.com: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  7. 1611.social: suspended (reason: hate-associated, anti-lgbtq, hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  8. 1745.info: suspended
  9. 4aem.com: suspended
  10. 5dollah.click: suspended (reason: hate-speech, anti-lgbtq, harassment, hate-associated, racism)
  11. 80percent.social: suspended
  12. 8777.ch: suspended
  13. 9yo.punipoka.pink: suspended (reason: iftas:csam, IFTAS:CSAM)
  14. a.gup.pe: limited (reason: Domain used for DOS attacks.)
  15. a.sc: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  16. absolutelyproprietary.org: suspended
  17. absturztau.be: limited
  18. activism.openworlds.info: suspended
  19. activitypub-proxy.cf: suspended (reason: IFTAS:Service-Abuse)
  20. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended (reason: dos, harassment, spam, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Service-Abuse, Domains used to perform attacks against instance databases. Mastodon and Misskey are affected. Community working on patches.)
  21. adachi.party: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-associated, hate-speech, racism)
  22. addy.gg: limited
  23. adtension.com: suspended
  24. aethy.com: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate, iftas:csam, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:CSAM)
  25. affiliates.social: suspended
  26. agates.io: suspended
  27. agdersam.no: suspended
  28. ai.wiki: suspended
  29. alive.bar: suspended (reason: national socialism)
  30. alpaca.gold: suspended
  31. alteregocreations.com: suspended
  32. alterracloud.com: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-speech)
  33. ancreport.com: suspended
  34. ancreport.xyz: suspended
  35. anemoneya.me: suspended
  36. angrytoday.com: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  37. animalliberation.social: suspended (reason: racism, AntiSemitism, TransMisia)
  38. anime.website: suspended
  39. animesexual.community: suspended
  40. annihilation.social: suspended (reason: hate-speech, harassment, hate-associated)
  41. anon-kenkai.com: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, national socialism, lolicon, racism, HomoMisia)
  42. anthro.cc: suspended
  43. anti-degeneracy.club: suspended (reason: TransMisia)
  44. antivaxxer.icu: suspended
  45. arachnid.town: limited
  46. archivefedifor.fun: suspended
  47. asbestos.cafe: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-associated, anti-lgbtq, hate-speech, racism, underage, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  48. asimon.org: suspended
  49. asphodel.rip: suspended
  50. aspiechattr.me: limited
  51. asteroidm.space: suspended
  52. ating.press: suspended
  53. awakari.app: suspended
  54. awakari.com: suspended
  55. awoo.fyi: limited
  56. awootism.club: suspended
  57. babay.icu: suspended
  58. badly.co: suspended
  59. bae.st: suspended (reason: hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment, fashism, harassment)
  60. bajax.us: suspended
  61. banepo.st: suspended (reason: hate-associated, antivax, harassment, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  62. baraag.net: suspended (reason: underage, hate-associated, inappropriate, iftas:csam, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:CSAM, Sito esplicitamente marcato come RTA, Restricted To Adults. Riscontrati su diversi account contenuti pedofili che su quella piattaforma tollerati sotto forma di fictional images, che vanno dai disegni ai modelli 3D. Ma su sociale.network questo tipo di contenuti non è tollerato.)
  63. bassam.social: suspended
  64. battlepenguin.video: suspended
  65. bbs.keinpfusch.net: suspended (reason: Istanza monoutente che ha bloccato tutti i messaggi da sociale.network ma bersaglia noi con messaggi a sostegno dell'esportazione di armi italiane. Cfr. https://sociale.network/@gubi/105910040871451645)
  66. beefyboys.club: suspended (reason: national socialism)
  67. beefyboys.win: suspended (reason: hate-speech, hate-associated, iftas:hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Hate-Speech, national socialism)
  68. beepboop.ga: suspended
  69. berserker.town: limited (reason: hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, fascism, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  70. bestgore.fun: suspended (reason: gore, making fun of executions)
  71. beta.birdsite.live: limited
  72. beta.mstdn.cf: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  73. bgzashtita.es: limited
  74. bibly.com: suspended
  75. biendeo.com: suspended
  76. bigguys.club: suspended
  77. bikeshed.party: suspended
  78. bird.makeup: suspended (reason: twitter, bots, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  79. birds.garden: suspended
  80. bitcoinhackers.org: limited
  81. bitcoinlizard.net: suspended
  82. bitcointv.com: suspended
  83. bittube.video: suspended
  84. blackoutstout.space: suspended
  85. blacksun.social: suspended
  86. blazingopen.space: suspended
  87. blob.cat: suspended (reason: harassment, porn, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  88. blockedur.mom: suspended
  89. boks.moe: suspended
  90. boseburo.ddns.net: suspended (reason: Istanza monoutente che ha bloccato tutti i messaggi da sociale.network ma bersaglia noi con messaggi a sostegno dell'esportazione di armi italiane. Cfr. https://sociale.network/@gubi/105910040871451645)
  91. botsin.space: limited (reason: Content flooding)
  92. boymoder.biz: suspended
  93. boyter.org: limited
  94. bozgor.org: suspended
  95. brainsoap.net: suspended
  96. brapbarn.farm: suspended
  97. breastmilk.club: suspended (reason: racism, anti-lgbtq, harassment, hate-associated, hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  98. brid.gy: suspended
  99. brighteon.social: suspended (reason: conspiracy, iftas:disinformation, US far-right misinformation/conspiracy site, fascism, conspiracism)
  100. brotka.st: suspended
  101. bruh.social: suspended
  102. btrfly.social: suspended
  103. bubbletea.dev: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  104. bungle.online: suspended (reason: hate-associated, racism, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  105. burger.rodeo: suspended
  106. busshi.moe: suspended
  107. bussy.monster: suspended
  108. bylines.social: limited
  109. byoblu.com: suspended (reason: The Mastodon instance social.byoblu.com moves around the video-blog Byoblu, also called «citizens’ think-thank», led by Claudio Messora. Byoblu platforms and amplifies sexist, trans/homo/queerphobic, racist, anti-semitic, islamophobic contents. These contents are conveyed under the cover of "independent information", and clothed of presentability, credibility, post-ideology, neutrality, impartiality. Messora uses to depict himself as if he were of any service to the cause of freedom of information. [0] Byoblu nurtures nationalist and populist rethoric in a anti-UE/anti-glob way, diverting just stances towards fake solutions. For the sake of completeness, Byoblu is also known to platform highly spreadable and profitable contents like fake news, conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, which are instrumental to convey far-right and post-ideological policies. In addition to Mastodon, Byoblu has satellite accounts on Youtube, Telegram, Facebook, and others. We estimate EUR ~5.000 revenue via Youtube plus EUR tenths of tousands via donations and other sources. [1] Currently, social.byoblu.com is the instance with the highest number of accounts among Italian-speaking instances in the fediverse. Judging to its contents, it candidates to the far-right breeding ground in the fediverse. [0] Freedom of information in Italy has been at stake compared to similar regions. [1] ~EUR 40.000 in the month of April 2020 only by donations.)
  110. c.im: suspended (reason: Racism, racism)
  111. cachapa.moe: suspended
  112. cachapa.xyz: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism)
  113. cafkafk.com: suspended
  114. calobar.club: suspended
  115. campduffel.social: suspended
  116. cannibal.cafe: suspended (reason: inappropriate, underage)
  117. carnivore.social: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  118. catgirl.life: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  119. catposter.club: suspended
  120. cawfee.club: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, racism)
  121. cdrom.tokyo: suspended
  122. celebrity.social: suspended
  123. chamba.social: suspended
  124. childlove.space: suspended
  125. childlove.su: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate)
  126. childpawn.shop: suspended
  127. chudbuds.lol: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, gore, racism, HomoPhobia, TransPhobia, AntiSemitism)
  128. chudbuds.org: suspended
  129. chungus.cc: suspended
  130. civiq.social: suspended
  131. ckpg.space: suspended
  132. clew.lol: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism, hate-associated)
  133. cliterati.club: suspended
  134. clubcyberia.co: suspended (reason: hate-speech, harassment, racism, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, HomoMisia)
  135. clube.social: suspended
  136. cobblestone.rocks: suspended
  137. collapsitarian.io: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-associated, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  138. comfyboy.club: suspended
  139. comfysnug.space: limited
  140. contrapointsfan.club: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  141. coolsite.win: suspended
  142. coom.club: suspended
  143. cottoncandy.cafe: suspended
  144. crlf.ninja: suspended
  145. crucible.world: suspended
  146. cryptodon.lol: suspended (reason: crypto)
  147. cryptotalks.social: limited
  148. cryptotooter.com: limited
  149. csdisaster.club: suspended
  150. cum.camp: suspended (reason: harassment, inappropriate, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment)
  151. cum.salon: suspended (reason: hate-speech, porn, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment;explicit-content, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment;Explicit-Content, HomoMisia, racism, suicide-proposal)
  152. cunny.gay: suspended
  153. cunnyborea.space: suspended (reason: racism, antisemitism, hate-speech, inappropriate, underage)
  154. cunnyborea.top: suspended (reason: hate-speech, inappropriate, racism, spam, underage)
  155. cutefunny.net: suspended (reason: spam, hate-speech, inappropriate, racism, underage)
  156. cybercriminal.eu: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-associated, spam, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  157. cybercrusade.xyz: suspended
  158. cyberretards.xyz: suspended
  159. cyberstorm.one: suspended (reason: hate-speech, nazism, alt-right, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  160. d-fens.systems: suspended
  161. danksquad.org: suspended
  162. danksquad.xyz: suspended
  163. dark-alexandr.net: suspended
  164. darknight-coffee.org: suspended (reason: TransMisia)
  165. darlow.co.uk: suspended
  166. daspr.io: suspended
  167. decayable.ink: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-speech, racism, hate-associated)
  168. decept.org: suspended
  169. declin.eu: suspended
  170. definitely-not-archivefedifor.fun: suspended
  171. dembased.xyz: suspended
  172. desupost.soy: suspended
  173. detroitriotcity.com: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, harassment, hate-speech, racism, iftas:hate-speech;brigading;online-harassment, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Brigading;Online-Harassment, This instance declares in its policy that "Detroit Riot City is an explicit free-speech instance established for, and maintained by, free-speech absolutists. That means profane language, racial pejoratives, NSFW images & videos, insensitivity and contempt toward differences in sexual orientation and gender identification, and so-called “cyberbullying” are all commonplace on this instance and the onus is on the individual user to know in advance what they are signing up for". See https://sociale.network/@gubi/109602657806693014 On sociale.network we are committed against racism, cyberbullying, omophobia and transphobia, so this community will not be allowed to interact with our community until they will change their policy supporting abusive content.)
  174. dev-wiki.de: suspended
  175. diamondelizaa.com: limited
  176. dickkickextremist.xyz: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  177. dingdash.com: suspended
  178. dirtyhobby.xyz: limited
  179. disqordia.space: limited
  180. dissident.business: suspended
  181. dixies.land: suspended
  182. djsumdog.com: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  183. dline.xyz: limited
  184. dmgd.monster: suspended
  185. dobbs.town: suspended
  186. doctors4covidethics.org: suspended
  187. dogsex.org: suspended
  188. dotnet00.dev: suspended
  189. dragonpsi.xyz: suspended
  190. drow.be: suspended
  191. dtzbts.xyz: suspended
  192. duckdns.org: suspended
  193. durst.world: suspended
  194. eatthebugs.social: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, antisemitism, harassment)
  195. ebin.club: suspended
  196. echelon.pl: suspended
  197. eeeeeeeee.eu: suspended
  198. eientei.org: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism, iftas:hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Hate-Speech, AntiSemitism, conspiracism)
  199. eightpoint.app: limited
  200. eldritch.cafe: limited
  201. elekk.xyz: limited
  202. elementality.org: suspended
  203. elonsucks.org: limited
  204. endtimebelievers.com: suspended
  205. enes.lv: suspended
  206. enjoyer.network: suspended
  207. epenguin.com: suspended
  208. epsilon.social: suspended
  209. equel.social: limited
  210. eskimo.com: suspended
  211. esmailelbob.xyz: suspended
  212. etiketi.de: suspended (reason: conspiracism)
  213. eveningzoo.club: suspended (reason: hate-speech, alt-right, antisemitism, conspiracy, fascism, racism, iftas:hate-speech;disinformation, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Disinformation, Homophobia, hate speech)
  214. exploding-heads.com: suspended
  215. explosion.party: limited
  216. expression.social: suspended
  217. ey.business: suspended
  218. fapsi.be: suspended
  219. fbxl.net: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, admin wish)
  220. federate.social: suspended
  221. federated.fun: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  222. fedi.app: suspended
  223. fedi.site: suspended
  224. fediverse-lite.com: suspended
  225. fedposters.club: suspended
  226. femboys.love: suspended
  227. feministwiki.org: suspended
  228. feral.cafe: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  229. fightthis.net: suspended (reason: hate-associated)
  230. firedragonstudios.com: suspended
  231. firefaithfellowship.com: suspended
  232. firefish.social: limited
  233. fluf.club: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, ableism, TransMisia)
  234. fluffytail.org: suspended
  235. foxarmy.org: suspended
  236. foxfam.club: suspended
  237. foxgirl.lol: suspended
  238. fr13nd5.com: limited
  239. freak.university: suspended (reason: inappropriate, underage, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, pedophilia)
  240. freeatlantis.com: suspended (reason: hate-speech, conspiracy, misinformation, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, Trumpism, Ultra-MAGA)
  241. freecumextremist.com: suspended (reason: iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment;explicit-content, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment;Explicit-Content, rape)
  242. freedomstrike.net: suspended
  243. freedomstrike.org: suspended
  244. freefedifollowers.ga: suspended
  245. freesoftwareextremist.com: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-associated, hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  246. freespeech.club: suspended
  247. freespeech.group: suspended (reason: Freeze peach, harassment)
  248. freespeech.host: suspended
  249. freespeechextremist.com: suspended (reason: hate-speech, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment;disinformation, Freeze peach, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment;Disinformation, racism, HomoMisia, harassment)
  250. freetalklive.com: suspended (reason: ancap, libertarianism)
  251. freethinkers.lgbt: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, harassment)
  252. freewahaextremist.wtf: suspended
  253. freezepeach.online: suspended
  254. freezepeach.xyz: limited (reason: Freeze peach)
  255. frennet.xyz: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  256. froth.zone: limited (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, bots, hate-associated, hate-speech, harassment, racism)
  257. fsebugoutzone.org: suspended
  258. fulltermprivacy.com: suspended
  259. furcel.club: limited
  260. fuwa.pink: suspended
  261. gab.ai: suspended (reason: Gab)
  262. gab.best: suspended
  263. gab.com: suspended
  264. gab.io: suspended
  265. gab.polaris-1.work: suspended
  266. gab.protohype.net: suspended
  267. gab.sleeck.eu: suspended
  268. gabe.rocks: suspended
  269. gabfed.com: suspended
  270. gabhub.protohype.net: suspended
  271. gameliberty.club: suspended (reason: bots, hate-speech, racism, iftas:csam;explicit-content, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, They forbid child porn images only if the images are "realistic", whatever that means. In their public timeline, if you look for the right hashtag, you can confirm that they have tons of "non realistic" child porn images, which are not tolerated in our instance and will be kept away from our community. See https://gameliberty.club/@admin/107161754355203465)
  272. gamers.exposed: suspended
  273. gangstalking.services: suspended
  274. gasthe.lgbt: suspended
  275. gearlandia.haus: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, racism, alt-right, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  276. gelasonator.com: suspended (reason: Su sociale.network grazie al software libero posso creare un ambiente di comunicazione sicuro per i minori, senza sentirci obbligati a far parlare tutti di tutto. Poi se qualche filosofo dell'emancipazione vuole discutere sul presunto diritto dei minori di gestire la loro vita sessuale con libero arbitrio anche prima dei 14 anni e senza dover rispondere a nessuno, può andare su Twitter, Facebook. Nel fediverso può andare su youjo.love, gelasonator.com o nnia.space, che abbiamo appena bloccato per tutti gli utenti di sociale.network)
  277. genderheretics.xyz: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, TransMisia, making fun of suicide)
  278. gensokyo.club: suspended
  279. gentoo.live: limited
  280. geofront.rocks: suspended (reason: racism, hate-speech, nazism, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, harassment, Queermisia, QueerMisia)
  281. gh0st.live: suspended
  282. ghetti.monster: suspended (reason: antisemitism, hate-speech, inappropriate, racism, underage)
  283. gigaohm.bio: suspended
  284. gitmo.life: suspended
  285. gizode.com: suspended
  286. gladtech.social: suspended
  287. gleasonator.com: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, racism, AntiSemitism, TransMisia)
  288. glee.li: suspended (reason: harassment, racism, hate-speech)
  289. glindr.org: suspended
  290. glowers.club: suspended
  291. glownow.club: suspended
  292. gnuhacker.org: suspended
  293. godspeed.moe: suspended
  294. goreslut.xyz: suspended
  295. gorf.pub: suspended (reason: TransMisia, HomoMisia, AntiSemitism)
  296. gorf.space: suspended
  297. goyim.app: suspended
  298. goyim.social: suspended
  299. goyslop.cafe: suspended
  300. gravure.club: suspended
  301. greenish.red: suspended
  302. guizzyordi.info: suspended
  303. h5q.net: limited (reason: underage, inappropriate, porn, iftas:csam, IFTAS:CSAM, DNI)
  304. haeder.net: suspended
  305. hagra.net: suspended
  306. hallsofamenti.io: suspended
  307. handholding.io: suspended (reason: TransMisia, racism)
  308. handicapped.tk: suspended
  309. harpy.faith: suspended
  310. headpat.cafe: suspended
  311. hedgehoghunter.club: suspended
  312. helladoge.com: limited (reason: cryptoscam, spam)
  313. hellthread.church: suspended
  314. hendrixgames.com: suspended
  315. hentai.baby: suspended (reason: inappropriate, underage, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, lolicon)
  316. heonian.org: limited
  317. hermit.cafe: suspended
  318. hermitmountain.top: suspended
  319. hidamari.apartments: suspended (reason: nazism, alt-right, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  320. himk.am: suspended
  321. hirad.it: suspended
  322. hitchhiker.social: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, racism, harassment)
  323. homd.xyz: suspended
  324. honkwerx.tech: suspended (reason: gore, TransMisia)
  325. horny.house: suspended
  326. hornyjail.pro: suspended
  327. hunk.city: suspended (reason: The entire instance is a source of spam. See From https://social.naln1.ca/notice/AKkSvURt7rDeXDP9Um)
  328. husk.site: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-speech, racism, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  329. iamterminally.online: suspended
  330. icod.de: suspended
  331. iddqd.social: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-associated, nazism, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, TransMisia, racism, AntiSemitism, conspiracism)
  332. idolheaven.org: suspended
  333. ignorelist.com: suspended (reason: dos, spam, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  334. illegitimate.technology: suspended
  335. imirhil.fr: suspended
  336. immibis.com: suspended
  337. imouto.exposed: suspended (reason: iftas:csam)
  338. imouto.pics: suspended (reason: IFTAS:CSAM, underage, inappropriate)
  339. impeccable.social: suspended
  340. inferencium.net: suspended
  341. intkos.link: suspended (reason: hate-speech, alt-right, antisemitism, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  342. inumbra.xyz: suspended
  343. ironbug.org: suspended
  344. jir.moe: suspended
  345. journa.host: limited
  346. jpop.club: suspended
  347. justbros.xyz: suspended
  348. justicewarrior.social: suspended
  349. jvpiter.net: suspended
  350. kabuki.club: limited
  351. kawa-kun.com: suspended (reason: hate-associated)
  352. kawen.space: limited
  353. kcl.academy: suspended (reason: (covid/ukraine) conspiracy theories)
  354. keinpfusch.net: suspended
  355. kelarima.com: suspended
  356. kenfm.de: suspended (reason: racism, conspiracism, covid denial)
  357. kenhbit.com: suspended
  358. khajiit.tech: suspended
  359. kibitz.cloud: limited
  360. kitsui.life: suspended (reason: iftas:spam)
  361. kitsunemimi.club: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, harassment, TransMisia)
  362. kiwifarms.cc: suspended (reason: harassment, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, racism, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment)
  363. kiwifarms.is: suspended (reason: iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment)
  364. kiwifarms.net: suspended (reason: harassment, HomoMisia, TransMisia, racism)
  365. kompost.cz: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, nazism, racism, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  366. kotobank.ch: suspended
  367. krackhou.se: suspended
  368. kurosawa.moe: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, racism, harassment, underage, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  369. kyaruc.moe: suspended
  370. kyou.social: limited
  371. kys.moe: suspended
  372. lain.com: suspended (reason: HomoMisia, ableism)
  373. lain.gay: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  374. lain.la: suspended (reason: hate-associated)
  375. lain.sh: suspended
  376. lainchan.gay: suspended
  377. laviadililith.eu: suspended (reason: Per noi questa è una istanza di mastodon che diffonde principalmente contenuti sessisti. Poi voi siete liberi di andare a farvi un account o di seguire questa istanza da altri nodi del fediverso, ma noi pensiamo che vada in direzione contraria alle finalità di promozione umana e alla scelta di campo antisessista della nostra istanza.)
  378. laviadililith.social: suspended (reason: Nuovo dominio per aggirare i blocchi di sito già bloccato nella sua versione .info per contenuti sessisti nascosti dietro presunti riti di liberazione sessuale, che però chissà come mai "liberano" soltanto donne.)
  379. lawsocial.org: suspended (reason: iftas:spam)
  380. leadslinger.org: suspended
  381. leafposter.club: suspended (reason: hate-speech, hate-associated, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, TransMisia)
  382. leftlibertarian.club: limited
  383. leftychan.net: suspended
  384. letsalllovela.in: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  385. lewdieheaven.com: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate)
  386. lgbtfree.zone: suspended
  387. liberal.city: suspended
  388. liberdon.com: limited (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, ancap, libertarianism)
  389. libertynode.net: suspended
  390. libre.tube: suspended
  391. librem.one: limited
  392. librenet.co.za: suspended
  393. librosphere.fr: suspended
  394. libtar.de: suspended
  395. ligma.pro: suspended (reason: alt-right, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, harassment, TransMisia, ableism)
  396. linuxrocks.online: limited
  397. lizards.live: limited (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  398. logografos.com: suspended
  399. loli.best: suspended
  400. loli.church: suspended
  401. loli.estate: suspended
  402. lolicon.rocks: suspended (reason: underage, hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, racism, national socialism, AntiSemitism, conspiracism, lolicon, TransMisia)
  403. lolicon.win: suspended
  404. lolison.network: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, lolicon, child porn)
  405. lolison.top: suspended (reason: inappropriate, underage, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, lolicon, child porn)
  406. lolitube.moe: suspended
  407. longyap.name.my: suspended
  408. loveforlandlords.com: suspended
  409. lovingexpressions.net: suspended (reason: hate-speech, hate-associated, nazism, racism, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, national socialism)
  410. lucasvl.nl: suspended
  411. lulz.win: suspended
  412. m.corduba.tech: suspended (reason: iftas:spam)
  413. magicfedi.su: suspended
  414. magicka.org: suspended
  415. mahodou.moe: suspended
  416. majestic12.airforce: suspended
  417. makemysarcophagus.com: suspended
  418. maladaptive.art: suspended
  419. mapsupport.de: suspended (reason: underage, harassment, inappropriate, Pedop****a, pedophilia)
  420. marsey.club: suspended
  421. marsey.moe: suspended
  422. masochi.st: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, harassment, racism, TransMisia)
  423. mastertibbles.co.uk: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  424. masthead.social: limited (reason: lack of moderation, conspiracism, TransMisia)
  425. mastinator.com: suspended (reason: bots, harassment, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  426. mastindia.co: suspended
  427. mastodon.cf: suspended (reason: Pedop****a, pedophilia)
  428. mastodon.cloud: limited
  429. mastodon.la: suspended
  430. mastodon.ml: suspended
  431. mastodon.online: limited (reason: Poorly moderated server.)
  432. mastodon.se: limited
  433. mastodon.top: limited
  434. mastodon.world: limited
  435. mastodong.lol: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, Domains used to perform attacks against instance databases. Mastodon and Misskey are affected. Community working on patches.)
  436. meatbag.app: suspended
  437. mediastodon.com: limited
  438. meld.de: suspended
  439. meme.moe: suspended
  440. mercurial.blog: suspended
  441. merovingian.club: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  442. midnightride.rs: suspended
  443. midwaytrades.com: suspended (reason: hate-associated, alt-right, anti-lgbtq)
  444. miku-enthusiast.club: suspended
  445. milker.cafe: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, lolicon)
  446. milkers.online: suspended
  447. minds.com: suspended
  448. minidisc.tokyo: suspended
  449. miniwa.moe: suspended
  450. mirr0r.city: suspended (reason: hate-associated, inappropriate, underage, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  451. miruku.cafe: suspended
  452. misono-ya.info: suspended
  453. misskey-forkbomb.cf: suspended (reason: dos, spam, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Service-Abuse, Domains used to perform attacks against instance databases. Mastodon and Misskey are affected. Community working on patches.)
  454. misskey.io: limited
  455. mitra.social: suspended
  456. moa.st: suspended
  457. mooo.com: suspended
  458. morale.ch: suspended
  459. mostr.pub: suspended
  460. motoreitaliacarlonegri.it: suspended (reason: su sociale.network non potrete più seguire gli utenti di video.motoreitaliacarlonegri.it perchè questa piattaforma è un megafono individuale che diffonde senza filtri, controllo e verifiche contenuti complottisti e antiscientifici, rappresentando un rischio per la salute pubblica e una sorgente di inquinamento comunicativo per questa comunità dove la disinformazione, le teorie di complotto e la pseudoscienza non sono benvenute. Buona comunicazione a tutti!)
  461. mouse.services: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-associated)
  462. mrhands.horse: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  463. mstdn.io: limited
  464. mstdn.jp: limited (reason: national socalism)
  465. mu.zaitcev.nu: suspended
  466. mugicha.club: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, national socialism)
  467. mulmeyun.church: suspended
  468. murky.club: suspended
  469. mxin.moe: suspended
  470. nalocal519.social: suspended
  471. name.my: suspended
  472. narrativerry.xyz: suspended (reason: HomoMisia, glorifying killings)
  473. natehiggers.online: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism, fascism, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  474. nationalist.social: suspended (reason: hate-speech, nazism, racism, alt-right)
  475. nationaljustice.social: suspended
  476. nazi.social: suspended
  477. neckbeard.xyz: suspended
  478. needs.vodka: suspended
  479. neenster.org: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  480. neet.church: suspended
  481. nekocave.xyz: suspended
  482. neomobius.com: suspended (reason: iftas:csam, IFTAS:CSAM, DNI)
  483. netz.org: suspended
  484. netzsphaere.xyz: suspended
  485. newsie.social: limited
  486. ngrok.io: suspended
  487. nicecrew.digital: suspended (reason: hate-speech, anti-lgbtq, racism, iftas:hate-speech;brigading;online-harassment, Shitty people, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Brigading;Online-Harassment, Admins actively promoting hate speech. See https://sociale.network/@gubi/110178825631476007)
  488. nightshift.social: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  489. niscii.xyz: limited
  490. nixnet.social: suspended
  491. nnia.cc: suspended
  492. nnia.space: suspended (reason: alt-right, underage, Pedop***a, Su sociale.network grazie al software libero posso creare un ambiente di comunicazione sicuro per i minori, senza sentirci obbligati a far parlare tutti di tutto. Poi se qualche filosofo dell'emancipazione vuole discutere sul presunto diritto dei minori di gestire la loro vita sessuale con libero arbitrio anche prima dei 14 anni e senza dover rispondere a nessuno, può andare su Twitter, Facebook. Nel fediverso può andare su youjo.love, gelasonator.com o nnia.space, che abbiamo appena bloccato per tutti gli utenti di sociale.network)
  493. noagendasocial.com: suspended (reason: hate-speech, alt-right, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, AntiSemitism, racism)
  494. noagendasocial.nl: suspended
  495. noagendatube.com: suspended
  496. noauthority.social: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-speech, racism, anti-lgbtq, conspiracy, harassment)
  497. nobl.ink: suspended
  498. nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended (reason: hate-speech, anti-lgbtq, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, Extreme right)
  499. noc.social: limited
  500. normie.cafe: suspended
  501. norwoodzero.net: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, racism, anti-lgbtq, nazism)
  502. novoa.nagoya: suspended
  503. nuked.social: suspended
  504. nukem.biz: suspended
  505. nya.gay: suspended
  506. nyanide.com: suspended (reason: harassment, anti-lgbtq, hate-speech, nazism, racism, hate-associated)
  507. obo.sh: suspended (reason: underage, alt-right, inappropriate, iftas:csam, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:CSAM)
  508. occultist.space: suspended
  509. oddballs.online: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate, DNI)
  510. onionfarms.org: suspended
  511. ortodogs.info: suspended
  512. otakufarms.com: suspended
  513. oti.st: suspended
  514. outerheaven.club: limited
  515. outerkosm.us: limited
  516. outpoa.st: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-speech, racism, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  517. outrnat.nl: suspended
  518. paradigm-x.tokyo: suspended
  519. paravielfalt.zone: suspended
  520. parcero.bond: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism)
  521. pawlicker.com: suspended
  522. pawoo.net: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate, iftas:csam, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:CSAM, national socialism)
  523. paws.moe: suspended
  524. paypig.org: suspended
  525. pech.tech: suspended
  526. pedo.school: suspended (reason: underage, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, Described as a community with a "focus on atypical activities and sexual fantasies involving children" https://thepublicinsight.org/paper/a-glimpse-into-the-world-of-pedophilia-support-groups-in-cyberspace/)
  527. peertube.it: suspended (reason: Su sociale.network non si possono più seguire gli utenti di peertube.it perchè questa piattaforma diffonde senza filtri, controllo e verifiche materiale complottista, antivaccinista e antiscientifico, rappresentando un rischio per la salute pubblica e una sorgente di inquinamento comunicativo per questa comunità dove la disinformazione, le teorie di complotto e la pseudoscienza non sono benvenute. Buona comunicazione a tutti!)
  528. peervideo.club: suspended
  529. peister.org: suspended
  530. pengi-san.moe: suspended
  531. petrolkorps.cc: suspended
  532. pettanko.art: suspended
  533. phreedom.club: suspended
  534. phreedom.tk: suspended
  535. piazza.today: suspended
  536. pibvt.net: suspended (reason: underage, inappropriate, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  537. pieville.net: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-speech, nazism, iftas:hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, anti semitism, national socialism, racism, ableism, HomoMisia)
  538. pirateradio.social: suspended
  539. pisskey.io: suspended (reason: hate-speech, hate-associated, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  540. pizzaf.art: suspended
  541. pkteerium.xyz: suspended (reason: alt-right, conspiracy, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  542. pl.skyn3t.in: suspended
  543. plagu.ee: suspended
  544. platypush.tech: suspended
  545. plus.st: suspended
  546. pmth.us: suspended (reason: TransMisia)
  547. poa.st: suspended (reason: nazism, alt-right, hate-speech, racism, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment, Shitty people, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment, In a matter of hours, I experienced the overwhelming intensity of hate speech full of racism, homophobia, nazifascism and antisemitism coming from poa.st, also from admins like @graf@poa.st. Defederating this kindergarten tolerating sociopathic behaviour on a systematic basis was the only logical thing to do.)
  548. poast.org: suspended (reason: iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment)
  549. poast.tv: suspended (reason: iftas:tvec, IFTAS:TVEC)
  550. podcastindex.social: suspended
  551. polaris-1.work: suspended
  552. pone.social: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, racism, underage)
  553. pooper.social: suspended
  554. poridge.club: suspended
  555. porntoot.com: limited
  556. posix.gay: limited
  557. poster.place: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-speech, racism, alt-right, hate-associated, nazism, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment, queermisia)
  558. posting.lolicon.rocks: suspended
  559. pouque.net: suspended
  560. poweredbycocaine.com: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  561. press.coop: limited
  562. preteengirls.biz: suspended
  563. privex.social: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, fashism, harassment)
  564. probablyfreespeech.com: suspended
  565. projectftm.com: suspended
  566. prospeech.space: suspended
  567. pseudo-whiskey.bar: suspended
  568. psion.co: suspended
  569. pso.li: suspended
  570. pube.tk: suspended (reason: HomoMisia)
  571. puls.social: suspended (reason: iftas:spam)
  572. qoto.org: limited
  573. quanta.wiki: suspended (reason: hate-associated, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, qanon conspiracism, trumpism)
  574. quey.la: suspended
  575. quietplace.xyz: limited
  576. quodverum.com: suspended
  577. r18.social: suspended
  578. raccoon.quest: suspended
  579. rage.lol: suspended
  580. rageparty.club: suspended
  581. rakket.app: suspended
  582. rape.pet: suspended (reason: inappropriate, underage)
  583. rapefeminists.network: suspended
  584. rapemeat.express: suspended
  585. rapemeat.solutions: suspended (reason: hate-speech, inappropriate, underage, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, Rape, pedophilia, lolicon)
  586. raspberrypi.social: limited
  587. ravergram.club: suspended
  588. rayci.st: suspended
  589. rcsocial.net: limited (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  590. rdrama.cc: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, harassment, hate-speech, racism, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment)
  591. rebased.io: suspended
  592. rebased.network: suspended
  593. rebased.social: suspended
  594. rebelbase.site: suspended
  595. redpill-insight.com: suspended
  596. redplanetlabs.com: suspended
  597. refusal.biz: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-speech, inappropriate, underage, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  598. refusal.llc: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  599. refuse2.work: suspended
  600. reisen.church: suspended
  601. remnant.social: suspended
  602. repl.co: suspended (reason: dos, spam, iftas:service-abuse;spam, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Service-Abuse;Spam, Domains used to perform attacks against instance databases. Mastodon and Misskey are affected. Community working on patches.)
  603. republic.red: suspended (reason: alt-right, fascism, anti-lgbtq, conspiracy, hate-speech)
  604. respublicae.eu: limited
  605. retardedniggers.forsale: suspended
  606. rigcz.club: suspended
  607. rodent.life: suspended
  608. rojogato.com: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, Racism, TransMisia, ableism)
  609. rot.gives: suspended (reason: underage, hate-speech, inappropriate, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  610. royalhellcustoms.com: suspended
  611. roysbeer.place: suspended
  612. rqd2.net: suspended
  613. ruinouspowe.rs: suspended
  614. ryona.agency: suspended (reason: hate-speech, anti-lgbtq, iftas:troll;online-harassment, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Troll;Online-Harassment, racism, anti semitism, misogyny, TransMisia,)
  615. sad.cab: suspended
  616. salastil.com: suspended
  617. satoshishop.de: suspended
  618. saynoto.lgbt: suspended
  619. scamdemic.party: suspended
  620. scarlet.house: suspended
  621. schizo.me: suspended (reason: un server che chiama "regime" chi mette filtri al discorso fascista e poi annuncia che a casa sua "non c'è moderazione ma c'è selezione all'ingresso" e il duce della piattaforma si riserva di decidere chi può entrare o no. Lui vuole comandare a casa sua e se a casa d'altri comandino altri lo chiama "regime".)
  622. schwartzwelt.xyz: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  623. scots.network: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  624. seal.cafe: suspended (reason: racism, anti-lgbtq, harassment, alt-right, antisemitism, hate-associated, hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, TransMisia)
  625. sealion.club: suspended
  626. seda.social: suspended (reason: iftas:spam)
  627. seikora.one: limited
  628. seo.chat: limited
  629. servernerds.net: limited
  630. shadowsocial.org: suspended
  631. sharivegas.com: suspended
  632. shaw.app: suspended
  633. sheep.network: suspended
  634. shigusegubu.club: suspended
  635. shitpost.cloud: suspended (reason: alt-right, harassment, hate-speech, racism, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment, Admin using threatening language and hate speech)
  636. shitpost.racing: suspended
  637. shitposter.club: limited (reason: alt-right, harassment, iftas:hate-speech;explicit-content, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Explicit-Content, racism)
  638. shitposter.world: suspended (reason: alt-right, harassment)
  639. shitposting.army: suspended
  640. shortstackran.ch: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, TransMisia, racism, ableism, harassment)
  641. shortstacksran.ch: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism, antisemitism, hate-associated)
  642. shota.house: suspended (reason: alt-right, underage, inappropriate, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, national socialism, pedophilia, ableism, QueerMisia)
  643. shota.social: suspended
  644. shotatube.xyz: suspended
  645. shpposter.club: suspended
  646. shrimpcam.pw: suspended
  647. shrimpposter.club: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, harassment)
  648. shrine.moe: suspended
  649. silliness.observer: suspended
  650. singing.dog: suspended
  651. skinheads.eu: suspended
  652. skinheads.io: suspended
  653. skinheads.social: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, nazism)
  654. skinheads.uk: suspended
  655. skinnyver.se: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  656. skippers-bin.com: suspended (reason: inappropriate, underage, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  657. skyshanty.xyz: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, HomoMisia)
  658. slash.cl: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, national socialism)
  659. sleepy.cafe: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, rape, TransMisia, HomoMisia)
  660. smittenkittens.xyz: suspended
  661. smuglo.li: suspended
  662. sneak.berlin: suspended
  663. sneed.social: suspended (reason: racism, antisemitism, fascism, hate-speech, anti-lgbtq, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, HomoMisia, TransMisia)
  664. sneed.vip: suspended
  665. snowdin.town: limited
  666. soc.ua-fediland.de: limited (reason: Botting, Ultranazionalismo, militarismo, omofobia, bot nazistoidi lasciati liberi di scorrazzare. CFR https://sociale.network/@gubi/109732217255688167)
  667. social.bbc: limited
  668. socialgoblins.club: suspended
  669. solagg.com: suspended
  670. someotherguy.xyz: suspended
  671. somewhy.net: suspended
  672. sonichu.com: suspended (reason: harassment, racism)
  673. soykaf.com: suspended (reason: HomoMisia)
  674. spearman.xyz: suspended
  675. sperg.city: suspended
  676. spinster.xyz: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, TransMisia, TERFism)
  677. spook.social: suspended
  678. springbo.cc: suspended (reason: alt-right, anti-lgbtq, racism, harassment, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, TransMisia)
  679. squid.kids: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  680. starnix.network: suspended
  681. startrekshitposting.com: suspended (reason: iftas:spam)
  682. staycuriousandkeepsmil.in: suspended
  683. stereophonic.space: suspended (reason: hate-associated, alt-right, harassment, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  684. stormcloak.info: suspended
  685. strelizia.net: suspended (reason: hate-speech, underage, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, national socialism)
  686. subs4social.xyz: suspended
  687. supernets.social: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism, alt-right)
  688. susmaninsurance.com: limited
  689. suya.place: suspended
  690. synergetic-design.com: limited
  691. syspxl.xyz: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  692. taihou.website: suspended
  693. takesama.com: suspended
  694. talk-here.com: suspended
  695. tastingtraffic.net: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, spam, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, QueerMisia)
  696. taullo.social: suspended
  697. teci.world: suspended (reason: hate-associated, alt-right, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, qanon conspiracism, trumpism)
  698. terrible.place: suspended
  699. the9thcircle.club: suspended
  700. theapex.social: suspended
  701. thebag.social: limited
  702. theblab.org: suspended (reason: hate-speech, racism)
  703. thechad.zone: suspended
  704. thechimp.zone: suspended
  705. thenobody.club: suspended
  706. thepostearthdestination.com: suspended
  707. theres.life: suspended
  708. thisisjoes.site: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  709. tiuxo.com: suspended
  710. tkammer.de: suspended (reason: Transmisia)
  711. tnd.lol: suspended
  712. toad.social: limited
  713. toot.pt: suspended
  714. tooters.fun: suspended
  715. touha.me: suspended
  716. translunar.academy: suspended
  717. troll.cafe: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  718. trumpislovetrumpis.life: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist, facism, racism)
  719. truthsocial.co.in: suspended (reason: alt-right, Fascism, fashism)
  720. truthsocial.com: suspended (reason: Il centro mondiale della propaganda online dei suprematisti bianchi statunitensi.)
  721. truthsocialpro.org: suspended
  722. tummy.town: suspended
  723. turturea.online: suspended
  724. twi.social: suspended (reason: iftas:csam, IFTAS:CSAM, DNI)
  725. twitiverse.com: suspended
  726. twitter.activitypub.actor: suspended
  727. twtr.plus: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  728. tyil.nl: suspended
  729. tylerdavis.xyz: suspended
  730. ua-fediland.de: suspended
  731. udongein.xyz: limited
  732. umbrellix.org: suspended
  733. unbound.social: suspended
  734. ungoverned.social: suspended
  735. unperson.us: suspended
  736. unsafe.space: suspended
  737. urchan.org: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  738. urspringer.de: suspended (reason: conspiracism)
  739. usualsuspects.lol: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, harassment, hate-speech)
  740. uwu.social: limited (reason: national socialism)
  741. valkyrie.world: suspended (reason: harassment, Queermisia, ableism, QueerMisia)
  742. vampiremaid.cafe: suspended
  743. varishangout.net: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, hate-speech, inappropriate, racism, iftas:csam;hate-speech;online-harassment, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, IFTAS:CSAM;Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment, Riscontrati su diversi account contenuti pedofili che su quella piattaforma sono tollerati sotto forma di fictional images opportunamente taggate e marcate NSFW, che vanno dai disegni ai modelli 3D. Ma su sociale.network questo tipo di contenuti non è tollerato.)
  744. veenus.art: suspended
  745. vfpmedia.com: suspended
  746. violence.church: suspended
  747. vladtepesblog.com: suspended
  748. vrij.social: limited
  749. vtuberfan.social: suspended
  750. vuju.com: suspended
  751. wagesofsinisdeath.com: suspended
  752. waifuism.life: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  753. wake.st: limited
  754. waskuisland.com: suspended
  755. weeaboo.space: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  756. were.social: suspended
  757. whinge.house: suspended
  758. whinge.town: suspended (reason: hate-associated, anti-lgbtq, racism, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  759. whitesmokebbq.social: suspended
  760. whitewomen.dog: suspended (reason: hate-associated, hate-speech, inappropriate, racism, underage)
  761. wideboys.org: suspended (reason: anti-lgbtq, harassment, hate-associated, racism)
  762. wiki-tube.de: suspended (reason: AntiSemitism, conspiracism, covid denial)
  763. wikileaks2.org: suspended
  764. willtrade.org: suspended
  765. witches.live: limited
  766. wolfgirl.bar: suspended (reason: harassment, hate-speech, antisemitism, racism, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, TransMisia)
  767. workers.dev: suspended
  768. worm.pink: limited (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  769. wreck.rocks: suspended
  770. writehere.is: suspended
  771. wurm.host: suspended
  772. wxw.moe: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  773. xaetacore.net: suspended
  774. xenofem.me: limited
  775. xhais.love: limited
  776. xmrposter.club: suspended
  777. xn--p1abe3d.xn--80asehdb: suspended (reason: Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  778. xscape.top: suspended
  779. yams.lol: suspended
  780. yesmap.net: suspended
  781. yggdrasil.social: suspended (reason: hate-speech, anti-lgbtq, iftas:hate-speech, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, Questa istanza viene bloccata e rimossa dalla porzione di fediverso visibile da sociale.network in quanto tollera il discorso d'odio e ha dei termini di servizio espressamente omofobi, che non si limitano a discriminare CONTENUTI lgbt, ma anche UTENTI lgbt. Cfr https://yggdrasil.social/about -> "No LGBTQ. Period. No homosexuality. No men who think they're women or women who think they're men. No made up genders. That goes for both users and posted content".)
  782. youjo.love: suspended (reason: antisemitism, antivax, inappropriate, underage, Imported from gardenfence blocklist, Su sociale.network grazie al software libero posso creare un ambiente di comunicazione sicuro per i minori, senza sentirci obbligati a far parlare tutti di tutto. Poi se qualche filosofo dell'emancipazione vuole discutere sul presunto diritto dei minori di gestire la loro vita sessuale con libero arbitrio anche prima dei 14 anni e senza dover rispondere a nessuno, può andare su Twitter, Facebook. Nel fediverso può andare su youjo.love, gelasonator.com o nnia.space, che abbiamo appena bloccato per tutti gli utenti di sociale.network)
  783. yukioke.com: suspended
  784. yuriposter.club: suspended
  785. zetamu.club: suspended
  786. zhub.link: limited
  787. zombiecats.run: suspended
  788. zyzzsupremacy.xyz: suspended
  789. zztails.gay: suspended (reason: alt-right, hate-speech, racism, Imported from gardenfence blocklist)
  790. zztails.online: suspended
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
Admin account janitor@devianze.city
Date of creation Dec 29, 2022 UTC
Display name Il custode
Amministratore, editore, e moderatore di https://devianze.city.

Precedentemente noto come "Il bidello".

Qui solo comunicazioni di servizio.

Profilo personale: @gabriele.
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 2692 statuses, 202 logins, 25 registrations)
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Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
10/11/24, 2:19:24 AM UTC10/12/24, 1:37:45 AM UTC10/13/24, 1:54:19 AM UTC10/14/24, 2:58:32 AM UTC10/15/24, 1:10:36 AM UTC10/16/24, 1:03:36 AM UTC10/17/24, 2:23:20 AM UTC10/18/24, 1:26:29 AM UTC
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