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Languages English (en)
Users 1,216
Active users (last month) 234
Active users (last six months) 375
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 35,986
First sight Before Oct 14, 2020 UTC [?]
Last successful check Sep 18, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.0-alpha.3+glitch
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is neither suspended nor limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) Not available
Short description
Unstoppable shitposting engine.
Long description
TLDR: jorts dot horse has a zero-tolerance policy for racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and other forms of discriminatory and bigoted conduct. You must be 18 years of age or older to access jorts dot horse. Please CW any nudity, sexually graphic, or violent imagery. Please don't harass other fediverse users. Sexual harassment is an instaban. We reserve the right to suspend your account at any time.

The Long Version

The following guidelines are not a legal document, and final interpretation is up to the administration of jorts dot horse; they are here to provide you with an insight into our content moderation policies:

  • Access to jorts dot horse is restricted to individuals 18 years of age or older. Any user account suspected of evading this restriction will be suspended.
  • The following types of content have been banned by @happyhorseskull; Per Robert's Rules of Order, you will be bullied for posting this content:

    • Defending Elon Musk

  • The following types of content will be removed from the public timeline:

    • Excessive advertising
    • Uncurated news bots posting from third-party news sources
    • Untagged nudity, pornography and sexually explicit content, including artistic depictions
    • Untagged gore and extremely graphic violence, including artistic depictions

  • The following types of content will be removed from the public timeline, and may result in account suspension and revocation of access to the service:

    • Racism or advocation of racism
    • Sexism or advocation of sexism
    • Discrimination against gender and sexual minorities, or advocation thereof
    • Xenophobic and/or violent nationalism

  • The following types of content are explicitly disallowed and will result in revocation of access to the service:

    • Sexual depictions of children
    • Content illegal in Germany and/or France, such as holocaust denial or Nazi symbolism
    • Conduct promoting the ideology of National Socialism

  • Any conduct intended to stalk or harass other users, or to impede other users from utilizing the service, or to degrade the performance of the service, or to harass other users, or to incite other users to perform any of the aforementioned actions, is also disallowed, and subject to punishment up to and including revocation of access to the service. This includes, but is not limited to, the following behaviors:

    • Continuing to engage in conversation with a user that has specifically has requested for said engagement with that user to cease and desist may be considered harassment, regardless of platform-specific privacy tools employed.
    • Aggregating, posting, and/or disseminating a person's demographic, personal, or private data without express permission (informally called doxing or dropping dox) may be considered harassment.
    • Inciting users to engage another user in continued interaction or discussion after a user has requested for said engagement with that user to cease and desist (informally called brigading or dogpiling) may be considered harassment.

These provisions notwithstanding, the administration of the service reserves the right to revoke any user's access permissions, at any time, for any reason, except as limited by law.
Instance rules
  1. mercilessly bully any jorts user who edits their posts
Moderated instances [?]
  1. 2hu.club: suspended
  2. 7td.org: suspended (reason: weirdo shit)
  3. abr****.su: suspended
  4. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended (reason: some kind of activitypub spam gimmick idk)
  5. albin.social: suspended
  6. bae.st: suspended (reason: nah)
  7. baraag.net: suspended
  8. beehub.org: suspended
  9. besties.com: suspended (reason: for the love of god these spambot attacks)
  10. bitcoinhackers.org: limited (reason: more like buttcoin)
  11. breastmilk.club: suspended (reason: boooo get better material)
  12. brighteon.social: suspended (reason: how about you free speech these nuts)
  13. bugs.social: suspended
  14. chats.camjam.page: suspended (reason: tiny minecraft instance, swarmed by bots)
  15. cloutfla.re: suspended
  16. cmm.fyi: suspended (reason: i'm just so tired of the spam bro)
  17. comunitate.ascorcluj.com: suspended (reason: tiny instance, spambots, etc)
  18. counter.social: limited
  19. cunnyborea.top: suspended (reason: tiny lolicon misskey instance that seems to have been inundated with thousands of spam bots)
  20. cuyes.mooo.com: suspended (reason: spambots again fml)
  21. daytongang.social: suspended (reason: tiny dead instance, botswarm, etc)
  22. decayable.ink: suspended
  23. deepweb.eu: suspended
  24. detroitriotcity.com: suspended (reason: nazi rathole)
  25. dev.brighteon.social: suspended (reason: lol)
  26. develop.gab.com: suspended
  27. devsrv.farhan.codes: suspended (reason: a sandbox instance, overtaken by spambots)
  28. discourse.helenprejean.org: suspended (reason: dead instance overtaken by spambots)
  29. don.neet.co.jp: suspended (reason: spambots etc)
  30. duckfriend.com: suspended
  31. edusocial.it: suspended (reason: spambots again fml)
  32. eightpoint.app: suspended (reason: previous laurelai rathole, but despite her removal, rape apologia and LB defenders persist. deeply misinterpreted "lashon hara" rule being used to defend abusers... just absolutely rancid vibes in general bye felicia)
  33. feminism.lgbt: suspended
  34. freeatlantis.com: suspended (reason: maga chuds)
  35. freespeech.firedragonstudios.com: suspended
  36. freespeechextremist.com: suspended
  37. freezepeach.xyz: suspended
  38. gab.com: suspended
  39. gabfed.com: suspended
  40. gameliberty.club: suspended
  41. gasthe.lgbt: suspended
  42. gleasonator.com: suspended (reason: pass on whatever this is)
  43. glindr.org: suspended (reason: lol glinner)
  44. greenlifeplus.net: suspended
  45. groupsebelah.com: suspended (reason: tiny instance overtaken by spambots)
  46. hackers.town: limited
  47. https:pieville.net: suspended
  48. humblr.social: suspended
  49. i.transmit.love: suspended (reason: spambots again fml)
  50. jpop.club: suspended
  51. kag.social: suspended
  52. kiwifarms.cc: suspended
  53. kiwifarms.is: suspended
  54. kiwifarms.net: suspended
  55. kneegrows.top: suspended
  56. kokuusa.club: suspended (reason: turn. off. open. registrations. please.)
  57. kowai.youkai.town: suspended
  58. lets.saynoto.lgbt: suspended
  59. liberdom.com: limited
  60. liberdon.com: suspended
  61. loli.estate: suspended
  62. m.mxin.moe: suspended (reason: the entire domain appears to be thousands of japanese bots spamming the same 2 or 3 messages hundreds of times...?)
  63. mastinator.com: suspended (reason: wtf is this spooky shit foh)
  64. mastodon-ero.xyz: suspended (reason: spambots again fml)
  65. mastodon.io.seg.br: suspended (reason: bots, open reg, etc)
  66. mastodon.starrevolution.org: suspended
  67. mastodon.svgun.ru: suspended (reason: gonna lose my mind with the spam)
  68. misskey.nl: suspended
  69. mobile.co: suspended
  70. mstdn.in: suspended
  71. mugi***.*lub: suspended (reason: they just let anybody on this app huh)
  72. neckbeard.xyz: suspended
  73. newjack.city: suspended
  74. nicecrew.digital: suspended (reason: chuds)
  75. niederbayern.social: suspended (reason: spambots again fml)
  76. niu.moe: limited
  77. noagendasocial.com: limited
  78. noauthority.social: suspended (reason: nazi shit)
  79. pawoo.net: suspended
  80. pixfed.com: suspended
  81. pl.smuglo.li: suspended
  82. pleroma.kiwifarms.net: suspended
  83. pleroma.nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended (reason: oops! all nazis)
  84. pleroma.runfox.tk: suspended (reason: zzz)
  85. poa.st: suspended (reason: nah)
  86. quey.org: suspended
  87. sapphos.be: suspended
  88. seal.cafe: suspended (reason: terf shit)
  89. sealion.club: suspended
  90. shitasstits.life: suspended
  91. shitpost.cloud: suspended (reason: goodbye dick heads)
  92. shitposter.club: suspended
  93. sinblr.com: limited
  94. so.eddyn.net: suspended (reason: bro hasnt logged in since 2022 and spambots are feasting)
  95. social.cutefunny.net: suspended (reason: another misskey instance slammed by bot spam attacks. will try to remember to undo this block later once they recover? maybe this message will cause me to remember ||| EDIT: NEVERMIND "CUTE FUNNY" IS A REFERENCE TO CUNNY THEY CAN STAY BLOCKED LOL)
  96. social.freetalklive.com: limited (reason: just kinda gross)
  97. social.homunyan.com: suspended
  98. social.quodverum.com: suspended
  99. spacetime.social: suspended
  100. spinster.xyz: suspended
  101. springbo.cc: limited (reason: TERF admin)
  102. the.hedgehoghunter.club: suspended
  103. thechad.zone: limited
  104. toot.world: suspended
  105. wagesofsinisdeath.com: suspended
  106. waterlily.tokyo: suspended (reason: spambots again fml)
  107. weeaboo.space: suspended
  108. wolfgirl.bar: suspended (reason: take it back to 8chan loser)
  109. youkai.town: suspended
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. 0lb.be: suspension
  2. allrandom.org: suspension
  3. artisan.chat: suspension
  4. bbs.generallyrubbish.net: suspension
  5. benzo.fans: suspension
  6. biscuit.town: suspension
  7. bladerunner.social: suspension
  8. blueplanet.social: limitation
  9. bobbinsrobots.com: suspension
  10. boop.juke.fr: suspension
  11. cathode.church: limitation
  12. channel.org: suspension
  13. chilemasto.casa: suspension
  14. cktn.todon.de: suspension
  15. cupoftea.social: limitation
  16. cybermage.sh: limitation
  17. equel.social: suspension
  18. fandom.garden: suspension
  19. fedi.kyuties.rocks: suspension
  20. fediforum.channel.org: suspension
  21. flipping.rocks: limitation
  22. freelancers.online: limitation
  23. freethought.online: limitation
  24. furry.community: suspension
  25. fv.technogothic.net: suspension
  26. glaceon.social: suspension
  27. goblin.camp: suspension
  28. h-i.social: suspension
  29. jubi.life: suspension
  30. kamalaharriswin.channel.org: suspension
  31. lgbt.io: limitation
  32. linuxlab.sh: suspension
  33. linuxrocks.online: limitation
  34. m.noxie.ch: suspension
  35. masto.nd2.uk: suspension
  36. mastodon.art: suspension
  37. mastodon.me.uk: suspension
  38. mastodon.sandwich.net: limitation
  39. mastodon.scollectif.fr: suspension
  40. mastodon.twictee.org: suspension
  41. mastodon.zlatiah-no.one: limitation
  42. monads.online: suspension
  43. musicians.today: limitation
  44. my0.net: limitation
  45. mytter.jp: suspension
  46. netmonkey.xyz: suspension
  47. newsmast.channel.org: suspension
  48. octodon.social: limitation
  49. old.mermaid.town: suspension
  50. orchard.social: suspension
  51. pagan.plus: limitation
  52. plush.city: suspension
  53. rage.love: suspension
  54. science.channel.org: suspension
  55. scintilla.social: suspension
  56. simcha.lgbt: suspension
  57. smallcamp.art: suspension
  58. social.afront.org: suspension
  59. social.finkhaeuser.de: suspension
  60. social.pawsitiv.space: limitation
  61. social.python-gsoc.org: suspension
  62. social.wildeboer.net: limitation
  63. solarpunk.moe: suspension
  64. strangeobject.space: limitation
  65. technology.channel.org: suspension
  66. toot-lab.reclaim.technology: limitation
  67. toot.cat: limitation
  68. toot.foundation: suspension
  69. toot.funami.tech: suspension
  70. toot.lgbt: limitation
  71. wedistribute.channel.org: suspension
  72. writeout.ink: limitation
  73. zeal.center: suspension
Date of creation Oct 4, 2018 UTC
Display name attractive nuisance
☭⚢☭ useless lesbian * certified nuclear waste technician * insane cat hag * anarcho-communist scum * power abusing trash admin * very spooky ☭⚢☭
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 34362 statuses, 2032 logins, 17 registrations)
S: 3452
L: 196
R: 0
S: 4083
L: 191
R: 0
S: 3529
L: 187
R: 0
S: 3528
L: 195
R: 0
S: 3111
L: 183
R: 0
S: 3406
L: 179
R: 0
S: 2985
L: 178
R: 0
S: 2747
L: 171
R: 0
S: 2503
L: 180
R: 15
S: 2503
L: 175
R: 0
S: 2512
L: 182
R: 2
S: 3
L: 15
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/11/24, 8:14:41 AM UTC9/12/24, 2:15:30 AM UTC9/13/24, 1:09:31 AM UTC9/14/24, 1:50:32 AM UTC9/15/24, 2:36:33 AM UTC9/16/24, 3:15:22 AM UTC9/17/24, 1:16:07 AM UTC9/18/24, 3:07:50 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 754/756 (99.74%)