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Languages English (en)
Users 34,788
Active users (last month) 3,210
Active users (last six months) 6,095
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 38,263
First sight Apr 29, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Sep 20, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.0-alpha.3+glitch
Registrations Open
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is neither suspended nor limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) musiquinta, harvestasongorpoem, talklikeapirateday, THROWBACKTHURSDAY, Palworld, thursdayfivelist, themarch, MarkRobinson, thursday, piratetvshows
Short description
A community for Canadians, First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Peoples of the great white north.
Long description

mstdn.ca is a Mastodon instance for Canadians and is administered and hosted in Canada.


A reminder that you can support the ongoing maintenance of mstdn.ca. This instance is run by volunteers and it needs your help to continue. All proceeds go directly to server costs. You’ll find the most updated breakdown of costs here.
Donate with PayPal Support with Swag/Merch


Check out the latest mstdn.ca news on our blog!

Having issues with mstdn.ca? Check our status page.

Registration eligibility

We accept registrations from any person aged 18+. Our user base is primarily based in Canada, and our moderation team members are fluent in either English, French, or both. While we do not require the use of any particular language, moderators may use automated translation services to spot-check posts and ensure adherence to our Code of Conduct.

Mastodon Server Covenant Commitment

We're committed to the Mastodon server covenant which includes the following:

  • Active moderation against racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia including targeted misgendering, deadnaming, or promotion of so-called "conversion therapy".
  • Daily backups of user data.
  • At least one other person with emergency access to the server infrastructure.
  • Commitment to give users at least 3 months of advance warning in case of shutting down.

You can read more information here.

Our mission

  • We have a mission to make mstdn.ca a safe and welcoming environment for everyone regardless of their gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, age, mental or physical disability, political views, and personal appearance.
  • We are resolute in protecting the mstdn.ca community from harassment and malicious content from individual members whose goals are to disrupt our community and promote their own self-interest at the expense of the community.

The principles that guide us

Our Code of Conduct is our north star. It lays out our expected standards of conduct and behaviours that all mstdn.ca users must follow while using this platform.

  • We believe that freedom of expression is not freedom of reach. You may say whatever you want, but we reserve the right to keep you from using our platform to say it. Bullies, trolls and disruptors are not welcome in mstdn.ca and neither are users that engage in name-calling, ad-hominem attacks, or other uncivil behaviour. These activities will be actioned accordingly based on our Code of Conduct.
  • This is a voluntary community and you choose to be here. By joining and using this service, you give your tacit agreement to our Code of Conduct and agree to follow it, or risk losing your privilege to access this platform.

Code of Conduct | Our server rules

  • No toxic and hateful speech. We have a zero-tolerance policy on toxic and hateful speech. This includes attacks against anyone’s gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, age, disability, personal appearance, or socio-economic status. Discussions related to these topics can be difficult because we don't have similar lived experiences. If you choose to discuss these topics, empathy and kindness are a must, and if you’re not able to do so, just mute and move on.
  • No incitement of violence and no promotion of misleading or violent ideologies. You may not make specific threats of violence or physical harm, death, or disease to an individual or group of people. This includes, but is not limited to, threatening or promoting misleading information that may lead to physical harm. You also may not affiliate with organisations that — whether by their own statements or activity both on and off the platform — use or promote violence against civilians to further their causes.
  • No harassment, dogpiling, or unwanted advances. You may not continue to engage with a user who has explicitly requested that you stop. This includes consistent baiting, bad-faith gaslighting, unwanted sexual advances, etc.
  • No doxxing of other users. Unauthorised requests for or distribution of any personal information or data is not allowed. Please treat personally identifying information with respect and privacy.
  • No content illegal in Canada or copyrighted content that you don't own rights to. Illegal or copyrighted content is not allowed to be stored, posted, or discussed on mstdn.ca 
  • Sexually explicit or violent media must be marked appropriately. Posts and images with sexually explicit or violence must be flagged as sensitive and contain a content warning noting either ‘NSFW’ or ‘Violence’ when posting. Users may not have sexually explicit or violent media as a profile photo or header image. There are also types of sensitive media content that we don’t allow at all, including violent sexual conduct, gratuitous gore, and hateful imagery. We prohibit violent sexual conduct to prevent the normalization of sexual assault and non-consensual violence associated with sexual acts. We prohibit gratuitous gore content because research has shown that repeated exposure to violent content online may negatively impact an individual’s well-being.
  • No spamming. Excessive posting, boosting, advertising or mass-marketing posts will be actioned accordingly and based on intent.
  • Be yourself. Accounts intended to impersonate or parody are not permitted, and those found to be directly misrepresenting themselves as another person or entity will be actioned accordingly. General parody accounts like Beaverton or CBC Pitchbot are allowed as they are not impersonating a person or entity.

Community guidelines | Our norms

The list below is a collection of norms and behaviours that will help us build a community that we all want to participate in. While these best practices are designed to be guidelines for a good communal instance, repeated malicious unwillingness to follow the best practices will be considered just like breaking a rule (it’s all about intent).

  • We are not an advertising platform. If you are here only to sell your products or services, you will be removed. Occasional posts of commercial links are acceptable, but if the vast majority of a user's posts are commercial in nature, we will regard the account as a spam account. Moderators will evaluate reports of spam on a case-by-case basis.
  • Do not report every post that upsets you. Please report posts that violate our Code of Conduct. For other posts that you find distasteful or don’t like but don’t violate the rules, use the mute, filter, or block functionality. Let the moderation team focus on the real problematic posts.
  • Be considerate. In general, use the tools provided to foster a considerate and accessible atmosphere. This includes the liberal use of:

    • Content warnings (CWs) are a kind way to let people choose to opt-out of potentially disturbing or controversial topics like spoilers or triggering/traumatic posts. CWs are also mandatory on posts containing gore, violence, or NSFW. If in doubt, err on the side of caution. 
    • Alt-text captioning of media files can help our vision-impaired community members join in on the discussion. Alt-text is needed for those who rely upon screen readers to read what's on their screen. Without this, screen readers can't describe images to those who can't see them.
    • #CamelCase use of hashtags can help screen readers read the hashtags properly.

  • Give credit where it’s due. When possible, provide credit for creative works in your posts that are not your own.
  • Don’t be a creep. Uninvited comments about another user's personal choices, lifestyle or family are strongly discouraged and may be considered harassment.
  • Be respectful. In discussions, please remain civil, and do not insult the person you're talking to. Note that irony, sarcasm, or similar modes of language don't translate well to written language and tend to escalate discussions or misunderstandings. Criticize ideas, not people.
  • Boosts are endorsements. You are responsible for what you boost. If you boost content that doesn't comply with our rules, moderators may take action.

Moderation Principles and Commitment

Coming soon!

Appeals process

Upon receipt of an appeal request, the instance operator, along with 2 moderators will review the appeal and make the final decision to uphold or overturn based on a vote.

Intent to make a fair and transparent appeals process 

The team

@chad - Instance Administrator | Edmonton, AB | he/him/il | EN, some FR
@codebam - System Administrator | Peterborough, ON | they/them | EN
@rcjcarr - Moderator | Ottawa, ON | he/him | EN | FR
@adam - Moderator | Vancouver, BC | he/him | EN
@c_9 - Moderator/Documentation/Graphic Design | Toronto, ON | he/him | EN
@samloonie - Moderator | Ottawa, ON | EN

Bot account policy

  • The account must have checked the profile option "This is a bot account".
  • Posts from the bot account must be "unlisted".
  • Must enable "Automated post deletion" with a maximum age threshold of one month, with the exception of pinned posts and direct messages. Exceptions based on interactions are not eligible.

Bots that do not follow the above policy will be suspended.

Truth and reconciliation

The mstdn.ca team acknowledges that the areas where we work, live, and play, span across many Territories and Treaty areas and we are exceedingly grateful for the traditional Knowledge Keepers and Elders who are with us today, those who have gone before us, and the youth that inspire us. 

We recognize the land and the benefits it provides all of us, as an act of Reconciliation, and as recommended by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) 94 Calls to Action, and give gratitude to those whose territory we reside on, work on or are visiting.

We are committed to continuing to learn, evolve and grow to ensure we are aligned with Indigenous-led Reconciliation frameworks.

What is Mastodon?

Open-source social networking

Follow friends and discover new ones among more than 4.5M people. Publish anything you want: links, pictures, text, and video. All on a platform that is community-owned and ad-free.

Mastodon isn’t just a website, it is a federation—think Star Trek. Thousands of independent communities running Mastodon form a coherent network, where while every planet is different, being part of one is being part of the whole.

Mastodon comes with effective anti-abuse tools to help protect yourself. Thanks to the network's spread out and independent nature there are more moderators who you can approach for personal help and servers with strict codes of conduct.

Convenient sharing

You have 500 characters. You can adjust the thumbnails of your pictures with focal points. You can use custom emojis, hide things behind spoiler warnings and choose who sees a given post. Messed it up? You can edit the post or even delete & redraft it for quick corrections.

Mastodon for all

Without an incentive to sell you things, Mastodon allows you to consume the content you enjoy uninterrupted. Your feed is chronological, ad-free and non-algorithmic — you decide who you want to see!

Questions? Comments?

Email hello@mstdn.ca, call +1 (780) 800-7298, or fax +1 (587) 316-7298. Email is preferred.


Hosted by DigitalOcean in their TOR1 data centre located on Treaty 13 land at 45 Parliament Street, Toronto, ON, M5A 2Y5. Media is replicated to caching endpoints around the world.
Instance rules
  1. No toxic and hateful speech.
  2. No incitement of violence and no promotion of misleading or violent ideologies.
  3. No harassment, dogpiling, or unwanted advances.
  4. No doxxing of other users.
  5. No content illegal in Canada or copyrighted content that you don't own rights to.
  6. Sexually explicit or violent media must be marked appropriately.
  7. No spamming. Excessive posting, boosting, advertising or mass-marketing posts will be actioned accordingly and based on intent.
  8. Be yourself. Accounts intended to impersonate or parody are not permitted, and those found to be directly misrepresenting themselves as another person or entity will be actioned accordingly.
  9. Agree to the Terms of Service and Code of Conduct.
Moderated instances [?]
  1. activi*********ll.cf: suspended
  2. amala.***********t.xyz: suspended
  3. anim*.****ite: suspended
  4. annih*******.**cial: suspended
  5. archa******.**cial: suspended
  6. astu****.red: suspended
  7. ba*.*t: suspended
  8. bar***.*et: suspended
  9. bauph****.**cial: suspended
  10. beef*****.*lub: suspended
  11. beef*****.win: suspended
  12. beta.*****.cf: suspended
  13. bgza******.es: limited
  14. bird.froth.zone: limited
  15. bird.makeup: limited
  16. birdsite.frog.fashion: limited
  17. birdsite.oliviaappleton.com: limited
  18. birdsite.slashdev.space: limited
  19. birdsite.tcjc.uk: limited
  20. birdsite.tedandrachel.com: limited
  21. birdsite.wilde.cloud: limited
  22. birdsitelive.treffler.cloud: limited
  23. bita*****.com: suspended
  24. bond*****.com: suspended
  25. brigh****.**cial: suspended
  26. bsky.brid.gy: limited
  27. burm*.***ial: suspended
  28. catg***.*ife: suspended
  29. chil*****.**ace: suspended
  30. chil*****.su: suspended
  31. chud****.lol: suspended
  32. club*******.co: suspended
  33. cm*.**i: suspended
  34. cum.***on: suspended
  35. cunn******.top: suspended
  36. cunny*****.*pace: suspended
  37. cx.*x: suspended
  38. cyber*******l.eu: suspended
  39. dark*****.net: suspended
  40. deca*****.ink: suspended
  41. detro**********.com: suspended
  42. devsr*.******.*odes: suspended
  43. digit******.**cial: suspended
  44. djsu****.com: suspended
  45. dlf.****al: suspended
  46. dud*.**st: suspended
  47. edus*****.it: suspended
  48. eie****.*rg: suspended
  49. eli**.*et: suspended
  50. elon*****.org: limited
  51. exmo****.***ial: suspended
  52. fanf***.**rse: suspended
  53. fckm**.***ial: suspended
  54. fedi.******.xyz: suspended
  55. fore*****.se: suspended
  56. freea*******.com: limited
  57. freecu*********t.com: suspended
  58. freesp************t.com: suspended
  59. frie*****.me: suspended
  60. ga*.**m: suspended
  61. ga*.*i: suspended
  62. gamel******.club: suspended
  63. gear******.*aus: suspended
  64. gende*********.xyz: suspended
  65. gh0**.**ve: suspended
  66. gli***.*rg: suspended
  67. grae***.***ial: suspended
  68. group*******.com: suspended
  69. herokuapp.com: suspended
  70. home.s********.*ocial: suspended
  71. hus*.**te: suspended
  72. instinctd.com: limited
  73. jaeg**.****ite: suspended
  74. kaz**.ma: suspended
  75. kiwi*****.cc: suspended
  76. koko****.*ink: suspended
  77. ky*.**e: suspended
  78. libe****.com: suspended
  79. liker.social: suspended
  80. loforo.com: limited
  81. loli***.**cks: suspended
  82. lus*.*oe: suspended
  83. m.m***.*oe: suspended
  84. makemy**********s.com: suspended
  85. mast*******.com: suspended
  86. mastinator.com: suspended
  87. masto***.***.org: suspended
  88. masto***.*****k.cc: suspended
  89. masto***.*****t.fr: suspended
  90. masto*******.xyz: limited
  91. mastod**.*********is.co: suspended
  92. mastod**.*******s.org: suspended
  93. mastodo*.**********ns.org: suspended
  94. mastodon.***************ing.com: suspended
  95. mastodon.**************tung.de: suspended
  96. mastodon.hongkongers.net: limited
  97. meetb*******.**cial: suspended
  98. mil***.**fe: suspended
  99. missk**********b.cf: suspended
  100. misskey-f*******.*********.repl.co: suspended
  101. misskey.cf: suspended
  102. mo*.*t: suspended
  103. mostr.pub: limited
  104. mstdn.******.club: limited
  105. mstdn.*********b.org: suspended
  106. mugi***.*lub: suspended
  107. my.di********.xyz: suspended
  108. natio******.**cial: suspended
  109. naz*.****al: suspended
  110. neck*****.xyz: suspended
  111. new*****.eu: suspended
  112. nicec***.***ital: suspended
  113. nni*.***ce: suspended
  114. noage*********.com: limited
  115. noaut******.**cial: suspended
  116. norw*******.net: suspended
  117. ob*.*h: suspended
  118. oc**.*c: suspended
  119. onio*.***ial: suspended
  120. osting.*******.rocks: suspended
  121. parc***.*ond: suspended
  122. paw**.*et: suspended
  123. pay***.*rg: suspended
  124. pett****.art: suspended
  125. piev****.net: suspended
  126. pis****.io: suspended
  127. pl.c**.***eup: suspended
  128. pl.s*****.li: suspended
  129. ple****.us: suspended
  130. ploe*.***ial: suspended
  131. po*.*t: suspended
  132. poop**.***ial: suspended
  133. post**.**ace: suspended
  134. pra***.me: suspended
  135. pre**.**op: limited
  136. pwnag*.*******.com: suspended
  137. pxl**.*et: suspended
  138. quak***.***ial: suspended
  139. redw****.***ial: suspended
  140. repl.co: suspended
  141. rojo****.com: suspended
  142. roys****.**ace: suspended
  143. sea*.**fe: suspended
  144. shit****.**oud: suspended
  145. shit*****.rs: suspended
  146. shit******.*lub: suspended
  147. sin***.*om: suspended
  148. skin*****.eu: suspended
  149. skin*****.io: suspended
  150. skin*****.uk: suspended
  151. skinh****.**cial: suspended
  152. snee*.***ial: suspended
  153. soci**.****.de: suspended
  154. social.********rt.de: suspended
  155. social.********y.net: suspended
  156. sol***.*om: suspended
  157. sot*.****al: suspended
  158. spin****.xyz: suspended
  159. swi****.at: limited
  160. tcp***.*et: suspended
  161. tech.*********.live: suspended
  162. tech*****.org: limited
  163. truth******.*o.in: suspended
  164. truthsocial.com: suspended
  165. tweets.icu: limited
  166. twtr.plus: limited
  167. ubiq*****.com: suspended
  168. vampi******.cafe: suspended
  169. vanis*******.net: suspended
  170. varis*******.net: suspended
  171. vtd**.*om: suspended
  172. wan*.****al: suspended
  173. wate*****.**kyo: suspended
  174. wolf****.bar: suspended
  175. wor****.*ev: suspended
  176. www.bl*********s.com: suspended
  177. xxxt*****.org: limited
  178. yggdr****.**cial: suspended
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. bobbinsrobots.com: suspension
  2. boop.juke.fr: suspension
  3. freethought.online: limitation
  4. glaceon.social: suspension
  5. jubi.life: limitation
  6. mastodon.art: suspension
  7. mastodon.openjw.com: suspension
  8. monads.online: suspension
  9. mytter.jp: suspension
  10. octodon.social: limitation
  11. pagan.plus: limitation
  12. rage.love: limitation
  13. simcha.lgbt: suspension
  14. solarpunk.moe: suspension
  15. supebase.com: suspension
Date of creation Apr 27, 2022 UTC
Display name mstdn.ca Updates :mstdn:
Announcements from the mstdn.ca team. This account is not monitored 24/7.
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 296933 statuses, 24832 logins, 14 registrations)
S: 26912
L: 2203
R: 5
S: 27342
L: 2237
R: 1
S: 30486
L: 2269
R: 0
S: 30096
L: 2219
R: 1
S: 27685
L: 2202
R: 0
S: 27352
L: 2223
R: 1
S: 24469
L: 2240
R: 1
S: 24631
L: 2140
R: 1
S: 25307
L: 2183
R: 0
S: 24524
L: 2144
R: 0
S: 26339
L: 2141
R: 1
S: 1790
L: 631
R: 3
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/13/24, 3:13:46 AM UTC9/14/24, 2:46:52 AM UTC9/15/24, 2:00:52 AM UTC9/16/24, 2:27:27 AM UTC9/17/24, 1:30:31 AM UTC9/18/24, 2:57:21 AM UTC9/19/24, 2:24:20 AM UTC9/20/24, 1:15:56 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 748/757 (98.81%)