Lingue Inglese (en)
Utentə 889
Utentə attivə nell’ultimo mese 143
Utentə attivə negli ultimi sei mesi 172
Caratteri per post (max) 1.000
Istanze note a questa istanza 40.892
Primo avvistamento < Oct 14, 2020 UTC [?]
Ultimo check riuscito Nov 21, 2024 UTC
Nociva No
Nuova No
Software Mastodon 4.3.0
Iscrizioni Chiuse
Moderazione di Threads (Meta) Threads è
sospeso, secondo la lista dell’
Anti-Meta Fedi Pact, e anche secondo la lista delle istanze moderate da questa istanza.
Hashtag più usati (ult. settimana) Non disponibili
Descrizione breve is a mastodon instance and part of the ActivityPub network / the Fediverse.
Descrizione lunga
Site rulesIn order for this website to be able to function, there are some rules that you will have to follow while using it.
Be friendly. - The internet is a network that connects people using computers. The other endpoint is a human being with an inner life just as complex as your own. Act accordingly.
- Consider the reach of the posts you make. Tag content that you expect others might not want to see.
- Harassment and bullying of any kind are not tolerated here. Do not engage with a user if they do not want you to. Do not ask other users to, either.
Don’t start shit. - Do not make posts just to get angry reactions.
- “I was being ironic” is an extremely flimsy excuse for behaving badly.
- Do not drag unrelated people into a discussion.
Obey the law. - Specifically, German (server location) and Estonian (owner location) law.
- No illegal file sharing, no illegal pornography, no publication of personal protected information, no holocaust denial, you know the drill.
Spam is not allowed. - Bots that interact with a user without a users explicit request are not allowed.
- Automated or excessive advertising is not allowed.
Be aware of the nature of the network. - This website is part of a network of similar websites. Other websites may have different rules.
- The local administration has little control over users of other websites. You can, however, block and mute them - same as local users.
- In egregious cases, remote users or entire groups of users may be blocked from interacting with users of this website.
Fascism is incompatible with a free exchange of ideas. - When you endorse racism, exclusion and the structural and physical violence that come with it, you show yourself to not be interested in any sort of dialogue.
- Those who work towards a society based on chauvinism and nationalism rather than peaceful coexistance are not welcome here.
Admin decisions are final. - The interpretation of these rules is up to the administration and an admins decision overrides the rules.
- “Technically I did not violate any rule” is an extremely flimsy excuse for behaving badly.
- The rules may be changed or amended when necessary.
These goal of these rules is to ensure a safe and welcoming environment. - Rule enforcement is guided by this goal.
- Any enforcement action will generally be kept between those involved.
- Try to self-moderate, but do not hesitate to involve an admin when necessary.
- There are presently two people with administrative access to the website, @halcy, @dotUser .
- You can report rule violations via the report function, or via e-mail.
You can find information about our
terms of service and privacy policy here.Instance mascotThe
instance mascot was drawn by
German legal notices Als Betreiber dieser Webseite schließe ich eine Haftung, auch fahrlässige, für von Benutzern erstellte, hochgeladene oder verlinkte Inhalte aus. Meldungen über Rechtsverstöße sind mir per e-mail an die Adresse kenntlich zu machen.
Diese Webseite wird nicht geschäftsmäßig und ohne Gewinnerziehlungsabsicht betrieben. Aus besonderer Vorsicht heraus, und um zu vermeiden, im Rahmen automatischer Prozesse fälschlicherweise abgemahnt zu werden, geben wir hier dennoch folgendes an:
Verantwortlich für diese Webseite im Sinne von §5 TMG ist:
Lorenz Diener
Herne 23-15
10135 Tallinn
Regole dell’istanza
- For an extended description of every rule, please read our about page.
- Be friendly.
- Don’t start shit.
- Obey the law.
- Spam is not allowed.
- Be aware of the nature of the network.
- Fascism is incompatible with a free exchange of ideas.
- Admin decisions are final.
- These goal of these rules is to ensure a safe and welcoming environment.
- T A N A S I N N
Istanze che sicuramente moderano questa istanza [?]
- sospensione
- sospensione
- sospensione
Data di creazione Feb 3, 2017 UTC
Nome visualizzato halcy:icosahedron:
build. your. squid.
ideal for comfortable gameplay in relaxed locations.
i work at, but do not speak for, microsoft.
Attività delle ultime 12 settimane (totali: 16051 stati, 1502 accessi, 0 iscrizioni)
S: 1339 A: 136 I: 0 | S: 1368 A: 127 I: 0 | S: 1144 A: 126 I: 0 | S: 1233 A: 124 I: 0 | S: 1355 A: 124 I: 0 | S: 1413 A: 129 I: 0 | S: 1693 A: 131 I: 0 | S: 1344 A: 119 I: 0 | S: 1408 A: 126 I: 0 | S: 1683 A: 131 I: 0 | S: 1778 A: 134 I: 0 | S: 293 A: 95 I: 0 |
Ultimi check (verde: OK; rosso: KO)
11/14/24, 2:52:30 AM UTC | 11/15/24, 2:20:35 AM UTC | 11/16/24, 2:51:30 AM UTC | 11/17/24, 2:18:02 AM UTC | 11/18/24, 2:26:55 AM UTC | 11/19/24, 4:11:11 AM UTC | 11/20/24, 2:33:38 AM UTC | 11/21/24, 3:04:11 AM UTC |
Check riusciti: 819/819 (100%)