Hint: Looking for our Matrix server?This domain shares both, a Mastodon and a Matrix server. The web interface of said Matrix server can be found at https://chat.soziale.cloud.
Both services are independent of each other, you can decide which service you want to use freely.
Reporting abusesPlease report any server rule violations and provide further input if applicable. We'll handle your report asap.
Note that not all actions may be visible to you. We take every report seriously.
Advanced block listsThis instance provides public reasoning for why we limit or suspend federation with another instance. We are also using
Faraday's Fediverse Blocklist - these entries are always a suspension.
Server and data locationThis server is located in EU, Germany - so is it's data. No data (except for federation parts) is leaving Germany.
ReliabilityWe're aiming a server uptime of 100%. But let's be real, you should more expect a uptime throughout the year of 99,9%. The reason is simple: We may have issues in the data center that are out of our scope or we have to apply security updates.
We'll notify you on required maintenances 24 hours before hand if possible.
If we should decide to drop this Mastodon server from our services, please note that we will notify you 6 months up front. This should give you enough time to migrate your data.
Post visibilityThis server allows search engines to index this Mastodon servers posts and profiles.
If you do not wish to be indexed please navigate to Account Settings → ⚙️ Preferences → ⚙️ Other. Within other preferences see and tick the setting "Opt out of search engine indexing" and make sure to save these changes.
ModerationTrending based information are moderated and reviewed up front. We're aiming to keep our trending safe for work environments.
While free speech is important, please note that -based on our server rules- we're moderating this server. If you're not happy with our rules, please consider another Mastodon server.
FundingThis server is paid from the private pocket of its owner. If you want to support us providing this service, if needed, scale up the system, please consider leaving a tip.
You can do so via several ways, the easiest way is to use
Buy me a coffee.
If above is not suitable, please contact us for wire transfer options.
Funding is explicitly not required to be member on this server but much appreciated!
Impressum THA-Systems (Marcel Herrguth) Marcel Herrguth Dolgenseestr. 8b 10319 Berlin E-Mail-Adresse: mastodon@soziale.cloud Umsatzsteuer Identifikationsnummer (USt-ID): DE320505487