ist eine Instanz für paraphile Menschen und alle, die sich wegen ihrer sexuellen Identität aus der Gesellschaft ausgegrenzt fühlen.
Wir glauben daran, dass sexuelle Präferenzen keine Aussage über den Charakter einer Person machen und niemand wegen seiner Gefühle ausgegrenzt oder verurteilt werden sollte. Verschiedene sexuelle Präferenzen und Paraphilien sind keine Störung und kein Fehler, sondern Ausdruck der menschlichen Diversität und Vielfalt – Para
vielfalt eben.
Das Ziel dieser Instanz ist es, einen Safe Space für respektvolle Debatten und gegenseitige Unterstützung zu bieten. Wir heißen Menschen aller sexuellen Identitäten willkommen, einschließlich Pädophile, Zoophile, Nekrophile, queere Menschen und Andere.
Hinweis: in der Vergangenheit sind wir immer wieder Ziel von Desinformationskampagnen geworden, die behaupten, dass hier illegale Inhalte verbreitet werden. Das ist nicht der Fall – siehe auch Serverregel 4.🇬🇧 English is an instance for paraphilic people and everyone who feels excluded from society because of their sexual identity.
We believe that sexual preferences do not make a statement about a person's character, and that no one should be excluded or judged because of their feelings. Different sexual preferences and paraphilias are not a disorder or a sickness, but an expression of human diversity. The German name for diversity is "Vielfalt" – hence the name "Para
This instance is dedicated to providing a safe space for respectful debates and mutual support. We welcome people of all sexual identities, including pedophiles, zoophiles, necrophiles, queer people, and others.
Note: in the past we have frequently been the target of disinformation campaigns wrongly accusing us of distributing illegal material. This is a lie. We do not allow pornografic content, and anything illegal will be deleted and reported by us immediatly.Rules - This instance is a safe space for people with paraphilias whose sexuality deviates from so-called „normality“. Our fundamental conviction is that no one should be ostracized, judged or attacked because of their sexual and romantic feelings.
- We expect civil and respectful interactions with one another. Racism, sexism, discrimination, transphobia, queerphobia and other forms of bigotry will not be tolerated.
- Anyone who wants to legalize illegal sexual contact, for instance between adults and children, or thinks that only the environment causes harm ("Pro-Contact" / "Pro-C") is not welcome here. We may also decide to ban you if we learn that you have expressed such views on other platforms.
- This instance is not for posting pornography. Pornographic content will be deleted as soon as we learn of it. The same applies to content that may be criminally relevant under German law.
- This instance is operated by a few volunteers in our spare time. We maintain the project to the best of our knowledge and ability, but give no guarantees for availability, disruption-free usability or data integrity.
- We reserve the right to amend these terms of use if necessary. This will be announced at least 14 days before the new conditions come into force.