Guiding PrinciplesThe server rules below are provided in case they aren't obvious and may be changed at any time. They are explicit examples that flow from the three guiding principles for this instance:
- Take care of yourself: know your limits, take time for yourself, and make your place in the Fediverse comfortable for you.
- Take care of each other: see everyone for who they are and treat them with the same respect you want to be treated.
- Understand the universe: use science to see it as it is and know its limits.
PurposeThis instance is for anyone interested in long-term thinking that benefits everyone. You are welcome to join as long as you abide by the rules. Being on this server is a responsibility rather than a right. If this server isn't for you, there are many other servers to choose from. The Fediverse has a place for everyone, even if it's not the same place as someone else.
Moderation PolicyThis is not a free speech zone. It is a civil discourse and respectful speech zone. Any uncivil or disrespectful speech will result in moderation.
We want you to enjoy your time on this instance, but moderators are not reading and approving every post before publication. If you see something that violates the rules, please report it so that we can act on it. If you see something you don't like, but it doesn't break the rules, feel free to block or mute the poster.
If a site expresses hate speech, spam, or harassment, regardless of the extent of that expression, we will silence the site.
We do not tolerate intolerance. We may limit sites that otherwise violate our rules so they don't appear in any feeds except for those individuals you might follow.
If a site harasses anyone on this site or abuses their federation with this site we will suspend the site, blocking all interaction between that site and this one.
If you are new to the Fediverse, there is
an unofficial guide that might be helpful.
Media File LimitsImages are limited to 10 megabytes. Videos are limited to 40 megabytes.
Mastodon Server CovenantWe are committed to following all parts of the
Mastodon Server Covenant soon.
- We moderate against racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. While we might not be able to review every post in real-time, we will act on all posts brought to our attention, either through our review of the public timeline or from your reports.
- We use AWS RDS with daily backups. Media are stored in S3.
- We do not yet have a backup administrator with emergency access to the server infrastructure. We are running the server in a Kubernetes cluster with limited autoscaling capabilities.
- We are committed to giving users at least 3 months of advance warning before shutting down the server.
This Mastodon server is hosted in the USA.
Support and FundingFunding is managed through Read the post
Introducing BeneHomini.Social for details.
You can also donate directly to the server costs using the following link.