Welcome to meow.social!A furry mastodon instance.
Admin members :
Moderators :
Official Accounts :
Do want to contact us ? You can visit our support site at
This instance is focused around the furry community, and is open to anyone interested in it. It was created by
@Tiwy57 originally for a small group of furry friends, but thought it might as well be open to all fluffies and scalies !
Meow is federated to nearly all instances of the fediverse, which means you can follow pretty much anyone you want, no matter what instance they are on!
While it is open publicly, mind this is just one instance in the fediverse, and we encourage you to look at other instances available to be sure it’s the one you like, and if none please you and you got the knowledge to set things up, why not help the fediverse grow by making your own instance too!
If you like meow, consider donating something via
Ko-fi or
paypal! Meow's thumbnail is courtesy of
Indexing content on meow.social. As a general rule, any form of indexing/scraping/collection of data of this instance for subsequent export or analysis processing without explicit expressed written consent of each user is prohibited and is unauthorized.
In the same way, using meow.social to train automated learning models (AI) in order to extract different information and also for the purpose of analysis without the consent of the administrators is prohibited.
If you are a student, analyst, or journalist, please contact us via our contact form and specify your needs:
https://support.meow.social/Regarding moderationAbout reporting- If actions from users on other instances break our rules, check ifthe rules of the instance to which the user belongs are also broken before activating the "Forward to [instance]" option. You can go to the instance's "about/more" or similar "about" / "rules" sections to check. Instances that do no have any rules listed anywhere are de facto considered as unmoderated and will be suspended, you can specify the unmoderated nature of the source instance in your report.
Failure to respect any of rules will lead to a warning, content removal, silencing, and/or suspension of your account.
The Teams have the absolute right to decide to delete your account at their discretion.
We reserve the absolute right to take any actions regarding any instances that are connected with this instance. If your instance is detrimental to the overall good functioning of the fediverse or meow.social, we will silence or completely suspend it.
You may discuss with the admins if you feel you were unfairly sanctioned (through DMs or by sending us an email if your account is suspended), so long as you don’t try and force your way after the final statement has been decided.
If you require any help or need to contact us, reach us through contact form at https://support.meow.social/
This instance uses Mutant Standard emoji made by Dzuk, which are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Emoji artwork is provided by Emojitwo, originally released as Emojione 2.2 by Ranks.com with contributions from the Emojitwo community and is licensed under CC-BY 4.0.