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Languages English (en)
Users 270
Active users (last month) 33
Active users (last six months) 49
Characters per post (max) 3,000
Known instances 28,378
First sight Aug 25, 2021 UTC
Last successful check Feb 10, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.3+glitch
Registrations Closed
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list, and also according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) Not available
Short description
Fandom Garden is a queer instance where you are free to gush about the content you like, whether it's books, comics, TV shows, movies or music. This is an LGBT+, anti-racist, anti-ableist space.
Long description
What is Fandom Garden?

In Fandom Garden, you are free to gush about the fandoms you like, whether they're related to books, comics, TV shows, movies or music. Come and find fellow fans to share your passion with!

This is a queer, anti-racist, anti-ableist space. We do not tolerate any hateful, discriminatory or bigoted behavior towards any oppressed group (including but not limited to people who are disabled, fat, Jewish, neurodivergent, queer, trans, people of color, sex workers, etc.). We aims to be a sex-positive instance, with a strong opt-in culture for adult content. Our main language is English, and you need to be at least 13 years old to sign up.

Want to join us?

FanDen is a small instance and we try to keep it that way so that everybody can know each other, and for this reason we have currently closed registrations. However, if you really want to get in, you can still send us an email or ask someone on the instance for an invite!

Tell us why you want to join our instance specifically, when there are so many different options on Mastodon! You can tell us about your current fandoms, about your online communities, and even share other social media accounts if you feel like it.

Some good practice:

  • Talk about your fandoms.
  • Confirm your email address.
  • Remember that actual human beings will read and consider your application.

More about fandoms

We are aware that fandoms can be toxic, but we hope to foster a good environment rather than an abusive one. We believe that you can enjoy content that has flaws (or was made by flawed creators) without glorifying said flaws (or flawed creators). Always prefer calling in rather than calling out, and never harass fellow fans over their interests: if they are breaking our rules, for instance by promoting hate speech, simply report them.

The same goes for writing about fictional abuse and abusive relationships: we recognize the need for this content to exist, but since it is a hurtful topic for a lot of people, proceed with caution, do not glorify known abusers and use content warnings as much as possible.

Do not hesitate to make your experience of this instance more comfortable by muting fandoms, characters or topics that you don't want to see in your feed! The same goes with users, nobody should hold it against you if you mute or block them.


We are a safe instance first, and a fandom instance second. We especially do not tolerate any hateful, discriminatory or bigoted behavior towards any oppressed group. In addition to the rules below, we also agree with the rules of trusted instances eldritch.cafe, solarpunk.moe and weirder.earth.

The instance's moderation is taken care of voluntarily by the administrators. There are currently four moderators: @ariel, @ikol, @Nightshade and @rainbowhalo. Together they speak Dutch, English, Finnish, French, and Italian. All of them are white. Obviously they will have oversights as white people, but they strive to create an environment that not only says it won't tolerate racism, but an environment where racism cannot thrive.

Together they enforce the rules of the instance. To that end, they are free to use all the tools at their disposal: reports, sending DMs or emails, mutes, blocks.

Our usual process is: delete the reported message, call in the person in private, mute them in the meantime, and if they don't back down or don't respond within a week (or sooner if we see that they've posted messages in the meantime), we ban them. If this happens to be a user of another instance, we reach out to their admins to make sure they take similar measures, and otherwise we consider taking actions towards the whole instance.

We preemptively block any instance we come across that badly contradicts our rules or policies, as well as those which lack consistent moderation. We try our best to communicate, but we don’t negotiate with trolls. If you think an instance should be blocked, please contact our moderation team by reporting any account of that instance or by sending a DM to @gardener.

We have turned on the AUTHORIZED_FETCH option. This means that toots made on Fandom Garden will not be federated to blocked instances (through people boosting them for instance).

In order to declutter the instance, we take actions to delete any account that has been inactive for more than six (6) months: we send two warning emails first, three weeks from one another, and if these haven't gotten any reply we delete or deactivate the account.

You can support the instance by helping with the server costs on Liberapay.

Endorsed Instances

The following is a list of instances that we have historically been on good terms with, are communities we think are nifty, and we trust have good moderation. We feel comfortable recommending them to others.

  • blackqueer.life, a community for all Black queer, trans, and gender nonconforming people.
  • cathode.church, an instance dedicated to trans and gender-diverse makers, coders and tinkerers.
  • cloudisland.nz, a community of people in Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • dragonscave.space, a small dragon-themed community of mostly visually impaired folks.
  • old.mermaid.town, another small and well-moderated instance.
  • solarpunk.moe, a small, friendly server run by a group of optimistically-utopian LGBT+ individuals.

Recommendation: Content Warnings

Content warnings are inbuilt in Mastodon, meaning there is a "CW" button that hides the content of a post under a "show more".

As a general rule, before you post a message, ask yourself whether everybody wants to see what you have posted without warning. Maybe your message will trigger a panic attack for some people? Maybe some folks read Mastodon among their family or at work, and don’t want to see graphic images appear suddenly on their screen?

Having a content warning allows others to choose to confront themselves with topics that can be hard for them, instead of having these topics forced upon them.

Some people also use the CW field as announcement or as title for the topic of their post, or to say that their toot is long: that way, the toot is folded and doesn’t clutter the feed.

A non-exclusive list of topics for which you should use CWs is:

  • Spoilers
  • Sexual content, sex, lewd
  • Gore, violence
  • Politics, religion, discrimination (racism, sexism, antisemitism…)
  • Mental health: depression, suicide, usual phobias, negative thoughts, rants…
  • Physical health: medical topics, diets…
  • Common addictions: alcohol, cigarettes, drugs…
  • Food: you can specify whether it's kosher, vegetarian, vegan…
  • Violence: physical & mental abuse, toxic relationships…
  • Weapons: guns, blades…
  • Flashing pieces of media
  • Caps: contains at least one word written in capital letters
  • Media without alternative text
  • Long posts
  • Upsetting ships (eg incest, big age gap, abusive relationships, RPF…)

Recommendation: Screen Reader Accessibility

To make sure that everyone is provided with the tools they need to participate fully in our community, here are some collective habits that we should adopt:

  • Alt-text your images. If you are not in a position to do so, please use and someone from the community should be able to help and provide it. More on this in the next section.
  • Use PascalCase for the hashtags. Example: (the first letter of each word is capitalized).
  • When sharing a link, provide a brief description of where the link directs to
  • Use captions in uploaded videos
  • Use as few emojis in usernames or screen names as possible (preferably none).
  • Please don't scatter emojis between words in an alternating pattern. Ex: word followed by clapping hands emoji, repeated indefinitely. Screen readers do not handle them well.

(These best practices were inspired by blackqueer.life. Thanks!)

Recommendation: Image Descriptions

If you have the energy for it, try to write image descriptions of the pictures you post. This can be done by clicking on the image in the Compose Box (on the Mastodon web app it's the Edit button, on Tusky it's a round A with a checkbox).

Image descriptions can be a few words (“Books on a shelf.”) or several sentences (“Four books on a shelf. From left to right: […]”). The text should convey what the image mean. If it’s a picture you took, explain what drew your eye; if it’s a graph, explain its behavior and key numbers. You don't have to talk about all the details; just explain what matters to you!

If the image is a long text, you can try to use Mastodon's text recognition if you use the web app. Otherwise, you can mention @OCRbot and it will reply with its text recognition. Be mindful that OCR doesn’t always work, and it’s best to copy and edit the output of the bot rather than letting disabled users try to decipher what the text says.

If you don’t have the energy to write an image description, you can write so in the CW, use the :helpDescribe:​ emoji to invite people to add one, or tag the @imagecaptionpls group which will notify everyone who follows the group that there’s someone who needs an image description.

You can also follow the @PleaseCaption@botsin.space bot, which will send a message each time you forget an image description.

If you see an image without description, you can reply to the post, remove the mention of the OP, and write the image description.

Image descriptions or the helpDescribe emoji / #Alt4Me hashtag are mandatory for public posts (shown on public timelines).

Privacy Policy

You can choose the privacy level of each of your toots (direct message, followers-only, public). We do not process or sell your data in any way. However, every toot, even sent in private, can be seen by the moderating team if there is a report against it. This means that toots are not encrypted and could be accessed by a third party in case of malicious attacks or legal actions. Therefore, if you wish to discuss sensitive topics, we recommend you use another medium.


This instance is set up thanks to Fedi.Monster, which handles the server.

Our mascot (the raccoon reading a scroll) was designed by Florence.

The banner was drawn by Kaerhon.

This instance uses emojis from several sources:

Instance rules
  1. Do not make hateful, discriminatory or bigoted statements, use abusive slurs or spread hate speech towards oppressed groups.
  2. Do not engage in harassment of any kind.
  3. Use content warnings, especially when talking about sensitive topics or if you are spoiling recent news in your fandom – see more information in the Recommendation section above.
  4. You can post nudity, as long as it is protected by the adequate content warnings. Pornography is restricted to followers-only posts from 18+ accounts. Pedopornography is forbidden.
  5. Do not publish private conversations without explicit consent of all parties involved, except to the moderation team if you need to report them.
  6. Do not crosspost (from another social network) on the public timelines.
  7. Avoid "reposting", which is actually stealing art. Boost the original toot or, if the art is not from Mastodon, credit and link to the artist, and ideally also ask for their permission.
  8. Do not create any sort of corporate account for advertising purposes. Artists are of course allowed (and encouraged!) to promote their own shops and commissions. Websites or podcasts relating to fandoms are encouraged as well.
  9. Use of bots on this instance is submitted to admin authorization, including follow bots.
  10. Be nice to each other.
  11. Boosting is held to the same standards as direct posting; only boost toots that respect these rules.
Moderated instances [?]
  1. *eskimo.com: suspended (reason: "Censorship-free" instance, admin is a conspiracy theorist (antivax, denies global warming, etc).)
  2. 076.ne.jp: suspended (reason: federates with the usual bad instances. - see the "social." subdomain.)
  3. 0sint.social: suspended (reason: no rules)
  4. 101010.pl: suspended (reason: free speech.)
  5. 10min**********.com: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  6. 13bells.com: suspended (reason: Free speech instance.)
  7. 1611.social: suspended (reason: homophobic rules and global bigotry.)
  8. 1745.info: suspended (reason: no moderation rules, transphobic content.)
  9. 2.distsn.org: suspended (reason: Spam (from blocklist))
  10. 4aem.com: suspended (reason: the peertube instance at the "tube." subdomain is a cesspool of antisemitic content.)
  11. 5dollah.click: suspended (reason: free speech, no good moderation policy, federates with the usual hellholes.)
  12. 80per****.**cial: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  13. 87**.*h: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  14. a.sc: suspended (reason: Free speech instance, admin follows poast accounts.)
  15. abraham.su: suspended (reason: Alt right single user instance that federates with other blocked instances.)
  16. absturztau.be: suspended (reason: Alt right instance, pedopornographic content (from blocklist) - see the "fedi." subdomain.)
  17. activism.openworlds.info: suspended (reason: Racism. (from block list))
  18. activitypub-proxy.cf: suspended (reason: block circumvention)
  19. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended (reason: constantly sending requests in an attempt to overwhelm instances.)
  20. addy.gg: suspended (reason: free speech, no moderation.)
  21. adtension.com: suspended (reason: explicitly no moderation rules. Instance is at the "mastodon." subdomain.)
  22. aethy.com: suspended (reason: pedophilia)
  23. affiliates.social: suspended (reason: money-oriented instance. Might be scammy.)
  24. agora.echelon.pl: suspended (reason: Spreading disinformation.)
  25. ai.wiki: suspended (reason: about ai + corporate instance + not a good moderation policy)
  26. airis.dev: suspended (reason: interacts with a lot of bad actors. Akkoma instance at "akko." subdomain.)
  27. ak.kyaruc.moe: suspended (reason: ableism, against fediblock)
  28. ak.tooters.fun: suspended (reason: They say they don't allow posts about CSA, but they federate with instances that do.)
  29. akko.wtf: suspended (reason: channer instance, local bubble of reisen church)
  30. akkoma.japanties.org: suspended (reason: the domain name doesn't bode well.)
  31. akkoma.kikuri.moe: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  32. akkoma.nekos.cafe: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  33. aklp.club: suspended (reason: finds the fediblock funny)
  34. alive.bar: suspended (reason: No moderation policy (yet))
  35. alpaca.gold: suspended (reason: admin is a techbro.)
  36. alteregocreations.com: suspended (reason: racism)
  37. amala.schwartzwelt.xyz: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  38. anemoneya.me: suspended (reason: block-evasion domain.)
  39. angrytoday.com: suspended (reason: Free speech.)
  40. anime.website: suspended (reason: pro-pedophilia, lolicon.)
  41. animesexual.community: suspended (reason: lolicon.)
  42. anirloli.dev: suspended (reason: This instance is posting animated underage material. (from block list) - see the "m." subdomain.)
  43. annihilation.social: suspended (reason: Antisemitism, among other things)
  44. anon-kenkai.com: suspended (reason: Hate speech, queerphobia, the usual)
  45. anoxinon.de: suspended (reason: Does not moderate anti-mask discourse. - see the "social." subdomain.)
  46. anti-degeneracy.club: suspended (reason: Transmisia + federates with blocked instances. - see the "fedi." subdomain.)
  47. ap.maladaptive.art: suspended (reason: free speech.)
  48. app.kenhbit.com: suspended (reason: Crypto spam (from block list))
  49. arachnid.town: suspended (reason: free speech.)
  50. arclight.pro: suspended (reason: Doesn't block bad actors (the old "echo chambers" argument). - see the "social." subdomain.)
  51. argentum.social: suspended (reason: single-user instance where the admin doesn't understand anti-racism.)
  52. arthropod.social: limited (reason: Entomologist instance, where people post uncensored pictures of insects in public timelines.)
  53. asbe****.*afe: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  54. awakari.app: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  55. awakari.com: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  56. awoo.fai.st: suspended (reason: admin interacts with people on hellhole instances, including publicly posting uncensored lewd.)
  57. awootism.club: suspended (reason: associated with other scum instances.)
  58. babay.icu: suspended (reason: one of the instances of kromonos (known abuser).)
  59. babka.social: limited (reason: poor moderation)
  60. badly.co: suspended (reason: no rules)
  61. bae.st: suspended (reason: New instance of neckbeard.xyz that we suspend as well. Free speech instance, violently transphobic users and references to Nazism.)
  62. bajax.us: suspended (reason: Private instance, admin is a troll (uses the n-word + transphobic).)
  63. banepo.st: suspended (reason: federates with the usual blocked instances.)
  64. baraag.net: suspended (reason: This instance is sharing animated underage images. (from block list))
  65. based.social: suspended (reason: no rules)
  66. bbs.kawa-kun.com: suspended (reason: queerphobia, n-word, shitposting on fediblock tag)
  67. bearbirdsite.sicem.social: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  68. beefyboys.club: suspended (reason: Related to beefyboys.win.)
  69. beefyboys.win: suspended (reason: Publicly says it's an unsafe space + hosts harrassers.)
  70. beepboop.ga: suspended (reason: Transphobia (from blocklist) - see the "social." subdomain.)
  71. beetoons.tv: suspended (reason: PeerTube instance encouraging NFTs and cryptocurrency.)
  72. bemoe.online: suspended (reason: Alt right instance, pedopornographic content (from blocklist) - see the "lets." subdomain.)
  73. berserker.town: suspended (reason: federating and being friendly with a bunch of freeze peach instances + hosts ableist, transphobic and fascist conspiracy theorists. Also, they don't moderate any post from another instance.)
  74. bestgore.fun: suspended (reason: PeerTube instance full of gore and making fun of executions.)
  75. beta.mstdn.cf: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  76. bgza******.es: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  77. bibly.com: suspended (reason: transphobia, homophobia, anti-abortion, Christian proselytism.)
  78. bikeshed.party: suspended (reason: users harassing a Black person for their antiracism)
  79. birb.redra1n.net: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  80. birb.stream: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  81. birbber.hotfemboy.pics: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  82. bird.evilcyberhacker.net: suspended (reason: mirroring twitter accounts.)
  83. bird.geiger.ee: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  84. bird.hock.one: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  85. bird.im-in.space: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  86. bird.istheguy.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  87. bird.kuendig.io: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  88. bird.makeup: suspended (reason: Twitter bridge.)
  89. bird.r669.live: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  90. bird.shitposted.today: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  91. bird.waffles.fun: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  92. birdbots.leptonics.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  93. birds.garden: suspended (reason: Single-user instance that federates with blocked instance (and is "against" #fediblock).)
  94. birdsite.am-institute.swiss: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  95. birdsite.archybold.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  96. birdsite.axeleroy.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  97. birdsite.b93.dece.space: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  98. birdsite.blahaj.social: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  99. birdsite.blazelight.dev: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  100. birdsite.cbruegg.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  101. birdsite.cloutier.co: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  102. birdsite.csachweh.de: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  103. birdsite.darkesttimeline.social: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  104. birdsite.davinkevin.fr: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  105. birdsite.falkensweb.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  106. birdsite.felixmueller.cloud: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  107. birdsite.frog.fashion: suspended (reason: another twitter bridge.)
  108. birdsite.gabeappleton.me: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  109. birdsite.gnyo.org: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  110. birdsite.gred.al: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  111. birdsite.gxvwb.dev: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  112. birdsite.hwarf.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  113. birdsite.ingwie.me: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  114. birdsite.intra.kaijauch.de: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  115. birdsite.james.moody.name: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  116. birdsite.jupiterslanding.social: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  117. birdsite.k-fortytwo.de: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  118. birdsite.kaijauch.de: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  119. birdsite.kohl.dev: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  120. birdsite.koyu.space: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  121. birdsite.lakedrops.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  122. birdsite.link: limited (reason: Mostly bots/RT from Twitter, lack of CWs (from blocklist))
  123. birdsite.lipsia.casa: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  124. birdsite.live: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  125. birdsite.lluni.de: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  126. birdsite.mastodon.land: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  127. birdsite.mastodon.me.uk: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  128. birdsite.miisu.net: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  129. birdsite.monster: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  130. birdsite.noitl.space: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  131. birdsite.nytpu.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  132. birdsite.oliviaappleton.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  133. birdsite.outadoc.fr: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  134. birdsite.rap.social: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  135. birdsite.schafscheiss.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  136. birdsite.seejy.ninja: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  137. birdsite.slashdev.space: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  138. birdsite.space: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  139. birdsite.spectreos.de: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  140. birdsite.tcjc.uk: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  141. birdsite.tedandrachel.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  142. birdsite.thorlaksson.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  143. birdsite.toot.si: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  144. birdsite.vish.link: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  145. birdsite.vrparty.social: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  146. birdsite.weiranzhang.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  147. birdsite.wilde.cloud: suspended (reason: mirroring twitter accounts.)
  148. birdsitelive.angrydome.au: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  149. birdsitelive.baguette-it.social: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  150. birdsitelive.falschgold.net: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  151. birdsitelive.ffvo.dev: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  152. birdsitelive.janngobble.synology.me: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  153. birdsitelive.kevinyank.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  154. birdsitelive.laski.app: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  155. birdsitelive.leonardwong.tech: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  156. birdsitelive.loca.lt: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  157. birdsitelive.mastodon.vm.statshelix.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  158. birdsitelive.moistgarbage.info: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  159. birdsitelive.nullreference.io: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  160. birdsitelive.peanutlasko.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  161. birdsitelive.samedwards.ca: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  162. birdsitelive.self-hosted.site: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  163. birdsitelive.treffler.cloud: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  164. bitcoin.ninja: suspended (reason: cryptocurrency)
  165. bitcoinhackers.org: suspended (reason: Not moderated, no contact, hosts racist and conspiracy theory accounts.)
  166. bitcoinlizard.net: suspended (reason: cryptocurrency.)
  167. bitcointv.com: suspended (reason: covid denial)
  168. blacksun.social: suspended (reason: the name suggests nazis.)
  169. blob.cat: suspended (reason: moderated instance but free speech leaning.)
  170. blockedur.mom: suspended (reason: soapbox, worrisome name.)
  171. blue.worldkey.io: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  172. body.social: limited (reason: Unmarked NSFW content)
  173. bofh.social: suspended (reason: No moderation.)
  174. boks.moe: suspended (reason: usual bad instance stuff.)
  175. boobytooth.social: suspended (reason: bad actor (moderated by lamp).)
  176. bot.gallion.sh: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  177. bouteilledepis.se: suspended (reason: shitposting instance (in French).)
  178. boymoder.biz: suspended (reason: usual scum - on the same bubble as asbestos, ryona agency, etc.)
  179. brainsoap.net: suspended (reason: associates with suspended servers)
  180. brands.town: limited (reason: parody instance but it can be hard to tell so we don't want posts from there on our public TL.)
  181. brapbarn.farm: suspended (reason: part of the usual bad actors.)
  182. brea******.*lub: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  183. bridge.birb.space: suspended (reason: mirroring of accounts with no check for consent or account ownership, no way to request removal, and no contact information.)
  184. bridge.yopp.me: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  185. brighteon.social: suspended (reason: Far-right instance that thinks that fact-checking is a scam.)
  186. brotka.st: suspended (reason: admin is publicly against fediblock; therefore, no real moderation policy on the instance.)
  187. bruh.homd.xyz: suspended (reason: Channer type.)
  188. bsky.brid.gy: suspended (reason: A tool that forces federation with Bluesky unless you manually opt out.)
  189. bsl.adamstas.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  190. bsl.allofti.me: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  191. bsl.beerinacan.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  192. bsl.compostintraining.club: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  193. bsl.m-n.live: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  194. bsl.pride-rock-labs.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  195. bsl.sid500.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  196. bsl.tuxz.one: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  197. bsl.zogan.de: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  198. bubbletea.dev: suspended (reason: single-user troll instance (subdomain "misskey.").)
  199. buildthatwallandmakeamericagreatagain.trumpislovetrumpis.life: suspended (reason: Being suspended for racism, transphobia, and xenophobia. (from block list))
  200. bungle.online: suspended (reason: Federates with a lot of blocked instances)
  201. bunny.cafe: suspended (reason: Alt right instance (from blocklist))
  202. burggit.moe: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  203. bylines.social: suspended (reason: does not moderate transphobia.)
  204. byoblu.com: suspended (reason: Spreading fake news. (from block list) - see the "social." subdomain.)
  205. c.im: limited (reason: repeated bad moderation. Will be blocked on 08 January.)
  206. cachapa.moe: suspended (reason: Single-user instance, nazi.)
  207. cachapa.xyz: suspended (reason: interacts with blocked instances)
  208. cafkafk.com: suspended (reason: Single-user instance, racist stuff. - see the "misskey." and "pleroma." subdomain.)
  209. calobar.club: suspended (reason: homophobia, racism, antisemitism; Soapbox instance)
  210. canberrasocial.net: suspended (reason: Alt right instance (from blocklist))
  211. cannibal.cafe: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  212. cannibal.space: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  213. cantos.social: suspended (reason: free speech "experimental" instance.)
  214. carnivore.social: suspended (reason: Rightwing extremists (from block list))
  215. carrot.army: suspended (reason: Alt right instance (from blocklist))
  216. cassilda.house: suspended (reason: Federates with other blocked instances.)
  217. cassone.social: suspended (reason: COVID-19 misinformation (from block list))
  218. catgirl.life: suspended (reason: Illegal content. (from block list))
  219. catposter.club: suspended (reason: Interacts with other blocked instances.)
  220. cawfee.club: suspended (reason: Federates with blocked instances (masochi st, freec*extremists) + racist, homophobic slurs.)
  221. cdrom.tokyo: suspended (reason: no moderation rules, federates with the usual bad actors.)
  222. celebrity.social: limited (reason: Run by the same person behind newsies social (who is okay with transphobic posts). Also, an instance only for celebrities…)
  223. celp.de: suspended (reason: No moderation policy, nothing on the "About" page. It's a new instance with Twitter mirrors which post upsetting news without any content warning. - see the "fed." subdomain.)
  224. censorship.icu: suspended (reason: Conspiracy theory-based PeerTube instance. (from block list))
  225. channel.org: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  226. chaotic.ninja: suspended (reason: your usual misskey / troll-ey / federating with bad instances, instance.)
  227. charlestown.social: suspended (reason: https://catcatnya.com/@kescher/108952202971191519)
  228. chat.wecops.uk: suspended (reason: cops)
  229. childlove.space: suspended (reason: CSAM)
  230. childlove.su: suspended (reason: Previously childlove.space)
  231. childpawn.shop: suspended (reason: Obvious child pornography site. No moderation.)
  232. chocoflan.net: suspended (reason: the subdomain "social" has no real moderation policy + federates with the usual hellholes.)
  233. chudbuds.lol: suspended (reason: transphobia, racism, kiwifarm affiliate.)
  234. chudbuds.org: suspended (reason: sibling instance of chudbuds.lol, one of the Bad Actors.)
  235. chungus.cc: suspended (reason: Racist shithole (from block list))
  236. civiq.social: suspended (reason: Alt right instance (from blocklist))
  237. ckpg.space: suspended (reason: ableism)
  238. clew.lol: suspended (reason: Racism, nazism)
  239. cliterati.club: suspended (reason: TERF instance (transphobia) (from blocklist))
  240. cloud.okteto.net: suspended (reason: spam prevention (this is a root domain for dynamically-allocated subdomains).)
  241. cloud.scaleway.com: suspended (reason: spam prevention (this is a root domain for dynamically-allocated subdomains).)
  242. cloudapp.azure.com: suspended (reason: spam prevention (this is a root domain for dynamically-allocated subdomains).)
  243. cloudisland.online: suspended (reason: Impersonating another instance and spamming on the FediBlock tag.)
  244. cloudplane.app: suspended (reason: spam prevention (this is a root domain for dynamically-allocated subdomains).)
  245. clubcyberia.co: suspended (reason: Blatant homophobia in the instance rules.)
  246. clube.social: suspended (reason: free speech + far-right admin.)
  247. coinfundit.com: suspended (reason: cryptocurrency.)
  248. collapse.pub: suspended (reason: free speech instance.)
  249. collapsitarian.io: suspended (reason: Admins uses racial slurs, + the instance federates with well-known blocked instances like baest.)
  250. comfyboy.club: suspended (reason: No moderation, no Terms of service, federates with blocked servers (poa.st, sleepy.cafe…))
  251. comm.network: suspended (reason: No moderation.)
  252. contentnation.net: suspended (reason: Instance scraping.)
  253. contrapointsfan.club: suspended (reason: federates with gleansonator/spinster/poast, admin has a kiwifarms alt, etc. etc.)
  254. coolsite.win: suspended (reason: part of the usual bad actors.)
  255. cottoncandy.cafe: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  256. counter.social: suspended (reason: Transphobia (from blocklist))
  257. couter.social: suspended (reason: Admin stole and rebranded Mastodon source code, he's a thief. (from block list))
  258. crlf.ninja: suspended (reason: usual suspects. No moderation staff.)
  259. cruc****.**rld: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  260. cryptgems.io: suspended (reason: crypto.)
  261. cryptocartel.social: suspended (reason: cryptocurrency.)
  262. cryptodon.lol: suspended (reason: crypto stuff)
  263. cryptotalks.social: suspended (reason: cryptobros)
  264. cryptotooter.com: suspended (reason: crypto stuff)
  265. ctseuro.com: suspended (reason: No moderation, the admin said so themselves. - see the "mastodon." subdomain.)
  266. cub.cool: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  267. cucked.me: suspended (reason: the name says it all. - see the "pleroma." subdomain.)
  268. cum.camp: suspended (reason: the name is worrying enough. No moderation policy, federates with the usual hellholes, at least one admin uses racial slurs.)
  269. cum.desupost.soy: suspended (reason: racism, sexism, transphobia)
  270. cum.salon: suspended (reason: Instance is anti-transgender and also shares other offensive material. (from block list))
  271. cunny.beauty: suspended (reason: Lolicon, federates with other instances blocked for pedophilia)
  272. cunny.finance: suspended (reason: Explicitly no site rules.)
  273. cunny.gay: suspended (reason: Instance name is bad + admin interacts with the usual bad actors.)
  274. cunnyborea.space: suspended (reason: Pedophilia, Nazis)
  275. cunnyfu.cc: suspended (reason: Pedophilia and zoophilia)
  276. cutefunny.art: suspended (reason: lolicon.)
  277. cutefunny.net: suspended (reason: lolicon (the fediverse instance is at the "social" subdomain).)
  278. cybercriminal.eu: suspended (reason: Interacts with hellhole instances)
  279. cybercrusade.xyz: suspended (reason: Admin uses an ableist slur in his TN and his bio, + transphobic (his bio has something like "pronouns are: nor/mal" but with a slur).)
  280. cyberdruids.club: suspended (reason: usual bad instance.)
  281. cyberretards.xyz: suspended (reason: no moderation policy. - see the "lostvoid." subdomain.)
  282. cyberstorm.one: suspended (reason: No moderation policy, federates with the usual hellholes.)
  283. cyuucat.moe: suspended (reason: Associates with blocked instances)
  284. d-fens.systems: suspended (reason: No moderation, federates with a lot of unreputable instances.)
  285. danksquad.org: suspended (reason: No real moderation policy, admin interacts with users from well-known hellholes, the rules prohibit talk of gender or racism or communism (among others).)
  286. darknight-coffee.org: suspended (reason: subdomain "netz" hosts a single-user, right-wing German reply guy.)
  287. daspr.io: suspended (reason: this is the root domain, the fedi instance is on the "social" subdomain. Admin is antivax.)
  288. dcomm.net.ua: limited (reason: temporary silence. Several instances for Ukrainian cities. Two accounts reported on one of these instances: maybe actual trolls on the instance, maybe currently under attack. Either way, we're being careful.)
  289. dd0s.lol: suspended (reason: instance at "webl." is a cesspool of bad actors. No moderation policy either.)
  290. decayable.ink: suspended (reason: transphobia.)
  291. decept.org: suspended (reason: admin interacts with people from well-known blocked instances.)
  292. declin.eu: suspended (reason: no moderation policy, no admin staff, probable bad actor.)
  293. degenerates.fail: suspended (reason: Alt right instance (from blocklist))
  294. dembased.xyz: suspended (reason: new home of logografos. Instance is at the "pp." subdomain.)
  295. derveni.org: suspended (reason: No moderation rules + conspiracy theory users. - see the "mastodon." subdomain.)
  296. desupost.soy: suspended (reason: racism, sexism, transphobia - see the "cum." subdomain.)
  297. detroitriotcity.com: suspended (reason: transmisic admin)
  298. dickki**********t.xyz: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  299. dingdash.com: suspended (reason: free speech.)
  300. dirtyhobby.xyz: suspended (reason: No moderation policy, hosts people who glorify incest. - see the "my." subdomain.)
  301. disqordia.space: suspended (reason: antiblack racism)
  302. disroot.org: suspended (reason: no moderation)
  303. dissident.business: suspended (reason: white supremacy)
  304. distsn.org: suspended (reason: Spam (from blocklist) - see the "2." subdomain.)
  305. dixies.land: suspended (reason: racism)
  306. djsumdog.com: suspended (reason: Free speech + anti-abortion & conspiracy takes by the owner of the instance.)
  307. dobbs.town: suspended (reason: Hosts users who hold transphobic, anti-abortion discourse.)
  308. doctors4covidethics.org: suspended (reason: covid denial & conspiracy theories at the "tube." subdomain (peertube instance).)
  309. dragonborn.app: suspended (reason: Usual bad instance stuff. Admin interacts with known bad actors and is definitely far right. Pleroma instance at the "pleroma." subdomain.)
  310. dragonpsi.xyz: suspended (reason: ("remmy." subdomain) - lemmy instance - free speech)
  311. drow.be: suspended (reason: one of the instances of kromonos (known abuser).)
  312. dtz***.*yz: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  313. dumbopinions.xyz: suspended (reason: free speech instance, insulting name, admin uses poast.)
  314. durst.world: suspended (reason: "sister instance" to zztails.gay. Also, no moderation policy, etc.)
  315. eatthebugs.social: suspended (reason: fascist instance, antisemitic mod, soapbox, etc.)
  316. ebin.club: suspended (reason: is okay with trolling + admins don't know the concept of antiracism. - see the "post." subdomain.)
  317. eeeeeeeee.eu: suspended (reason: admin uses ableist language and federates/chats with the usual hellholes.)
  318. eepy.express: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  319. eientei.org: suspended (reason: Racist hate pool (from block list))
  320. electroncash.de: suspended (reason: crypto - see the "mastodon." subdomain.)
  321. elekk.xyz: suspended (reason: harassment against a black-run instance)
  322. eleme*******.org: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  323. elonsucks.org: suspended (reason: spam.)
  324. emacs.ch: limited (reason: moderation is not always pristine. Might move to a block.)
  325. endtimebelievers.com: suspended (reason: instance for, and I quote, "#Christian #Patriot and #Conservative minded people who love #Freedom & #Privacy.")
  326. enes.lv: suspended (reason: No moderation policy, federates with some of the usual hellholes - see the "p." subdomain.)
  327. epenguin.com: suspended (reason: transphobia)
  328. equel.social: suspended (reason: venture capital, affiliated with LinkedIn, full of entrepreneurs.)
  329. etiketi.de: suspended (reason: hosts account of Boris Reitschuster, rightwing conspiracy theorist. + admin posts corona conspiracies)
  330. eveningzoo.club: suspended (reason: Federating with a lot of already blocked instances. Users promote harrassment, transphobia and racism.)
  331. evilcyberhacker.net: suspended (reason: mirroring twitter accounts. - see the "bird." subdomain.)
  332. explosion.party: suspended (reason: federates with the usual blocked instances.)
  333. f.haeder.net: suspended (reason: transphobia)
  334. facebook.com: suspended (reason: precautionary block)
  335. faggot.global: suspended (reason: the name says it all. Preventive block.)
  336. fans.sonichu.com: suspended (reason: hate speech (terfs, psychophobia from one user) + no clear moderation policy.)
  337. fapsi.be: suspended (reason: one of the instances of kromonos (known abuser).)
  338. fbxl.net: suspended (reason: FediBlock because of explicit wish of the admin. - see the "social." subdomain.)
  339. fed.celp.de: suspended (reason: No moderation policy, nothing on the "About" page. It's a new instance with Twitter mirrors which post upsetting news without any content warning.)
  340. fedcast.ch: suspended (reason: No moderation policy; techbro stuff. - see the "social." subdomain.)
  341. federate.net: suspended (reason: Maga instance)
  342. federated.fun: suspended (reason: no moderation policy, federates and admin interacts with the usual hellholes.)
  343. fedi.absturztau.be: suspended (reason: Alt right instance, pedopornographic content (from blocklist))
  344. fedi.anti-degeneracy.club: suspended (reason: Transmisia + federates with blocked instances.)
  345. fedi.intkos.link: suspended (reason: Federates and interacts with known hell-holes.)
  346. fedi.pawlicker.com: suspended (reason: No moderation policy + hosts at least one harasser.)
  347. fedi.yesmap.net: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  348. fedi.z0ne.moe: suspended (reason: This instance is sharing underage material. (from block list))
  349. fedicate.org: suspended (reason: This site lets anyone make reports about users and anyone can see them. While some might see this is a valuable tool, this can also make it easier to harass people.)
  350. fedichive.tk: suspended (reason: They're archiving the Fediverse (from blocklist))
  351. fedilist.com: suspended (reason: crawler created by someone from freespeechextremists.)
  352. fedisearch.skorpil.cz: suspended (reason: Crawler.)
  353. fediverse.lol: suspended (reason: free speech -like.)
  354. fediverse.to: suspended (reason: Fediverse scraper with no criteria for in/exclusion.)
  355. fedposters.club: suspended (reason: queerphobia)
  356. fedsearch.io: suspended (reason: scraper.)
  357. feministwiki.org: suspended (reason: TERFS.)
  358. feral.cafe: suspended (reason: zoophilia)
  359. fightthis.net: suspended (reason: federates and interacts with the usual hellholes.)
  360. firebird.mullet.social: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  361. firedr**********s.com: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  362. firefaithfellowship.com: suspended (reason: Christian supremacist right-wing instance.)
  363. flashist.health: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  364. flashist.video: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  365. flauschig.social: limited (reason: No real moderation (from blocklist))
  366. flipboard.com: suspended (reason: Company instance, advertising)
  367. flipboard.social: suspended (reason: company instance, advertising stuff, capitalism, bad.)
  368. flipboard.video: suspended (reason: Company instance, advertising)
  369. fluf.club: suspended (reason: Same policies as freeseechextremists and kiwifarms.)
  370. fluffytail.org: suspended (reason: usual scum, no moderation policy, channer type.)
  371. fosstodon.org: limited (reason: bad moderation, fossbros and reply guys)
  372. fox***.**ub: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  373. fr13nd5.com: suspended (reason: Likely a single-user instance, harasses folks with either spam or odd replies.)
  374. freak.university: suspended (reason: paraphilia.)
  375. free*******.xyz: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  376. freeatlantis.com: suspended (reason: No moderation policy, admin is an empty shell, hosts anti-abortion users.)
  377. freecumextremist.com: suspended (reason: shitposting instance.)
  378. freedomstrike.net: suspended (reason: ableism)
  379. freedomstrike.org: suspended (reason: affiliates with freedomstrike.net.)
  380. freesoftwareextremist.com: suspended (reason: same as the other ones)
  381. freespeech.chat: limited (reason: free speech?)
  382. freespeech.club: suspended (reason: Subdomain "pleroma". Free speech stuff -> usual scum.)
  383. freespeech.fans: suspended (reason: Yet AnotherFree Speech Instance.)
  384. freespeech.group: suspended (reason: Allows discriminatory language against marginalized groups of people. (from block list))
  385. freespeechextremist.com: suspended (reason: Racist, sexist, transphobic statements.)
  386. freetalklive.com: suspended (reason: Federates with blocked instances, has absolutely no moderation policy. - see the "social." subdomain.)
  387. freethinkers.lgbt: limited (reason: No real moderation (from blocklist))
  388. freewahaextremist.com: suspended (reason: links to freespeechextremists)
  389. freewahaextremist.wtf: suspended (reason: Same racist & ableist admin as desupost.soy.)
  390. frennet.xyz: suspended (reason: another bad actor instance, federates & interacts with the usuals.)
  391. friendica.eskimo.com: suspended (reason: Same thing as eskimo.com)
  392. friendica.ironbug.com: suspended (reason: advocating child abuse)
  393. friends.ravergram.club: suspended (reason: Free speech instance)
  394. froth.zone: suspended (reason: No moderation policy + apparently racist mods.)
  395. fsebugoutzone.org: suspended (reason: free speech extremist other instance.)
  396. fuckgov.org: suspended (reason: Parody instance)
  397. fulltermprivacy.com: suspended (reason: free speech, admin is transmisic. Mastodon instance on the "mastodon." subdomain.)
  398. furcel.club: suspended (reason: part of the usual suspects club.)
  399. furfag.de: suspended (reason: "be nice but not too extremist" (antifa are blocked as well as fascists).)
  400. furville.drinkanddrive.africa: suspended (reason: Racist instance)
  401. gab.ai: suspended (reason: Alt right instance.)
  402. gab.com: suspended (reason: Far-right instance.)
  403. gab.sleeck.eu: suspended (reason: Alt right instance.)
  404. gabe.rocks: suspended (reason: admin seemingly spreading pro-racism propaganda)
  405. gabfed.com: suspended (reason: Alt right instance.)
  406. gameliberty.club: suspended (reason: Hosts nazi accounts, and allows all art, even nsfw with minors.)
  407. gamers.exposed: suspended (reason: Racist slurs by admin (from block list) - see the "pl." subdomain.)
  408. gangstalking.services: suspended (reason: block list scraping)
  409. gasthe.lgbt: suspended (reason: Homophobia (from blocklist))
  410. gateway.occm.cc: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  411. gayretard.club: suspended (reason: Problematic domain name)
  412. gearlandia.haus: suspended (reason: Admins post hate speech. Harassment of Cloud Island administrator.)
  413. gegenstimme.tv: suspended (reason: German/Austrian right-wing propaganda "news" network)
  414. gen***.**ve: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  415. genart.social: suspended (reason: allows NFTs.)
  416. genderheretics.xyz: suspended (reason: transphobic instance.)
  417. genitalia.observer: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  418. gensoyko.club: suspended (reason: associates with garbage instances)
  419. geofront.rocks: suspended (reason: racism)
  420. getgle.org: suspended (reason: Not moderated. Hosts misogyny, racism, transmisia, antisemitism and genocide denial. - see the "pub." and "social." subdomains.)
  421. ghetti.monster: suspended (reason: No moderation policy, literally for "American patriots". Admins interact with known hell-holes.)
  422. girlboss.gaslight.love: suspended (reason: Uses slurs and interacts with other blocked instances)
  423. gitmo.life: suspended (reason: Alt right instance (from blocklist))
  424. gitpod.io: suspended (reason: spam prevention (this is a root domain for dynamically-allocated subdomains).)
  425. gleasonator.com: suspended (reason: Doesn't moderate transphobic statements.)
  426. glee.li: suspended (reason: bad actor, admin posts racists / troll stuff, interacts with other bad instances.)
  427. glibre.org: suspended (reason: Complotism (from blocklist) - see the "mastodon." subdomain.)
  428. glindr.org: suspended (reason: Doesn't moderate transphobic comments.)
  429. globalfrens.com: suspended (reason: Channer type.)
  430. glowers.club: suspended (reason: No moderation policy + hosts harassers.)
  431. glowing.surf: suspended (reason: single-instance user, cryptocurrency and NFTs. - see the "mas." subdomain.)
  432. gor*.*ub: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  433. goreslut.xyz: suspended (reason: bad actor.)
  434. goto.vsta.org: suspended (reason: ableism (antivax))
  435. goyim.app: suspended (reason: Nazi user, no instance moderation.)
  436. goyim.social: suspended (reason: Anti-Semitism)
  437. goyslop.cafe: suspended (reason: comes from the same place as beefyboys)
  438. graz.social: suspended (reason: the admin defends TERFs)
  439. greenboys.club: suspended (reason: Admin has accounts on blocked instances (baest). - see the "sb." subdomain.)
  440. greenish.red: suspended (reason: Racism, no moderation)
  441. grim.run: suspended (reason: free speech advocates who things Nazis and communists should get the same treatment.)
  442. grim.social: suspended (reason: bad actor, channer type.)
  443. grin.hu: limited (reason: ("mastodon." subdomain) admin has been seen several times sealioning about lgbt+ rights.)
  444. gs.smuglo.li: suspended (reason: Pedopornographic content (from blocklist))
  445. guizzyordi.info: suspended (reason: No moderation (from blocklist) - see the "social." subdomain.)
  446. guns.krackhou.se: suspended (reason: Racism)
  447. h5q.net: suspended (reason: Unmarked NSFW content, CSAM.)
  448. hachyderm.io: suspended (reason: in short: the admin is hella capitalist and hella not antiracist. In long: allows corporate accounts + intends to "introduce trust with corporations" + jokingly talk about the admin being a dictator.)
  449. haeder.net: suspended (reason: transphobia - see the "f." subdomain.)
  450. hagra.net: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment (from blocklist))
  451. hallsofamenti.io: suspended (reason: far-right USA instance, transphobic accounts.)
  452. handholding.io: suspended (reason: users harassing a Black person for their antiracism)
  453. handicapped.tk: suspended (reason: no rules)
  454. harpy.faith: suspended (reason: pleroma instance at the "sacred" subdomain. Supports ban evasion and doesn't really moderate.)
  455. hedge*********.club: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  456. helladoge.com: suspended (reason: dogecoin instance, encourages spam and following people with no regard for privacy.)
  457. hellsite.site: suspended (reason: Toots to make apps crash down (from blocklist))
  458. hellthread.church: suspended (reason: Nukem.biz alt, racism)
  459. hendr*******.com: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  460. hentai.baby: suspended (reason: supporting ""minor attraction"" (i.e. pedophilia) and rape.)
  461. hessen.social: suspended (reason: doesn't moderate transphobia.)
  462. heymaven.com: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  463. hidamari.apartments: suspended (reason: doesn't block anything.)
  464. hitchhiker.social: suspended (reason: Another instance by djumdog.)
  465. hiveway.net: suspended (reason: Spam (from blocklist))
  466. homd.xyz: suspended (reason: Channer type. - see the "bruh." subdomain.)
  467. homoo.social: suspended (reason: This instance is sharing underage material. (from block list))
  468. homunyan.com: suspended (reason: Pedopornographic content (from blocklist) - see the "social." subdomain.)
  469. homura.space: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment (from blocklist))
  470. honeypot.im: suspended (reason: Conspiracy theories (+ covid denials) - see the "mastodon." subdomain.)
  471. honkwerx.tech: suspended (reason: Admin is publicly racist, misogynistic and transphobic.)
  472. hornyjail.pro: suspended (reason: single-user, doesn't defederate from anything, doesn't support blocking instances, alts on other hellholes)
  473. humblr.social: suspended (reason: Porn instance with no CW (from blocklist))
  474. hunk.city: suspended (reason: Misogynist instance, people use slurs against various minorities.)
  475. husk.site: suspended (reason: Explicitly racist admin + interacts with people from known hell-holes.)
  476. iddqd.social: suspended (reason: Nazi sympathizers using Nazi imagery. Plus they're tracking down who's blocking them.)
  477. ignorelist.com: suspended (reason: subdomain "onevery.ignorelist.com" seems to be a malicious website/instance. Also, that name says it all.)
  478. ihatebeinga.live: suspended (reason: Alt right instance, pedopornographic content (from blocklist))
  479. illegal.lewdum.download: suspended (reason: No moderation policy, sketchy name)
  480. imirhil.fr: suspended (reason: Private instance, created to circumvent suspensions. - see the "social." subdomain.)
  481. immibis.com: suspended (reason: single user instance, racism)
  482. imouto.exposed: suspended (reason: Pedophilia and racism)
  483. imouto.pics: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  484. impeccable.social: suspended (reason: Admin interacts with known hate sites.)
  485. inferencium.net: suspended (reason: Federates with the usual hellholes. - see the "plr." subdomain.)
  486. instagram.com: suspended (reason: not federating with any "Meta" site over here)
  487. instinctd.com: suspended (reason: another twitter bridge.)
  488. intkos.link: suspended (reason: Federates and interacts with known hell-holes. - see the "fedi." subdomain.)
  489. inumbra.xyz: suspended (reason: Instance at the "quorum." subdomain federates and interacts with a lot of bad actors.)
  490. ioc.exchange: limited (reason: badly moderates transphobia.)
  491. ironbug.org: suspended (reason: cf friendica.ironbug.com + admin is transphobic.)
  492. itmslaves.com: suspended (reason: free speech instance, hosts anti-abortion people)
  493. japanties.org: suspended (reason: the domain name doesn't bode well. - see the "akkoma." subdomain.)
  494. jeena.net: suspended (reason: single user, pro-free speech. - see the "toot." subdomain.)
  495. jojo.singleuser.club: suspended (reason: No moderation; racist and transphobic statements.)
  496. jorts.horse: suspended (reason: shitposting on the fediblock hashtag is encouraged by the admin)
  497. journa.host: suspended (reason: scraping, collecting a list of instances that block the domain, hosts right-wing people.)
  498. juglugs.com: suspended (reason: single-user instance (at the "mastodon." subdomain). Admin has a lot of red flags.)
  499. justbros.xyz: suspended (reason: admin uses hate speech (homophobia).)
  500. justicewarrior.social: suspended (reason: "Free speech" instance with no moderation rules.)
  501. kabuki.club: suspended (reason: racism)
  502. kakise.tech: suspended (reason: single-user; transphobia from admin - see the "md." subdomain.)
  503. kansanvalta.org: suspended (reason: the peertube instance (at the "tube." subdomain) has been reported to hold a lot of bad stuff.)
  504. kawa-kun.com: suspended (reason: queerphobia, n-word, shitposting on fediblock tag - see the "bbs." subdomain.)
  505. kenhbit.com: suspended (reason: Crypto spam (from block list) - see the "app." subdomain.)
  506. kidsarehot.fyi: suspended (reason: CSAM)
  507. kinky.business: limited (reason: Unmarked NSFW content. (from block list))
  508. kinkyelephant.com: limited (reason: Unmarked NSFW content. (from block list))
  509. kitsui.life: suspended (reason: Spam)
  510. kitsunemimi.club: suspended (reason: racism, transmisia, federates with the usual hellholes)
  511. kiwi*****.is: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  512. kiwifarms.cc: suspended (reason: Kiwi Farms' official instance. Users from this instance are known to dox and harass people (online and offline), leading to severe consequences.)
  513. kiwifarms.net: suspended (reason: Alt right instance (from blocklist) - see the "pleroma." subdomain.)
  514. kom****.cz: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  515. kotobank.ch: suspended (reason: admin interacts with people from well-known blocked instances. The pleroma instance is at the "pl." subdomain.)
  516. kowai.youkai.town: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment (from blocklist))
  517. kurosawa.moe: suspended (reason: loli / anime stuff and racism, slurs, the usual poast stuff.)
  518. kyaruc.moe: suspended (reason: fascism - see the "ak." subdomain.)
  519. kyou.social: suspended (reason: shotacon, interacts with people on other bad instances.)
  520. kys.moe: suspended (reason: Federates with other bad instances, sometimes uses slurs, admin is literally called "rude".)
  521. kyun.host: suspended (reason: channer-type single instance.)
  522. l3r.me: suspended (reason: yet another twitter bridge - see the "t." subdomain.)
  523. la**.*h: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  524. labmonkeys.space: suspended (reason: Soapbox. - see the "social." subdomain.)
  525. lai*.*ay: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  526. lain.la: suspended (reason: part of the usual bad instances. Instance on the "comp." subdomain.)
  527. leafposter.club: suspended (reason: "Free speech" instance hosting transphobic accounts.)
  528. left*****.net: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  529. lets.bemoe.online: suspended (reason: Alt right instance, pedopornographic content (from blocklist))
  530. letsalllovela.in: suspended (reason: links to other blocked instances.)
  531. lewdieheaven.com: suspended (reason: csam.)
  532. lewdieheaven.vip: suspended (reason: New domain of lewdieheaven.com)
  533. lgbt****.*one: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  534. lib***.*ne: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  535. libbie.cloud: suspended (reason: channer instance, local bubble of reisen church. Instance at the "the." subdomain.)
  536. libe****.com: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  537. libranet.de: suspended (reason: This domain is being suspended for hate speech and images. (from block list))
  538. libre.tube: suspended (reason: Hosts gore and conspiracy theory videos.)
  539. librenet.co.za: suspended (reason: Antivaxx, racism and much more. (from block list))
  540. librosphere.fr: suspended (reason: instance maintenue par une personne connue pour être d'extrême droite)
  541. lick.cunny.win: suspended (reason: CSA)
  542. ligma.pro: suspended (reason: Transphobic statements, instance admin publicly states that if you don't like it you should block it.)
  543. linuxrocks.online: suspended (reason: bad moderation (doesn't kick out transphobes))
  544. lizards.live: suspended (reason: Admin is fatphobic and a troll)
  545. localhost.run: suspended (reason: spam prevention (this is a root domain for dynamically-allocated subdomains).)
  546. logografos.com: suspended (reason: federates with the usual hellholes. The fedi instance is on the "pp." subdomain.)
  547. loli.estate: suspended (reason: Pedopornographic content (from blocklist))
  548. loli.pizza: suspended (reason: Loli content (from block list))
  549. loli***.****ork: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  550. lolicon.rocks: suspended (reason: Pedocriminality - see the "posting." subdomain.)
  551. lolis.world: suspended (reason: Pedopornographic content (from blocklist))
  552. lolison.top: suspended (reason: Federates with other known hate instances + Encouraging harassment of admin.)
  553. lostvoid.cyberretards.xyz: suspended (reason: no moderation policy.)
  554. loveforlandlords.com: suspended (reason: the name is enough. More seriously, no good moderation policy, racist TOS.)
  555. lovingexpressions.net: suspended (reason: hosts nazis - see the "social." subdomain.)
  556. luc****.nl: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  557. lyricaltokarev.fun: suspended (reason: usual bad instance (admin interacts with poast, fse, etc). Pleroma instance at the "pleroma." subdomain.)
  558. m.anirloli.dev: suspended (reason: This instance is posting animated underage material. (from block list))
  559. m.ating.press: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  560. mahodou.moe: suspended (reason: Racism, ableism, trolling, and priding themselves in having "No blocks on any instances" and "Super lax TOS" on their server. - see the "soc." subdomain.)
  561. maladaptive.art: suspended (reason: free speech. - see the "ap." subdomain.)
  562. mapsupport.de: suspended (reason: pedophilia)
  563. marsey.club: suspended (reason: kiwifarm instance.)
  564. marsey.moe: suspended (reason: admin interacts with poa.st and other horrible instances)
  565. mas.glowing.surf: suspended (reason: single-instance user, cryptocurrency and NFTs.)
  566. mashtodon.alterracloud.com: suspended (reason: Racism and harassment.)
  567. masochi.st: suspended (reason: Racist admin (from block list))
  568. mastertibbles.co.uk: suspended (reason: Explicitly allows racism (even in the About page).)
  569. masthead.social: suspended (reason: antivax admins)
  570. mastinator.com: suspended (reason: aggregates and republishes toots without permission.)
  571. mastod.no: suspended (reason: transphobia)
  572. mastodon.cf: suspended (reason: no moderation policy, free speech, admin seems to be transphobic)
  573. mastodon.cloud: limited (reason: big instance, no moderation policy.)
  574. mastodon.com.tr: suspended (reason: spam)
  575. mastodon.ctseuro.com: limited (reason: No moderation, the admin said so themselves.)
  576. mastodon.deepspace.cafe: suspended (reason: Transphobia and harassment.)
  577. mastodon.derveni.org: suspended (reason: No moderation rules + conspiracy theory users.)
  578. mastodon.electroncash.de: suspended (reason: crypto)
  579. mastodon.enitin.xyz: suspended (reason: Free speech instance)
  580. mastodon.glibre.org: suspended (reason: Complotism (from blocklist))
  581. mastodon.green: suspended (reason: Racist/xenophobic terms of use.)
  582. mastodon.honeypot.im: suspended (reason: Conspiracy theories (+ covid denials))
  583. mastodon.la: suspended (reason: transphobic admin.)
  584. mastodon.satoshishop.de: suspended (reason: Misogyny, anti LGBT, spreading disinformation)
  585. mastodon.se: limited (reason: bad moderation.)
  586. mastodon.sl: suspended (reason: corporate-run instance.)
  587. mastodon.social: limited (reason: weak moderation, yet another wave of spams.)
  588. mastodon.socialspill.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  589. mastodon.someotherguy.xyz: suspended (reason: Single user, transphobia and right-wing conspiracy theories.)
  590. mastodon.sxpert.org: suspended (reason: Posts conspiracy theories and antisemitism. Insertion at end of text. Private comment edit text)
  591. mastodon.terabyte-computing.com: suspended (reason: Transmisia)
  592. mastodon.top: limited (reason: far-right instance.)
  593. mastodon.world: limited (reason: poor moderation.)
  594. mastodong.lol: suspended (reason: voluntarily doesn't block anything.)
  595. mastodonhub.com: suspended (reason: Spreading fake information purposely (from block list) - see the "moa." subdomain.)
  596. mastogizmos.com: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  597. masturb.ating.press: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  598. maven.ly: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  599. md.kakise.tech: suspended (reason: single-user; transphobia from admin)
  600. medic.cafe: suspended (reason: Complotism (from blocklist))
  601. megamast.io: suspended (reason: free speech, no moderation policy.)
  602. melalandia.tk: suspended (reason: Hate speech and pedopornography.)
  603. meld.de: suspended (reason: free speech, does not block other instances, admin is racist/queerphobic/etc.)
  604. meme.moe: suspended (reason: transphobia)
  605. mentalswarf.com: suspended (reason: soapbox instance. - see the "wei." subdomain.)
  606. meowdy.club: suspended (reason: Federates with other blocked instances)
  607. merovingian.club: suspended (reason: no moderation policy, fediblocked for inflamatory behavior.)
  608. mesugaki.xyz: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  609. midwaytrades.com: suspended (reason: Transphobia and other right-wing stuff. - see the "social." and "soapbox." subdomains.)
  610. miku-enthusiast.club: suspended (reason: created by someone on another blocked instance (mastodong), federates with the usual hellholes.)
  611. mil***.**fe: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  612. milkers.online: suspended (reason: usual scum - part of the same bubble as other bad instances.)
  613. minds.com: suspended (reason: Alt right instance)
  614. minidisc.tokyo: suspended (reason: no moderation rules, federates with the usual bad actors.)
  615. mir***.**fe: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  616. miria.love: suspended (reason: Loli content (from block list) - see the "pleroma." subdomain.)
  617. mirr0r.city: suspended (reason: pedophilia, no moderation policy.)
  618. misogyni.st: suspended (reason: not a great name.)
  619. misono-ya.info: suspended (reason: admin interacts with known hate sites.)
  620. miss.mouse.services: suspended (reason: interacts with the usual bad actors.)
  621. misskey-forkbomb.cf: suspended (reason: constantly sending requests in an attempt to overwhelm instances.)
  622. misskey-forkbomb.ledlamp89.repl.co: suspended (reason: constantly sending requests in an attempt to overwhelm instances.)
  623. misskey.cafkafk.com: suspended (reason: 4-chan-like.)
  624. mitra.social: suspended (reason: wants to turn fedi into NFTs? + admin's other account is on poa.st.)
  625. mk.nixnet.social: suspended (reason: pedophilia from the admin)
  626. mk.udongein.reisen: suspended (reason: channer instance, local bubble of reisen church)
  627. moa.mastodonhub.com: suspended (reason: Spreading fake information purposely (from block list))
  628. moa.st: suspended (reason: says they're the Mastodon version of poast, one of the worst hellholes)
  629. monads.online: suspended (reason: This instance is posting offensive political content related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. (from block list))
  630. monk.ey.business: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  631. monofed.com: suspended (reason: Spam)
  632. mooskirsch.xyz: suspended (reason: usual scum, federates with bad instances.)
  633. morale.ch: suspended (reason: admin interacts with known hellholes and spews hate speech.)
  634. mostr.pub: suspended (reason: Alt-right, spam)
  635. mous*.*****ces: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  636. mrhands.horse: suspended (reason: unmoderated instance, close to hellhole instances. - see the "social." subdomain.)
  637. mstdn.forfun.su: suspended (reason: Literally a bot/AI instance.)
  638. mstdn.funil.de: suspended (reason: Racist)
  639. mstdn.io: limited (reason: Free speech instance with several blocked users.)
  640. mstdn.satania.social: suspended (reason: no moderation.)
  641. mstdn.social: limited (reason: Lots of spambots these days (January 2025))
  642. mstdn.starnix.network: limited (reason: moderation policy to a minimum.)
  643. mugicha.club: suspended (reason: from blocklist)
  644. mulmeyun.church: suspended (reason: free speech instance with no moderation rules.)
  645. musksocial.com: suspended (reason: "for those that hold to Elon's ideals of "Free Speech")
  646. my.dirtyhobby.xyz: suspended (reason: No moderation policy, hosts people who glorify incest.)
  647. myasstodon.xyz: suspended (reason: harassment of a Black-run instance)
  648. nalocal519.social: suspended (reason: conspiracy theories)
  649. narrativerry.xyz: suspended (reason: Admin is a homophobe and antivax. - see the "pleroma." subdomain.)
  650. natehiggers.online: suspended (reason: very racist domain name, trump-adjacent, conspiracy theory stuff.)
  651. natehiggers.org: suspended (reason: Racist domain name, which also seems to be the new home of natehiggers.online)
  652. nationalist.social: suspended (reason: Previously known as nobodyhasthe.biz)
  653. nationaljustice.social: suspended (reason: admin interacts with people from hellholes instances + the instance name sounds like nazis + antisemitism + homophobia from the admin so yeah, nazis.)
  654. naz*.****al: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  655. neckbeard.xyz: suspended (reason: Free speech instance, transphobic users and references to Nazism.)
  656. needs.vodka: suspended (reason: Associated with squid.kids, same block reason applies)
  657. neenster.org: suspended (reason: sympathising with kf, gleasonator)
  658. nekocave.xyz: suspended (reason: no moderation)
  659. network.europa.eu: limited (reason: instance for official EU institutions. - see the "social." subdomain.)
  660. netzsphaere.xyz: suspended (reason: Posts slurs, federates with other blocked instances,)
  661. news.ongii.com: suspended (reason: news bots with no cw even though they post about upsetting topics.)
  662. newsie.social: suspended (reason: bad moderation (the admin explicitly didn't want to take action against a polite yet transphobic user).)
  663. newsmast.community: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  664. newsmast.org: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  665. newsmast.social: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  666. ngrok.io: suspended (reason: spam prevention (this is a root domain for dynamically-allocated subdomains).)
  667. nicecrew.digital: suspended (reason: Free speech instance, hosts harassers.)
  668. night*****.**cial: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  669. niscii.xyz: suspended (reason: Alt right instance (from blocklist))
  670. nixnet.social: suspended (reason: pedophilia from admin)
  671. nnia.space: suspended (reason: paraphilia)
  672. noage*******.com: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  673. noagenda.social: suspended (reason: same as noagendasocial)
  674. noagendasocial.com: suspended (reason: No moderation policy, lots of free speech accounts, also misogynistic, anti-abortion, conspiracy theory accounts.)
  675. noagendasocial.nl: suspended (reason: yet another instance of noagendasocial.)
  676. noauthority.social: suspended (reason: Free speech instance.)
  677. nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended (reason: Openly nazi and transphobic. - see the "pleroma." subdomain.)
  678. normie.cafe: suspended (reason: single-user instance that says they can say what they want and insults people looking at their About page.)
  679. norwoodzero.net: suspended (reason: Antisemitism, racism, misogyny)
  680. notacri.me: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  681. novoa.nagoya: suspended (reason: "Free speech", federating and interacting with known hate instances, harassment)
  682. nrk.cloud: suspended (reason: spam prevention (this is a root domain for dynamically-allocated subdomains).)
  683. ns.auction: suspended (reason: Racist instance + hosts harassers.)
  684. nukem.biz: suspended (reason: racist admin who interacts with the usual bad actors.)
  685. nulled.red: suspended (reason: transphobic admin, seems like a troll too. - see the "pl." subdomain.)
  686. nya.house: suspended (reason: block-evasion instance from the blob.cat admin.)
  687. nyanide.com: suspended (reason: racism, fascism)
  688. obo.sh: suspended (reason: "no-block" policy.)
  689. odayacres.farm: suspended (reason: anti-vax, KF supporting, transmisia, racism - see the "social." subdomain.)
  690. oddballs.online: suspended (reason: Pro-pedo/zoophilia, as well as interacts with similar blocked instances.)
  691. oftrolls.com: suspended (reason: Mild trolling encouraged (from blocklist) - see the "society." subdomain.)
  692. onevery.ignorelist.com: suspended (reason: the name says it all + it's an actively malicious site.)
  693. onion.social: suspended (reason: Free speech / pro-trolling "for lulz")
  694. onionfarms.org: suspended (reason: Associated with kiwifarms)
  695. opalstack.social: suspended (reason: only hosts businesses and the likes. Also, is "apolitical".)
  696. open.tube: suspended (reason: expired certificate but peertube instance with lots of alt-right / covid denial content from the local users + federating)
  697. openshiftapps.com: suspended (reason: spam prevention (this is a root domain for dynamically-allocated subdomains).)
  698. openworlds.info: suspended (reason: Racism. (from block list) - see the "activism." subdomain.)
  699. optiplex.wallaby-bass.ts.net: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  700. ortodogs.info: suspended (reason: Use of racist, ableist, and transphobic slurs by user. Admin took no action against it)
  701. oti.st: suspended (reason: Transphobic terms of service + against "wokespeak" in their instance rules. - see the "zov." subdomain.)
  702. outerheaven.club: suspended (reason: Transphobic / homophobic users, federates with blocked instances.)
  703. outerkosm.us: suspended (reason: federates with a lot of bad instances.)
  704. outpoa.st: suspended (reason: related to poa.st)
  705. outrat.nl: suspended (reason: admin comes from outerkosm (also blocked).)
  706. oxgoad.page: suspended (reason: racism)
  707. p.enes.lv: suspended (reason: No moderation policy, federates with some of the usual hellholes)
  708. paravielfalt.zone: suspended (reason: paraphilia)
  709. parcero.bond: suspended (reason: No moderation policy)
  710. parcero.casa: suspended (reason: 4chan stuff. Subdomains "ti." and "mi".)
  711. parler.socialq.club: suspended (reason: Fediverse replacement for Parler. (from block list))
  712. pawlicker.com: suspended (reason: No moderation policy + hosts harassers)
  713. pawoo.net: suspended (reason: This instance is sharing underage material. (from block list))
  714. payfrit.com: suspended (reason: subdomain "pleroma". Yet another techbro.)
  715. paypig.org: suspended (reason: Interacting with known hate instances - Encouraging harassment of admin.)
  716. pcservice46.fr: suspended (reason: peertube instance – French far-right dude)
  717. pedo.school: suspended (reason: Pedopornographic content (from blocklist))
  718. peister.org: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  719. pengi-san.moe: suspended (reason: Close to lots of instances on our blocklist (asbestos, shota, lizards live, worms pink…) + moderation policy allows for uncensored sensitive content + admin is working on a block tracking code.)
  720. phreedom.tk: suspended (reason: No moderation (from blocklist))
  721. piazza.today: suspended (reason: single-user, antivax.)
  722. pibvt.net: suspended (reason: pedopornography. The instance's subdomain is "pleroma.".)
  723. pieville.net: suspended (reason: Nazi users.)
  724. pinksheep.org: limited (reason: Preventive silencing the instance since for now there are no clear indication of legal expertise in setting up a SW-friendly instance.)
  725. pinnoto.org: suspended (reason: Federates with blocked instances (and admins interact with people from these instances) - see the "socks." subdomain.)
  726. pisskey.io: suspended (reason: poast-like instance)
  727. pistoltrainers.com: suspended (reason: firearm enthusiasts. The fedi instance is on the "social." subdomain.)
  728. pizzaf.art: suspended (reason: hate speech in the About page and in multiple users' bios.)
  729. pkteerium.xyz: suspended (reason: Soapbox instance, admin is posting/boosting conspiracy theory.)
  730. pktriot.net: suspended (reason: spam prevention (this is a root domain for dynamically-allocated subdomains).)
  731. pl.anon-kenkai.com: suspended (reason: Code of Conduct is a literal joke, plus the instance is full of antisemitic, queerphobic and racist stuff, including from the admin.)
  732. pl.firelink.digital: suspended (reason: Antisemitism, racist)
  733. pl.gamers.exposed: suspended (reason: Racist slurs by admin (from block list))
  734. pl.nulled.red: suspended (reason: transphobic admin, seems like a troll too.)
  735. pl.smuglo.li: suspended (reason: Pedopornographic content (from blocklist))
  736. pl.tkammer.de: suspended (reason: federates with the usual blocked instances.)
  737. pl.valkyrie.world: suspended (reason: Alt right instance (from blocklist))
  738. pl.wowana.me: suspended (reason: Racism, sexism, encouraging suicides.)
  739. pl.zombiecats.run: suspended (reason: Transphobic single user instance)
  740. plagu.ee: suspended (reason: same reasons as ryona.agency.)
  741. plasmatrap.com: limited (reason: might be another bad actor)
  742. platypush.tech: limited (reason: FOSS-oriented instance that leans toward free speech (only the "far-right/alt-right" is off limits).)
  743. pleroma.cafkafk.com: suspended (reason: Single-user instance, racist stuff.)
  744. pleroma.cucked.me: suspended (reason: the name says it all.)
  745. pleroma.eientei.org: suspended (reason: Absolutely no site rules (explicitly said so in the About page).)
  746. pleroma.freespeech.club: suspended (reason: Free speech instance)
  747. pleroma.kiwifarms.net: suspended (reason: Alt right instance (from blocklist))
  748. pleroma.miria.love: suspended (reason: Loli content (from block list))
  749. pleroma.narrativerry.xyz: suspended (reason: Admin is a homophobe and antivax.)
  750. pleroma.nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended (reason: Openly nazi and transphobic.)
  751. pleroma.soykaf.com: suspended (reason: This instance is posting underage material. (from block list))
  752. pleroma.viridianpatriots.com: suspended (reason: Federates with blocked instances (poast, rdrama…) and admin follows people from these instances.)
  753. pleroma.yorha.club: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment (from blocklist))
  754. pleromashit.nexus: suspended (reason: channer instance.)
  755. plr.inferencium.net: suspended (reason: Federates with the usual hellholes.)
  756. pmth.us: suspended (reason: Right-wing, anti-abortion, etc.)
  757. poa.st: suspended (reason: Extremely queerphobic harassment.)
  758. poa**.*rg: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  759. poast.tv: suspended (reason: Poast's PeerTube instance.)
  760. pod.vladtepesblog.com: suspended (reason: Admin posts right-wing, climate change denial toots, & the instance is full of reply guys.)
  761. pokemon.men: suspended (reason: Spamming the public timelines. (from block list))
  762. polaris.bonespr.it: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  763. politbird.twexodus.top: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  764. pone.social: suspended (reason: antisemitic, racist, homophobic, crypto, etc.)
  765. pooper.social: suspended (reason: Free speech instance, block bot.)
  766. poridge.club: suspended (reason: shitpost instance. - see the "shitpost." subdomain.)
  767. pornssd.com: suspended (reason: Uncensored NSFW (from block list))
  768. pos**.*ay: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  769. possums.gay: suspended (reason: Lolicon)
  770. post.ebin.club: suspended (reason: is okay with trolling + admins don't know the concept of antiracism.)
  771. poster.place: suspended (reason: racism, transmisia, etc.)
  772. posting.lolicon.rocks: suspended (reason: Pedocriminality)
  773. postnstuffds.lol: suspended (reason: bad actor. Against blocking, free speech, admin regularly uses hate speech.)
  774. poweredbycocaine.com: suspended (reason: No moderation policy, admin interacts with users from well-known hellholes.)
  775. pravda.me: suspended (reason: Spam)
  776. pravdasocial.net: suspended (reason: Nationalist instance + home to conspiracy theorists)
  777. press.coop: suspended (reason: mirrors twitter accounts (specifically press accounts).)
  778. preteengirls.biz: suspended (reason: Pedopornographic content (from blocklist))
  779. privex.social: suspended (reason: crypto, free speech instance, with almost no moderation.)
  780. probablyfreespeech.com: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  781. prospeech.space: suspended (reason: free speech, federates with a lot of hellholes.)
  782. protohype.net: suspended (reason: Alt right instance (from blocklist))
  783. prout.social: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment (from blocklist))
  784. pseudo-whiskey.bar: suspended (reason: Admin boosts pedoporn and uncensored porn. - see the "social." subdomain.)
  785. psion.co: suspended (reason: anti-masker admin)
  786. psiren.eu: limited (reason: Admin seems like a troll.)
  787. psyopshop.com: suspended (reason: run by someone from noagendasocial.)
  788. pub.getgle.org: suspended (reason: Not moderated. Hosts misogyny, racism, transmisia, antisemitism and genocide denial.)
  789. pub.instances.scw.cloud: suspended (reason: spam prevention (this is a root domain for dynamically-allocated subdomains).)
  790. qoto.org: suspended (reason: free speech, hate based instance.)
  791. quanta.wiki: suspended (reason: followbot and fascists)
  792. quietplace.xyz: suspended (reason: Hosts trolls.)
  793. quodverum.com: suspended (reason: Free speech, no moderation. - see the "social." subdomain.)
  794. r18.****al: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  795. raccoon.quest: suspended (reason: (subdomain "den.") part of the bad instances crew.)
  796. rag*.*ol: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  797. rainbowdash.net: suspended (reason: No moderation (from blocklist))
  798. rakket.app: suspended (reason: shitposting, without censorship)
  799. rally.guide: suspended (reason: Homophobia)
  800. rape.pet: suspended (reason: from domain name)
  801. rapefeminists.network: suspended (reason: Encourages rape.)
  802. rapemeat.express: suspended (reason: from domain name)
  803. rapemeat.shop: suspended (reason: Gore instance. (from block list))
  804. rapemeat.solutions: suspended (reason: horrible name means horrible people (same as rapemeat.shop))
  805. rapemeat.st: suspended (reason: from the domain name)
  806. raplst.town: suspended (reason: Encourages rape.)
  807. raspberrypi.social: suspended (reason: not only hired a cop and tried to make a good-looking post about it, but is now blocking anyone who doesn't agree with the decision)
  808. rayci.st: suspended (reason: the domain name says it all)
  809. raygungothic.xyz: suspended (reason: Free speech instance that explicitly allows users to post any opinion they "like". Problematic admin.)
  810. rcsocial.net: suspended (reason: Alt right instance (from blocklist))
  811. rdrama.cc: suspended (reason: No moderation policy, encourages spam, admin is transphobic and a troll, users post nazi imagery.)
  812. re**.*o: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  813. realnephestate.xyz: suspended (reason: free speech instance - see the "social." subdomain.)
  814. rebased.network: suspended (reason: rightwing tech stuff. - see the "social." subdomain.)
  815. refusal.biz: suspended (reason: federates with poast, fce, rdrama…)
  816. refusal.llc: suspended (reason: refusal.biz's new server)
  817. reisen.church: suspended (reason: typical pleroma instance, no moderation)
  818. relay.scottsmall.org: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  819. republic.red: suspended (reason: made by and for right-wing people.)
  820. researchanddestroy.technology: suspended (reason: single-user instance with questionable practices (follow-bot). - see the "social." subdomain.)
  821. respublicae.eu: suspended (reason: Bot-only instance flooding the public timelines. (from block list))
  822. retard.tech: suspended (reason: the name says it all)
  823. rettiwtkcuf.social: suspended (reason: Free speech instance)
  824. rigcz.club: suspended (reason: no moderation policy, free speech instance.)
  825. rneetup.com: suspended (reason: no moderation, interactions with a lot of people from the usual bad actors.)
  826. rojogato.com: suspended (reason: No moderation policy + hosts harrassers.)
  827. rot.gives: suspended (reason: associates with refusal.biz)
  828. royalhellcustoms.com: suspended (reason: single-user instance, alt-right stuff.)
  829. rsc.cdn77.org: suspended (reason: spam prevention (this is a root domain for dynamically-allocated subdomains).)
  830. ruin*******.rs: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  831. ryona.agency: suspended (reason: Admin is a self identified racist, sexist, antisemite, transphobic and homophobic.)
  832. s.ystn.win: suspended (reason: Free speech instance (abolutely no moderation policy))
  833. satania.social: suspended (reason: no moderation. - see the "mstdn." subdomain.)
  834. sato*******.de: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  835. sayn***.*gbt: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  836. sb.greenboys.club: suspended (reason: Admin has accounts on blocked instances (baest).)
  837. scarlet.house: suspended (reason: channer instance, local bubble of reisen church. Instance at the "social." subdomain.)
  838. schwartzwelt.xyz: suspended (reason: Lots of racist slurs in the main TL)
  839. scots.network: suspended (reason: free speech, admin is a transphobe.)
  840. seafoam.space: suspended (reason: interacts with bad actors.)
  841. seal.cafe: suspended (reason: users interact with kiwifarm & co + lots of transphobia.)
  842. search.noc.social: suspended (reason: scraper which doesn't respect opt-out.)
  843. seo.chat: limited (reason: full of people who are all about SEO.)
  844. servernerds.net: suspended (reason: lots of pull requests, almost overwhelming some servers. Seems suspiscious.)
  845. shadowsocial.org: suspended (reason: no rules)
  846. sharivegas.com: suspended (reason: racism)
  847. sheep.network: suspended (reason: No moderation policy + admin is a nazi apologist.)
  848. shigusegubu.club: suspended (reason: No moderation, doesn't block any instance.)
  849. shitasstits.life: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment, pedopornographic content (from blocklist))
  850. shitpisscum.mooo.com: suspended (reason: the name says it all.)
  851. shitpost.cloud: suspended (reason: shitposting)
  852. shitpost.poridge.club: suspended (reason: shitpost instance.)
  853. shitposter.club: suspended (reason: Oppressive shitposting.)
  854. shitposting.army: suspended (reason: the name says it all + free speech instance.)
  855. shortstackran.ch: suspended (reason: No moderation policy, federates with blocked instances (poast, kiwifarm), full of racism, homophobia, bigotry.)
  856. shota.foundation: suspended (reason: same as the other shota's)
  857. shota.house: suspended (reason: pedophilia)
  858. shota.social: suspended (reason: pedophilia.)
  859. shotatube.xyz: suspended (reason: shota)
  860. shrimpcam.pw: suspended (reason: block-evasion domain.)
  861. shrimpposter.club: suspended (reason: Run by the admin of anemoneya.me.)
  862. sigmoid.social: limited (reason: dedicated to AI. Way too easy for them to run a scraper or something.)
  863. silliness.observer: suspended (reason: single-user instance interacting with known hellholes)
  864. sinblr.com: limited (reason: Unmarked NSFW content. (from block list))
  865. singleuser.club: suspended (reason: No moderation; racist and transphobic statements. - see the "jojo." subdomain.)
  866. skinheads.eu: suspended (reason: (right-wing) skinhead instance.)
  867. skinheads.io: suspended (reason: (right-wing) skinhead instance.)
  868. skinheads.network: suspended (reason: same as the other ones.)
  869. skinheads.social: suspended (reason: (right-wing) skinhead instance.)
  870. skinheads.uk: suspended (reason: (right-wing) skinhead instance.)
  871. skippers-bin.com: suspended (reason: Federates with the usual hellholes.)
  872. skorpil.cz: suspended (reason: Crawler. - see the "fedisearch." subdomain.)
  873. skys*****.xyz: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  874. sla**.cl: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  875. sleeck.eu: suspended (reason: Alt right instance. - see the "gab." subdomain.)
  876. sleepy.cafe: suspended (reason: Homophobic and transphobic accounts, no moderation rules.)
  877. smuglo.li: suspended (reason: Pedopornographic content (from blocklist) - see the "gs." and "pl." subdomain.)
  878. snarfed.org: suspended (reason: Opt-out (!) bridge with bluesky.)
  879. sneak.berlin: suspended (reason: Indexer/archiver of the fedi with bogus ethics "Publishing your toots/messages on a server without marking them private or requiring authentication and thus making them available to the web is an act of affirmative consent to allowing others to download those toots/messages [...]")
  880. sneed.shop: suspended (reason: Alt right instance (from blocklist))
  881. sneed.social: suspended (reason: Racism (from block list))
  882. soapbox.midwaytrades.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox, hosts libsoftiktok reposting bot)
  883. soc.mahodou.moe: suspended (reason: Racism, ableism, trolling, and priding themselves in having "No blocks on any instances" and "Super lax TOS" on their server.)
  884. soc.ua-fediland.de: suspended (reason: mass follow, bot behavior.)
  885. social.076.ne.jp: suspended (reason: federates with the usual bad instances.)
  886. social.anoxinon.de: suspended (reason: Does not moderate anti-mask discourse.)
  887. social.arclight.pro: suspended (reason: Doesn't block bad actors (the old "echo chambers" argument).)
  888. social.bbc: suspended (reason: has spread transphobic and racist rhetoric outside the fedi. there's no reason not to assume they wouldn't do it here too)
  889. social.beepboop.ga: suspended (reason: Transphobia (from blocklist))
  890. social.byoblu.com: suspended (reason: Spreading fake news. (from block list))
  891. social.cavac.at: suspended (reason: Single user instance, troll)
  892. social.cu2d.com: suspended (reason: Alt right instance.)
  893. social.dev-wiki.de: limited (reason: no moderation policy to speak of. Will block in a few days.)
  894. social.ergo-research.org: suspended (reason: Racism)
  895. social.fbxl.net: suspended (reason: FediBlock because of explicit wish of the admin.)
  896. social.fedcast.ch: suspended (reason: No moderation policy; techbro stuff.)
  897. social.freetalklive.com: suspended (reason: Federates with blocked instances, has absolutely no moderation policy.)
  898. social.getgle.org: suspended (reason: Being suspended for racism and transphobia (from block list))
  899. social.guizzyordi.info: suspended (reason: No moderation (from blocklist))
  900. social.homunyan.com: suspended (reason: Pedopornographic content (from blocklist))
  901. social.icod.de: suspended (reason: Alt right, homophobic and racial slurs, etc. column 2 of 2)
  902. social.imirhil.fr: suspended (reason: Private instance, created to circumvent suspensions.)
  903. social.isekco.re: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  904. social.jacksgloryhole.com: suspended (reason: uncensored lewd content on public timelines (that's the whole point of that instance).)
  905. social.labmonkeys.space: suspended (reason: Soapbox.)
  906. social.lovingexpressions.net: suspended (reason: hosts nazis)
  907. social.midwaytrades.com: suspended (reason: Transphobia and other right-wing stuff.)
  908. social.mondoweiss.net: suspended (reason: antisemitism)
  909. social.mrhands.horse: suspended (reason: unmoderated instance, close to hellhole instances.)
  910. social.network.europa.eu: limited (reason: instance for official EU institutions.)
  911. social.odayacres.farm: suspended (reason: anti-vax, KF supporting, transmisia, racism)
  912. social.overheid.nl: suspended (reason: Dutch government.)
  913. social.pseudo-whiskey.bar: suspended (reason: Admin boosts pedoporn and uncensored porn.)
  914. social.quodverum.com: suspended (reason: Free speech, no moderation.)
  915. social.realnephestate.xyz: suspended (reason: free speech instance)
  916. social.rebased.network: suspended (reason: rightwing tech stuff.)
  917. social.researchanddestroy.technology: suspended (reason: single-user instance with questionable practices (follow-bot).)
  918. social.sunshinegardens.org: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment (from blocklist))
  919. social.super-niche.club: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment (from blocklist))
  920. social.teci.world: suspended (reason: free speech instance with no moderation policy)
  921. social.urspringer.de: suspended (reason: False information spreading. (from block list))
  922. social.wideboys.org: suspended (reason: kiwifarm related instance)
  923. social.xcess.one: suspended (reason: free speech (unmoderated) instance)
  924. socialgoblins.club: suspended (reason: Federates with poast)
  925. socialloods.nl: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  926. socialq.club: suspended (reason: Fediverse replacement for Parler. (from block list) - see the "parler." subdomain.)
  927. society.oftrolls.com: limited (reason: Mild trolling encouraged (from blocklist))
  928. socks.pinnoto.org: suspended (reason: Federates with blocked instances (and admins interact with people from these instances))
  929. socnet.softgirl.online: suspended (reason: pedophilia, blockbot, and racism (admin uses slurs).)
  930. socnet.supes.com: suspended (reason: right-wing, free speech stuff.)
  931. softgirl.online: suspended (reason: pedophilia, blockbot, and racism (admin uses slurs). - see the "socnet." subdomain.)
  932. solagg.com: suspended (reason: Spam instance (from block list))
  933. someotherguy.xyz: suspended (reason: Single user instance, transphobia and right-wing conspiracy theories.)
  934. somewhy.net: suspended (reason: No moderation policy, no admin listed, hate speech.)
  935. sonichu.com: suspended (reason: hate speech (terfs, psychophobia from one user) + no clear moderation policy. - see the "fans." subdomain.)
  936. sovran.social: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  937. soykaf.com: suspended (reason: This instance is posting underage material. (from block list) - see the "pleroma." subdomain.)
  938. sperg.city: suspended (reason: right-wing, lgbt-phobe instance (federates with poast).)
  939. spinster.xyz: suspended (reason: Transphobic (TERF) policies.)
  940. spr*****.cc: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  941. squid.kids: suspended (reason: channer mentality, hellhole instance.)
  942. staging.kazar.ma: suspended (reason: scraper/followbot type)
  943. starnix.network: limited (reason: moderation policy to a minimum. - see the "mstdn." subdomain.)
  944. stereophonic.space: suspended (reason: federates with some of the usuals, fairly freeze peachy.)
  945. stop.voring.me: suspended (reason: Hosts minors posting sexual content)
  946. strangeminds.social: suspended (reason: Bad moderation.)
  947. strelizia.net: suspended (reason: Admin follows people from blocked instances ; hosts people who use slurs against minorities.)
  948. styxhexenhammer666.com: suspended (reason: Far right Peertube instance.)
  949. subs4social.xyz: suspended (reason: Racist, sexist, anti-LGBT, etc.)
  950. sunshinegardens.org: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment (from blocklist) - see the "social." subdomain.)
  951. super-niche.club: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment (from blocklist) - see the "social." subdomain.)
  952. supernets.social: suspended (reason: channer-type trolls.)
  953. superstork.org: suspended (reason: stock stuff, mega capitalist, conspiracy theorists.)
  954. supes.com: suspended (reason: right-wing, free speech stuff. - see the "socnet." subdomain.)
  955. switter.at: limited (reason: Unmarked NSFW content. (from block list))
  956. synergetic-design.com: suspended (reason: Antivax admin (ableism))
  957. syspxl.xyz: suspended (reason: no moderation. Instance at the "fedi." subdomain.)
  958. t.l3r.me: suspended (reason: yet another twitter bridge)
  959. takesama.com: suspended (reason: follow-bot, scraping fedi content.)
  960. tasti*********.net: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  961. techhub.social: limited (reason: crypto spam bots)
  962. techlover.eu: limited (reason: No real moderation (from blocklist))
  963. teci.world: suspended (reason: free speech instance with no moderation policy - see the "social." subdomain.)
  964. teia.art: suspended (reason: ("mastodon." subdomain) NFT & crypto stuff.)
  965. terrible.place: suspended (reason: Not a good instance name. Also, fascism, racism and harrassment.)
  966. the.usualsuspects.lol: suspended (reason: "The Usual Suspects is a notorious group of fediverse users that all the pRoBlEmaTiC instances federate with.")
  967. thea***.***ial: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  968. theautisticinvestors.quest: suspended (reason: Domain is being silenced for hate speech. (from block list))
  969. thebag.social: suspended (reason: admin comes from noagendasocial + federates with the usual hellholes + spam on the FediBlock tag.)
  970. thebased.club: suspended (reason: that name in itself is a red flag… and then there's transphobia and anti-vax content.)
  971. thechad.zone: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment (from blocklist))
  972. thechimp.zone: suspended (reason: admin interacts with blocked instances)
  973. theduran.icu: suspended (reason: Right-wing conspiracy theory and misinformation. (from block list))
  974. theosis.church: suspended (reason: Spam (from blocklist))
  975. thepostearthdestination.com: limited (reason: https://mastodon.art/@Curator/109371767589764361)
  976. theres.life: limited (reason: Allows all sorts or bigotry as long as they're Christian. The admin does try to process reports though, so we only silenced the instance for now.)
  977. thewallsofnight.com: suspended (reason: Soapbox + no moderation policy.)
  978. thoughtful.social: suspended (reason: abandoned instance - no moderation)
  979. threads.instagram.com: suspended (reason: facebook project92)
  980. threads.net: suspended (reason: facebook project92)
  981. tkammer.de: suspended (reason: federates with the usual blocked instances. - see the "pl." subdomain.)
  982. tmediatech.io: suspended (reason: Trump social network)
  983. tnd.lol: suspended (reason: yet another shittiverse instance (admin regularly uses hate speech and condones other who do). New instance of squid.kids.)
  984. toot.canberrasocial.net: suspended (reason: Alt right instance (from blocklist))
  985. toot.jeena.net: suspended (reason: single user, pro-free speech.)
  986. tooters.fun: suspended (reason: CSA)
  987. touha.me: suspended (reason: Queerphobic admin)
  988. touhou.vodka: suspended (reason: no moderation policy)
  989. tourturea.online: suspended (reason: Anti LGBTQ)
  990. translunar.academy: suspended (reason: Server created by former disqordia admin)
  991. troll.cafe: suspended (reason: hellhole instance.)
  992. troplo.com: suspended (reason: Apparently from someone who was on rdrama before. Instance at the "social." subdomain.)
  993. trumpislovetrumpis.life: suspended (reason: Being suspended for racism, transphobia, and xenophobia. (from block list) - see the "buildthatwallandmakeamericagreatagain." subdomain.)
  994. truthsocial.co.in: suspended (reason: pro-Trump instance.)
  995. truthsocial.com: suspended (reason: Trump instance)
  996. truthsocial.st: suspended (reason: related to Trump's fascist instance.)
  997. truthsocialpro.org: suspended (reason: Another copy of Trump social media instance. No moderation despite the moderation policy.)
  998. tweet.pasture.moe: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  999. tweetbridge.kogasa.de: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1000. tweetbridge.mollys.social: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1001. tweets.icu: suspended (reason: Twitter mirror.)
  1002. twhtv.club: suspended (reason: Soapbox + federates with blocked instances.)
  1003. twitbridge.click: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1004. twitiverse.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1005. twitter.829.hu: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1006. twitter.cryobyte.net: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1007. twitter.dev.holtwick.de: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1008. twitter.grants.cafe: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1009. twitter.kfem.cat: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1010. twitter.moxr.de: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1011. twitter.piriklub.eu: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1012. twitter.savvas.cloud: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1013. twitter.ukd.social: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1014. twitterbridge.mastodon.maki0419.com: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1015. twiukraine.com: suspended (reason: free speech and no moderation policy)
  1016. twtr.3q3.de: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1017. twtr.astra.lol: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1018. twtr.ingeechat.party: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1019. twtr.plus: suspended (reason: mirroring twitter accounts.)
  1020. ty**.*l: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  1021. ua-f*******.de: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  1022. udongein.xyz: suspended (reason: channer instance, local bubble of reisen church)
  1023. unbound.social: suspended (reason: free speech.)
  1024. universeodon.com: limited (reason: lots of red flags from the admin.)
  1025. unperson.us: suspended (reason: transphobia)
  1026. unsafe.space: suspended (reason: The name itself says it all: this is not a safe space.)
  1027. urc***.*rg: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  1028. ursal.zone: suspended (reason: racism, queerphobia, admin didn't respond well to us reaching out to them.)
  1029. urspringer.de: suspended (reason: False information spreading. (from block list) - see the "social." subdomain.)
  1030. utoots.com: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  1031. uwu.social: suspended (reason: hosts nazis)
  1032. uwu.st: suspended (reason: shota related. Nothing on there for now, but might be in the future.)
  1033. valkyrie.world: suspended (reason: Alt right instance (from blocklist) - see the "pl." subdomain.)
  1034. vampire.estate: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment, pedopornographic content (from blocklist))
  1035. vampiremaid.cafe: suspended (reason: Interacts with other blocked instances, racist.)
  1036. vance.land: suspended (reason: Admin posted a gay slur without CW on public (on the fediblock hashtag), seems like someone we don't want interacting with us.)
  1037. varishangout.net: suspended (reason: Hosts harassers.)
  1038. verified.coop: limited (reason: it's a company (hello.coop) that supposedly verifies its users. Seems shady.)
  1039. vfpmedia.com: suspended (reason: federates with the usual bad actors. Instance is at the "fwedivewse." subdomain.)
  1040. viridianpatriots.com: suspended (reason: Federates with blocked instances (poast, rdrama…) and admin follows people from these instances. - see the "pleroma." subdomain.)
  1041. vive.im: suspended (reason: spam)
  1042. vladtepesblog.com: suspended (reason: Admin posts right-wing, climate change denial toots, & the instance is full of reply guys. - see the "pod." subdomain.)
  1043. vocalfry.social: suspended (reason: Misogyny, racism, etc)
  1044. voring.me: suspended (reason: Hosts minors posting sexual content - see the "stop." subdomain.)
  1045. vrij.social: suspended (reason: Dutch alt-rights + conspiracy theories (especially about covid).)
  1046. vsta.org: suspended (reason: ableism (antivax) - see the "goto." subdomain.)
  1047. vuju.com: suspended (reason: free speech + soapbox)
  1048. waif****.*ife: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  1049. weeaboo.space: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment, pedopornographic content (from blocklist))
  1050. wei.mentalswarf.com: suspended (reason: soapbox instance.)
  1051. whinge.house: suspended (reason: new home of whinge.town (federating with well-known bad instances).)
  1052. whinge.town: suspended (reason: federates with poast and the like)
  1053. white-flix.com: suspended (reason: Racist, pro Trump peertube instance)
  1054. whitesmokebbq.social: suspended (reason: reverse racism stuff from two of the 7 people of the instance, including the admin.)
  1055. whitewomen.dog: suspended (reason: harassment, ryona adjacent, usual scum adjacent)
  1056. wideboys.org: suspended (reason: kiwifarm related instance - see the "social." subdomain.)
  1057. wilde.cloud: suspended (reason: mirroring twitter accounts. - see the "birdsite." subdomain.)
  1058. wintermute.fr.to: suspended (reason: Instance posting illegal content. (from block list))
  1059. wl0.9ch.nl: suspended (reason: Misogynistic posts and federates with other blocked instances)
  1060. wolfgirl.bar: suspended (reason: Sexist and very violent terms of service, transphobic admin, no moderation.)
  1061. womyns.land: suspended (reason: transphobia)
  1062. woof.foxxo.gay: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1063. wor****.*ev: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  1064. worm.pink: suspended (reason: associates with some bad actors (from their list of "local instances) + full of shitpost + even the moderator name is a shitpost.)
  1065. wowana.me: suspended (reason: Racism, sexism, encouraging suicides. - see the "pl." subdomain.)
  1066. wurm.host: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment (from blocklist))
  1067. wuwox.com: suspended (reason: PeerTube instance, nazi & white supremacy videos.)
  1068. x.defense-psychotronics.com: suspended (reason: Racism, pro-eugenics)
  1069. xarxamontgri.masto.host: suspended (reason: explicitly not moderated ("La norma és que no hi ha norma."))
  1070. xcess.one: suspended (reason: free speech (unmoderated) instance - see the "social." subdomain.)
  1071. xen****.me: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  1072. xha**.**ve: suspended (reason: Tier-zero bad actor.)
  1073. xmrposter.club: suspended (reason: bad actor (no moderation policy, interacts with bad actors).)
  1074. xn--p1abe3d.xn--80asehdb: suspended (reason: single user instance, racism & transphobia.)
  1075. yams.lol: suspended (reason: admin interacts with the usual bad actors.)
  1076. yandere.cc: suspended (reason: lewd content in public with no moderation.)
  1077. yggdrasil.social: suspended (reason: Completely queerphobic (even on the About page).)
  1078. yorha.club: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment (from blocklist) - see the "pleroma." subdomain.)
  1079. yorishiro.space: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment (from blocklist))
  1080. youjo.love: suspended (reason: This instance is sharing child abuse material. (from block list))
  1081. youkai.town: suspended (reason: Enjoys harassment (from blocklist))
  1082. ystn.win: suspended (reason: Free speech instance (abolutely no moderation policy) - see the "s." subdomain.)
  1083. yukioke.com: suspended (reason: pedophilia)
  1084. yummyy.cc: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  1085. z0ne.moe: suspended (reason: This instance is sharing underage material. (from block list) - see the "fedi." subdomain.)
  1086. zetamu.club: suspended (reason: paraphilia)
  1087. zhub.link: suspended (reason: The admin of this instance has made several posts that are anti-Islam, as well as derogatory comments about religious people in general.)
  1088. zombiecats.run: suspended (reason: Transphobic single user instance - see the "pl." subdomain.)
  1089. zov.oti.st: suspended (reason: Transphobic terms of service + against "wokespeak" in their instance rules.)
  1090. zwezo.o-k-i.net: suspended (reason: twitter mirror (birdsitelive).)
  1091. zztails.gay: suspended (reason: freespeech and trolling.)
  1092. zztails.online: suspended (reason: hate speech and slurs)
  1093. zztails.wtf: suspended (reason: hate speech and slurs.)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. tooters.fun: suspension
Admin account Opted out of search engines indexing
Date of creation Not available
Display name Not available
Not available
Last 12 weeks activity
Not available
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
2/3/25, 3:26:59 AM UTC2/4/25, 3:36:29 AM UTC2/5/25, 2:39:38 AM UTC2/6/25, 2:04:07 AM UTC2/7/25, 2:46:24 AM UTC2/8/25, 4:19:55 AM UTC2/9/25, 3:36:53 AM UTC2/10/25, 3:28:42 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 899/900 (99.89%)