Welcome on mstdn.io! 🎉Fast, secure and up-to-date instance, welcoming everyone around the world. Join us! 🌍 Up since 04/04/2017. ✅
Why should you sign up on mstdn.io? - This instance is not focused on any theme or subject, feel free to talk about whatever you want.
- Although the main language is English, we accept every single language and country.
- We do have rules, but all we want is to have responsible users.
- The instance uses a powerful server to ensure speed and stability, and it has good uptime. We follow state-of-the-art security practices.
- We have lots of custom emojis to unleash your meme potential!
If you have trouble with the instance (as a user or as a fellow admin), please toot the admin
@espectalll💻 What's behind? This instance is hosted on a VM at Hetzner, in Germany. Media files are hosted at Digital Ocean in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Since we have users from all around the world (From Brasil to Japan, including Western Europe), we use Cloudflare as a CDN among other things.
Daily backups are made.
Happy tooting!
We're no strangers to tweets
You know the rules, and so do I
The full federation that I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get it from
Any other instance
I'm just gonna tell you how I toot
Gonna make you understand
Never gonna toot you up
Never gonna boost you down
Never gonna tweet around and
Subtoot you
Never gonna make you toot
Never gonna say good toot
Never gonna tell a toot
And toot you