Languages English (en)
Users 237
Active users (last month) 64
Active users (last six months) 77
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 30,912
First sight Nov 10, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Feb 11, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.1
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is
suspended, according to the
Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list, and also according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Short description
A safe Mastodon (posting) and Matrix (chat) for all women and/or LGBTQ+ identifying people. Our admins and mods are all drawn from within our membership. All sign-ups are approved by a mod.
Long description
A safe server for all women and/or LGBTQ+ identifying people. Our admins and mods are all drawn from within our membership. All sign-ups are approved by a mod.
We have
authorized fetch enabled.
SupportIf you'd like to support the operating costs of the server you can do so on
Patreon or
BuyMeACoffee for one-off contributions.
AdminsOur admin team:
@admin @ellesaurus @totalclaireityWe have three admins to help maximize the likelihood that any given time there is someone available in case of any issues.
RulesRules are provided to give clarity to general behavioral expectations, and are not meant to be a comprehensive, loophole-free set of laws or hard-line absolutes. They are subject to admin and moderator interpretation. There will be no rules lawyering.
The intent of these rules is to facilitate a safe, fun environment for everyone. We are accessible and happy to engage with our instance members, so any questions and concerns are welcome.
Instance rules
- No explicit material depicting gore or death
- No explicit or suggestive material containing any depiction of an individual that appears to be under 18
- No harassment, doxxing, stalking, or other methods of disregarding consent
- No scams (including cryptocurrency and NFTs)
- No misinformation about but not limited to health, politics, or groups
- No explicit or implicit discriminatory or hateful speech about any protected class (gender, race, veteran status, religion, immigration status, nationality, disability etc.)
- No "reply guy" behavior
- No spamming, paid advertising, or corporate marketing
- No content otherwise considered illegal in the US, Canada or Europe
- Content which is sexually suggestive, sexually explicit, relates to trauma, depicts violence, or includes discussion or depiction of transphobic content must have an appropriate content warning
- Just all around please don't be a jerk
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]

Admin account Opted out of search engines indexing
Date of creation Not available
Display name Not available
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 7626 statuses, 538 logins, 2 registrations)
S: 650 L: 51 R: 2 | S: 894 L: 50 R: 0 | S: 1027 L: 48 R: 0 | S: 1124 L: 50 R: 0 | S: 611 L: 45 R: 0 | S: 622 L: 47 R: 0 | S: 394 L: 49 R: 0 | S: 349 L: 56 R: 0 | S: 680 L: 49 R: 0 | S: 650 L: 44 R: 0 | S: 612 L: 46 R: 0 | S: 13 L: 3 R: 0 |
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
2/4/25, 3:16:53 AM UTC | 2/5/25, 3:45:53 AM UTC | 2/6/25, 3:56:55 AM UTC | 2/7/25, 3:30:53 AM UTC | 2/8/25, 4:16:46 AM UTC | 2/9/25, 3:44:25 AM UTC | 2/10/25, 2:20:06 AM UTC | 2/11/25, 4:06:22 AM UTC |
Succesful checks: 756/757 (99.87%)