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Languages English (en)
Users 141
Active users (last month) 65
Active users (last six months) 82
Characters per post (max) 42,069
Known instances 31,280
First sight Oct 20, 2021 UTC
Last successful check Feb 16, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.0-alpha.5+glitch
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list, and also according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) catsofmastodon, cats, caturday, shareyourgames, space, pennedpossibilities, fckafd, bikenite, CSD, wahlliebe
Short description
Moé for Solarpunk is a small, friendly server run by a group of optimistically-utopian LGBT+ individuals. Registration is by invite only!
Long description
Threatening, abusive, intolerant or illegal behavior may lead to moderation and/or further measures. We have a zero tolerance approach to discrimination, including (but not limited to) racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism or transphobia. Moderation decisions are final.

The Content Warning flag should be used for NSFW content, and NSFW media should be marked as sensitive.

Account registrations are monitored and accounts considered spam (including commercial advertising, political campaigning/propaganda, duplicate accounts or impersonating legal entities) will be moderated or removed.

A number of instance blocks are implemented to comply with the first principle of the Mastodon Server Covenant and to prevent our users from being exposed to content that does not comply with our instance rules.

No cryptocurrency stuff. Proof-of-work sucks, but we're also not interested in your non-proof-of-work cryptocurrency either.

Detailed rules

The following guidelines are not a legal document, and final interpretation is up to the administration of solarpunk.moe; they are here to provide you with an insight into our content moderation policies:

  1. The following types of content will be removed from the public timeline:

    1. Excessive advertising.
    2. Uncurated news bots posting from third-party news sources.
    3. Untagged nudity, pornography and sexually explicit content, including artistic depictions.
    4. Untagged gore and extremely graphic violence, including artistic depictions.
    5. Advocating for crypto-currency or other catastrophically environmentally-unfriendly schemes.

  2. The following types of content will be removed from the public timeline, and may result in account suspension and revocation of access to the service:

    1. Racism or advocacy of racism. To be clear: this does not include so-called "reverse-racism", i.e. "racism" against white/privileged races. Additionally, we allow and encourage discussion by the discriminated minority about experiences with racism.
    2. Sexism or advocacy of sexism.
    3. Casteism or advocacy of casteism.
    4. Ableist language or rhetoric that discriminates against disability, (this includes commonly-used ableist slurs).
    5. Discrimination against gender and sexual minorities, or advocacy thereof.
    6. Xenophobic and/or violent nationalism.
    7. Spreading disinformation or conspiracy theories that undermine public health.

  3. The following types of content are explicitly disallowed and will result in revocation of access to the service:

    1. Sexual depictions of children.
    2. Holocaust denial or Nazi symbolism.
    3. Conduct promoting the ideology of National Socialism.

  4. Any conduct intended to stalk or harass other users, or to impede other users from utilizing the service, or to degrade the performance of the service, or to harass other users, or to incite other users to perform any of the aforementioned actions, is also disallowed, and subject to punishment up to and including revocation of access to the service. This includes, but is not limited to, the following behaviors:

    1. Continuing to engage in conversation with a user that has specifically has requested for said engagement with that user to cease and desist may be considered harassment, regardless of platform-specific privacy tools employed.
    2. Aggregating, posting, and/or disseminating a person's demographic, personal, or private data without express permission (informally called doxing or dropping dox) may be considered harassment.
    3. Inciting users to engage another user in continued interaction or discussion after a user has requested for said engagement with that user to cease and desist (informally called brigading or dogpiling) may be considered harassment.

These provisions notwithstanding, the administration of the service reserves the right to revoke any user's access permissions, at any time, for any reason, except as limited by law.


Welcome to Moé for Solarpunk! This instance of Mastodon is a small, friendly server run by a group of optimistically-utopian LGBT+ individuals.

Please check out our companion instances for Bookwyrm and Pixelfed.

You may also want to peruse our Gitea instance.

About the name

We dream of a diverse, anarchist, solarpunk future in which humankind collaborates to live in harmony with the environment sustainably. In fact, we have a strong affection for such a future.

What you should know about us

The future we dream of is inherently anticapitalist, and we are thus not capitalism's biggest fans.

Given that the vast majority of adopted cryptocurrencies currently rely on proof of work to function, cryptocurrency goes completely against our dreams. So we have no interest in it here.

More reading


  • @juliana — moderation
  • @TakeV — moderation, server administration
  • @vv — moderation, server administration

Joining us

Do you believe in our vision? You are welcome to request an invite to join us.

Endorsed Servers

The following is a list of servers that we have historically been on good terms with, are communities we think are nifty, and we trust have good moderation. We feel comfortable recommending them to others.

  • fandom.garden - A friendly server for fandoms of all kinds
  • cathode.church - A place for trans and gender-diverse makers, tinkers, and coders


Our lovely mascot Sol (they/them) was created by @SaraVulpine (email, more art on Instagram).

Ferris emoji by Dzuk, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Instance rules
  1. Sexually explicit or violent media must be marked as sensitive when posting
  2. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, or casteism
  3. No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies
  4. No harassment, dogpiling or doxxing of other users
  5. No advocating for cryptocurrencies of any sort.
  6. No ableist language or rhetoric that discriminates against individuals or groups based on disability.
  7. No suicide baiting.
Moderated instances [?]
  1. *.10minutepleroma.com: suspended
  2. 0w0.is: suspended
  3. 0x0.st: suspended (reason: Disqordia adjacent)
  4. 0x68756773.moe: suspended
  5. 101010.pl: suspended (reason: Hosting Holocaust denial)
  6. 13bells.com: suspended
  7. 1611.social: suspended (reason: Queerphobic slurs in about)
  8. 4aem.com: suspended (reason: Antisemitism)
  9. 503junk.house: suspended
  10. 5dollah.click: suspended (reason: transphobia, suicide baiting)
  11. 8777.ch: suspended (reason: Racism)
  12. a.sc: suspended
  13. abraham.su: suspended
  14. absturztau.be: suspended
  15. activism.openworlds.info: suspended
  16. activitypub-proxy.cf: suspended (reason: Another goddamn privacy bypass proxy)
  17. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended (reason: Troll instance to attack other instances)
  18. adachi.party: suspended (reason: Pleroma Crimes)
  19. addy.gg: suspended
  20. aethy.com: suspended
  21. affiliates.social: suspended (reason: Business Focused, Very Strange, Screw Capitalism :))
  22. agdersam.no: suspended (reason: Racism, transphobia, 4chan)
  23. ai.wiki: suspended (reason: Ads/spam)
  24. ai8w.ddns.net: suspended
  25. aidoru.cafe: suspended
  26. akko.disqordia.space: suspended
  27. akko.saturno.black: suspended
  28. alive.bar: suspended
  29. alpaca.gold: suspended (reason: Data harvesting)
  30. alteregocreations.com: suspended
  31. anemoneya.me: suspended (reason: Block evasion)
  32. angrytoday.com: suspended
  33. animalliberation.social: suspended
  34. anime.website: suspended
  35. animeisgay.com: suspended
  36. annihilation.social: suspended
  37. antivaxxer.icu: suspended
  38. aoq.me: suspended
  39. ap.sevvie.ltd: suspended
  40. app.kenhbit.com: suspended
  41. ar.al: suspended
  42. arachnid.town: suspended (reason: bae.st buddies)
  43. argentum.social: suspended (reason: Single-user instance engaging in racist harassment)
  44. aroundthemilkyway.nohost.me: suspended
  45. artisan.chat: suspended
  46. asbestos.cafe: suspended
  47. aspiechattr.me: limited
  48. ating.press: suspended
  49. awakari.app: suspended (reason: Scraper)
  50. awakari.com: suspended (reason: Scraper)
  51. awoo.fyi: suspended (reason: Fedi Nato)
  52. awootism.club: suspended (reason: Nazism)
  53. awscommunity.social: suspended
  54. awwter.online: suspended (reason: disqordia apologism)
  55. aytolis.mayvaneday.art: suspended
  56. azumanga.gay: suspended (reason: Fediblock spam)
  57. babka.social: suspended
  58. badly.co: suspended (reason: Unmoderated frozen peaches)
  59. bae.st: suspended (reason: racism, misogyny, ableism, homophobia, nazis, csa)
  60. banana.dog: suspended
  61. banepo.st: suspended
  62. bar.arumoon.ru: suspended (reason: Ask a mod if you need to know.)
  63. baraag.net: suspended
  64. based.directory: suspended
  65. bassam.social: suspended (reason: Queerphobia)
  66. bbs.kawa-kun.com: suspended
  67. beefyboys.club: suspended
  68. beefyboys.win: suspended
  69. bennypowers.dev: suspended (reason: Ablism)
  70. berlin.social: suspended (reason: Host the literal police)
  71. berserker.town: suspended
  72. beta.birdsite.live: limited
  73. bigguys.club: suspended
  74. bikeshed.party: suspended
  75. bird.makeup: suspended (reason: Twitter bridge)
  76. birds.garden: suspended (reason: Nazism)
  77. birdsite.slashdev.space: limited
  78. birdsite.wilde.cloud: limited
  79. bitcoinhackers.org: suspended
  80. bittube.video: suspended
  81. blacksun.social: suspended (reason: Defending imperialism)
  82. blob.cat: suspended
  83. body.social: suspended
  84. boks.moe: suspended (reason: Basically all the isms)
  85. botsin.space: limited
  86. boymoder.biz: suspended (reason: Suicide baiting, 4chan)
  87. boyter.org: suspended (reason: Unapologetically made a Fediverse scraper (mastinator.com))
  88. brainsoap.net: suspended
  89. breastmilk.club: suspended (reason: Affiliated with harmful actors, blatant homo/transphobia, racism)
  90. brid.gy: suspended (reason: Fedi scraper)
  91. brighteon.social: suspended
  92. brotka.st: suspended (reason: Pleroma Crime)
  93. buildthatwallandmakeamericagreatagain.trumpislovetrumpis.life: suspended
  94. bungle.online: suspended
  95. bylines.social: limited (reason: Previously had transphobia, ended up cleaning house, so we are changing the suspecd to a limit for now. We will wait a bit longer before deciding to remove the suspension.)
  96. c.im: suspended
  97. cachapa.moe: suspended
  98. cachapa.xyz: suspended
  99. calckey.cloud: suspended (reason: Fedi Nato)
  100. calckey.social: suspended
  101. calobar.club: suspended
  102. campaign.openworlds.info: suspended
  103. campduffel.social: suspended (reason: Right wing christianity)
  104. cannibal.cafe: suspended
  105. carnivore.social: suspended
  106. cassilda.house: suspended
  107. catposter.club: suspended
  108. cawfee.club: suspended
  109. cdrom.tokyo: suspended (reason: Opposed to proper moderation)
  110. celebrity.social: suspended
  111. censorship.icu: suspended
  112. chat.wecops.uk: suspended
  113. childlove.space: suspended
  114. childlove.su: suspended
  115. childpawn.shop: suspended
  116. chudbuds.lol: suspended
  117. chungus.cc: suspended
  118. civiq.social: suspended (reason: Jeff)
  119. clar.ke: suspended (reason: Fedi Nato)
  120. clew.lol: suspended (reason: Racism)
  121. climatejustice.social: limited (reason: Cool with this:https://climatejustice.social/@GreenFire/109984671341818518)
  122. cliterati.club: suspended
  123. cloudflare.social: limited (reason: Literally cloudflare)
  124. club.darknight-coffee.org: suspended
  125. clubcyberia.co: suspended
  126. clubcyberia.io: suspended
  127. cobblestone.rocks: suspended (reason: Fediblock spam)
  128. cofe.rocks: suspended
  129. collapsitarian.io: suspended
  130. colovo.com: suspended (reason: Anti-fediblock personal instance)
  131. comfyboy.club: suspended
  132. conchrepublic.social: suspended (reason: Newsie.social admin)
  133. contrapointsfan.club: suspended
  134. convo.casa: limited
  135. cooltrans.men: suspended
  136. coom.club: suspended
  137. corp.social: suspended
  138. counter.fedi.live: suspended
  139. cpluspatch.com: suspended
  140. cpluspatch.dev: suspended (reason: Disqordian vibes)
  141. crucible.world: suspended (reason: Transphobic single-user admin)
  142. crypto-group-buy.com: suspended
  143. cryptodon.lol: suspended
  144. cryptotalks.social: suspended
  145. cryptotooter.com: suspended
  146. cum.camp: suspended
  147. cum.desupost.soy: suspended
  148. cum.salon: suspended
  149. cunny.finance: suspended
  150. cunnyborea.space: suspended
  151. cunnyborea.top: suspended
  152. cupoftea.social: suspended (reason: Their rule 8)
  153. cutefunny.net: suspended (reason: Spam)
  154. cybercriminal.eu: suspended (reason: Harassment, Fediblock Spam, Moderation Issues)
  155. cybercrusade.xyz: suspended
  156. cyberretards.xyz: suspended
  157. cyberstorm.one: suspended (reason: Nazism)
  158. cybre.club: suspended
  159. d-fens.systems: suspended
  160. daishouri.moe: suspended
  161. danksquad.org: suspended (reason: Transmisia)
  162. darlow.co.uk: suspended (reason: Transphobia)
  163. decayable.ink: suspended (reason: Racism, Freezepeach, no moderation, etc)
  164. declin.eu: suspended
  165. definitely-not-archivefedifor.fun: suspended
  166. degenerates.fail: suspended
  167. degooglization.icu: suspended
  168. dembased.xyz: suspended
  169. desupost.soy: suspended
  170. detroitriotcity.com: suspended
  171. dev-wiki.de: suspended
  172. develop.gab.com: suspended
  173. dickkickextremist.xyz: suspended
  174. discordian.social: limited
  175. disqordia.space: suspended
  176. disroot.org: suspended (reason: Refusal to moderate)
  177. doctors4covidethics.org: suspended (reason: Covid denialism)
  178. dogsex.org: suspended
  179. dotnet.social: suspended
  180. dotnet00.dev: suspended
  181. dotsod.com: suspended (reason: Fedi Nato)
  182. dragonpsi.xyz: suspended (reason: Freeze peach)
  183. drinkingatmy.computer: suspended
  184. drow.be: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  185. dtzbts.xyz: suspended (reason: Racism)
  186. dumbopinions.xyz: suspended
  187. durst.world: suspended
  188. eatthebugs.social: suspended (reason: blatantly transphobic on about page, antisemitism)
  189. echelon.pl: suspended (reason: Fedi Nato)
  190. eeeeeeeee.eu: suspended
  191. eepy.zone: suspended
  192. eepygirls.tech: suspended (reason: Blocked upon request of instance admin)
  193. egirls.gay: limited
  194. eientei.org: suspended
  195. eightpoint.app: limited
  196. eldritch.cafe: suspended (reason: Failure to moderate racism)
  197. elekk.xyz: suspended
  198. elonsucks.org: suspended (reason: Bots and twitter mirrors)
  199. emacs.ch: suspended (reason: Hosting antisemitism)
  200. emeraldsocial.org: suspended
  201. endtimebelievers.com: suspended (reason: Christofascism)
  202. epsilon.social: suspended
  203. equel.social: suspended
  204. eroaward.com: suspended
  205. etiketi.de: suspended
  206. europa.eu: suspended (reason: Promotes violent ideologies)
  207. eveningzoo.club: suspended
  208. evulid.cc: suspended (reason: Reprehensible, ableism, channer vibes)
  209. expired.mentality.rip: suspended
  210. exploding-heads.com: suspended (reason: fash)
  211. facebook.com: suspended
  212. famichiki.jp: suspended
  213. fapsi.be: suspended
  214. federate.net: suspended
  215. federate.social: suspended
  216. federated.fun: suspended
  217. fedi.aroace.space: suspended
  218. fedi.murky.club: suspended
  219. fedi.site: suspended
  220. fedi.truth-sandwich.com: suspended
  221. fediblock.lol: suspended
  222. fedichive.tk: suspended
  223. feministwiki.org: suspended (reason: TERFs)
  224. feral.cafe: suspended
  225. fidelis.social: suspended (reason: Sinning is poggers)
  226. fifo-f.eu: suspended
  227. fightthis.net: suspended
  228. firefish.social: suspended (reason: Renamed calckey.social; see that block)
  229. firelink.digital: suspended
  230. fiume.club: suspended
  231. flipboard.social: suspended (reason: Spam, corporate instance)
  232. flockingbird.social: suspended (reason: Scraper)
  233. fluf.club: suspended
  234. fluffytail.org: suspended
  235. fosstodon.org: limited
  236. freak.university: suspended
  237. freeatlantis.com: suspended
  238. freecumextremist.com: suspended
  239. freedomofpress.rocks: suspended
  240. freemarketbastard.theburning.world: suspended
  241. freespeech.firedragonstudios.com: suspended
  242. freespeech.group: suspended
  243. freespeech.host: suspended
  244. freespeech.icu: suspended
  245. freespeechextremist.com: suspended (reason: hate speech)
  246. freetalklive.com: suspended
  247. freethinkers.host: suspended
  248. freethinkers.lgbt: suspended
  249. freevoice.space: suspended
  250. freewahaextremist.soy: suspended
  251. freewahaextremist.wtf: suspended
  252. freezepeach.xyz: suspended
  253. frennet.link: suspended
  254. frennet.xyz: suspended
  255. fribygda.no: suspended (reason: Admin failed to take action against racism in a period of several days.)
  256. froth.zone: suspended
  257. fulltermprivacy.com: suspended
  258. furry.engineer: suspended
  259. gab.ai: suspended
  260. gabe.rocks: suspended
  261. gabfed.com: suspended
  262. gameliberty.club: suspended
  263. gangstalking.services: suspended
  264. gasthe.lgbt: suspended
  265. gearlandia.haus: suspended
  266. genderheretics.xyz: suspended (reason: transphobia)
  267. genitalia.observer: suspended
  268. gensokyo.club: suspended
  269. gentoo.live: suspended (reason: Nazism)
  270. geofront.rocks: suspended (reason: Racism)
  271. getgle.org: suspended
  272. gh0st.live: suspended (reason: Every kind of bigotry)
  273. ghetti.monster: suspended (reason: "true American patriots")
  274. gigaohm.bio: suspended (reason: Antivaxxers)
  275. gitmo.life: suspended
  276. gizode.com: suspended
  277. gladtech.social: suspended
  278. gleasonator.com: suspended (reason: transphobia)
  279. glee.li: suspended (reason: I mean, just look at the background image. Harassment, impersonation, etc.)
  280. glowers.club: suspended
  281. godspeed.moe: suspended
  282. goreslut.xyz: suspended (reason: Racism, queerphobia)
  283. gorf.pub: suspended
  284. govsocial.org: suspended (reason: US government employees)
  285. goyim.app: suspended
  286. goyslop.cafe: suspended
  287. graeber.social: suspended (reason: Refusal to moderate anti-blackness)
  288. graz.social: suspended
  289. h5q.net: suspended (reason: CSAM risk)
  290. hachyderm.io: suspended (reason: Capitalism)
  291. hackers.town: suspended
  292. haeder.net: suspended
  293. hallsofamenti.io: suspended
  294. handicapped.tk: suspended (reason: Fedi nato, platforms literal nazis)
  295. hanna.lol: suspended (reason: Single-user instance engaging in Fediblock gaslighting)
  296. headpat.cafe: suspended (reason: Posts loli)
  297. helladoge.com: suspended
  298. hellthread.church: suspended
  299. hentai.baby: suspended
  300. heonian.org: suspended (reason: Pleroma crimes)
  301. hermitmountain.top: suspended (reason: misogyny, ableism)
  302. heymaven.com: suspended (reason: Scraper for AI)
  303. hidamari.apartments: suspended (reason: associates with nazis)
  304. hirad.it: suspended
  305. hitchhiker.social: suspended
  306. homd.xyz: suspended
  307. home.social: suspended
  308. homunyan.com: suspended (reason: Block evasion)
  309. honking.online: suspended
  310. honkwerx.tech: suspended
  311. hostux.social: suspended
  312. hunk.city: suspended
  313. husk.site: suspended
  314. hwfo.online: suspended (reason: Freeze peach)
  315. ichi.city: suspended
  316. icod.de: suspended (reason: Incredible amounts of transmisia and homomisia)
  317. iddqd.social: suspended
  318. idiomdrottning.org: suspended
  319. idolheaven.org: suspended
  320. ieji.de: suspended (reason: Fedi Nato)
  321. ignorelist.com: suspended
  322. imirhil.fr: suspended
  323. immibis.com: suspended
  324. imouto.exposed: suspended
  325. infosec.exchange: suspended
  326. instagram.com: suspended
  327. insufferable.tools: suspended
  328. intkos.link: suspended
  329. ioc.exchange: limited (reason: https://tenforward.social/@guinan/109848002615567902)
  330. ironbug.org: suspended (reason: Transphobia, saneism)
  331. isekco.re: suspended
  332. itsover.cyou: suspended
  333. jacksgloryhole.com: limited (reason: Un-CWed sexual content)
  334. jayus.net: suspended
  335. jigmedatse.com: suspended
  336. jojo.singleuser.club: suspended
  337. jorts.horse: suspended (reason: Shitposting on Fediblock)
  338. journa.host: suspended (reason: associates with kiwifarms, scraping)
  339. justicewarrior.social: suspended
  340. kabuki.club: suspended
  341. kafeneio.social: suspended
  342. kakise.tech: suspended
  343. karkatdyinginagluetrap.com: suspended
  344. katiehopkinspolitical.icu: suspended
  345. kawaiistarlight.online: suspended
  346. kawen.space: suspended
  347. kcl.academy: suspended
  348. kelarima.com: suspended
  349. kibbutz.gay: suspended
  350. kibitz.cloud: suspended (reason: Harasser)
  351. kinky.business: limited (reason: just limited for explicit content)
  352. kisslolis.moe: suspended
  353. kitsunemimi.club: suspended (reason: Racism)
  354. kitty.social: suspended
  355. kiwifarms.cc: suspended
  356. kiwifarms.is: suspended
  357. kiwifarms.net: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  358. know.me.uk: suspended
  359. kolektiva.social: suspended (reason: Failure to moderate racism)
  360. kompost.cz: suspended (reason: Racism)
  361. koyu.space: suspended
  362. kurosawa.moe: suspended (reason: admin is alt of poa.st user, racism)
  363. kyaruc.moe: suspended (reason: Single-user Nazi/channer instance)
  364. lain.com: suspended
  365. lain.gay: suspended
  366. lain.la: suspended
  367. lain.lu: suspended
  368. lain.sh: suspended
  369. lainchan.gay: suspended
  370. landofkittens.social: suspended (reason: Association with virulent transmisics)
  371. lanuevebastarda.es: suspended
  372. layer02.net: suspended
  373. layer08.com: suspended
  374. lc.imexile.moe: suspended
  375. leafposter.club: suspended
  376. learnlangs.com: suspended (reason: Creepy dudes sliding into DMs)
  377. left-tusk.com: suspended
  378. leftlibertarian.club: limited
  379. leftychan.net: suspended
  380. lets.saynoto.lgbt: suspended
  381. letsalllovela.in: suspended
  382. lewdieheaven.com: suspended
  383. lgbtqia.space: suspended (reason: Racism)
  384. liberal.city: suspended
  385. liberal.lgbt: limited
  386. liberdon.com: limited
  387. libertarianism.club: limited
  388. libre.video: suspended
  389. librosphere.fr: suspended (reason: Racism, replyguying, lack of moderation, kiwifarms-adjacent)
  390. ligma.pro: suspended (reason: JFC)
  391. linux.pizza: suspended (reason: Fedi Nato)
  392. livelap.com: suspended
  393. lizards.live: suspended (reason: Shitposting on Fediblock)
  394. loganjohndarylgraham.xyz: suspended
  395. logografos.com: suspended (reason: Racism)
  396. loli.church: suspended
  397. loli.pizza: suspended
  398. lolicon.win: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  399. lolison.network: suspended
  400. lolison.top: suspended
  401. lor.sh: suspended (reason: Fedi Nato)
  402. loveforlandlords.com: suspended (reason: Just look at the name)
  403. lqx.net: suspended (reason: Fediblock Spam)
  404. lush.moe: suspended
  405. m.fal.moe: suspended
  406. macneilmediagroup.com: suspended
  407. magpie.masto.host: suspended (reason: Fedi Nato)
  408. mahodou.moe: suspended
  409. makemy**********s.com: suspended
  410. mame.moe: suspended
  411. manalejandro.com: suspended
  412. marsey.club: suspended
  413. marsey.moe: suspended (reason: Harassment, all the problems)
  414. mashtodon.alterracloud.com: suspended (reason: Trolling and harassment)
  415. masochi.st: suspended
  416. mastertibbles.co.uk: suspended (reason: No moderation of racism)
  417. masthead.social: suspended
  418. mastinator.com: suspended (reason: Scraping instance)
  419. masto.ai: limited (reason: Stux)
  420. mastobate.social: limited (reason: Un-CWed sexual content)
  421. mastod.no: suspended
  422. mastodon.bgzashtita.es: suspended
  423. mastodon.cf: suspended
  424. mastodon.city: suspended
  425. mastodon.cloud: limited
  426. mastodon.coffee: limited (reason: Stux)
  427. mastodon.green: suspended (reason: racist language/country policy)
  428. mastodon.jordanwages.com: suspended (reason: single user, free speech nonsense, with a helping of ableism)
  429. mastodon.la: suspended (reason: Queerphobia)
  430. mastodon.lol: limited (reason: Admin advocating self-harm)
  431. mastodon.ml: suspended (reason: Fediblock spam, usual stuff)
  432. mastodon.online: limited
  433. mastodon.poggersinc.com: suspended
  434. mastodon.scot: suspended
  435. mastodon.sdf.org: suspended
  436. mastodon.se: suspended
  437. mastodon.social: limited
  438. mastodon.tech: suspended
  439. mastodon.top: limited (reason: Temporary limit until the bot account issue is under control)
  440. mastodon.world: limited
  441. mastodonapp.uk: limited
  442. mastodong.lol: suspended
  443. mastodonsweden.se: suspended (reason: Admin is chief physician of Swedish armed forces)
  444. mathias777.com: suspended
  445. maven.ly: suspended (reason: Scraper for AI)
  446. me.dm: suspended (reason: corporate instance (Medium))
  447. mediastodon.com: limited (reason: Newsbots)
  448. meme.moe: suspended
  449. memehub.eu: suspended
  450. mentality.rip: suspended
  451. merovingian.club: suspended (reason: hate speech)
  452. meta-tube.de: suspended
  453. midnightride.rs: suspended
  454. midwaytrades.com: suspended
  455. milker.cafe: suspended
  456. minidisc.tokyo: suspended (reason: ties with known bad actors)
  457. mirbsd.org: suspended
  458. mirr0r.city: suspended
  459. miruku.cafe: suspended
  460. misono-ya.info: suspended
  461. miss.mouse.services: suspended
  462. misskey-forkbomb.cf: suspended (reason: Forkbomb of Misskey instances which also messes with Mastodon)
  463. misskey.gg: suspended (reason: Insufficient moderation)
  464. misskey.io: suspended (reason: Ask a mod if you need to know.)
  465. misskey.seediqbale.xyz: suspended
  466. misskey.sharivegas.com: suspended
  467. mitra.social: suspended (reason: Crypto)
  468. mk.disqordia.space: suspended
  469. mk.nixnet.social: suspended
  470. monads.online: suspended
  471. mondoweiss.net: suspended (reason: Antisemitism)
  472. monero.town: suspended (reason: Cryptocurrency)
  473. mooneyed.de: suspended (reason: Run by a Nazi)
  474. morale.ch: suspended (reason: Antisemitism, transphobia, general fash)
  475. mostr.pub: suspended (reason: Sus AF)
  476. moth.social: suspended (reason: VC-backed)
  477. moth.zone: suspended
  478. mount.fuji: limited (reason: Vulnerable to Nick Cage, https://botsin.space/@nationaltreasures/111218641110670782)
  479. mstdn.ca: suspended
  480. mstdn.funil.de: suspended
  481. mstdn.io: suspended (reason: allows terfs, no real rules or blocks. gab ppl there)
  482. mstdn.jp: suspended
  483. mstdn.social: limited (reason: Too large and poorly moderated)
  484. mugicha.club: suspended
  485. musksocial.com: suspended
  486. mystic.lgbt: suspended
  487. naln1.ca: suspended (reason: Elizafox instance)
  488. name.my: suspended
  489. narrativerry.xyz: suspended
  490. nateh******.**line: suspended
  491. nationalist.social: suspended
  492. nazi.social: suspended
  493. neckbeard.xyz: suspended
  494. needs.vodka: suspended
  495. neilzone.co.uk: suspended (reason: Hostile to mutual aid)
  496. nemoneya.me: suspended (reason: Block evasion)
  497. neoliber.al: suspended (reason: Neoliber.al)
  498. neomobius.com: suspended (reason: CSAM risk)
  499. nerddao.xyz: suspended
  500. netz.org: suspended (reason: Suspicious, clearly automated activity, incl. SQL-injection rules list)
  501. netzsphaere.xyz: suspended
  502. neue.city: suspended
  503. neurer.com: suspended
  504. newsbots.eu: limited
  505. newsie.social: suspended (reason: large number of news outlets, donsn't really fit the vibes we want here on solarpunk, transphobia too)
  506. newsocial.tech: limited
  507. newsrelay.org: limited
  508. nicecrew.digital: suspended
  509. nigg***.****ion: suspended
  510. nightshift.social: suspended
  511. ninetiesmysteri.es: suspended
  512. niscii.xyz: suspended
  513. nitecrew.rip: suspended
  514. nnia.space: suspended
  515. noagenda.social: suspended
  516. noagendasocial.com: suspended (reason: hate speech)
  517. noauthority.social: suspended (reason: Continuation of noagendasocial.com, freezepeach, trolling, racism, etc.)
  518. noc.social: suspended (reason: Fediverse scraper)
  519. noob.quest: suspended
  520. normal.style: suspended
  521. norwoodzero.net: suspended (reason: Racist, transphobic Nazi manosphere channers)
  522. not-develop.gab.com: suspended
  523. notacri.me: suspended
  524. notjustbikes.com: suspended (reason: Ablism)
  525. novoa.nagoya: suspended
  526. ns.auction: suspended
  527. nuked.social: suspended
  528. nukem.biz: suspended
  529. nyanide.com: suspended (reason: Racism, Nazism, transphobia, harassment)
  530. obo.sh: suspended (reason: Auto-generated CP accounts)
  531. occultist.space: suspended
  532. oddballs.online: suspended
  533. oddballs.vip: suspended (reason: Admin is a chaser)
  534. onionfarms.org: suspended (reason: Kiwifarms)
  535. ortodogs.info: suspended (reason: Freeze peach)
  536. oursocialism.today: suspended
  537. outerheaven.club: suspended
  538. outpoa.st: suspended
  539. p.enes.lv: suspended
  540. paradigm-x.tokyo: suspended
  541. paravielfalt.zone: suspended
  542. parcero.bond: suspended
  543. parcero.casa: suspended
  544. pasta.wtf: suspended
  545. pawlicker.com: suspended
  546. pawoo.net: suspended (reason: Strong likelihood of CSAM and CSAM-adjacent material.)
  547. paws.moe: suspended
  548. paypig.org: suspended
  549. pedo.school: suspended
  550. peertube.se: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  551. peertube.sharivegas.com: suspended
  552. pengi-san.moe: suspended (reason: FBA)
  553. pettanko.art: suspended
  554. pettingzoo.co: suspended (reason: Admin demonstrates pattern of bad faith argument, acephobia, professional victim, DARVO)
  555. phreedom.tk: suspended
  556. pibvt.net: suspended
  557. pieville.net: suspended
  558. pinheirodeabrantes.pt: suspended (reason: Fedi Nato)
  559. pirateradio.social: suspended (reason: Freeze Peach)
  560. pisskey.io: suspended
  561. pizzaf.art: suspended
  562. pkteerium.xyz: suspended
  563. pl.anon-kenkai.com: suspended
  564. pl.dav1d.lol: suspended
  565. pl.i2p.rocks: suspended
  566. pl.nulled.red: suspended
  567. pl.slash.cl: suspended
  568. pl.smuglo.li: suspended
  569. pl.smugloli.net: suspended
  570. pl.thj.no: suspended
  571. pl.tkammer.de: suspended
  572. pl.wysteriary.art: suspended
  573. plandemic.icu: suspended
  574. pleroma.cucked.me: suspended
  575. pleroma.eientei.org: suspended
  576. pleroma.kiwifarms.net: suspended
  577. pleroma.nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended
  578. pleroma.pibvt.net: suspended (reason: Child pornography)
  579. pleroma.saturno.black: suspended
  580. pleroma.skyshanty.xyz: suspended
  581. pleroma.soykaf.com: suspended
  582. pleroma.us: suspended
  583. pleroma.viridianpatriots.com: suspended
  584. pleromer.net: suspended
  585. poa.st: suspended (reason: Fedi nato, literal nazis on the instance)
  586. political.icu: suspended
  587. pone.social: suspended
  588. pooper.social: suspended
  589. posix.gay: suspended
  590. poster.place: suspended (reason: Racism, transphobia, 4chan)
  591. posting.lolicon.rocks: suspended
  592. pouque.net: suspended (reason: Nazism)
  593. povertypimps.xyz: suspended
  594. press.coop: limited (reason: Unmonitored bots, Twitter crossposting)
  595. preteengirls.biz: suspended
  596. progressivecafe.social: suspended (reason: Promotes violent ideologies)
  597. projectveritas.icu: suspended
  598. pseudo-whiskey.bar: suspended
  599. psimon.world: suspended
  600. psion.co: suspended
  601. pt.pube.tk: suspended
  602. public.garden: suspended (reason: Fedi Nato)
  603. puff.place: suspended
  604. qoto.org: suspended
  605. quanta.wiki: suspended
  606. quey.la: suspended
  607. raccoon.place: suspended
  608. raccoon.quest: suspended (reason: known bad actors)
  609. rage.lol: suspended
  610. rakket.app: suspended
  611. rally.guide: suspended
  612. rape.pet: suspended
  613. rape****.*hop: suspended
  614. rapefe*******.**twork: suspended
  615. rapem***.*****ions: suspended (reason: Sexual assault in name)
  616. rapemeat.express: suspended
  617. raplst.town: suspended
  618. raspberrypi.social: suspended (reason: Hiring an apparently unreformed cop)
  619. ravearizona.club: suspended
  620. raygungothic.xyz: suspended
  621. rayn.bo: suspended
  622. rcsocial.net: suspended (reason: Fundementalist christians, dogwhistly, etc.)
  623. rdrama.cc: suspended
  624. rdrama.net: suspended
  625. rebelbase.site: suspended (reason: Transphobic single-user admin)
  626. rebellion.global: suspended (reason: Extinction Rebellion)
  627. redpill-insight.com: suspended (reason: Misogyny/anti-feminism, pro-oppression)
  628. refusal.biz: suspended
  629. refusal.llc: suspended
  630. reisen.church: suspended
  631. religious.social: suspended (reason: We love sins)
  632. repl.co: suspended
  633. repl.io: suspended
  634. republic.red: suspended (reason: Transphobia, freeze peach, fascism)
  635. researchanddestroy.technology: suspended
  636. respublicae.eu: limited (reason: Contains a large number of twitter bots. Too difficult to only block the bots.)
  637. retrodon.net: suspended (reason: Fedi Nato)
  638. rettiwtkcuf.social: suspended (reason: Encouragement to "Say whatever" in the few non-rules)
  639. right.wtf: suspended
  640. risk.social: suspended (reason: Corporate instance)
  641. rkgk.moe: suspended
  642. robo.super-niche.club: suspended
  643. rojogato.com: suspended
  644. rot.gives: suspended
  645. royalhellcustoms.com: suspended
  646. roysbeer.place: suspended (reason: Transmisia)
  647. ruby.social: limited
  648. rukii.net: suspended
  649. ryanthomas.org: suspended
  650. ryona.agency: suspended
  651. sacred.harpy.faith: suspended
  652. sangberg.se: suspended (reason: Anti-fediblock personal instance)
  653. santsenques.cat: suspended
  654. satania.social: suspended
  655. saturno.black: suspended
  656. sayit.world: suspended
  657. scamdemic.party: suspended
  658. schwartzwelt.xyz: suspended
  659. scots.network: suspended
  660. scriptjunkie.us: suspended (reason: Sexism, Anti-sex worker)
  661. sdf.org: suspended
  662. seal.cafe: suspended (reason: Racism, transphobia, 4chan)
  663. sealion.club: suspended
  664. search.fedi.app: suspended
  665. seikora.one: limited (reason: NSFW)
  666. seo.chat: suspended
  667. serialmay.link: suspended (reason: Racism (apparently dead instance))
  668. sexyferret.science: suspended (reason: Reply guy, racism, ablism)
  669. sharealike.social: suspended (reason: Unexamined antisemitism/racism)
  670. sharivegas.com: suspended
  671. shelter.moe: suspended
  672. shigusegubu.club: suspended
  673. shitasstits.life: suspended
  674. shitpost.cloud: suspended
  675. shitposter.club: suspended
  676. shitposter.world: suspended
  677. shitposting.army: suspended
  678. shocktohp.xyz: suspended
  679. shortstackran.ch: suspended
  680. shortstacksran.ch: suspended (reason: Same people as squid dot kids, racism, antisemitism, etc)
  681. shota.house: suspended
  682. shpposter.club: suspended
  683. shredderfood.com: suspended
  684. shrike.club: suspended (reason: Threatened our members)
  685. shrimpcam.pw: suspended (reason: Block evasion)
  686. shrimpposter.club: suspended (reason: run by shitposter.club people)
  687. shrine.moe: suspended
  688. sigmoid.social: limited (reason: AI art and NFT-friendly instance)
  689. silliness.observer: suspended (reason: "Local bubble instances" filled with bad actors)
  690. silvereagle.dev: suspended
  691. skinheads.eu: suspended
  692. skinheads.io: suspended
  693. skinheads.social: suspended
  694. skinheads.uk: suspended
  695. skinnyver.se: suspended
  696. skins.gay: suspended
  697. skippers-bin.com: suspended
  698. sleepy.cafe: suspended
  699. snarfed.org: suspended (reason: Fedi scraper)
  700. sneed.network: suspended
  701. sneed.social: suspended (reason: Racism and homophobia)
  702. sneed.vip: suspended
  703. snug.moe: limited
  704. sociabl.be: suspended (reason: Belgian military instance)
  705. social.076.ne.jp: suspended
  706. social.ancreport.com: suspended
  707. social.bbc: suspended (reason: Transphobia, racism, misogyny, support of imperialism,)
  708. social.beepboop.ga: suspended
  709. social.drastical.tech: suspended
  710. social.fbxl.net: suspended
  711. social.handholding.io: suspended
  712. social.hendrixgames.com: suspended
  713. social.icod.de: suspended (reason: Queerphobia)
  714. social.lovingexpressions.net: suspended
  715. social.projectsegfau.lt: suspended
  716. social.quodverum.com: suspended
  717. social.redxen.eu: suspended
  718. social.super-niche.club: suspended
  719. social.tchncs.de: suspended
  720. social.teci.world: suspended
  721. social.urspringer.de: suspended
  722. social.xcess.one: suspended
  723. societal.co: suspended
  724. socnet.supes.com: suspended
  725. solagg.com: suspended
  726. somewhy.net: suspended
  727. sonichu.com: suspended
  728. sperg.city: suspended
  729. spinster.xyz: suspended
  730. spook.social: suspended
  731. springbo.cc: suspended
  732. squid.kids: suspended (reason: Known harassers)
  733. starnix.network: suspended
  734. stereophonic.space: suspended
  735. stop.voring.me: suspended
  736. strelizia.net: suspended
  737. stupid.moe: suspended
  738. succubi.services: suspended
  739. supernets.social: suspended
  740. suya.place: suspended (reason: Racism, fediblock trolling)
  741. synergetic-design.com: suspended
  742. syspxl.xyz: suspended (reason: sneed-affiliated)
  743. talk-here.com: suspended
  744. tastingtraffic.com: suspended
  745. tastingtraffic.net: suspended
  746. tchncs.de: suspended
  747. tcode.kenfm.de: suspended
  748. tech.lgbt: limited (reason: Moderation issues with racism and so forth)
  749. technoetic.com: suspended (reason: Fedi Nato)
  750. tetaneutral.net: suspended (reason: Failure to act meaningfully in response to antisemitism from users)
  751. thebased.club: suspended (reason: Transmisia, antivax, covid conspiracism)
  752. theblab.org: suspended
  753. thechimp.zone: suspended (reason: Racism, transphobia)
  754. thecitadel.social: suspended
  755. thecitizen.icu: suspended
  756. theosis.church: suspended
  757. thepopulist.icu: suspended
  758. thepostearthdestination.com: suspended
  759. theres.life: suspended
  760. theway.social: suspended
  761. thewizardingworld.com: suspended (reason: lol)
  762. thisawfuldungeon.art: suspended
  763. threads.net: suspended (reason: Meta's domain)
  764. tmediatech.io: suspended
  765. tnd.lol: suspended
  766. toad.social: suspended
  767. toast.cafe: suspended (reason: Pleroma crimes)
  768. too*.***es: limited (reason: Open registration)
  769. toot.canberrasocial.net: suspended
  770. toot.community: suspended (reason: Platforms terfs, antisemitism)
  771. tooters.org: suspended
  772. toots.nu: suspended (reason: Fedi Nato)
  773. touha.me: suspended
  774. traboone.com: suspended
  775. transcendent.ink: suspended (reason: "Local bubble instances" filled with bad actors)
  776. translunar.academy: suspended
  777. treehouse.systems: suspended (reason: Run by a known racist harasser)
  778. troet.cafe: suspended
  779. troll.cafe: suspended (reason: Reprehensible content)
  780. trouth.eu: limited (reason: Porn)
  781. trumpislovetrumpis.life: suspended
  782. truthsocial.co.in: suspended
  783. truthsocial.com: suspended
  784. tsukihi.me: suspended (reason: Willfully hosting a known serial harasser)
  785. tube.kenfm.de: suspended
  786. tube.querdenken-711.de: suspended
  787. tummy.town: suspended (reason: Racism, freeze peach)
  788. turturea.online: suspended
  789. twi.social: suspended (reason: CSAM risj)
  790. twitter.com: suspended
  791. tyil.nl: suspended
  792. tylerdavis.xyz: suspended
  793. ua-fediland.de: suspended
  794. uden.ai: suspended (reason: Explicitly does not moderate)
  795. udongein.xyz: suspended
  796. umbrellix.org: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  797. unholy-lair.69.mu: suspended
  798. union.place: suspended
  799. universeodon.com: suspended (reason: Full-text indexing, lack of moderation, excessive size)
  800. unsafe.space: suspended
  801. ursal.zone: suspended (reason: Racism, queerphobia, harassment)
  802. usualsuspects.lol: suspended (reason: Did make me chuckle though)
  803. uwu.social: suspended
  804. valkyrie.world: suspended (reason: Harmful actors)
  805. vampiremaid.cafe: suspended
  806. varishangout.net: suspended
  807. varishhangout.net: suspended (reason: CP, racism, nazi emojis)
  808. veganism.social: suspended (reason: https://veganism.social/@nm/110175775371288084)
  809. video.nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended
  810. videos.martinezperspective.org: suspended
  811. vile.zone: suspended
  812. vivaldi.net: limited (reason: Corporate instance)
  813. vive.im: suspended (reason: Spam)
  814. voicenews.icu: suspended
  815. void.rehab: suspended
  816. voltrina.net: suspended
  817. voluntaryism.club: suspended
  818. wagesofsinisdeath.com: suspended
  819. waifuism.life: suspended
  820. wake.st: suspended (reason: pedophilia apologism)
  821. weeaboo.space: suspended
  822. wellperns.com: suspended (reason: Comparing drag to blackface, JFC)
  823. were.social: suspended
  824. whinge.town: suspended
  825. whitewomen.dog: suspended
  826. wideboys.org: suspended
  827. wiki-tube.de: suspended
  828. willtrade.org: suspended
  829. wintermute.fr.to: suspended (reason: transphobia, nazi)
  830. wir*.****en: suspended (reason: Block evading instance, related to FSE)
  831. witches.live: suspended
  832. woem.men: suspended
  833. wolfgirl.bar: suspended
  834. womyns.land: suspended
  835. workers.dev: suspended
  836. worm.pink: suspended
  837. writehere.is: suspended
  838. wurm.host: suspended
  839. wyvern.rip: suspended
  840. xenofem.me: suspended
  841. xmrposter.club: suspended
  842. xn--p1abe3d.xn--80asehdb: suspended
  843. yesterweb.org: suspended
  844. yggdrasil.social: suspended
  845. yiff.life: suspended
  846. youjo.love: suspended
  847. yourwalls.today: suspended
  848. ystn.win: suspended
  849. yuriposter.club: suspended
  850. zetamu.club: suspended
  851. zhub.link: suspended
  852. zork.social: suspended (reason: Fedi Nato)
  853. zztails.gay: suspended
  854. zztails.online: suspended (reason: zztails.gay-related)
  855. zztails.wtf: suspended (reason: zztails.gay-related)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. cupoftea.social: suspension
  2. emeraldsocial.org: suspension
  3. furry.community: suspension
  4. gender.systems: limitation
  5. infosec.exchange: suspension
  6. serpent.skin: suspension
  7. soc.jrconlin.com: suspension
  8. social.afront.org: suspension
  9. social.cutiecluster.cc: suspension
  10. social.python-gsoc.org: suspension
  11. the.vile.zone: suspension
Admin account Opted out of search engines indexing
Date of creation Not available
Display name Not available
Not available
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 16392 statuses, 598 logins, 11 registrations)
S: 1473
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Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
2/9/25, 3:38:01 AM UTC2/10/25, 3:58:12 AM UTC2/11/25, 3:14:10 AM UTC2/12/25, 2:45:17 AM UTC2/13/25, 2:35:02 AM UTC2/14/25, 3:40:53 AM UTC2/15/25, 3:41:18 AM UTC2/16/25, 2:45:19 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 905/907 (99.78%)