WELCOME!Welcome to The Nutrivore Mastodon instance! This instance is passionately run by
Nick Hiebert, and dedicated to debunking health and nutrition-related pseudoscience, as well as cultivating insightful philosophical discussions pertaining to topics like philosophy and science. We also welcome casual discourse on a wide array of topics, including cooking, gaming, technology, and more. All levels of knowledge and interest are encouraged to engage!
While The Nutrivore is not explicitly a debate instance, Nick advocates for resolving disagreements through respectful, good-faith verbal debate. For now, please take verbal debates to
The Nutrivore Discord server until we deploy a better, free, and open-source solution. We strongly believe in freedom of speech and digital autonomy, and this instance was created in response to the enshittification of
X (formerly Twitter).
As stated above, this instance encourages free speech and open discourse. You needn't worry about being unfairly blocked for engaging in good faith, philosophical discourse with this server. Though we do ask that you do not abuse our leniency with overtly grotesque or illegal dialogue and/or content just for the sake of it. Let's not make anti-censorship synonymous with vulgarity, please.
Be respectful! Please refrain from abusive behaviour. While mocking and/or shaming sophistry is permitted, behaviour that is consistently rude, belligerent, or obnoxious may result in being muted or blocked. Be cognizant of the fact that despite our commitment to anti-censorship, there's no reason why we should tolerant abusive behaviour in our own home.
Back it up! All empirical claims must be supported by empirical evidence upon reasonable request. Empirical claims regarding health and nutrition are no exception. If you make an empirical claim, back it up. Consistently failing to support empirical claims will be considered abusive behaviour and may result in you being blocked.
Don't dodge! Be aware that voice chat is the preferred debate medium on this instance. While nobody is obligated to engage in voice debate, we ask that if you do not have a legitimate reason for avoiding voice debate when challenged, you should also refrain from making the sorts of claims that led to the challenge to begin with. Once someone has retracted a claim, continuing to invite them to debate the retracted claim will be considered abusive behaviour and may result in you being blocked.
Support us! This instance costs time and money to run. If you wish to help support the instance, consider pledging to the admin. Of course,
LiberaPay is the preferred donation platform, as it is non-profit, free to use, and open-source. However,
PayPal, and
YouTube Membership are also options. Alternatively, if a crypto donation option is preferred, the admin also accepts
PS. If you feel as though you or someone else has been unfairly blocked, the admin can be contacted at thenutrivore@the-nutrivore.social, and you're welcome to plead your case. Don't be shy!