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Languages English (en)
Users 16
Active users (last month) 7
Active users (last six months) 7
Characters per post (max) 5,000
Known instances 25,766
First sight Nov 10, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Sep 18, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.0-beta.2+glitch
Registrations Closed
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list, but it’s currently impossible to verify it because this instance’s list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) Not available
Short description
A small but mighty band of warrior-poet oliphants. Safe harbor and fair speech zone.
Long description

Oliphant Social is part of the larger social Fediverse, but the costs of hosting are not free. If you'd like to donate towards our running costs you can contribute by sending us a few bucks each month, or buying us a coffee. $oliphantastic on Cashapp.

If you prefer Patreon that's an option, too.

Server Details

  • Runs on a DigitalOcean cloud server which can be upscaled if needed
  • Runs behind CloudFlare for DDOS protection
  • Daily backups.
  • Database is running as a Managed Database at DigitalOcean, providing point-in-time restores, encryption of data at rest and in transmission, and the latest security and upgrades handled automatically.
  • Database is not accessible to the internet itself, only to the Mastodon(Glitch) server running oliphant.social.
  • ElasticSearch - Lets you do a full text search on your own posts, favorites, etc
  • Translation works on posts in foreign languages
  • Running Glitch-Soc fork of Mastodon which allows for (among other things), posting in Markdown, and a 5,000 character post limit.
  • All media is stored on an external Wasabi server, which works a lot like Amazon S3. The Wasabi server assets are fronted with the domain media.oliphant.social.
  • RSS feeds are disabled at the server level, as there is no opt-in or opt-out possible in either the Mastodon or Glitch forks.
  • Running Elk at https://elk.oliphant.social


Oliphant Social maintains quite a long blocklist of defederation and is an active participant in discussions with multiple server admins and the fediblock hashtag.

Oliphant skews far to the left, many members are actively anti-fascist, anti-racist, and anti-capitalist, and accept no trolling or harassment--and rarely federate with any servers who do. (If we do so, it's probably an accident or oversight.)

If you're a logged-in user on this server, you can view our list of moderated servers below.

No Meta, No Threads

Proud to be part of the "Threadless fediverse." This server will never federate with threads.net or Meta.

Safe Harbor Policy

If you're on another server and you do not feel safe there and you need a safe space, please contact the server admin and we'll get you an invite.

View The Safe Harbor Policy


Please see our DMCA compliance policy for all US copyright claims.

Age Restriction

You must be 18 years old or older to use this service.
Instance rules
  1. Don't be a dick.
  2. No racism, antisemitism, misogyny, queermisia, cissexism, xenomisia, ableism, ageism or other kinds of bigotry or "othering"
  3. No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies.
  4. No harassment, dogpiling or doxxing of other users. Callouts, receipts, and responses to bad behavior are not considered harassment.
  5. No content illegal in the United States.
  6. Do not share intentionally false or misleading information.
  7. Sexually explicit or violent media must be marked as sensitive when posting.
  8. You must be at least 18 years old to have an account on this server.
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. aethy.com: suspension
  2. anancus.fr: suspension
  3. emeraldsocial.org: suspension
  4. hear-me.social: limitation
  5. jubi.life: suspension
  6. kasumi.loliimoutolove.com: suspension
  7. monads.online: suspension
  8. serpent.skin: suspension
  9. simcha.lgbt: suspension
  10. social.cutiecluster.cc: suspension
  11. social.tubul.net: suspension
  12. toot.foundation: suspension
  13. tubul.net: suspension
Admin account Opted out of search engines indexing
Date of creation Not available
Display name Not available
Not available
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 4396 statuses, 56 logins, 0 registrations)
S: 485
L: 5
R: 0
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R: 0
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R: 0
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R: 0
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R: 0
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L: 6
R: 0
S: 144
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R: 0
S: 430
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R: 0
S: 371
L: 4
R: 0
S: 323
L: 5
R: 0
S: 385
L: 5
R: 0
S: 105
L: 3
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/11/24, 9:03:58 AM UTC9/12/24, 1:06:43 AM UTC9/13/24, 2:08:54 AM UTC9/14/24, 2:49:16 AM UTC9/15/24, 1:41:57 AM UTC9/16/24, 2:11:27 AM UTC9/17/24, 1:55:26 AM UTC9/18/24, 2:24:23 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 610/611 (99.84%)