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Languages English (en)
Users 22
Active users (last month) 7
Active users (last six months) 13
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 19,581
First sight Apr 14, 2023 UTC
Last successful check Feb 10, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.3
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list, and also according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) MastoArt, birds, mastodon, Caturday, SilentSunday, opensource, birdsofmastodon, photo, capitalism, free
Short description
A trans-owned general(ish) instance meant as a home for LGBTQIA people, anti-fascists, feminists, activists, and anyone who wants to make the world a better place and values kindness and respect.
Long description
Toot Foundation doesn't have one specific topic, but it is meant as a home for LGBTQIA people, anti-fascists, intersectional feminists, activists and social movements, and anyone who wants to make the world a better place and values kindness and respect.

This instance is not hosted in the US, the administrator doesn't live in the US, is not a US citizen and has no affiliation with the US government. This means, if you're a "free speech absolutist" or otherwise believe you can say anything you want without consideration for others, this is not the instance for you.

Some of the rules are purposefully left vague. We don't want to have arguments about whether or not someone violated the letter of the rules, we are more concerned with the spirit of the rules. Don't be a dick.

Cover art featuring our mascot Melon Tusk, by Puka Muriska.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Mastodon?

This video has a pretty good general explanation.

The Compassionate User's Guide to Mastodon goes more in depth into how to use it. Note that it says in order to join you should first go to the "main Mastodon page", that page is just a tool to help you choose your instance from a very small list; you don't need to do that if you have already decided where you want to join.

I also recommend checking out the Fedi Tips guide and following their Mastodon account.

Should I be taking special considerations for accessibility when posting?

Yes! I'm so glad you asked :)

  • When posting an image or video, please add an Alt Text description for those who are blind or visually impaired. Here is a good explanation of how you do it, and here some very good tips on how to write a good description. If you're accessing Mastodon on a browser and post an image without an Alt Text, there will be a red outline to remind you. If you use a mobile client, you can follow the Please Caption Bot to get a reminder. If for whatever reason you have a hard time writing Alt Texts, tag your post with #Alt4Me and a volunteer will help you.
  • Alt Texts on video or audio clips, describing the sound, are also very helpful for Deaf people.
  • When you write hashtags, please use CamelCase as opposed to alllowercase, it helps screen reader software properly separate the words.
  • If you post an image of someone making "eye contact" with the camera, or an image of food, please use a Content Warning and mark it as sensitive. It might not be obvious to you, but those are also things that can be anxiety inducing to some users.

Why should I mark NSFW content as sensitive? People shouldn't be browsing social media at work.

Sure, but some still do, and in some workplaces it's even accepted. Some people browse social media while visiting their nanna, or on public transport with somebody's child looking over their shoulder. Even if they're at home all alone, maybe they just don't want to see pictures of your asshole, so just give them the opportunity to consent or not to see it.

This applies to all nudity, including photos of somebody's bare chest. I'm not playing a game of Guess the Gender, trans femmes' breasts become taboo at some point after starting HRT but I don't know when, and pre-op trans mascs' chests come in various sizes, so we are keeping it simple and applying the same criteria across the board.

How can I contribute to supporting toot.foundation?

The instance is still small, but if you would like to help keep it running, you can either make a one time donation or set up a monthly contribution here. And if you would like to help keep the admin clothed and fed, you can give a tip here.

Who are the instance's staff?

At the moment it's just me, Melon Tusk (operated by Promethea), the administrator. As membership grows moderators and co-administrators will be added.
Instance rules
  1. No hate speech or discrimination of any kind.
  2. No oppressive language or actions, including micro-agressions.
  3. No harassment, stalking or doxxing.
  4. No cops or military.
  5. No knowingly spreading harmful misinformation.
  6. NSFW posts must have a content warning and be marked as sensitive.
  7. Content discussing or showing subjects that are likely to be traumatic to others must be behing a content warning.
  8. Accounts created with the only purpose of posting porn are only allowed if it's your own content.
  9. No sexual depiction of children.
  10. No gore or graphic violence.
  11. No spamming or filling your posts with unrelated hashtags to artificially gain visibility (using lots of hashtags in your intro is fine).
  12. No DMs asking for money (posts asking for community assistance are allowed).
  13. No promotion of cryptocurrencies or NFTs.
  14. No bots unless they serve a purpose, are marked as bots, and have been authorised by the administration.
  15. No accounts mirroring birdsite accounts.
  16. No right wingers nor tankies.
Moderated instances [?]
  1. 076.moe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  2. 0x68756773.moe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  3. 101010.pl: suspended (reason: Bigotry, hate speech, actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  4. 10minutepleroma.com: suspended (reason: Spam, potential for abuse.)
  5. 13bells.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Queermisia. Conspiracy theories.)
  6. 1611.social: suspended (reason: Queermisia; TERFs, Far-right extremism, religious extremism; misinformation., actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  7. 1745.info: suspended (reason: Alt-right, transmisia)
  8. 1being.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  9. 1d4.us: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  10. 4aem.com: suspended (reason: Racism, antisemitism)
  11. 5dollah.click: suspended (reason: DNI)
  12. 7td.org: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  13. 80percent.social: suspended (reason: Conspiracy theories, Far-right extremism; misinformation, conspiracy theories., affiliated with poast, noagenda, etc.)
  14. 8777.ch: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  15. 9tail.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  16. a.sc: suspended (reason: Racism, hate speech, fascism)
  17. aaoth.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  18. abraham.su: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  19. absturztau.be: suspended (reason: DNI)
  20. activitypub-proxy.cf: suspended (reason: DNI)
  21. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended (reason: DNI)
  22. adachi.party: suspended (reason: DNI)
  23. addy.gg: suspended (reason: No moderation.)
  24. adhd.stream: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  25. adtension.com: suspended (reason: No moderation. Cissexist admin)
  26. aethy.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  27. affiliates.social: suspended (reason: pro Jordan Peterson)
  28. agates.io: suspended (reason: DNI)
  29. agdersam.no: suspended (reason: Transmisia, racism, channer)
  30. ai.wiki: suspended (reason: free speech, commercial and crypto spam)
  31. aillust.fun: suspended (reason: DNI)
  32. aipub.social: suspended (reason: AI generated images)
  33. airen-no-jikken.icu: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  34. airis.work: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  35. akko.wtf: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  36. akm.longyap.name.my: suspended (reason: Spamming fediblock, no moderation)
  37. allowed.org: suspended (reason: Antisemitism, far right, misogyny.)
  38. alpaca.gold: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  39. alteregocreations.com: suspended (reason: Racism, antisemitism.)
  40. anarres.family: suspended (reason: Racism.)
  41. ancreport.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  42. anemoneya.me: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  43. angrytoday.com: suspended (reason: Far right)
  44. animesexual.community: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  45. annihilation.social: suspended (reason: Hate speech, harassment)
  46. anon-kenkai.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  47. anon-kenkai.net: suspended (reason: Antisemitism, queermisia.)
  48. anthro.cc: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  49. anticom.world: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  50. apathy.tv: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  51. applied-langua.ge: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  52. arachnid.town: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  53. arasaka.vip: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  54. archivefedifor.fun: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  55. argentum.social: suspended (reason: Racism, white supremacy.)
  56. ariona.fr: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  57. artalley.masto.host: suspended (reason: DNI)
  58. artalley.social: suspended (reason: DNI)
  59. arumoon.ru: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  60. asbestos.cafe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  61. asimon.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  62. asphodel.rip: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  63. aspiechattr.me: suspended (reason: Unmoderated twitter mirror.)
  64. assortedflotsam.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  65. asteroidm.space: suspended (reason: DNI)
  66. au2pb.net: suspended (reason: DNI)
  67. awakari.com: suspended (reason: Scraping to monetise content. Disregard for GDPR.)
  68. awoo.fyi: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  69. awootism.club: suspended (reason: Nazi)
  70. awwter.online: suspended (reason: Racism)
  71. azaleth.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  72. b10m.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  73. babay.icu: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  74. babka.social: suspended (reason: Transmisia, islamomisia, bad faith accusations from admins/mods.)
  75. babyfurs.social: suspended (reason: DNI)
  76. badly.co: suspended (reason: Queermisia)
  77. bae.st: suspended (reason: DNI)
  78. bajax.us: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  79. banepo.st: suspended (reason: Queermisia)
  80. baraag.net: suspended (reason: DNI)
  81. bassam.social: suspended (reason: Queermisia)
  82. battlepenguin.video: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Harassment, conspiracy theories.)
  83. bbad.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  84. beagle.casa: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  85. bearygoosey.com: suspended (reason: Racism)
  86. beaware.live: suspended (reason: Seemingly one person instance. Sexism, spamming of admin hashtags with rants, general toxicity.)
  87. beef.moe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  88. beefyboys.club: suspended (reason: Nazis, harassment)
  89. beefyboys.win: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  90. beepboop.ga: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  91. bemoe.online: suspended (reason: DNI)
  92. berserker.town: suspended (reason: Queermisia, sexism, racism, "free speech".)
  93. bestgore.fun: suspended (reason: Gore)
  94. bgzashtita.es: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Harassment.)
  95. bibly.com: suspended (reason: Conspiracy theories, far-right, misinformation.)
  96. biendeo.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Poor moderation.)
  97. bigguys.club: suspended (reason: Nazis, harassment)
  98. bigrelay.social: suspended (reason: Not moderating transmisia.)
  99. bigzu.cc: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  100. bikeshed.party: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Harassment. Transmisia)
  101. binarydad.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  102. bird.makeup: suspended (reason: Birdsite bots)
  103. birdity.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  104. birds.garden: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Nazis.)
  105. birdsite.am-institute.swiss: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  106. birdsite.axeleroy.com: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  107. birdsite.gabeappleton.me: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  108. birdsite.james.moody.name: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  109. birdsite.lakedrops.com: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  110. birdsite.link: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  111. birdsite.live: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  112. birdsite.miisu.net: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  113. birdsite.monster: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  114. birdsite.tcjc.uk: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  115. birdsite.thorlaksson.com: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  116. birdsite.toot.si: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  117. birdsite.wilde.cloud: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  118. birdsitelive.ffvo.dev: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  119. birdsitelive.peanutlasko.com: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  120. birdsitelive.treffler.cloud: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  121. bitacadie.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  122. bitcoinhackers.org: suspended (reason: Crypto spam, free speech)
  123. bitcoinlizard.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  124. bitcointv.com: suspended (reason: Crypto instance)
  125. bittube.video: suspended (reason: Misinformation and conspiracy theories.)
  126. bka.li: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  127. blackstar.cafe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  128. blacksun.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  129. blazelights.dev: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  130. blazingopen.space: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  131. blob.cat: suspended (reason: DNI)
  132. blockedur.mom: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Poor moderation.)
  133. bofa.lol: suspended (reason: Hate speech, harassment)
  134. bofh.social: suspended (reason: Misinformation, poor moderation.)
  135. boingo00.wtf: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  136. boks.moe: suspended (reason: Bigotry, hate speech, actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  137. boles.xyz: suspended (reason: Crypto instance)
  138. boobytooth.social: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  139. borg.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  140. boymoder.biz: suspended (reason: Bigotry, hate speech, harassment, actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  141. boyter.org: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  142. bozgor.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  143. brainsoap.net: suspended (reason: Bigotry, hate speech, harassment, actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  144. brapbarn.farm: suspended (reason: Bigotry, hate speech, actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  145. breastmilk.club: suspended (reason: Bigotry, hate speech, actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  146. brid.gy: suspended (reason: Non-consensual Bluesky bridge.)
  147. bridge.birb.space: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  148. brighteon.social: suspended (reason: Far right, queermisia, racism, etc.)
  149. brotka.st: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  150. bsd.moe: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  151. btrf.ly: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  152. btrfly.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  153. bubbletea.dev: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  154. bungle.online: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Racism.)
  155. bunny.cafe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  156. burger.rodeo: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  157. burggit.moe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  158. busshi.moe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  159. bussy.monster: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Poor moderation.)
  160. bylines.social: suspended (reason: Not moderating transmisia)
  161. cachapa.moe: suspended (reason: Racism)
  162. cachapa.xyz: suspended (reason: DNI)
  163. cafkafk.com: suspended (reason: Hate speech.)
  164. calobar.club: suspended (reason: Racism, queermisia, antisemitism.)
  165. campduffel.social: suspended (reason: Far right)
  166. canberrasocial.net: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  167. cannibal.cafe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  168. capystan.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  169. carnivore.social: suspended (reason: Far right)
  170. catboi.party: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  171. catgirl.life: suspended (reason: DNI)
  172. catposter.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  173. cawfee.club: suspended (reason: Racism)
  174. cdrom.tokyo: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Poor moderation.)
  175. celebrity.social: suspended (reason: Not moderating transmisia.)
  176. celp.de: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  177. cf: suspended (reason: Free domain service unsuitable for permanent instances (used for a lot of abusive sites))
  178. chamba.social: suspended (reason: Free speech, conspiracy theories)
  179. cheeseburger.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  180. cheeseland.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  181. childlove.space: suspended (reason: DNI)
  182. childlove.su: suspended (reason: DNI)
  183. childpawn.shop: suspended (reason: DNI)
  184. chir.rs: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  185. chocoflan.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  186. chudbuds.lol: suspended (reason: Gore, racism, queermisia, antisemitism.)
  187. chudbuds.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  188. chungus.cc: suspended (reason: Ableism, transmisia, racism.)
  189. cipay.ca: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  190. circlebasti.at: suspended (reason: Conspiracy theories)
  191. civiq.social: suspended (reason: Free speech, not moderating transmisia.)
  192. ckpg.space: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  193. clew.lol: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Racism.)
  194. cliterati.club: suspended (reason: TERFs)
  195. cloudisland.online: suspended (reason: impersonating .nz)
  196. clq.im: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  197. clubcyberia.co: suspended (reason: DNI)
  198. cobblestone.rocks: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  199. cocaine.moe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Far right.)
  200. cock.fish: suspended (reason: Transmisia.)
  201. cock.li: suspended (reason: Racism, fascism, harassment, trolling, etc.)
  202. collapse.pub: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  203. collapsitarian.io: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  204. comfyboy.club: suspended (reason: Free speech, racism, antisemitism.)
  205. comfysnug.space: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  206. communick.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  207. computerfairi.es: suspended (reason: Racism, harassment, no moderation.)
  208. conchrepublic.social: suspended (reason: Not moderating transmisia.)
  209. contentnation.net: suspended (reason: Scraping to monetise content. Disregard for GDPR.)
  210. contrapointsfan.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  211. coolsite.win: suspended (reason: Transmisia, racism, sexism, etc.)
  212. cooltrans.men: suspended (reason: Racism.)
  213. coom.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  214. cottoncandy.cafe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  215. crid.land: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  216. criminallycute.fi: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  217. crlf.ninja: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Ableism, harassment.)
  218. crowleyclub.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  219. crucible.world: suspended (reason: DNI)
  220. crypto-group-buy.com: suspended (reason: Spam)
  221. cryptocartel.social: suspended (reason: Crypto instance)
  222. cryptodon.lol: suspended (reason: Crypto instance)
  223. cryptoschizo.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  224. cryptotalks.social: suspended (reason: Crypto instance)
  225. cryptotooter.com: suspended (reason: Crypto instance)
  226. csdisaster.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  227. cu2d.com: suspended (reason: Transmisia, climate denial, conspiracy theories, anti-indigenism, islamomisia, xenomisia, etc.)
  228. cucked.me: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  229. cum.camp: suspended (reason: DNI)
  230. cum.salon: suspended (reason: DNI)
  231. cunnyborea.space: suspended (reason: DNI)
  232. cunnyborea.top: suspended (reason: DNI)
  233. curiouscabbit.social: suspended (reason: DNI)
  234. cybercriminal.eu: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  235. cyberdruids.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  236. cyberretards.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Ableism.)
  237. cyberstorm.one: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  238. cybre.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  239. cybrkyd.com: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  240. cyuucat.moe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  241. d-fens.systems: suspended (reason: DNI)
  242. daishouri.moe: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  243. danksquad.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Queermisia.)
  244. danksquad.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  245. danrees.me: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  246. dark-alexandr.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  247. darlow.co.uk: suspended (reason: Transmisia.)
  248. daspr.io: suspended (reason: Conspiracy theories, far-right, misinformation.)
  249. dd0s.lol: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  250. ddns.net: suspended (reason: Free domain service unsuitable for permanent instances (used for a lot of abusive sites))
  251. ddnss.de: suspended (reason: Free domain service unsuitable for permanent instances (used for a lot of abusive sites))
  252. deadreckoning.cc: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  253. debilosempire.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  254. decayable.ink: suspended (reason: DNI)
  255. dece.space: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  256. decept.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  257. declin.eu: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  258. deepnexus.link: suspended (reason: Free speech, conspiracy theories)
  259. deepspace.cafe: suspended (reason: Transmisia, harassment.)
  260. definitely-not-archivefedifor.fun: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  261. dembased.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  262. derveni.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  263. desupost.soy: suspended (reason: Ableism, transmisia, racism.)
  264. detroitriotcity.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  265. dev-wiki.de: suspended (reason: Conspiracy theories, far-right, misinformation.)
  266. devs.live: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  267. diamondelizaa.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  268. dickkickextremist.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  269. digitalmarketer.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  270. dingdash.com: suspended (reason: Transmisia, antivax.)
  271. disqordia.space: suspended (reason: Racism.)
  272. disroot.org: suspended (reason: Free speech.)
  273. dissident.business: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Racism.)
  274. dixies.land: suspended (reason: Racism)
  275. djsumdog.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Antivax, harassment.)
  276. dlf.social: suspended (reason: DNI)
  277. dline.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  278. dmgd.monster: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  279. dobbs.town: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  280. doctors4covidethics.org: suspended (reason: Conspiracy theories)
  281. doesnm.cc: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  282. doesnotexist.club: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  283. dogsex.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  284. doingyourmom.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  285. dotsod.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  286. dragonborn.app: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  287. dragoncave.dev: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  288. drastical.tech: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  289. drinkingatmy.computer: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Racism.)
  290. drow.be: suspended (reason: DNI)
  291. dsocialize.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  292. dtzbts.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  293. duckdns.org: suspended (reason: Free domain service unsuitable for permanent instances (used for a lot of abusive sites))
  294. durst.world: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  295. duti.tech: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  296. duwa.ng: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  297. dynu.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  298. eatthebugs.social: suspended (reason: Bigotry, hate speech, actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  299. ebin.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  300. ebin.zone: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  301. echelon.pl: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  302. eeeeeeeee.eu: suspended (reason: DNI)
  303. eientei.org: suspended (reason: Hate speech, racism, queermisia, anti-semitism, harassment, actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  304. eightpoint.app: suspended (reason: Poor moderation. Harbours known abusers.)
  305. el-spot.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  306. elekk.xyz: suspended (reason: Racist harassment by admin.)
  307. elementality.org: suspended (reason: Racism, far right, harassment.)
  308. elfenban.de: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  309. elonsucks.org: suspended (reason: Spam, untagged bots, birdsite mirrors.)
  310. emacs.ch: suspended (reason: Antisemitism, poor moderation.)
  311. endtimebelievers.com: suspended (reason: Free speech, misogyny, misinformation, conspiracy theories.)
  312. enes.lv: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  313. enjoyer.network: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  314. epenguin.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Far right.)
  315. epsilon.social: suspended (reason: Racism.)
  316. equel.social: suspended (reason: Racism.)
  317. ernix.jp: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  318. esmailelbob.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  319. etiketi.de: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  320. eveningzoo.club: suspended (reason: Free speech, conspiracy theories, racism, antisemitism, fascism)
  321. evilcyberhacker.net: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  322. exploding-heads.com: suspended (reason: Fascism.)
  323. explosion.party: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  324. expression.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  325. fandom.community: suspended (reason: DNI)
  326. fapsi.be: suspended (reason: Harassment, ableism.)
  327. fbievan.live: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  328. fbxl.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  329. federate.social: suspended (reason: Racism.)
  330. federated.fun: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Queermisia. Ableism.)
  331. fedi.agency: suspended (reason: DNI)
  332. fedi.dav1d.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  333. fedi.live: suspended (reason: DNI)
  334. fedi.site: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  335. fedihams.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  336. fediverse-lite.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  337. fediverse.pl: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  338. fedposters.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  339. fedsearch.io: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  340. feline.rodeo: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  341. fellr.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  342. femboys.love: suspended (reason: Spam, automated follows, bots, ableism, etc.)
  343. feral.cafe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  344. fifo-f.eu: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  345. fightthis.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  346. firedragonstudios.com: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  347. firefaithfellowship.com: suspended (reason: Far right)
  348. firefish.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  349. flashist.health: suspended (reason: Scraper, fascist reference in domain name.)
  350. flashist.video: suspended (reason: Scraper, fascist reference in domain name.)
  351. flockingbird.social: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  352. fluf.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  353. fluffytail.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  354. foodhub-muenchen.social: suspended (reason: Racism.)
  355. foxarmy.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  356. foxfam.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Far right.)
  357. foxgirl.lol: suspended (reason: Transmisia, antisemitism.)
  358. fr13nd5.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  359. freak.university: suspended (reason: DNI)
  360. freeatlantis.com: suspended (reason: Trumpism, Ultra-MAGA)
  361. freecumextremist.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  362. freedomstrike.net: suspended (reason: Free speech, conspiracy theories)
  363. freedomstrike.org: suspended (reason: Free speech, conspiracy theories)
  364. freefedifollowers.ga: suspended (reason: Spam)
  365. freemyip.com: suspended (reason: Free domain service unsuitable for permanent instances (used for a lot of abusive sites))
  366. freesoftwareextremist.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  367. freespeech.club: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  368. freespeech.fans: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  369. freespeech.group: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  370. freespeech.host: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  371. freespeech.icu: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  372. freespeechextremist.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  373. freetalklive.com: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  374. freethinkers.lgbt: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  375. freevoice.space: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  376. freewahaextremist.soy: suspended (reason: Ableism, transmisia, racism.)
  377. freewahaextremist.wtf: suspended (reason: Ableism, transmisia, racism.)
  378. freezepeach.online: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  379. freezepeach.xyz: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  380. frennet.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Hate speech.)
  381. friendlica.de: suspended (reason: Transmisia)
  382. frog.fashion: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  383. froth.zone: suspended (reason: Racism, queermisia, ableism.)
  384. fulltermprivacy.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Transmisia.)
  385. furcel.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Harassment.)
  386. furry.lgbt: suspended (reason: Racism.)
  387. fuwa.pink: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  388. fym.moe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  389. gab.ai: suspended (reason: DNI)
  390. gab.best: suspended (reason: DNI)
  391. gab.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  392. gab.io: suspended (reason: DNI)
  393. gabe.rocks: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  394. gabfed.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  395. gameliberty.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  396. gamers.exposed: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  397. gangstalking.services: suspended (reason: DNI)
  398. gasthe.lgbt: suspended (reason: Queermisia.)
  399. gearlandia.haus: suspended (reason: DNI)
  400. gecekafasi.com: suspended (reason: Harassment, no moderation.)
  401. geeknews.chat: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  402. gegenstimme.tv: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  403. genderheretics.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Transmisia.)
  404. gensokyo.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  405. gentoo.live: suspended (reason: DNI)
  406. geofront.rocks: suspended (reason: Queermisia, harassment, nazism.)
  407. getgle.org: suspended (reason: Racism, queermisia, antisemitism.)
  408. getindor.com: suspended (reason: Racism.)
  409. ghetti.monster: suspended (reason: DNI)
  410. gigaohm.bio: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  411. girevik.su: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  412. gitmo.life: suspended (reason: Far right)
  413. gizode.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  414. gladtech.social: suspended (reason: Racism, poor moderation.)
  415. gleasonator.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  416. glee.li: suspended (reason: Racism, queermisia, trolling.)
  417. glindr.org: suspended (reason: Transmisia.)
  418. glitch.pm: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  419. globalwarming.fun: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  420. glowers.club: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  421. glowie.cloud: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  422. glownow.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  423. gnu.moe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  424. gnuhacker.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  425. goeppingen.social: suspended (reason: Racism, ableism, queermisia, anti-feminism, hate speech.)
  426. good.news: suspended (reason: Automated twitter account cloning.)
  427. goreslut.xyz: suspended (reason: DNI)
  428. gorf.club: suspended (reason: Free speech, conspiracy theories, racism, antisemitism, fascism, queermisia.)
  429. gorf.pub: suspended (reason: Free speech, conspiracy theories, racism, antisemitism, fascism, queermisia.)
  430. gorf.space: suspended (reason: Free speech, conspiracy theories, racism, antisemitism, fascism, queermisia.)
  431. gothloli.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  432. goto.77nn.it: suspended (reason: Transmisia.)
  433. goyim.app: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  434. goyslop.cafe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Racism.)
  435. graeber.social: suspended (reason: Racism)
  436. grants.cafe: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  437. gravure.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  438. gray.cafe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  439. graz.social: suspended (reason: Transmisia.)
  440. greenboys.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  441. greenfield.masto.host: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  442. grimerica.ca: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  443. guizzyordi.info: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  444. h5q.net: suspended (reason: DNI)
  445. hacktivis.me: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  446. haeder.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Harassment. Transmisia.)
  447. hagra.net: suspended (reason: Racism, harassment)
  448. halle-leaks.de: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  449. hallsofamenti.io: suspended (reason: Transmisia.)
  450. handholding.io: suspended (reason: DNI)
  451. handicapped.tk: suspended (reason: DNI)
  452. haskovec.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  453. hayu.sh: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  454. hdcraft.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  455. headcannon.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  456. headpat.cafe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  457. hedgehoghunter.club: suspended (reason: Harassment, trolling)
  458. hell0friend.de: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  459. helladoge.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  460. hellthread.church: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  461. hendrixgames.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  462. hentai.baby: suspended (reason: DNI)
  463. heonian.org: suspended (reason: DNI)
  464. here.blue: suspended (reason: Racism, queermisia, conspiracy theories.)
  465. hermit.cafe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  466. hermitmountain.top: suspended (reason: DNI)
  467. hidamari.apartments: suspended (reason: DNI)
  468. hieron.cc: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  469. hijacked.download: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  470. himk.am: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  471. hirad.it: suspended (reason: Racism, transmisia)
  472. hit.moe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  473. hitchhiker.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Harassment, conspiracy theories.)
  474. homd.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  475. honeytree.social: suspended (reason: Not moderating transmisia.)
  476. honkwerx.tech: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Racism. Transmisia.)
  477. horny.house: suspended (reason: DNI)
  478. hornyjail.pro: suspended (reason: DNI)
  479. hoto.rocks: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  480. humble.cafe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  481. hunk.city: suspended (reason: Spam)
  482. husk.site: suspended (reason: DNI)
  483. hwfo.online: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  484. iamterminally.online: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  485. iddqd.social: suspended (reason: TransMisia, racism, AntiSemitism, conspiracism)
  486. idolheaven.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  487. ieji.de: suspended (reason: Transmisia.)
  488. ignorelist.com: suspended (reason: Malware)
  489. ikbenpiraat.nl: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  490. ilias.church: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  491. illegitimate.technology: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  492. im-in.space: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  493. imirhil.fr: suspended (reason: DNI)
  494. impeccable.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  495. incorrigible.moe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  496. indiefedi.party: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  497. inex.rocks: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  498. inferencium.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  499. initiate.space: suspended (reason: DNI)
  500. injection.love: suspended (reason: DNI)
  501. inoot.net: suspended (reason: DNI)
  502. intkos.link: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Antisemitism, free speech.)
  503. intotheriff.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  504. inumbra.xyz: suspended (reason: Racism)
  505. ironbug.org: suspended (reason: DNI)
  506. isekco.re: suspended (reason: DNI)
  507. itm.osaka: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  508. jaeger.website: suspended (reason: Free speech, racism, queermisia.)
  509. jameuwu.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  510. jawsh.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  511. jayus.net: suspended (reason: DNI)
  512. jeena.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  513. jir.moe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  514. jiyu.dev: suspended (reason: DNI)
  515. jollyville.net: suspended (reason: DNI)
  516. jorts.horse: suspended (reason: Unmoderated.)
  517. journa.host: suspended (reason: Not moderating transmisia.)
  518. jpop.club: suspended (reason: Trolling, abusive behaviour.)
  519. juche.town: suspended (reason: Conspiracy theories, far-right, misinformation, harassment.)
  520. justbros.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  521. justicewarrior.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  522. jvpiter.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  523. kabuki.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Racism.)
  524. kabukimono.top: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  525. kafka.icu: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  526. kakafe.ga: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  527. kakise.tech: suspended (reason: Transmisia.)
  528. kalli.st: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  529. karjalazet.se: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Nazis.)
  530. kartonrad.de: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  531. kawa-kun.com: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  532. kawen.space: suspended (reason: Channers, no moderation.)
  533. kazv.moe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  534. kcl.academy: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  535. keinpfusch.net: suspended (reason: Free speech, bigotry.)
  536. kemonololi.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  537. kenfm.de: suspended (reason: Conspiracy theories, far-right, misinformation.)
  538. khajiit.tech: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  539. kiai.lemmy.ninja: suspended (reason: Free speech, no moderation, edgelord.)
  540. kibitz.cloud: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  541. killbox.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  542. kisslolis.moe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  543. kitsunemimi.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Racism, harassment, transmisia.)
  544. kiwifarms.cc: suspended (reason: DNI)
  545. kiwifarms.is: suspended (reason: DNI)
  546. kiwifarms.net: suspended (reason: DNI)
  547. kompost.cz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  548. kotobank.ch: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  549. koyu.space: suspended (reason: No moderation.)
  550. krohsnest.com: suspended (reason: Post stealing)
  551. kurosawa.moe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  552. kyaruc.moe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  553. kyou.social: suspended (reason: DNI)
  554. kys.moe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  555. kyun.host: suspended (reason: DNI)
  556. labyrinth.zone: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Racism.)
  557. lain.bar: suspended (reason: DNI)
  558. lain.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  559. lain.gay: suspended (reason: DNI)
  560. lain.la: suspended (reason: DNI)
  561. lain.sh: suspended (reason: DNI)
  562. lainchan.gay: suspended (reason: DNI)
  563. lamp.wtf: suspended (reason: Exploit attacks)
  564. landofkittens.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  565. lanuevebastarda.es: suspended (reason: DNI)
  566. lawstodon.social: suspended (reason: Not moderating transmisia.)
  567. lea.pet: suspended (reason: Racism.)
  568. leadslinger.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  569. leafposter.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  570. leftychan.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  571. legit.dog: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects)
  572. lelehier.de: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  573. lemmy.ninja: suspended (reason: Free speech, no moderation, edgelord.)
  574. lemmygrad.ml: suspended (reason: Tankies)
  575. leptonics.com: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  576. lesaoras.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  577. letsalllovela.in: suspended (reason: DNI)
  578. lewdieheaven.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  579. lgbtfree.zone: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Queermisia.)
  580. libbie.cloud: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  581. liberal.city: suspended (reason: racism, queermisia, antisemitism)
  582. liberal.win: suspended (reason: Spam)
  583. liberdon.com: suspended (reason: Affiliated to Gab and Parler. Racism and queermisia.)
  584. libertynode.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  585. libre.video: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  586. librem.one: suspended (reason: No moderation)
  587. librenet.co.za: suspended (reason: Conspiracy theories)
  588. libresilicon.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  589. librosphere.fr: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  590. libtar.de: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  591. lightlyseared.online: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  592. ligma.pro: suspended (reason: DNI)
  593. linux.pizza: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  594. lizards.live: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  595. localtunnel.me: suspended (reason: Free domain service unsuitable for permanent instances (used for a lot of abusive sites))
  596. logografos.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  597. lokean.org: suspended (reason: DNI)
  598. loli.best: suspended (reason: DNI)
  599. loli.church: suspended (reason: DNI)
  600. loli.estate: suspended (reason: DNI)
  601. loli.pizza: suspended (reason: DNI)
  602. loliandstuff.moe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  603. lolicon.rocks: suspended (reason: DNI)
  604. lolicon.win: suspended (reason: DNI)
  605. lolis.world: suspended (reason: DNI)
  606. lolison.network: suspended (reason: DNI)
  607. lolison.top: suspended (reason: DNI)
  608. lolitube.moe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  609. loliverse.xyz: suspended (reason: DNI)
  610. lotor.network: suspended (reason: DNI)
  611. loveforlandlords.com: suspended (reason: Free speech, islamomisia.)
  612. loves.reisen: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  613. lovesick.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  614. lovingexpressions.net: suspended (reason: DNI)
  615. lucasvl.nl: suspended (reason: DNI)
  616. lukepreston.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  617. lulz.win: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  618. lyricaltokarev.fun: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  619. m0e.space: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  620. m0n5t3r.info: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  621. macneilmediagroup.com: suspended (reason: Transmisia.)
  622. macsnet.cz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  623. magicalmirro.red: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  624. magicfedi.su: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Nazis.)
  625. mahodou.moe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  626. maikel.dev: suspended (reason: Racism apology, DARVO)
  627. makemysarcophagus.com: suspended (reason: Spam, gore.)
  628. maladaptive.art: suspended (reason: Free speech, actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  629. maneisacutie.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  630. mapsupport.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  631. mapsupport.de: suspended (reason: DNI)
  632. marsey.club: suspended (reason: Racism)
  633. marsey.moe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  634. mashtodon.alterracloud.com: suspended (reason: Harassment.)
  635. masochi.st: suspended (reason: DNI)
  636. mastertibbles.co.uk: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Free speech.)
  637. mastinator.com: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  638. mastindia.co: suspended (reason: Queermisia.)
  639. mastod.no: suspended (reason: Transmisia.)
  640. mastodon.cloud: suspended (reason: Affiliated to PW, no moderation. Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  641. mastodon.com.pl: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  642. mastodon.hirad.it: suspended (reason: Racism, transmisia)
  643. mastodon.la: suspended (reason: Transmisia.)
  644. mastodon.ml: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  645. mastodon.sl: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  646. mastodon.tech: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  647. mastodon.terabyte-computing.com: suspended (reason: Transmisia.)
  648. mastodong.lol: suspended (reason: Exploit attacks)
  649. mastodutchservers.com: suspended (reason: Follow spam, bots.)
  650. mastoscat.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  651. masturbated.one: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  652. mattyaski.co: suspended (reason: DNI)
  653. maven.ly: suspended (reason: Scraping to train AI and monetise content.)
  654. mcjarbo.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  655. meatbag.app: suspended (reason: DNI)
  656. mediastodon.com: suspended (reason: Misinformation.)
  657. medusmedia.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  658. meld.de: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  659. meme.moe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  660. mentality.rip: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  661. mentalswarf.com: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  662. mercurial.blog: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  663. merovingian.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Transmisia.)
  664. micca.xyz: suspended (reason: Trolling, harassment.)
  665. microblog.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  666. midwaytrades.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  667. miku-enthusiast.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  668. milker.cafe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  669. milkers.online: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  670. minidisc.tokyo: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  671. miniwa.moe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  672. mirr0r.city: suspended (reason: DNI)
  673. miruku.cafe: suspended (reason: Racism)
  674. misono-ya.info: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  675. misskey-forkbomb.cf: suspended (reason: Exploit attacks)
  676. misskey.io: suspended (reason: DNI)
  677. mitra.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Crypto. Ableism.)
  678. mlpol.net: suspended (reason: Channers)
  679. mnemo.social: suspended (reason: Scraper)
  680. moa.st: suspended (reason: Affiliated to PS)
  681. moe.onl: suspended (reason: DNI)
  682. moe.tips: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  683. moi.cx: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  684. molten.cloud: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  685. momostr.pink: suspended (reason: Nostr bridge.)
  686. monads.online: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Racism.)
  687. monstergirl.space: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  688. mooo.com: suspended (reason: Free domain service unsuitable for permanent instances (used for a lot of abusive sites))
  689. mooskirsch.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  690. morale.ch: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  691. morepablo.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  692. mostr.net: suspended (reason: Nostr bridge.)
  693. mostr.pub: suspended (reason: Nostr bridge)
  694. moth.social: suspended (reason: VC funded)
  695. mouse.services: suspended (reason: DNI)
  696. mr64.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  697. mrhands.horse: suspended (reason: DNI)
  698. mstdn.io: suspended (reason: Far right)
  699. mstdn.jp: suspended (reason: DNI)
  700. mugicha.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  701. muh.wang: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  702. mullet.social: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  703. murky.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  704. musksocial.com: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  705. myasstodon.xyz: suspended (reason: Racism, harassment)
  706. mycub.space: suspended (reason: DNI)
  707. mylegendary.quest: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  708. myxoz.port0.org: suspended (reason: Queermisia, transmisia, edgelord. Spamming #fediblock)
  709. n0id.space: suspended (reason: DNI)
  710. nachocheese.uk: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  711. naharia.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  712. nalocal519.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Free speech.)
  713. narrativerry.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  714. nasnfl.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  715. natehiggers.online: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Racism.)
  716. nationalist.social: limited (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Transmisia. Nazism.)
  717. nationaljustice.social: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  718. nauk.io: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  719. nazi.social: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  720. neckbeard.life: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  721. neckbeard.xyz: suspended (reason: DNI)
  722. needs.vodka: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  723. neenster.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  724. neet.church: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  725. neighborli.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  726. neko.computer: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  727. nekocave.xyz: suspended (reason: DNI)
  728. nekoea.red: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  729. neomobius.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  730. netrunner.cfd: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  731. netz.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  732. netzsphaere.xyz: suspended (reason: DNI)
  733. newsie.social: suspended (reason: Not moderating transmisia.)
  734. nexusuk.org: suspended (reason: DNI)
  735. ngmx.com: suspended (reason: Abusive admin.)
  736. ngrok.io: suspended (reason: Tunneling service (used for a lot of abusive sites))
  737. nicecrew.digital: suspended (reason: Racism, queermisia, fascism.)
  738. nightshift.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Harassment.)
  739. nikotile.xyz: suspended (reason: DNI)
  740. niscii.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  741. nitecrew.rip: suspended (reason: Racism, harassment)
  742. nixnet.social: suspended (reason: DNI)
  743. nnia.cc: suspended (reason: DNI)
  744. nnia.space: suspended (reason: DNI)
  745. noagenda.social: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  746. noagendasocial.com: suspended (reason: Free speech, racism, queermisia, sexism, etc.)
  747. noagendasocial.nl: suspended (reason: Free speech, racism, queermisia, sexism, etc.)
  748. noagendatube.com: suspended (reason: Free speech, racism, queermisia, sexism, etc.)
  749. noauthority.social: suspended (reason: Free speech, racism, queermisia, sexism, etc.)
  750. nobl.ink: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  751. nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Transmisia. Nazism.)
  752. noc.social: suspended (reason: No moderation, bigotry, harassment.)
  753. normie.cafe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  754. norwoodzero.net: suspended (reason: Free speech, harassment, racism, queermisia, antisemitism.)
  755. notbird.site: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  756. nothingplanet.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  757. novoa.nagoya: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  758. nuked.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  759. nukem.biz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  760. null.media: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  761. nulled.red: suspended (reason: DNI)
  762. nya.gay: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  763. nyanide.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  764. nzbr.de: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  765. obo.sh: suspended (reason: DNI)
  766. occultist.space: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  767. oddballs.vip: suspended (reason: Chaser admin.)
  768. oliphant.social: suspended (reason: Defending antisemitism, transmisia, ableism, etc. and compromising the safety of a fellow admin.)
  769. oliviaappleton.com: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  770. ongii.com: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  771. onionfarms.org: suspended (reason: DNI)
  772. onlyfeds.cc: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  773. openworlds.info: suspended (reason: DNI)
  774. ortodogs.info: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  775. osrs.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  776. osrx.chat: suspended (reason: DNI)
  777. otakufarms.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  778. oti.st: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Free speech. Racism. Queermisia.)
  779. outerheaven.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  780. outerkosm.us: suspended (reason: DNI)
  781. outpoa.st: suspended (reason: DNI)
  782. outrnat.nl: suspended (reason: DNI)
  783. owlper.ch: suspended (reason: DNI)
  784. palmer.house: suspended (reason: Bot)
  785. paradigm-x.tokyo: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  786. paravielfalt.zone: suspended (reason: DNI)
  787. parcero.bond: suspended (reason: DNI)
  788. pasta.wtf: suspended (reason: Racism)
  789. pasture.moe: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  790. pawlicker.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  791. pawlicker.ddns.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  792. pawoo.net: suspended (reason: DNI)
  793. paws.moe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  794. payfrit.com: suspended (reason: Misogyny.)
  795. paypig.org: suspended (reason: Far right)
  796. pech.tech: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  797. pedo.school: suspended (reason: DNI)
  798. peertube.se: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  799. peervideo.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  800. pengi-san.moe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  801. peoplegroup.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  802. persia.social: suspended (reason: Far right)
  803. petrolkorps.cc: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  804. phorophyte.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  805. phreedom.club: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  806. phreedom.tk: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  807. piazza.today: suspended (reason: Conspiracy theories, far-right, misinformation.)
  808. pibvt.net: suspended (reason: DNI)
  809. pieville.net: suspended (reason: anti semitism, national socialism, racism, ableism, HomoMisia)
  810. piggo.space: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  811. pirateradio.social: suspended (reason: Far right.)
  812. pisskey.io: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  813. pissqordia.space: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  814. pixificial.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  815. pizzaf.art: suspended (reason: DNI)
  816. pkteerium.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Free speech.)
  817. plagu.ee: suspended (reason: DNI)
  818. platypush.tech: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  819. pleroma.id: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  820. plus.st: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  821. pmth.us: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  822. poa.st: suspended (reason: DNI)
  823. poast.eth: suspended (reason: DNI)
  824. poast.org: suspended (reason: DNI)
  825. poast.tv: suspended (reason: DNI)
  826. podcastindex.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  827. polaris-1.work: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  828. polycephalypunk.moe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  829. pone.social: suspended (reason: Antisemitism, racism, queermisia.)
  830. pooper.social: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  831. poridge.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  832. posix.gay: suspended (reason: DNI)
  833. poster.place: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  834. postnstuffds.lol: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  835. pouque.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  836. poweredbycocaine.com: suspended (reason: Affiliated to PS)
  837. pravda.me: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  838. press.coop: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  839. preteengirls.biz: suspended (reason: DNI)
  840. privex.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  841. probablyfreespeech.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  842. projectftm.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  843. prospeech.space: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Free speech.)
  844. protohype.net: suspended (reason: DNI)
  845. prout.social: suspended (reason: Racism, harassment)
  846. pseudo-whiskey.bar: suspended (reason: DNI)
  847. psion.co: suspended (reason: DNI)
  848. pso.li: suspended (reason: Queermisia.)
  849. psyopshop.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  850. pube.tk: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  851. purss.de: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  852. qoto.org: suspended (reason: DNI)
  853. quad.moe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  854. quanta.wiki: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Free speech. Racism. Queermisia)
  855. quey.la: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  856. quietplace.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  857. quitter.pw: suspended (reason: Far right)
  858. quodverum.com: suspended (reason: Far right)
  859. r18.social: suspended (reason: DNI)
  860. raccoon.quest: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  861. rage.lol: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  862. rageparty.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  863. rakket.app: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  864. rape.lol: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  865. rapefeminists.network: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Misogyny.)
  866. rapemeat.express: suspended (reason: DNI)
  867. rapemeat.shop: suspended (reason: DNI)
  868. rapemeat.solutions: suspended (reason: DNI)
  869. rapist.town: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Misogyny.)
  870. raplst.town: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Misogyny.)
  871. rareome.ga: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  872. rascal.social: suspended (reason: DNI)
  873. raspberrypi.social: suspended (reason: Poor moderation.)
  874. rawr-xd.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  875. rayci.st: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Racism.)
  876. rcsocial.net: suspended (reason: Right wing, queermisia, racism.)
  877. rdrama.cc: suspended (reason: racism)
  878. rdrama.net: suspended (reason: Tankies)
  879. realnephestate.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  880. rebased.io: suspended (reason: DNI)
  881. rebased.network: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  882. rebased.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  883. rebelbase.site: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Transmisia.)
  884. redpill-insight.com: suspended (reason: Far right)
  885. redplanetlabs.com: suspended (reason: Spam)
  886. redspinning.top: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  887. redstateliberal.social: suspended (reason: DNI)
  888. refusal.biz: suspended (reason: DNI)
  889. refusal.llc: suspended (reason: DNI)
  890. refuse2.work: suspended (reason: DNI)
  891. reimu.info: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  892. reisen.church: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  893. remnant.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  894. repl.co: suspended (reason: Exploit attacks)
  895. replicant.pl: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  896. republic.red: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  897. respublicae.eu: suspended (reason: Twitter Crossposter bots)
  898. ressonix.social: suspended (reason: DNI)
  899. rettiwtkcuf.social: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  900. rhowsl.gay: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  901. rigcz.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  902. rio.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  903. rneetup.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  904. rodent.life: suspended (reason: DNI)
  905. rojogato.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  906. rot.gives: suspended (reason: DNI)
  907. roysbeer.place: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Transmisia.)
  908. rqd2.net: suspended (reason: DNI)
  909. rubbery.dev: suspended (reason: DNI)
  910. ruinouspowe.rs: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  911. ryona.agency: suspended (reason: DNI)
  912. sad.cab: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  913. sakamoto.gq: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  914. salastil.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  915. salushnes.solutions: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  916. sanfranciscan.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  917. satoshishop.de: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  918. saturno.black: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  919. saynoto.lgbt: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Queermisia.)
  920. scamdemic.party: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  921. scarlet.house: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  922. schwartzwelt.xyz: suspended (reason: DNI)
  923. scots.network: suspended (reason: Queermisia.)
  924. seahorse.sh: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  925. seal.cafe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  926. sealion.club: suspended (reason: Free speech, harassment)
  927. search.fedi.app: suspended (reason: Scraping)
  928. secretsealing.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  929. seikora.one: suspended (reason: DNI)
  930. seo.chat: suspended (reason: Automated follow and likes, spam.)
  931. seocommunity.social: suspended (reason: Automated follow and likes, spam.)
  932. serialmay.link: suspended (reason: Racism)
  933. seriousbusiness.international: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  934. servernerds.net: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  935. shadowsocial.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  936. sharivegas.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  937. shaw.app: suspended (reason: Transmisia, harassment, doxxing.)
  938. sheep.network: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  939. shigusegubu.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Harassment.)
  940. shitpost.cloud: suspended (reason: Transmisia)
  941. shitpost.racing: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  942. shitposte.rs: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  943. shitposter.club: suspended (reason: racism)
  944. shocktohp.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  945. shortstackran.ch: suspended (reason: DNI)
  946. shortstacksran.ch: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Racism. Queermisia.)
  947. shota.foundation: suspended (reason: DNI)
  948. shota.house: suspended (reason: DNI)
  949. shota.social: suspended (reason: DNI)
  950. shotatube.xyz: suspended (reason: DNI)
  951. shouldibuyahorse.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  952. shpposter.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  953. shrimpcam.pw: suspended (reason: Block evasion tool.)
  954. shrimpposter.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  955. shrine.moe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  956. sigmoid.social: suspended (reason: AI focused instance)
  957. silliness.observer: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  958. sinblr.com: suspended (reason: Spam)
  959. singing.dog: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  960. skinheads.eu: suspended (reason: Nazism.)
  961. skinheads.io: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  962. skinheads.network: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  963. skinheads.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  964. skinheads.uk: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  965. skinnyver.se: suspended (reason: DNI)
  966. skippers-bin.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  967. skyn3t.in: suspended (reason: Harassment, transmisia.)
  968. skyshanty.xyz: suspended (reason: Racism)
  969. slash.cl: suspended (reason: Transmisia.)
  970. slashdev.space: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  971. sleepy.cafe: suspended (reason: DNI)
  972. sliek.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  973. slippy.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  974. sm.shaw.app: suspended (reason: Transmisia, harassment, doxxing.)
  975. smittenkittens.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  976. smuganimeavatar.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  977. smuglo.li: suspended (reason: DNI)
  978. snarfed.org: suspended (reason: Single user instance by a tech bro building a non-consensual Bluesky bridge.)
  979. sneak.berlin: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  980. sneed.shop: suspended (reason: Racism, antisemitism, fascism.)
  981. sneed.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  982. sneed.vip: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  983. snopyta.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  984. social.076.ne.jp: suspended (reason: racism, hate speech)
  985. social.librem.one: suspended (reason: No moderation)
  986. social.mondoweiss.net: suspended (reason: Antisemitism)
  987. socialgoblins.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  988. socialspill.com: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  989. societal.co: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  990. sogga.top: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  991. solagg.com: suspended (reason: Crypto instance)
  992. somewhy.net: suspended (reason: Queermisia.)
  993. sonichu.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  994. sorcie.re: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  995. soykaf.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  996. speakfree.world: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  997. spearman.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  998. sperg.city: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  999. spiderden.net: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  1000. spinster.dev: suspended (reason: Transmisia.)
  1001. spinster.xyz: suspended (reason: TransMisia, TERFism)
  1002. spook.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1003. springbo.cc: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Free speech. Racism. Queermisia.)
  1004. squid.kids: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Racism. Queermisia.)
  1005. starnix.network: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1006. stereophonic.space: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1007. stormcloak.info: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1008. stracknet.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1009. strelizia.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1010. sully.site: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1011. sunisky.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1012. susmaninsurance.com: suspended (reason: Spam)
  1013. suya.place: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1014. sweetappleacr.es: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1015. synergetic-design.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1016. syspxl.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1017. t.l3r.me: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
  1018. tadzik.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1019. taihou.website: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1020. takesama.com: suspended (reason: Follow spamming, unauthorised bots.)
  1021. talk-here.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1022. taobox.pub: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1023. tastingtraffic.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Queermisia.)
  1024. tau-ceti.space: suspended (reason: Racism.)
  1025. taullo.social: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1026. teci.world: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1027. teia.art: suspended (reason: NFT instance)
  1028. terrible.place: suspended (reason: Far right. Racism. Harassment.)
  1029. tesaguri.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1030. the9thcircle.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1031. theapex.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1032. thebag.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1033. thebased.club: suspended (reason: Queermisia. Conspiracy theories.)
  1034. theblab.org: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1035. thechad.zone: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1036. thechimp.zone: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1037. thegeneral.chat: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1038. thejar.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1039. thenobody.club: suspended (reason: Transmisia, antisemitism, racism, xenomisia.)
  1040. thepostearthdestination.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Queermisia. Ableism.)
  1041. theres.life: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1042. thesolarrepublic.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1043. thewizardingworld.com: suspended (reason: Transmisic wizard game shit.)
  1044. thisisjoes.site: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1045. thj.no: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1046. threads.net: suspended (reason: Facebook, poor moderation, criminal corpo.)
  1047. tictoc.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Spam.)
  1048. tirnanog.space: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1049. tiuxo.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1050. tkammer.de: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1051. tkw.fm: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1052. tnd.lol: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1053. toad.social: suspended (reason: Transmisia.)
  1054. tokhmi.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1055. tomw.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1056. toot.pt: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1057. toot.vinzant.me: suspended (reason: Free speech, no moderation, edgelord.)
  1058. tooters.org: suspended (reason: Contributing to harassment and doxxing.)
  1059. touha.me: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1060. touhou.vodka: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1061. tpo.world: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1062. translunar.academy: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1063. travnewmatic.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1064. treasuredgem.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1065. treehouse.systems: suspended (reason: Hosting and defending a known antisemitic, racist, ableist harasser.)
  1066. treeoflifecomic.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1067. triodug.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1068. troet.cafe: suspended (reason: Refusal to moderate transmisia.)
  1069. troll.cafe: suspended (reason: Far right. Racism.)
  1070. troplo.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1071. trumpislovetrumpis.life: suspended (reason: Far right)
  1072. truthsocial.co.in: suspended (reason: Trump's network)
  1073. truthsocial.com: suspended (reason: Trump's network)
  1074. truthsocial.st: suspended (reason: Trump's network)
  1075. truthsocialpro.org: suspended (reason: Trump's network)
  1076. tsukihi.me: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  1077. tucson.claims: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Racism.)
  1078. tummy.town: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1079. tusooa.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1080. tweetbridge.kogasa.de: suspended (reason: Twitter Crossposter bots)
  1081. twitiverse.com: suspended (reason: Birdsite mirror)
  1082. twitter.activitypub.actor: suspended (reason: Twitter Crossposter bots)
  1083. twitterbridge.jannis.rocks: suspended (reason: Twitter Crossposter bots)
  1084. twtr.plus: suspended (reason: Twitter Crossposter bots)
  1085. tyil.nl: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1086. ua-fediland.de: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1087. udongein.xyz: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1088. unbound.social: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  1089. ungoverned.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1090. universeodon.com: suspended (reason: No moderation of transmisia. Declared intention to not moderate. Privacy concerns.)
  1091. unix.dog: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1092. unperson.us: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  1093. unsafe.space: suspended (reason: Free speech, harassment)
  1094. unvaxxed.nl: suspended (reason: Conspiracy theories)
  1095. urchan.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Free speech. Queermisia.)
  1096. ursal.zone: suspended (reason: Harassment, racism, queermisia.)
  1097. urspringer.de: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1098. usualsuspects.lol: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1099. uwu.st: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1100. valentines.monster: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1101. valkyrie.world: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1102. vampiremaid.cafe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1103. vara.lol: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1104. varishangout.net: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1105. vector1.dev: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1106. veenus.art: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1107. verifiedjournalist.social: suspended (reason: Not moderating transmisia.)
  1108. verumsocial.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1109. vfpmedia.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Transmisia. Antisemitism.)
  1110. vigilante.tv: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1111. violence.church: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1112. viridianpatriots.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1113. vladtepesblog.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1114. voidgaming.co: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1115. voluntary.world: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1116. voring.me: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Racism.)
  1117. vrij.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1118. vtuberfan.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1119. vuju.com: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  1120. wafrn.net: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects)
  1121. wagesofsinisdeath.com: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  1122. waifuappreciation.club: suspended (reason: Harassment)
  1123. waifuism.life: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1124. wake.st: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1125. waskuisland.com: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  1126. weeaboo.space: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1127. weedis.life: suspended (reason: Spam)
  1128. were.social: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1129. whinge.house: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1130. whinge.town: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1131. whitesmokebbq.social: suspended (reason: Racism, harassment)
  1132. whitewomen.dog: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1133. whomartthou.com: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1134. wideboys.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects. Free speech. Racism. Queermisia.)
  1135. wiki-tube.de: suspended (reason: Far right)
  1136. wikileaks2.org: suspended (reason: Queermisia, racism, harassment.)
  1137. willtrade.org: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1138. wintermute.fr.to: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  1139. witches.live: suspended (reason: Racist admin.)
  1140. woem.men: suspended (reason: Racism.)
  1141. wolfgirl.bar: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1142. wolfie.pw: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1143. womyns.land: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1144. worm.pink: suspended (reason: Spamming fediblock, channer.)
  1145. wowana.me: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1146. wreck.rocks: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1147. writehere.is: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1148. wurm.host: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1149. wxw.moe: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1150. x0f.org: suspended (reason: Crypto instance)
  1151. xaetacore.net: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1152. xcess.one: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1153. xenofem.me: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1154. xhais.love: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1155. xmrposter.club: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1156. xn--p1abe3d.xn--80asehdb: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1157. yams.lol: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1158. yeshuafreedom.com: suspended (reason: Free speech)
  1159. yggdrasil.social: suspended (reason: national socialism, racism, TransMisia)
  1160. youjo.love: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1161. yukioke.com: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1162. yuriposter.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1163. yuukosan.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1164. z0ne.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1165. zaitcev.nu: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1166. zedsocial.ca: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1167. zetamu.club: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1168. zholnay.name: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1169. zip2.social: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1170. zombiecats.run: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1171. zyzzsupremacy.xyz: suspended (reason: Actively federates with the usual suspects.)
  1172. zztails.gay: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1173. zztails.online: suspended (reason: DNI)
  1174. zztails.wtf: suspended (reason: DNI)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. mastodonapp.uk: limitation
  2. nothing.tacowolf.net: suspension
  3. social.cutiecluster.cc: suspension
  4. social.digital-artifacts.net: suspension
  5. social.tubul.net: suspension
  6. tubul.net: suspension
  7. universeodon.com: limitation
Admin account Opted out of search engines indexing
Date of creation Not available
Display name Not available
Not available
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 32 statuses, 37 logins, 2 registrations)
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Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
2/3/25, 3:30:58 AM UTC2/4/25, 2:11:37 AM UTC2/5/25, 2:15:38 AM UTC2/6/25, 4:04:09 AM UTC2/7/25, 2:59:43 AM UTC2/8/25, 3:34:56 AM UTC2/9/25, 2:28:01 AM UTC2/10/25, 3:14:57 AM UTC
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