It seems like this instance’s server thumbnail’s URL points to a non existent file. This is usually easily fixable by the instance’s admin(s) by uploading again the image to their server. Note that the change won’t be displayed here before the nightly automatic update of this instance’s infos occurs.
Languages English (en)
Users 33
Active users (last month) 7
Active users (last six months) 8
Characters per post (max) 4,999
Known instances 17,243
First sight Apr 29, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Feb 10, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Hometown 4.2.10+hometown-1.1.1
Registrations Closed
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Short description
A small instance for writers.
Long description
Instance LinksArt Information Logo image of a butterfly sitting on an ink bottle created with love and skill by
FrazzledBrynn (
Ko-Fi for support & commissions)
Banner image of the words "Write Out" written in and outside a writing pad, trailing into a blossoming flower, created by the nerdy admin with 0 art skills,
Krita, and the following assets:
Instance rules
- Confront & destroy bigotry in yourself and others. Be an accomplice to marginalized folks.
- Writing is political. Shaming others for "politicizing" writing and critique will earn you a ban.
- Engage thoughtfully. Make sure your interactions are welcomed and consensual.
- Commit to being truthful. Conspiracy theories and lies are not allowed. Promoting scams on- or off-site is grounds for a ban.
- Aim for accessibility. Describe media if you can, ask for help if you can't, and warn for sensitive content and undescribed media.
- Child sexual abuse is not entertainment. We are open to most kinds of content but not to media depicting minors in sexually gratifying ways.
- For more detail, refer to the full Code of Conduct: https://wiki.writeout.ink/instance/coc
Moderated instances [?]
- .cf: suspended (reason: Free domain service, easily abused)
- 076.moe: suspended (reason: New name of 076.ne.jp, underage stuff)
- 076.ne.jp: suspended (reason: The usual fashy stuff)
- 0sint.social: suspended (reason: Unmoderated. scraping risk)
- 101010.pl: suspended
- 13bells.com: suspended
- 1611.social: suspended (reason: Anti-queer)
- 1being.org: suspended
- 2hu.club: suspended
- 2ndamendment.social: suspended
- 420blaze.it: suspended
- 434.earth: suspended
- 4chan.icu: suspended
- 4qq.org: suspended
- 62x54r.ru: suspended
- 7td.org: suspended
- 80percent.social: suspended
- 8777.ch: suspended
- a.sc: suspended
- absturztau.be: suspended (reason: Dumping the top domain too)
- activism.openworlds.info: suspended
- activitypub-troll.cf: suspended (reason: Potential DDos attack vector)
- activitypub.actor: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- adachi.party: suspended (reason: Racism, trolling)
- addy.gg: suspended (reason: Explicitly unmoderated freeze peach)
- adtension.com: suspended (reason: Transmisia)
- aethy.com: suspended (reason: loli, shota)
- agates.io: suspended (reason: Affiliation with noagenda)
- ai.wiki: suspended (reason: Spambots)
- ai8w.ddns.net: suspended (reason: Racism)
- ak.cafkafk.com: suspended
- akko.disqordia.space: suspended (reason: Akkoma instance of disqordia)
- albin.social: suspended
- alive.bar: suspended (reason: National socialism)
- amala.schwartzwelt.xyz: suspended (reason: Trolls)
- ancreport.com: suspended (reason: Freeze peach, no moderation)
- anemoneya.me: suspended (reason: weird vibes)
- angrytoday.com: suspended (reason: Racism, sexism, Ableism, transphobia, is there a word for all the bad things?)
- animalliberation.social: suspended (reason: racism, AntiSemitism, TransMisia)
- anime.website: suspended (reason: Boring racists)
- animesexual.community: suspended (reason: Ties to pro-loli admin)
- annihilation.social: suspended (reason: Block & suspension announcement bots)
- anon-kenkai.com: suspended
- anti-degeneracy.club: suspended (reason: We're pro-degeneracy, thank you)
- app.kenhbit.com: suspended
- applied-langua.ge: suspended (reason: Racist harassment)
- arachnid.town: suspended
- argentum.social: suspended (reason: White fragility)
- ariona.fr: suspended (reason: The usual assholes)
- asbestos.cafe: suspended (reason: Fediblock spam, connections to chud instances)
- asimon.org: suspended
- asteroidm.space: suspended (reason: loli)
- awscommunity.social: suspended
- b10m.net: suspended
- babay.icu: suspended (reason: Other domain of drow.be provider)
- babka.social: limited (reason: Slow handling of transmisia, their suspension of simcha)
- babymetal.party: suspended
- badat.dev: suspended
- badly.co: suspended (reason: Freeze peach)
- bae.st: suspended
- bahnhof.cz: suspended
- bajax.us: suspended (reason: Not federated yet but getting ahead of the game)
- banana.dog: suspended
- banepo.st: suspended (reason: queerphobia, ableism, racism)
- baraag.net: suspended
- based.directory: suspended
- battlepenguin.video: suspended
- bbs.kawa-kun.com: suspended
- beefyboys.win: suspended (reason: The usual boring crap)
- beehub.org: suspended (reason: Evidently more like Nazihub)
- beepboop.ga: suspended
- beetoons.tv: suspended (reason: Unau)
- berserker.town: suspended
- berzs.xyz: suspended
- bestgore.fun: suspended (reason: gore)
- bigchungus69.club: suspended (reason: I think I'd block based on domain name alone tbh)
- bigguys.club: suspended (reason: kiwifarms adjacent. possibly defunct)
- bikeshed.party: suspended
- birb.space: suspended (reason: ActivityPub cloning of Twitter accounts without consent)
- bird.makeup: suspended (reason: Another Twitter bridge)
- birds.garden: suspended
- birdsite.link: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- birdsite.live: suspended (reason: Data scraping, bot bridging)
- birdsite.monster: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- biribiri.dev: suspended
- bitcoin-info.nl: suspended (reason: no thank you)
- bitcoinadon.social: suspended (reason: I mean really?)
- bitcoinersagainst.boats: suspended (reason: Nothing against boats)
- bitcoinhackers.org: suspended
- bitcoinlizard.net: suspended (reason: Lizards are awesome but)
- bitcoinplebs.net: suspended (reason: I'm too much of an aristocrat I guess)
- bitcointv.com: suspended (reason: cryptocurrency)
- bittube.video: suspended (reason: Let's just not)
- blackoutstout.space: suspended (reason: Fascism, bigotry)
- blazelights.dev: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- blob.cat: suspended (reason: Blobcat deserves better)
- blobturtle.club: suspended (reason: Noooo blobturtle sounds so pure)
- blockriot.com: suspended
- blogold.xyz: suspended
- blurts.net: suspended
- bodybuilding.im: suspended
- bofa.lol: suspended (reason: Could be defuct but taking no chances)
- boobytooth.social: suspended (reason: Ties to pro-loli admin)
- boop.link: suspended (reason: Too bad for the cute domain name)
- boseburo.ddns.net: suspended
- boyter.org: suspended (reason: Privacy-violating tools)
- bozgor.org: suspended (reason: Homophobic admin)
- brands.town: suspended (reason: doesn't seem worth it)
- brasileiros.social: suspended
- brighteon.social: suspended
- bronyfurry.com: suspended (reason: Pro-invasion)
- bsd.moe: suspended (reason: clearly nothing good is coming out of here)
- bubbletea.dev: suspended (reason: Federation with the usual)
- buckeye.social: suspended
- bugs.social: suspended (reason: An insult to bugs)
- bungle.online: suspended
- busshi.moe: suspended (reason: Pedo/loli)
- bwzone.xyz: suspended
- bylines.social: suspended (reason: Anti-trans bigotry)
- byoblu.com: suspended
- c.im: suspended (reason: Nonexistent blocklists, federates with known hate sites & harassers, harassed a Black Jewish woman off the fedi)
- cachapa.moe: suspended
- cachapa.xyz: suspended (reason: Base domain of moe.cachapa.xyz, transmisia, interaction with poa.st et al.)
- cafkafk.com: suspended
- calobar.club: suspended (reason: Some kind of edgelord)
- campaign.openworlds.info: suspended
- campduffel.social: suspended (reason: no code of conduct)
- cassone.social: suspended
- catgirl.life: suspended (reason: In rage.love blocklist + video without comment on blocklist post = nothing good)
- cawfee.club: suspended (reason: Racism, hate speech, unmoderated)
- chadland.net: suspended (reason: poa.st ties, queermisia)
- charlestown.social: suspended
- childpawn.shop: suspended (reason: Seen on a blocklist, precautionary block)
- chocoflan.net: suspended (reason: Domain block scraping, inadequate moderation)
- chudbuds.lol: suspended (reason: Antisemitism)
- clew.lol: suspended (reason: Soapbox instance, anti-LGBT trolling, suicide baiting)
- clubcyberia.co: suspended
- clube.social: suspended (reason: Freeze peach instance, fash, misinfo)
- cobblestone.rocks: suspended (reason: admin cluttering fediblock)
- collapsitarian.io: suspended
- comfyboy.club: suspended
- comfysnug.space: suspended (reason: Loli)
- contrapointsfan.club: suspended (reason: dark fedi)
- convo.casa: limited (reason: Silenced for tone-policing admin)
- coolsite.win: suspended (reason: dark fedi)
- crlf.ninja: suspended (reason: open federation, harassment etc.)
- cro.social: suspended (reason: coin instance)
- crucible.world: suspended (reason: raiding mutual aid gup.pe groups)
- cryo.icu: suspended (reason: Fediblock pest)
- cryptocartel.social: suspended (reason: cryptocurrency)
- cryptodon.lol: suspended (reason: crypto instance)
- cryptotalks.social: suspended (reason: How about crypto shuts up)
- cryptotooter.com: suspended (reason: cryptocurrency)
- ctseuro.com: suspended (reason: Totally open federation)
- cultofshiv.wtf: suspended (reason: TERF defense)
- cum.camp: suspended (reason: Abuse)
- cum.salon: suspended
- cybercriminal.eu: suspended (reason: from rage.love)
- cyberretards.xyz: suspended (reason: Admin is slur-happy creep even aside from domain name)
- cyberstorm.one: suspended (reason: Racism)
- d-fens.systems: suspended
- danksquad.xyz: suspended (reason: Hosts misskey instance of danksquad)
- dark-alexandr.net: suspended (reason: Soapbox edgelord instance)
- darknight-coffee.org: suspended (reason: Transmisia)
- dav1d.xyz: suspended (reason: Harassment, bigotry, channer behavior)
- dcomm.net.ua: suspended (reason: precautionary)
- dd0s.lol: suspended (reason: dark fedi)
- debilosempire.org: suspended (reason: dark fedi)
- decayable.ink: suspended (reason: anti-LGBT trolling)
- dece.space: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- derveni.org: suspended
- det.social: suspended (reason: Cop)
- detroitriotcity.com: suspended
- digitalmarketer.social: suspended (reason: Preemptive block)
- dirtyhobby.xyz: suspended
- disqordia.space: suspended (reason: Blocking base domain)
- distsn.org: suspended
- djsumdog.com: suspended
- dobbs.town: suspended
- doesnotexist.club: suspended (reason: Hosts Twitter mirror)
- dotnet00.dev: suspended (reason: Bigotry, CSAM)
- dragonpsi.xyz: suspended (reason: freeze peach, transmisia, antivaxx...)
- drinkingatmy.computer: suspended (reason: No TOS, conspiracy vibes)
- drow.be: suspended (reason: Weird definition of privacy etc.)
- drunkposter.club: suspended (reason: Edgelord instance ties)
- dumbopinions.xyz: suspended
- durst.world: suspended (reason: zztails.gay affiliation)
- ebin.club: suspended (reason: Edgelords)
- eeeeeeeee.eu: suspended (reason: Abuse)
- eepygirls.tech: suspended (reason: Racism)
- eientei.org: suspended
- eightpoint.app: limited (reason: Silence ahead of block)
- elekk.xyz: suspended (reason: Pattern of racist shitposting)
- elementality.org: suspended (reason: Racism)
- elfenban.de: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- endtimebelievers.com: suspended (reason: Right-wing conspiracy site)
- enes.lv: suspended (reason: Freeze peachy)
- enjoyer.network: suspended (reason: usualsuspects.lol admin, harassment)
- entire.vc: suspended (reason: Soapbox VC instance)
- epsilon.social: suspended (reason: Trolling)
- equel.social: suspended (reason: Tech entrepreneurs, real-name policy)
- esmailelbob.xyz: suspended (reason: dark fedi)
- est.social: limited (reason: open reg & federation)
- etiketi.de: suspended
- eveningzoo.club: suspended
- evilcyberhacker.net: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots, also the name seems to invite a block.)
- f.kawa-kun.com: suspended
- fai.st: suspended (reason: Nazi admin)
- fapsi.be: suspended (reason: Other domain of drow.be provider)
- fbxl.net: suspended
- fe.disroot.org: suspended (reason: Ableism, sexism, and racist.)
- fed.celp.de: suspended (reason: unwarned graphic images, conspiracy)
- fedcast.ch: suspended
- federate.social: suspended (reason: make that defederate.social)
- federated.fun: suspended (reason: Precautionary for transmisia, could not confirm yet because timeline does not load)
- fedi.absturztau.be: suspended
- fedi.pawlicker.com: suspended
- feral.cafe: suspended (reason: Zoophilia, "no begging for money?")
- ffvo.dev: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- fightthis.net: suspended (reason: Accelerationism)
- firefaithfellowship.com: suspended (reason: soapbox, bigotry dogwhistle)
- flauschig.social: suspended (reason: Racist mods. Nope.)
- fluf.club: suspended (reason: freespeechextremist & kiwifarms moderation policies)
- fosstodon.org: limited (reason: Bad moderation, enforcing English only)
- fr13nd5.com: suspended
- freak.university: suspended
- freeatlantis.com: suspended
- freecumextremist.com: suspended
- freespeech.group: suspended
- freespeechextremist.com: suspended (reason: To much bigotry to list, but just some things are racism, Ableism, homophobia, sexism, and pro crypto.)
- freetalklive.com: suspended
- freethinkers.lgbt: suspended (reason: Harassment)
- frennet.xyz: suspended (reason: channer, open federation)
- fribygda.no: suspended (reason: White fragility)
- friendica.eskimo.com: suspended
- frog.fashion: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- froth.zone: suspended (reason: Racist harassment)
- fulltermprivacy.com: suspended (reason: Transmisia)
- furcel.club: suspended (reason: Harassment, channers)
- furfag.de: suspended (reason: No)
- furry.lgbt: suspended (reason: Dismissive antiblackness)
- gab.com: suspended (reason: Racism, pro Crypto, Ableism, sexism, homophobia, and way more stuff we just don't want here, period.)
- gabeappleton.me: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- gameliberty.club: suspended (reason: Salty about instance blocks, which is a surefire way to get blocked)
- gamers.exposed: suspended
- gangstalking.services: suspended (reason: Trolls)
- gearlandia.haus: suspended
- gegenstimme.tv: suspended (reason: German/Austrian right-wing propaganda "news" network)
- genderheretics.xyz: suspended (reason: Transmisia)
- genitalia.observer: suspended
- geofront.rocks: suspended (reason: queerphobia, racism)
- getgle.org: suspended
- girevik.su: suspended (reason: Admin complains about "woke Twitter")
- gleasonator.com: suspended (reason: To much abuse to document. Harassment, dismissing others, racism, Ableism)
- glee.li: suspended (reason: anti-LGBT trolling)
- glindr.org: suspended
- globalfrens.com: suspended
- glowers.club: suspended
- gorf.club: suspended (reason: Freeze peach)
- gorf.pub: suspended (reason: Freeze peach)
- gorf.space: suspended (reason: Freeze peach)
- goyim.app: suspended
- goyslop.cafe: suspended
- graeber.social: suspended (reason: racism from admin)
- grants.cafe: suspended (reason: Runs a twitter mirror)
- graz.social: suspended (reason: Terf defense/tone policing)
- greenboys.club: suspended
- h5q.net: suspended (reason: CSAM)
- haeder.net: suspended (reason: Admin transmisia)
- hallsofamenti.io: suspended
- handholding.io: suspended (reason: Adding root domain block in case of future subdomains)
- handicapped.tk: suspended (reason: racism, homomisia etc.)
- hanna.lol: suspended (reason: admin trolling the FediBlock tag)
- helladoge.com: suspended
- hentai.baby: suspended
- hidamari.apartments: suspended (reason: Promotes openly Nazi users)
- hirad.it: suspended (reason: Asshole about anti-trans bigotry)
- hitchhiker.social: suspended (reason: Racism & harassment)
- homoo.social: suspended
- honeypot.im: suspended
- honkwerx.tech: suspended
- hostux.social: suspended (reason: Pro Crypto and pro NFT space. We don't want that, nor need that here.)
- hubzilla.eskimo.com: suspended
- hunk.city: suspended (reason: spam)
- husk.site: suspended (reason: Racism)
- hwfo.online: suspended (reason: Unmoderated, freeze peach)
- iamterminally.online: suspended (reason: Abuse)
- iddqd.social: suspended (reason: Nazi sympathizers)
- ieji.de: limited (reason: dark fedi)
- ignorelist.com: suspended (reason: Potential malware server)
- illegalpornography.com: suspended
- ilyamikcoder.com: suspended (reason: Racism)
- imirhil.fr: suspended
- immibis.com: suspended (reason: Racism)
- inferencium.net: suspended
- infosec.exchange: limited (reason: Hosting of official fed accounts; may move to suspend)
- instinctd.com: suspended (reason: Twitter mirror)
- intkos.link: suspended (reason: Edgelordy)
- inumbra.xyz: suspended (reason: racism)
- ironbug.org: suspended (reason: Advocates child abuse)
- itmslaves.com: suspended
- jannis.rocks: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- jeena.net: suspended (reason: Freeze peach)
- jorts.horse: limited (reason: White shitposting instance)
- journa.host: suspended
- justicewarrior.social: suspended
- kabuki.club: suspended (reason: Edgelords everywhere)
- kakise.tech: suspended
- karl.guru: suspended (reason: sealioning)
- kcl.academy: suspended (reason: Antivaxx, conspiracy theory)
- keinpfusch.net: suspended (reason: Harassment by admins)
- kenfm.de: suspended (reason: racism, conspiracism, covid denial)
- kibitz.cloud: suspended (reason: Admin's history of harassment)
- kitsunemimi.club: suspended
- kiwifarms.cc: suspended
- kogasa.de: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- kolektiva.social: suspended (reason: Bad faith from mods and poor moderation)
- kompost.cz: suspended (reason: Antisemitism)
- kopimi.space: suspended (reason: koyu.space ties)
- kosmos.social: suspended (reason: Freeze peach, climate denialism)
- koyu.space: suspended (reason: Whoops how did I miss this den of edgelords)
- kurosawa.moe: suspended
- kyaruc.moe: suspended
- kys.moe: suspended
- labmonkeys.space: suspended
- lain.com: suspended (reason: Homomisia & ableism)
- lain.gay: suspended (reason: Fediblock trolling, seems to be one of those lain chud domains)
- lain.la: suspended (reason: the usual lain domain)
- lain.sh: suspended (reason: sock puppetry)
- lakedrops.com: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- leafposter.cafe: suspended
- leafposter.club: suspended
- leptonics.com: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- letsalllovela.in: suspended
- lgbtfree.zone: suspended (reason: Haha no)
- lgbtqia.space: limited (reason: Objectionable admin, weak non-apology)
- liberdon.com: suspended (reason: "Liberdon is a Mastodon instance for libertarians, ancaps...")
- libertynode.net: suspended (reason: Transmisia, freeze peach)
- libranet.de: suspended
- libre.tube: suspended
- libre.video: suspended (reason: No moderation, freeze peach)
- librenet.co.za: suspended
- librosphere.fr: suspended
- ligma.pro: suspended
- lizards.live: suspended
- loganjohndarylgraham.xyz: suspended (reason: Data scraping and pro crypto stance.)
- logografos.com: suspended (reason: dark fedi)
- loli.pizza: suspended
- lolicon.rocks: suspended
- lolison.network: suspended (reason: lolicon)
- lolison.top: suspended
- longyap.name.my: suspended (reason: Usual chuddery)
- lovingexpressions.net: suspended
- mahodou.moe: suspended
- makemysarcophagus.com: suspended (reason: Snuff, racism, anti-trans bigotry)
- maladaptive.art: suspended (reason: Soapbox freeze peach instance)
- manalejandro.com: suspended (reason: block announcement from chat subdomain)
- mapsupport.club: suspended (reason: preemptive block)
- mapsupport.de: suspended (reason: minor-attracted person)
- marsey.club: suspended
- marsey.moe: suspended (reason: Nyazism, sexual violence, CSAM)
- masochi.st: suspended
- mastertibbles.co.uk: suspended (reason: Freeze peach)
- masthead.social: suspended (reason: Unmoderated, overrun with spam.)
- mastinator.com: suspended (reason: Aggregates & republishes toots without consent)
- masto.ai: limited (reason: Admin's alleged involvement in harassment)
- mastod.no: suspended (reason: Transmisia & misgendering)
- mastodon.au: limited (reason: Silencing for bootlicking)
- mastodon.cf: limited (reason: Bigotry)
- mastodon.cloud: suspended (reason: Unmoderated, racism)
- mastodon.gamedev.place: limited (reason: Some indication that racist harassment might not be actioned)
- mastodon.green: suspended
- mastodon.ml: suspended (reason: Admin is one of those "militant atheist" types)
- mastodon.online: suspended (reason: Nope)
- mastodon.se: suspended (reason: Admin antisemitism)
- mastodon.social: suspended (reason: Too big to moderate)
- mastodon.top: limited (reason: porn bot problem)
- mastodong.lol: suspended (reason: Possible staging ground of DDos attacks, also no moderation)
- mastodonhub.com: suspended
- meatbag.app: suspended (reason: Uhhh is that Soapbox? Blocked.)
- megamast.io: suspended (reason: "megamast.io is a free speech server.")
- melalandia.tk: suspended
- mentalswarf.com: suspended
- merovingian.club: suspended (reason: Exiling the red-pilled exiles)
- midwaytrades.com: suspended
- miku-enthusiast.club: suspended (reason: Ties to loli admin)
- milker.cafe: suspended (reason: Timeline full of the usual bad actors)
- miria.love: suspended
- mirr0r.city: suspended
- miruku.cafe: suspended (reason: Racist harassment)
- misaka.ru: suspended (reason: Edgelords)
- misono-ya.info: suspended (reason: Admin interacts with hate sites)
- misskey-forkbomb.cf: suspended (reason: Potential DDos attack vector)
- mitra.social: suspended
- mk.absturztau.be: suspended
- mk.disqordia.space: suspended (reason: Disqordia's Misskey instance)
- monads.online: suspended (reason: We haven't forgotten PlayVicious, bitch)
- moody.name: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- mooo.com: suspended (reason: Blocking base domain)
- mostr.pub: suspended (reason: transmisia)
- mouse.services: suspended (reason: Spammy, harassing admin)
- mrhands.horse: suspended (reason: Edgelordy)
- mstdn.ai: suspended (reason: Sketchy admin & racist sealioning)
- mstdn.social: limited (reason: Fucking stux man)
- mugicha.club: suspended (reason: Antisemitism)
- mulmeyun.church: suspended
- musksocial.com: suspended (reason: their musk stinks)
- my.dirtyhobby.xyz: suspended
- myasstodon.xyz: suspended (reason: Antiblack harassment and shitposting)
- nafo.army: suspended (reason: Fash shitposters)
- nafo.uk: suspended (reason: Fash shitposters)
- narrativerry.xyz: suspended (reason: Bigotry, antivaxx, climate denialism...)
- neckbeard.xyz: suspended
- neenster.org: suspended
- net4sw.com: suspended
- nicecrew.digital: suspended (reason: Racism, hate speech, basically multiple bad stuff, including Ableism)
- nightshift.social: suspended (reason: Shitty admin, federation with usual chuds)
- nixnet.social: suspended
- nnia.space: suspended
- noagendasocial.com: suspended
- noagendasocial.nl: suspended (reason: no agenda)
- noagendatube.com: suspended (reason: No to noagenda)
- nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended
- normal.style: suspended
- normie.cafe: suspended (reason: bae.st alts)
- norwoodzero.net: suspended (reason: White supremacy)
- notbird.site: suspended (reason: co-opted for malicious attack)
- novoa.nagoya: suspended (reason: Racism)
- ns.auction: suspended
- nsfw.onl: suspended
- nudie.social: suspended
- nyan.com: suspended (reason: malicious domain)
- nyan.house: suspended (reason: same admin as blob.cat)
- nzbr.de: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- obo.sh: suspended (reason: "We federate with all servers: we don't block any servers")
- odayacres.farm: suspended
- oliviaappleton.com: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- onion.social: suspended
- onionfarms.org: suspended (reason: KiwiFarms)
- opalstack.social: suspended (reason: "Apolitical" instance run by a bitcoin bro)
- open.tube: suspended
- ortodogs.info: suspended (reason: Soapbox & Pleroma)
- oti.st: suspended (reason: Soapbox instance against "wokespeak")
- outerheaven.club: suspended
- outpoa.st: suspended
- pawlicker.com: suspended (reason: queerphobia, racism)
- pawoo.net: suspended
- payfrit.com: suspended (reason: Some kind of edgelord instance)
- paypig.org: suspended
- peanutlasko.com: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- pedo.school: suspended (reason: pedophilia)
- peertube.anon-kenkai.com: suspended
- phreedom.club: suspended (reason: Just another phreeze peach instance)
- piaille.fr: limited (reason: Poor moderation concerns)
- piazza.today: suspended (reason: Conspiracism)
- pibvt.net: suspended (reason: loli content reported)
- pieville.net: suspended
- pinnoto.org: suspended
- pirateradio.social: suspended (reason: Unmoderated, connections with fash instances)
- pisskey.io: suspended
- pkm.social: suspended (reason: open reg & federation)
- pkteerium.xyz: suspended (reason: Pro crypto.)
- pl.anon-kenkai.com: suspended (reason: antisemitism, queermisia etc. including moderator)
- pl.gamers.exposed: suspended
- pl.kitsunemimi.club: suspended (reason: Harassing and abusive behavior)
- pl.tkammer.de: suspended
- platypush.tech: suspended
- pleroma.8777.ch: suspended
- pleroma.cafkafk.com: suspended
- pleroma.narrativerry.xyz: suspended
- pleroma.runfox.tk: suspended (reason: Advocates for the death of trans kids)
- pleromer.net: suspended (reason: racism)
- plr.inferencium.net: suspended
- plus.st: suspended (reason: Harassment)
- pmth.us: suspended
- poa.st: suspended (reason: Well-known shitposting and harassment instance)
- pone.social: suspended (reason: Freeze peach & anti-moderation)
- pooper.social: suspended
- poridge.club: suspended (reason: Freeze peach admin)
- pornssd.com: suspended
- poster.place: suspended (reason: antisemitism, transmisia, racism)
- poweredbycocaine.com: suspended (reason: Unmoderated, freeze peach)
- privex.social: suspended (reason: corporate freeze peach instance)
- probablyfreespeech.com: suspended (reason: Yet another freeze peach instance)
- projectftm.com: suspended (reason: The usual edgelords)
- pseudo-whiskey.bar: suspended
- psimon.world: suspended (reason: Followbot)
- psyopshop.com: suspended (reason: Noagenda admin)
- pube.tk: suspended (reason: Homomisia)
- qoto.org: suspended (reason: Harassment, white fragility, crypto...)
- quanta.wiki: suspended
- quietplace.xyz: suspended
- raccoon.quest: suspended (reason: racism)
- rage.lol: suspended (reason: Data farming, in addition to just being awful people.)
- rakket.app: suspended
- rapefeminists.network: suspended
- rapemeat.shop: suspended
- rapemeat.solutions: suspended (reason: I mean...)
- raplst.town: suspended
- raspberrypi.social: suspended (reason: Hired a cop & proud of it)
- raygungothic.xyz: suspended
- rcsocial.net: limited (reason: assorted bigotry)
- rdrama.cc: suspended
- realnephestate.xyz: suspended
- rebased.network: suspended
- redd.live: suspended (reason: crypto spam)
- redgarterclub.com: suspended (reason: Nah)
- redspinning.top: suspended (reason: open reg & federation)
- refusal.biz: suspended
- refusal.llc: suspended (reason: Ties to refusal.biz, federation with the usual bad actors)
- reisen.church: suspended (reason: former udongein.xyz admin)
- repl.co: suspended (reason: Potential DDos attack vector)
- republic.red: suspended (reason: conservative instance)
- researchanddestroy.technology: suspended
- respublicae.eu: suspended
- retard.tech: suspended
- retro.pizza: limited (reason: Admin giving off rancid vibes, cluttering fediblock)
- rigcz.club: suspended (reason: Freeze peach)
- rojogato.com: suspended
- rot.gives: suspended (reason: Underage & sexism)
- ryona.agency: suspended
- saturno.black: suspended (reason: Racism)
- schwartzwelt.xyz: suspended
- scots.network: suspended (reason: Anti-queer)
- seal.cafe: suspended
- seikora.one: suspended (reason: porn instance)
- seo.chat: suspended (reason: SEO community)
- seocommunity.social: suspended
- serialmay.link: suspended (reason: Racist edgelordery, spamming fediblock tag)
- servernerds.net: limited (reason: High rate of low-value media requests)
- sexyferret.science: suspended (reason: Root domain block of status.sexyferret.science)
- shaw.app: suspended (reason: Transmisia, harassment)
- sheep.network: suspended (reason: Soapbox instance)
- shelter.moe: suspended (reason: Loli friendly)
- shigusegubu.club: suspended
- shitpisscum.mooo.com: suspended
- shitpost.cloud: suspended
- shitposter.club: suspended (reason: haha no)
- shitposter.world: suspended (reason: Racism, antisemitism, misogyny etc.)
- shitposting.army: suspended (reason: homophobia and channer behaviour)
- shortstackran.ch: suspended (reason: more like ran.cid amirite?)
- shota.house: suspended (reason: no)
- shpposter.club: suspended (reason: Federation with the usual)
- simplefinances.us: suspended (reason: Crypto lovers. Nope. We hate crypto.)
- singing.dog: suspended (reason: Spammy, poast)
- singleuser.club: suspended
- skinnyver.se: suspended (reason: uncritical of privilege, annoying)
- skippers-bin.com: suspended
- skorpil.cz: suspended (reason: No-opt-out fedisearch)
- skyshanty.xyz: suspended (reason: Homomisia)
- slash.cl: suspended
- slashdev.space: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- sleepy.cafe: suspended
- sleroq.link: suspended (reason: soapbox, harassment)
- sneak.berlin: suspended
- sneed.social: suspended
- snowdin.town: suspended (reason: disqordia alts, sealioning)
- social.anoxinon.de: suspended
- social.bbc: suspended (reason: Racism, transmisia)
- social.chadland.net: limited (reason: Same reason as main domain)
- social.fbxl.net: suspended
- social.fedcast.ch: suspended
- social.freetalklive.com: suspended (reason: freeze peach)
- social.handholding.io: suspended
- social.wxcafe.net: suspended (reason: Ableist slur)
- socialgoblins.club: suspended
- softgirl.online: suspended
- solagg.com: suspended (reason: Cryptobros & data farming)
- someotherguy.xyz: suspended
- somewhy.net: suspended (reason: No moderation, bigotry)
- sonichu.com: suspended (reason: "Jerkop HQ" does not sound promising)
- soykaf.com: suspended
- sperg.city: suspended
- spinster.xyz: suspended (reason: Terfs begone)
- springbo.cc: suspended (reason: Racism, transmisia)
- squid.kids: suspended (reason: Antisemitism)
- stack.black: suspended (reason: Crypto instance)
- starnix.network: suspended
- status.sexyferret.science: suspended (reason: Single-user troll instance)
- stereophonic.space: suspended (reason: Freeze peachy Pleroma instance)
- stop.voring.me: suspended
- strelizia.net: suspended
- supes.com: suspended
- sushi.ski: suspended (reason: Skiing on the edgelords)
- suya.place: suspended (reason: precautionary)
- systemli.social: suspended (reason: Islamophobia)
- takesama.com: suspended (reason: Stat)
- talk-here.com: suspended (reason: conspiracy theories)
- tastingtraffic.net: suspended
- taullo.social: suspended (reason: Instance of aethy.com admin, loli/shota)
- tcjc.uk: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- tech.lgbt: limited (reason: As a safety measure)
- teci.world: suspended
- teia.art: suspended (reason: crypto)
- terrible.place: suspended (reason: we believe you)
- the9thcircle.club: suspended (reason: Edgelords)
- theautisticinvestors.quest: suspended
- theduran.icu: suspended
- thepostearthdestination.com: suspended (reason: transphobia, libertarianism, right-wing, ableism)
- theres.life: suspended (reason: Freeze peach, no moderation)
- thewallsofnight.com: suspended
- thewizardingworld.com: suspended (reason: No and also no)
- thingsenjoyer.org: suspended (reason: Soapbox instance, ableism)
- thorlaksson.com: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- thoughtful.social: suspended (reason: Spam, open registration, evidently abandoned by admin)
- threads.net: suspended (reason: Preemptive meta block)
- tmediatech.io: suspended
- tnd.lol: suspended (reason: squid.kids connection)
- toad.social: suspended (reason: Unmoderated transmisia)
- toot.berlin: suspended (reason: Congrats you made the edgelords list)
- toot.si: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- treehouse.systems: suspended (reason: slander/harassment)
- treffler.cloud: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- tribe.net: suspended (reason: Moderates only for illegal content, for the most part)
- troet.cafe: suspended (reason: Trolling)
- trumpislovetrumpis.life: suspended (reason: Nothing from here please)
- truth.social: suspended (reason: To much bigotry to list here. Also, it's Trump. Need we say more?)
- truthsocial.co.in: suspended
- truthsocial.com: suspended
- truthsocial.st: suspended (reason: Trumpist conspiracy theorist instance)
- truthsocialpro.org: suspended
- tube.cafkafk.com: suspended
- tulsa.ok.us: suspended (reason: Unbacked accusations in Fediblock tag)
- twhtv.club: suspended
- twitter.icu: suspended (reason: Twitter mirror)
- twiukraine.com: suspended (reason: Freeze peach, no moderation)
- twtr.plus: suspended (reason: Twitter crossposter bots)
- tyil.nl: suspended (reason: The usual edgelords)
- ua-fediland.de: suspended (reason: Mass follows, fascist imagery)
- udongein.xyz: suspended (reason: loli)
- ueberspace.de: suspended (reason: Islamophobia)
- umbrellix.org: suspended (reason: No we won't have that tone policing bs ty)
- unbound.social: suspended (reason: Freeze peach instance with cryptobro admin)
- unilem.org: suspended (reason: open federation)
- unsafe.space: suspended
- urbanists.social: suspended (reason: Edgelords)
- urspringer.de: suspended
- usualsuspects.lol: suspended (reason: open federation, harassment etc.)
- uwu.social: suspended
- valkyrie.world: suspended
- vance.land: suspended
- varishangout.net: suspended (reason: Harassment, lolicon yawn)
- veganism.social: suspended (reason: PETA, antiblackness)
- viridianpatriots.com: suspended
- vladtepesblog.com: suspended
- vrij.social: suspended
- vsta.org: suspended (reason: base domain of single-user antivaxx instance)
- vtuberfan.social: suspended (reason: Violent racism)
- vuju.com: suspended (reason: Frozen peaches)
- waifuism.life: suspended
- we.1being.org: suspended
- wetdry.world: suspended (reason: Edgelordy)
- wherelinux.xyz: suspended (reason: suicide baiting)
- whinge.house: suspended (reason: dark fedi)
- whinge.town: suspended
- whitesmokebbq.com: suspended (reason: whining to Black people about "reverse racism" bs)
- wideboys.org: suspended
- wiki-tube.de: suspended (reason: AntiSemitism, conspiracism, covid denial)
- wilde.cloud: suspended (reason: Data scraping, reposting without consent)
- wildgeese.au: suspended (reason: Centr)
- willtrade.org: suspended (reason: Talk-here.com admin)
- wintermute.fr.to: suspended
- witches.live: limited (reason: May move to suspend)
- wolfgirl.bar: suspended
- worm.pink: suspended (reason: Unmoderated, federation with bad actors)
- wowana.me: suspended
- writehere.is: suspended (reason: Talk-here.com admin)
- wxcafe.net: suspended (reason: Adding base domain block)
- xaetacore.net: suspended (reason: Freeze peach instance, condescension on mutual aid posts)
- xcess.one: suspended (reason: freeze peach)
- xenofem.me: suspended (reason: Pro-police admin who posts slurs)
- xhais.love: suspended (reason: Poor moderation)
- xn--p1abe3d.xn--80asehdb: suspended (reason: racism, HomoMisia, TransMisia)
- xn--rtta-qoa.nu: suspended (reason: Channer shit, chummy with usual bad actors)
- xscape.top: suspended (reason: Unattributed nudes including incest porn)
- yams.lol: suspended (reason: dark fedi)
- yass.ee: suspended (reason: from rage with love)
- yelvington.com: suspended (reason: more like yellvington amirite)
- yggdrasil.social: suspended
- youjo.love: suspended (reason: Imagine being an asshole on the fedi about domain blocks)
- ystn.win: suspended
- zetamu.club: suspended
- zhub.link: limited (reason: unmarked lewds on public)
- zokni.xyz: suspended (reason: Transmisia & freeze peach)
- zombiecats.run: suspended
- zztails.gay: suspended
- zztails.online: suspended
- zztails.wrf: suspended
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]

Date of creation Feb 5, 2022 UTC
Display name L.J. but extra nerdy
I'm the tech support person on writeout.ink. Avatar image is a butterfly sitting on the mouth of an ink bottle.
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 1221 statuses, 62 logins, 0 registrations)
S: 282 L: 6 R: 0 | S: 243 L: 7 R: 0 | S: 87 L: 5 R: 0 | S: 103 L: 5 R: 0 | S: 84 L: 5 R: 0 | S: 62 L: 5 R: 0 | S: 76 L: 6 R: 0 | S: 61 L: 4 R: 0 | S: 37 L: 4 R: 0 | S: 88 L: 5 R: 0 | S: 87 L: 7 R: 0 | S: 11 L: 3 R: 0 |
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
2/3/25, 3:50:30 AM UTC | 2/4/25, 3:18:45 AM UTC | 2/5/25, 4:26:42 AM UTC | 2/6/25, 3:55:43 AM UTC | 2/7/25, 4:15:30 AM UTC | 2/8/25, 4:16:50 AM UTC | 2/9/25, 3:32:48 AM UTC | 2/10/25, 2:08:07 AM UTC |
Succesful checks: 900/900 (100%)