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Languages English (en), Slovenian (sl)
Users 718
Active users (last month) 135
Active users (last six months) 195
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 32,464
First sight Before Oct 14, 2020 UTC [?]
Last successful check Dec 14, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.2
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list, but it’s currently impossible to verify it because this instance’s list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) Not available
Short description
Toot.si je slovensko Mastodon vozlišče katerega osnovni cilj je omogočati prijazno skupnost in varnejši prostor.
Long description
Toot.si je slovenska skupnost uporabnikov in vozlišče na federiranem omrežju Fediverse, ki je decentralizirano in omogoča različnim uporabnikom prosto interakcijo med različnimi vozlišči. Vozlišče uporablja Mastodon programje, vendar je z vključitvijo v Fediverzum interoperabilno z drugimi podobnimi programi, ki omogočajo podobna vozlišča uporabnikov (PeerTube, BookWyrm, ipd).

Na vozlišču so dobrodošli_e novi_e uporabniki_ce, ki jih zanimajo varnejši prostori za člane_ice ranljivih skupin. Želimo si ljubitelje_ice umetnosti, humanistike, znanosti in človekovih pravic, ki si želijo v lokalno časovnico skupnosti prispevati vsebino, ki sovpada z željo po pravični, prijazni, sodelovalni in demokratični družbi solidarnosti in enakopravnosti.

Na Toot.si od uporabnic_kov pričakujemo razumevanje slovenskega jezika.

Ob prijavi na kratko opišite nekaj o vas in zakaj si želite biti na tem mastodon vozlišču. Enovrstične in enostavčne prijave bodo zavrnjene.

Več o tem, kaj je mastodon in fediverzum v slovenščini:


Admin-i vozlišča se zavezujejo da bodo v primeru skrajne odločitve zaprtja vozlišča to napovedali vsaj 3 mesece vnaprej za potrebe pravočasne selitve uporabnikov na druge strežnike.

Table of contents

Rules / Code of Conduct #

"Be excellent to each other" is easier said than done, and means different things to different people.

The following rules are a (non-exhaustive) list of behaviours that may lead to deletion of posts, silencing or suspension of accounts, at the descretion of the instance administrators, as described in our Terms.

Please report behaviour that bothers you. We will keep your report confidential.

  • We do not tolerate discriminatory behaviour and content promoting or advocating the oppression of members of marginalised groups. These groups may be characterised by any of the following (though this list is naturally incomplete):

    • ethnicity
    • gender identity or expression
    • sexual identity or expression
    • physical characteristics or age
    • disability or illness
    • nationality, residency, citizen status
    • wealth or education
    • religious affiliation, agnosticism or atheism

  • We do not tolerate threatening behaviour, stalking, doxxing, mobbing, including name-calling, intentional misgendering or deadnaming.

  • We do not tolerate harassment, including brigading, dogpiling, or any other form of contact with a user who has stated that they do not wish to be contacted.

  • We do not tolerate conspiracy narratives, nationalist propaganda, reactionary myths, Nazi symbolism or promoting the ideology of National Socialism.

  • Do not publish private conversations, except to the moderation team if you need to report them.

  • No corporate accounts, no excessive advertising, no bots, or automated crossposters from other networks.

  • Use content warnings (CW) for sexually explicit or violent media and other content that might be common triggers (see the list below).

  • Actions intended to damage this instance or its performance may lead to immediate account suspension.

  • Content that is illegal in Slovenia will be deleted and may lead to immediate account suspension.

Best practices #

The list below is a collection of behaviour that we expect to see from our users. If you see a user go against these best practices in a way that bothers you, please file a report and we will talk to them. While these best practices are designed to be guidelines for a good communal instance, repeated malicious unwillingness to follow the best practices will be considered just like breaking a rule.

  • In general, use the tools provided to foster a considerate and accessible atmosphere. This includes the liberal use of content warnings (especially on common triggers - listed below), and alt-text captioning of media files.
  • When possible, provide credit for creative works in your posts that are not your own.
  • Uninvited comments about another user's personal choices, lifestyle or family are strongly discouraged and may be considered harassment. Inappropriate sexual attention, comments about appearance and implication of physical contact will not be tolerated toward any non-consenting user.
  • If you post advertisements, use a content warning. Advertisements should not be excessive or automated.
  • Automated posts and high-frequency posts should be unlisted (rendering visible to everybody, but not appearing on the local timeline) to keep the local timeline of our instance a place of community dialogue and human interaction. This extends to bots, feed posters, Twitter "retweets" and Twitter crossposts with broken mentions ("…@twitter.com"). Crossposter accounts that stop being active participants in our community may be removed at the discretion of the moderators.
  • In discussions, please remain civil, do not insult the people you're talking to. Note that irony, sarcasm, or similar modes of language don't translate well to written language and tend to escalate discussions or misunderstandings.

Resources #

We (admin and mod team) are maintaining this instance on our spare time, hardware and nerves. Don't push either of those.

Current admins and mods are @luka and @fileneed. In addition, @len is a helping hand with moderation. You can contact any of us with regards of functioning of the instance.

Federation #

We defederate from number of instances that are proven to be bad actors. We manually process blocklists from select trustworthy mutuals - like oliphant.social, gardenfence, The Fedi Council, etc - to help us protect our community. To find out why some domain is defederated here, please look at thebad.space, gardenfence original exported lists in their git, and mastodon.art blocklist (on their about page). There be comments about reasons for blocking.

Pogosti sprožilci in vsebinska opozorila #


Bodite pozorni na ljudi, s katerimi komunicirate, saj imajo morda izkušnje, ki se drastično razlikujejo od vaših, vključno s hudimi psihološkimi ali fizičnimi travmami. Ljudje, ki so doživeli travmo in so razvili sprožilce travme, lahko ob pojavu sprožilca doživijo napad panike, zlasti če je sprožilec nepričakovan. Vsebinska opozorila za vas kot uporabnika ne pomenijo nobene večje neugodnosti, hkrati pa bodo zagotovila veliko boljše počutje posameznikom, ki bi želeli prebirati vaše objave, vendar se zaradi različnih razlogov težje spopadejo s temi temami.

(seznam ni celovit)

  • hrana / food
  • neposreden pogled / ec / eye contact [⇗]
  • dz / duševno zdravje / mh / mental health
  • nespodobno / erotika / pornografija / lewd / nsfw / nudity
  • samopoškodbe / self-harm
  • nasilje / violence
  • posilstvo / rape
  • samomor / suicide
  • abilizem / ableism
  • starizem / ageism
  • specizem / specism
  • rasizem / racism
  • supremacizem
  • ksenofobija
  • seksizem / sexism
  • fat-shaming / fatfobija [⇗]
  • transfobija / homofobija
  • antisemitizem
  • holokavst / nacizem / neo-nacizem
  • orožje / guns
  • vojna / vojna v ukrajini
  • politika, politics, sipol (slovenska politika), uspol, eupol ...
  • izredne aktualne in kontroverzne vesti in novice, ki zapolnjujejo večino medijev
  • prepovedane droge
  • alkohol
  • subtoot / subobjava / podobjava
  • sarkazem
  • bliskajoče podobe / flashy images
  • nedostopna vsebina (velike količine smeškotov, nenavadne pisave iz matematičnih Unicode simbolov, ipd)

(povzeto z dragonscave.space, ter medium.com/@UntoNuggan, hvala tudi @Mayanna)

Ozadje in nadaljne branje:

Instance rules
  1. No discriminatory behaviour and content promoting or advocating the oppression of members of marginalised groups.
  2. No threatening behaviour, stalking, doxxing, mobbing, including name-calling, intentional misgendering or deadnaming.
  3. No harassment, including brigading, dogpiling, or any other form of contact with a user who has stated that they do not wish to be contacted.
  4. No conspiracy narratives, nationalist propaganda, reactionary myths, Nazi symbolism or promoting the ideology of National Socialism.
  5. Do not publish private conversations, except to the moderation team if you need to report them.
  6. No corporate accounts, no excessive advertising, no bots, or automated crossposters from other networks.
  7. Use content warnings (CW) for sexually explicit or violent media and other content that might be common triggers.
  8. No illegal content. Abide by laws.
  9. You agree to our complete Code of Conduct (toot.si/about)
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. nothing.tacowolf.net: suspension
  2. writeout.ink: suspension
Admin account luka@toot.si
Date of creation Jun 1, 2017 UTC
Display name Doroteja M.
vsi zaimki. patriarhat ubija.
"ne jebe zuckyja in drugih drekačev"

"I was a better man with you as a woman than I ever was with a woman as a man."
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 4178 statuses, 955 logins, 5 registrations)
S: 339
L: 81
R: 0
S: 303
L: 82
R: 2
S: 322
L: 78
R: 0
S: 290
L: 77
R: 0
S: 347
L: 80
R: 0
S: 464
L: 80
R: 0
S: 334
L: 84
R: 0
S: 548
L: 95
R: 1
S: 380
L: 95
R: 2
S: 455
L: 85
R: 0
S: 355
L: 83
R: 0
S: 41
L: 35
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
12/7/24, 3:51:35 AM UTC12/8/24, 3:14:42 AM UTC12/9/24, 2:34:45 AM UTC12/10/24, 2:32:53 AM UTC12/11/24, 3:22:31 AM UTC12/12/24, 3:47:24 AM UTC12/13/24, 4:15:35 AM UTC12/14/24, 4:00:56 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 841/841 (100%)