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Languages English (en)
Users 57
Active users (last month) 23
Active users (last six months) 47
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 7,406
First sight Nov 3, 2023 UTC
Last successful check Sep 19, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.2.12
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is neither suspended nor limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) nsfw, israel, cock, hairy, beauty, freepalestine, ai, threesome, astronomy
Short description
All people are welcome, except those who don't accept other people. This is a sex positive and LGBTQ+ friendly mastodon instance with rules for adult content and safe place for all felines out there.
Long description
This is a sex positive and kink friendly server but not explicitly that. All content is allowed as long as rules are respected. All genders, sexual orientations and relationship types are welcome and safe here and any contact is allowed as long as there is consent. It is managed by a pair of felines living on an island and there is no organization or company behind it. We wanted to built a space where open-minded people can communicate, share thoughts and expose themselves freely and without fear of harassment. We believe that sexuality is a key part on human behavior and should not be censored or suppressed. Adult content can be posted here under the rules regarding that.

This is not an only adult content oriented server and wishes to be a multicultural environment where everyone can freely express themselves and communicate with other people promoting knowledge, sharing, communication, mutual aid and of course loving and consenting relationships. It is natural that we don't tolerate fascists, racists and anything promoting violence or oppression.

Defederation of instances and suspension of users comes only with valid reports. So use the reporting tool for anything offending or out of rules.

Feel free to contact us for anything. Welcome!
Instance rules
  1. Sexually explicit or violent media must be marked as sensitive when posting. Erotic art and nude content can be posted without content warning or marked as sensitive but it should not display sexual acts. Underage and animal abuse content is forbidden.
  2. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, or casteism.
  3. No harassment, dogpiling or doxxing of other users.
  4. Do not share intentionally false or misleading information.
  5. No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies.
  6. Do not spam or burst post-boost. Bot accounts should be limited to 1 post per hour.
  7. No, means no
Moderated instances [?]
  1. detroitriotcity.com: suspended (reason: Transophobic, homophovic, "free speech" fascist instance. Multiple rascist and insulting comments from users there towards users on our instance.)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
Admin account admin@kinkycats.org
Date of creation Oct 21, 2023 UTC
Display name kinkycats admin
Admin account of kinkycats.org mastodon instance. This account doesn't follow back but we propose you to follow it for news and updates regarding the service or to ask for help. Owners have other normal accounts to interact.
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 1013 statuses, 186 logins, 10 registrations)
S: 101
L: 16
R: 0
S: 81
L: 17
R: 1
S: 76
L: 15
R: 0
S: 44
L: 14
R: 1
S: 100
L: 17
R: 1
S: 128
L: 17
R: 2
S: 138
L: 18
R: 1
S: 93
L: 18
R: 1
S: 96
L: 15
R: 1
S: 69
L: 20
R: 2
S: 87
L: 19
R: 0
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/12/24, 2:34:44 AM UTC9/13/24, 3:24:45 AM UTC9/14/24, 2:18:05 AM UTC9/15/24, 1:59:34 AM UTC9/16/24, 1:26:40 AM UTC9/17/24, 3:00:44 AM UTC9/18/24, 1:17:09 AM UTC9/19/24, 2:51:38 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 322/322 (100%)