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Name BeAware
Languages English (en)
Users 5
Active users (last month) 2
Active users (last six months) 2
Characters per post (max) 5,000
Known instances 16,168
First sight Nov 3, 2023 UTC
Last successful check Sep 18, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.2.12
Registrations Closed
Meta’s Threads moderation Unknown (this instance is not listed in the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list), and its list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) mozilla, merz, birdbrands, hezbollah, lebanon, confessionsbyannoyingpeople, tunetuesday, tercinema, pagers, pager
Short description
This is a personal instance ran by BeAware
Long description
Personal instance ran by BeAware
Instance rules
Not available
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. icosahedron.website: limitation
  2. lgbt.io: suspension
  3. spanner.works: suspension
Date of creation Jun 26, 2023 UTC
Display name BeAware :fediverse:
Social Media fool on multiple platforms. I tend to talk about :fediverse: and it's nuances. Also post using from time to time. I am your typical hippie and :weed: smoker. Follow me for a variety of topics like ; comments and opinions on tech news; World news opinions; occasional self-loathing and messages. VERY . Sometimes my thoughts aren't organized. If this isn't your thing, just keep moving, or block, I really don't care :) tfr
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 6331 statuses, 24 logins, 0 registrations)
S: 487
L: 2
R: 0
S: 688
L: 2
R: 0
S: 205
L: 2
R: 0
S: 359
L: 2
R: 0
S: 475
L: 2
R: 0
S: 900
L: 2
R: 0
S: 488
L: 2
R: 0
S: 436
L: 2
R: 0
S: 1049
L: 2
R: 0
S: 573
L: 2
R: 0
S: 624
L: 2
R: 0
S: 47
L: 2
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/11/24, 9:04:05 AM UTC9/12/24, 2:22:43 AM UTC9/13/24, 2:17:16 AM UTC9/14/24, 1:42:04 AM UTC9/15/24, 1:09:53 AM UTC9/16/24, 2:39:22 AM UTC9/17/24, 1:11:15 AM UTC9/18/24, 2:42:11 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 319/321 (99.38%)