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Languages English (en)
Users 1,050
Active users (last month) 305
Active users (last six months) 514
Characters per post (max) 1,500
Known instances 14,174
First sight Nov 16, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Sep 18, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.3-alpha.5+glitch
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list, but it appears to be accessible, instead, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) books, vrchat, technology, dog, mastodonforharris, mastodon4harris, tftuesday, bondage, tummytuesday, mozilla
Short description
Mastodon instance for furries of the larger, tubbier persuasion.
Long description
General Information

Mastodon instance for furries of the larger, tubbier persuasion. Generally focused on fatfur and related content, while also just being a place to post whatever you want (within reason naturally).

In an attempt to curb spam accounts the site has been set to require approval for registration. These will be reviewed ASAP.

This is a federated server and is relayed to several other furry Mastodon instances.

Any servers reported as abusive/trolling will be blocked to maintain stability of this instance.

Moderation Team

Wobbl.xyz is moderated by:

Content Warnings

Mastodon/Wobbl.xyz does not force the use of content warnings (CWs); however, using them is a cultural norm of the platform. On Mastodon, the words "content warning" don't automatically mean that a post is NSFW and they're not synonymous with "trigger warning." They're just tags which tell people what kind of content is in a post, and they can be better thought of as "spoilers" or "content notices." Mastodon also allows users to filter posts on keywords contained in CWs to avoid certain content, and it indexes CWs for searching. The goal of CWs is to prevent surprises and make posts easier to discover.

Posts from Wobbl.xyz are sent to other federated instances through boosts and the Federated Timeline. An excess of posts without CWs or with vague CWs may cause other instances to defederate (block) us, so please use CWs where appropriate.

Here are some content warning tags that you can use as a starting point:


  • Body types like: Fat / Fat Fur, Muscles / Muscular, Thin

  • Sizes like: Blob, Immobile, Hyper

  • Kinks like: Healthplay, Slob, Sweat, Weight Gain, Transformation, etc.

  • Nudity / Genitals (and additional specifics like Bulge, Vagina, Penis, etc.)

  • Furry Art, IRL, Belly Photo, Gainer Talk

Example Content Warning: Furry Art, Fat Fur, SFW

We also ask that posts seeking financial help or donations (such as GoFundMe campaigns) are tagged with the content warning Financial Aid Request or Mutual Aid Request.

This is not an exhaustive list. Fun/silly tagging is allowed and so are other tags not listed above; we just request that you are descriptive about the contents of your posts and be mindful of people who use filters.

AI Art

Wobbl does not allow the posting of AI generated art.

We define AI art as art that is fully or primarily generated by a neural network AI art generator (i.e. DALL-E).

The reason we are choosing to ban AI art is because these platforms generally use scraped art assets and images for their data models without proper copyright attribution or compensation to the original artists. We polled the Wobbl community and received a large response in favor of the ban.

The Wobbl team considers the current iteration of these platforms as theft and plagiarism of copyrighted works of artists, and currently there does not appear to be a way to mitigate this glaring issue. We value the importance of artists in the furry community and choose to support them against this major threat. As technology is always changing, this policy will be updated as necessary.


  • Our moderation approach for AI art will be to ask the poster to remove it themselves. If further action is needed, we will keep record of such. Multiple infractions without cooperation with the moderation team may lead to suspension.

  • We cannot police the posts of other instances when it comes to things like this. Please don't report posts from other instances with AI art to us.

  • We do not consider the use of AI tools in the creation of art to be an issue (i.e. artists using tools to generate backgrounds, fill spaces, etc.). This ban applies to art that is primarily/completely generated by AI models.

  • As with any other rule or policy, we ask our members to refrain from going after those who do post AI art. If you see it posted to Wobbl, feel free to report it, but there is no reason to demonize people. Doing so is against Rule #5.

  • We understand there is value to AI generated art, the technology does have benefits. We apologize to those who may be impacted by this policy decision, however we refuse to host such content.

Impersonation and Art Theft

If you believe a Wobbl member is impersonating you or uploading your art without permission, please report this to the Wobbl mods using the on-platform Report function. If you do not have a Wobbl account, please email admin@wobbl.xyz with your concerns and we'll investigate. Follow-up steps may require contact off-platform to verify information as best we can.

Because it would be impossible for Wobbl mods to proactively verify the "true furry identity" of every user on Wobbl, please understand that we strongly prefer that the impersonated person or artist to contact us DIRECTLY (through a report or email) rather than have someone report the art/impersonation on their behalf. We cannot, out-of-the-blue, proactively reach out to each and every impersonated person or artist to ask for more details.


  • CW Policy FAQs

    • "Why is my topic not listed?"

      • This is a short list of tags most common for this instance, it is not exhaustive. Please feel free to use any other tags that you feel are appropriate to your post.

    • "XYZ shouldn't have to come with a warning, why is it on there?"

      • Please keep in mind that these are for describing and tagging your content more than "warning" about it, this allows users here and elsewhere to view what they specifically want to more easily and filter out what they don't.

    • "What if I don't want to use CWs?"

      • Wobbl.xyz and Mastodon in general don't require CWs, however they are expected and appreciated. If you would rather not tag your posts at all, one option is to change your default posting privacy setting to "Unlisted", so your posts don't get pushed directly to the global timeline.

    • "What if I see a post from Wobbl.xyz that isn't properly tagged?"

      • Please keep in mind this is a community, and behind each user is a person. If you want to civilly and kindly point it out to them, there's nothing wrong with that. If you are not able to do so for whatever reason, or would rather not, you may report the post and the site's admin team will investigate instead. Otherwise you are always free to mute/block them and move on.

    • "What if I see a post from a different instance that isn't properly tagged?"

      • If it bothers you, mute/block and move on. We are all adults on this instance (per the rules), and should be able to compose ourselves as such.

  • General Instance FAQs

    • "What does it mean when you say you're "federated with multiple furry servers"?"

      • Mastodon allows servers to connect to each other so we can interact with people on multiple servers. Federating with furry servers means we have it set up where the public posts from those servers we're connected to, as well as public posts from Wobbl.xyz, all go into a shared "Federated" feed.

    • "Who can I reach out to for assistance?"

      • Anybody listed under the Administered By: section above can assist.

    • "Do I have to sign up to Wobbl.xyz to be able to interact with people on this instance?"

      • No! As long as you have a Mastodon account on a server that we haven't blocked for some reason, or haven't blocked us, you should be able to interact.

    • "If this is just some small community space, what's stopping you from suddenly disappearing and shutting down one day?"

      • Sadly, very little, however Wobbl.xyz has made a committment to offer at least a 30-day warning if we do choose to shut down for some reason.


The instance is, and will remain, free to use. If you would like to, feel free to help support the instance's upkeep! Any donations go directly to funding the site.

Ko-Fi Patreon

The instance's costs and infrastructure information can be found at @transparency


Utilizing the Modern theme from this Git page.

For emoji, this instance uses:

Mutant Standard emoji and Dragn-Emoji - Licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License.

Blobhaj emoji

Blobfox by @volpeon@mk.vulpes.one - Licensed under Apache 2.0
Instance rules
  1. [General] Stay legal. Respect international laws, including the laws of the United States (where this server is hosted) and the laws of your own country.
  2. [General] You have 48 hours to comply with or respond to a request from Wobbl.xyz staff before you run the risk of moderation action (post deletion, account strike, etc.).
  3. [Behavior] Be respectful. Personal attacks, dogpiling, harassment, hate speech, racism, transphobia, etc. are prohibited. Do not post misinformation.
  4. [Behavior] No screenshot dunking or unsubstantiated callouts. Do not post screenshots of other posts just to add negative commentary. Callout posts must include proof of their claims.
  5. [Account] You must be 18 years of age or older to create an account on this server.
  6. [Account] Ban evasion is prohibited. You may not create another account on this instance if your previous account was suspended.
  7. [Account] Bot accounts are permitted within sane reason. They must be clearly marked as bots in the profile description.
  8. [Account] Neither avatars nor headers may contain anything that would require a strong content warning (i.e. NSFW).
  9. [Content] Regarding Content Warnings, we require CWs on public (non-follower only/mentioned only) posts that are clearly adult content. For other content, please use CWs as per the Content Warnings section of the About page.
  10. [Content] No posting fully/primarily AI generated art. Using AI as a tool for your own art creation is allowed, however your own work should be transformative.
  11. [Content] Adult content depicting characters who are or blatantly appear to be under 18 is strictly prohibited.
  12. [Content] Adult content depicting non-sapient animals is strictly prohibited. Quadrupedal characters are allowed but they must be sentient.
  13. [Content] When posting art that you did not create, credit the artist in the body of your post.
Moderated instances [?]
  1. *.activitypub-troll.cf: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  2. *.misskey-forkbomb.cf: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  3. *.repl.co: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  4. 9kb.me: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  5. abyss.fun: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  6. academia.pub: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  7. adforward.org: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  8. aether.run: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  9. aethy.com: suspended (reason: Content concerns.)
  10. airwaves.social: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  11. america.social: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  12. archaeology.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  13. azemet.space: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  14. bae.st: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  15. baraag.net: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  16. basstdn.jp: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  17. beefyboys.win: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  18. besties.com: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  19. bigballchunkyverse.online: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  20. bird.makeup: suspended (reason: Impersonation/cloning of Twitter accounts without their approval.)
  21. bondsdogs.com: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  22. brighteon.social: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  23. cawfee.club: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  24. cherryberry.pink: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  25. chudbuds.lol: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  26. closednetwork.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  27. cmm.fyi: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  28. crosstalk.tech: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  29. cryptodon.lol: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  30. cum.salon: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  31. cunnyborea.space: suspended (reason: very clearly racist, homophobic, etc.)
  32. cunnyborea.top: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  33. cuyes.mooo.com: suspended (reason: Spam Issues)
  34. daotodon.me: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  35. detmi.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  36. detro**********.com: suspended (reason: Abuse, transphobia, attacks)
  37. developers.live: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  38. devsrv.farhan.codes: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  39. digitaldata.social: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  40. discourse.helenprejean.org: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  41. don.blognot.co: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  42. don.neet.co.jp: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  43. dreamersreality.dev: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  44. dtris.moe: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  45. educhat.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  46. edusocial.it: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  47. electroverse.tech: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  48. esglife.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  49. est.social: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  50. fediverse.science: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  51. forestver.se: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  52. forum-lucifer.com: suspended (reason: Spam Issues)
  53. freeatlantis.com: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  54. freecumextremist.com: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  55. freesocial.co: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  56. freespeechextremist.com: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  57. fusionpros.social: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  58. game-tecx.de: suspended (reason: Spam Issues)
  59. gameliberty.club: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  60. games.retrotalk.live: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  61. gleasonator.com: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  62. groupsebelah.com: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  63. guitar.rodeo: suspended (reason: Spam)
  64. hdty.in: suspended (reason: Spam Issues)
  65. https:mastinator.com: suspended (reason: Content Theft)
  66. i.transmit.love: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  67. iddqd.social: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  68. independent-media.co.uk: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  69. kernkraft.social: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  70. kfem.cat: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  71. kokuusa.club: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  72. kommunismus.social: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  73. kotodama.space: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  74. library.love: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  75. lllsecurity.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  76. lucha.nyc: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  77. m.corduba.tech: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  78. m.techsocial.site: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  79. mastadon.astuto.cc: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  80. mastodon-ero.xyz: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  81. mastodon-swiss.org: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  82. mastodon.conquestuniverse.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  83. mastodon.creation.md: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  84. mastodon.dermarcus.de: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  85. mastodon.dragonbox.de: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  86. mastodon.education: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  87. mastodon.integrata-stiftung.de: suspended (reason: Spam Issues)
  88. mastodon.io.seg.br: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  89. mastodon.miri.site: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  90. mastodon.my: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  91. mastodon.snmsoc.org: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  92. mastodon.social: limited (reason: Issues with spam from this instance.)
  93. mastodon.svgun.ru: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  94. mastodon.thedirtydis.co: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  95. mastodon.unpluggedrva.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  96. mastodon.world: limited (reason: Spam issues)
  97. mastodon.zorqz.com: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  98. mastodong.lol: suspended
  99. mentalhealth-masto.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  100. mentalhealthmasto.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  101. molaguay.xyz: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  102. mstdn.penguinhub.org: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  103. narikiri.hostdon.ne.jp: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  104. nasface.cz: suspended (reason: Spam Issues)
  105. neuroscience-mastodon.com: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  106. neuss.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  107. nicecrew.digital: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  108. niederbayern.social: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  109. noagendasocial.com: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  110. nycity.social: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  111. odenwald.social: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  112. onion.social: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  113. onlybsds.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  114. owo.town: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  115. parkfans.network: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  116. pawoo.net: limited
  117. phyrexia.ru: suspended (reason: Spam Issues)
  118. pieville.net: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  119. poa.st: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  120. portside.social: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  121. pouet.evolix.org: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  122. px.mathias777.com: suspended
  123. pxlmo.net: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  124. quakers.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  125. rdrama.cc: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  126. rope-access-work.com: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  127. rtypedbs.hostdon.ne.jp: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  128. ryona.agency: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  129. s-h.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  130. scfzfilm.org: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  131. sensitive.hostdon.ne.jp: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  132. shitposter.club: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  133. shotgunlife.social: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  134. skj.ca: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  135. smooth.guru: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  136. social.cezeri.tech: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  137. social.consoledated.com: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  138. social.cutefunny.net: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  139. social.foederiert.de: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  140. social.spicysources.de: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  141. spinster.xyz: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  142. tambayan.us: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  143. tcpcat.net: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  144. teamhydra.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  145. tech.retrotalk.live: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  146. terere.social: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  147. test.sciences.social: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  148. thebigeasy.space: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  149. themeparks.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  150. thewiring.com: suspended (reason: Spam Issues)
  151. thoughtful.social: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  152. toot.poedelwitz.de: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  153. toot.quest: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  154. tootnet.nl: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  155. tut.andreer.no: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  156. vasra.masto.host: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  157. vivere.uno: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  158. waterlily.tokyo: suspended (reason: Spam Issues)
  159. westen.social: suspended (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  160. worldnl.com: suspended (reason: Spam issues)
  161. wpmastodon.es: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
  162. yggdrasil.social: suspended (reason: https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock)
  163. zettel.haus: limited (reason: Spam (2024-02-15))
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. mytter.jp: suspension
  2. nothing.tacowolf.net: suspension
  3. rawr.tf: limitation
Admin account status@wobbl.xyz
Date of creation Jul 6, 2023 UTC
Display name Wobbl.xyz Status and Updates
The official status and announcement account for Wobbl.xyz.

Shared between mods of the instance.

Wobbl.xyz moderation team:

- @tarrien - Admin/Owner
- @thesammon - Moderator
- @SnowBlueHusky - Moderator

Donate to support the server at https://ko-fi.com/wobbl_xyz
Or join our Patreon at https://patreon.com/wobbl
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 8492 statuses, 2424 logins, 21 registrations)
S: 777
L: 228
R: 0
S: 729
L: 226
R: 2
S: 719
L: 212
R: 1
S: 651
L: 215
R: 0
S: 715
L: 211
R: 2
S: 760
L: 221
R: 6
S: 864
L: 217
R: 2
S: 794
L: 213
R: 1
S: 732
L: 210
R: 2
S: 821
L: 203
R: 3
S: 846
L: 205
R: 2
S: 84
L: 63
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/11/24, 7:43:45 AM UTC9/12/24, 3:21:03 AM UTC9/13/24, 2:01:08 AM UTC9/14/24, 2:32:09 AM UTC9/15/24, 1:44:09 AM UTC9/16/24, 2:24:16 AM UTC9/17/24, 2:41:52 AM UTC9/18/24, 2:25:52 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 604/605 (99.83%)