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Languages Korean (ko), English (en), Japanese (ja)
Users 2,453
Active users (last month) 113
Active users (last six months) 358
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 22,935
First sight Before Oct 14, 2020 UTC [?]
Last successful check Sep 18, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.2.10+aniwork
Registrations Open
Meta’s Threads moderation Unknown (this instance is not listed in the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list), and its list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) caturday, cat, vote, pets, palestine, artforsale, skeb, mozilla, thunderbird
Short description
This is Aniwork Network, which aims to discuss animation.
We welcome animations from all over the world. (Maintained by Elysia Root L.C.)
Long description

Company Information

Elysia Root L.C.

533, 447 Broadway
2nd Floor
New York, NY, United States

Serv Location

Web : Canada
Storage : United States
Backup : United States

Things to know

EN :

If you follow the above, you can freely move around.

Uploading adult content and child pornography is absolutely prohibited.
For DMCA requests, please send an email to abuse@elysia-root.com

KO :

위의 내용을 따르면 자유롭게 이동할 수 있습니다.

성인 콘텐츠나 아동 포르노의 게시를 절대로 허용하지 않습니다.
DMCA 요청이 있는 경우 notification@ani.work 로 메일을 보내십시오.


  • Adult content
  • Child Pornography and Sexual Target Content
  • Hate Speech

Advertising accounts are allowed for the following accounts. / 다음 계정의 경우엔 광고 계정이 허용됩니다. / 広告アカウントは以下のアカウントに対して許可されています。

  1. Official accounts of subculture companies (manga, animation, music, etc.)
  2. 서브컬처 기업의 공식 계정(만화, 애니메이션, 음악 등)
  3. サブカルチャー企業の公式アカウント(漫画、アニメ、音楽など)
  4. amateur subculture crew
  5. 아마추어 서브컬처 크루
  6. アマチュアサブカルチャークルー

Instance rules
  1. We do not allow adult or violent content.
  2. We do not allow racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, meritocracy, casteism, etc.
  3. Advertising accounts are prohibited. You can advertise yourself to some extent, but that shouldn't be the sole purpose of your account.
  4. We do not allow conspiracy to commit terrorism or participation in crime.
  5. Prohibition of acts that offend other users or promote social conflict.
  6. Prohibition of abnormal behavior, etc. causing system failure.
  7. Bots cannot create public posts without the permission of @admin and cannot follow other people's accounts without the consent of the account owner. In addition, bots should not send messages to other accounts first.
  8. Must never impersonate anyone other than an agreed prank.
  9. Sign up through temporary mail, or guerrilla mail is prohibited. Please sign up with your email.
  10. Only accounts related to animation, cartoon, game are accepted for registration are accepted.
  11. [11-DELETED]
  12. [12-DELETED]
  13. [13-DELETED]
  14. [14-DELETED]
  15. Please follow the rules of the server and check the terms and conditions of the server before signing up.
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. mytter.jp: suspension
  2. nothing.tacowolf.net: suspension
  3. social.wh64.net: limitation
Admin account admin@ani.work
Date of creation Nov 7, 2019 UTC
Display name Aniwork Network

I am Aniwork Network Super admin.
애니워크 네트워크의 최고관리자입니다.

We are United States based company.
We do networking, social, software sales, etc.

Please understand that we are working based on the UK time zone.
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 4888 statuses, 698 logins, 60 registrations)
S: 504
L: 67
R: 1
S: 485
L: 72
R: 9
S: 559
L: 67
R: 2
S: 491
L: 69
R: 2
S: 581
L: 66
R: 2
S: 474
L: 64
R: 3
S: 399
L: 61
R: 3
S: 377
L: 50
R: 2
S: 380
L: 55
R: 10
S: 379
L: 61
R: 14
S: 252
L: 61
R: 12
S: 7
L: 5
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/11/24, 8:41:47 AM UTC9/12/24, 2:39:15 AM UTC9/13/24, 3:20:57 AM UTC9/14/24, 2:58:36 AM UTC9/15/24, 1:49:40 AM UTC9/16/24, 1:45:03 AM UTC9/17/24, 1:07:17 AM UTC9/18/24, 1:42:11 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 754/755 (99.87%)