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It seems like this instance’s server thumbnail’s URL points to a non existent file. This is usually easily fixable by the instance’s admin(s) by uploading again the image to their server. Note that the change won’t be displayed here before the nightly automatic update of this instance’s infos occurs.
Languages Japanese (ja)
Users 87
Active users (last month) 33
Active users (last six months) 37
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 14,002
First sight Before Oct 14, 2020 UTC [?]
Last successful check Sep 19, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.2.12
Registrations Closed
Meta’s Threads moderation Unknown (this instance is not listed in the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list), and its list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) Not available
Short description
Long description




Instance rules
  1. 鯖内ミュート/ブロック全然OK
  2. 住民同士、他鯖民とのいさかいにモデレータは関与しない
  3. 無修正画像きらいだから即BAN
  4. エロ画も即BAN、全年齢向けイラストのみOK
  5. 未成年淫行をはじめとした常識的に考えてヤバすぎる住民は、当然ながらBAN
  6. 24時間対応は基本無理、管理者は忙しい。
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. mastd.racing: limitation
  2. mrnet.pt: limitation
Admin account 56info@gorone.xyz
Date of creation Sep 30, 2018 UTC
Display name お塩🧂ゴロツキ
I'm admin of "gorone.xyz" what is mastodon server.
This account toot about

Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 14143 statuses, 341 logins, 0 registrations)
S: 1276
L: 32
R: 0
S: 1572
L: 30
R: 0
S: 1143
L: 32
R: 0
S: 1243
L: 31
R: 0
S: 1461
L: 30
R: 0
S: 1078
L: 29
R: 0
S: 986
L: 27
R: 0
S: 964
L: 28
R: 0
S: 1458
L: 29
R: 0
S: 1173
L: 28
R: 0
S: 1535
L: 28
R: 0
S: 254
L: 17
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/12/24, 1:33:49 AM UTC9/13/24, 1:27:35 AM UTC9/14/24, 2:29:27 AM UTC9/15/24, 1:14:13 AM UTC9/16/24, 2:50:41 AM UTC9/17/24, 1:44:40 AM UTC9/18/24, 2:27:21 AM UTC9/19/24, 1:18:06 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 755/757 (99.74%)