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It seems like this instance’s server thumbnail’s URL points to a non existent file. This is usually easily fixable by the instance’s admin(s) by uploading again the image to their server. Note that the change won’t be displayed here before the nightly automatic update of this instance’s infos occurs.
Languages English (en)
Users 21
Active users (last month) 0
Active users (last six months) 1
Characters per post (max) 1,024
Known instances 8,797
First sight Apr 29, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Sep 18, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.1.4+glitch
Registrations Closed
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is neither suspended nor limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) Not available
Short description
A home in the fediverse for fans of Nick Lutsko, grandmas, and friendly folks! Invite only and 18+ for ease of mind.
Long description
Not available
Instance rules
  1. Be respectful of one another
  2. If someone asks you to stop, STOP. Ignoring such a request, especially from a mod, will result at minimum in a timeout.
  3. If there is an issue, use the reporting tools so moderators and admins can handle it.
  4. No bigotry or harassment. grandma.space has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for the instigation or perpetuation of hateful speech and ideology, disrespect of its members or staff, incendiary behavior, or other such inappropriate conduct.
  5. Provide appropriate content warnings on potentially sensitive posts and use nsfw tags liberally on adult images, spoilers, and other content that not everyone may want to see.
  6. Current event discussion is permitted but you are highly encouraged to use a current event or politics content-warning.
Moderated instances [?]
  1. akko.saturno.black: suspended
  2. anime.website: suspended
  3. ap.maladaptive.art: suspended (reason: Freeze Peach. “Art that may offend you.” Ok pedo.)
  4. b.9chan.lol: limited
  5. bae.st: suspended (reason: Transphobia / Bigotry)
  6. bajax.us: suspended
  7. baraag.net: suspended
  8. beefyboys.win: suspended
  9. berserker.town: suspended
  10. blob.cat: suspended
  11. brands.town: limited (reason: Spam. Have fun with that brand roleplay… over there. In your branded corner.)
  12. c.im: limited
  13. calobar.club: suspended (reason: Extremism / Bigotry)
  14. cawfee.club: suspended
  15. childpawn.shop: suspended
  16. chudbuds.lol: suspended (reason: Holocaust denial, racism, etc.)
  17. clubcyberia.co: suspended
  18. crypto-group-buy.com: suspended
  19. cum.salon: suspended
  20. detroitriotcity.com: suspended
  21. develop.gab.com: suspended
  22. eatthebugs.social: suspended
  23. eientei.org: suspended (reason: Nasty place, don’t recommend it)
  24. eveningzoo.club: suspended
  25. exited.eu: suspended (reason: Extremism)
  26. fans.sonichu.com: suspended (reason: kiwifarms offshoot)
  27. fedi.pawlicker.com: suspended
  28. freak.university: suspended
  29. freespeechextremist.com: suspended (reason: Unmoderated Bigotry)
  30. froth.zone: suspended
  31. gab.ai: suspended
  32. gabfed.com: suspended
  33. gameliberty.club: suspended
  34. genitalia.observer: suspended
  35. geofront.rocks: suspended
  36. girevik.su: suspended
  37. gleasonator.com: suspended (reason: General Unfiltered Harshness)
  38. glindr.org: suspended (reason: Graham Linehan's Instance; highly Transphobic)
  39. gs.smuglo.li: suspended
  40. gts.melalandia.tk: suspended
  41. hentai.baby: suspended
  42. home.social: limited (reason: Home of Julie Bindel. No thanks.)
  43. honkwerx.tech: suspended (reason: Transphobia, Transphobic Admin)
  44. https:honkwerx.tech: suspended (reason: Transphobia, Transphobic Admin)
  45. husk.site: suspended
  46. iddqd.social: suspended
  47. journa.host: limited
  48. kisslolis.moe: suspended
  49. kiwifarms.cc: suspended
  50. leafposter.club: suspended
  51. letsalllovela.in: suspended
  52. liberdon.com: suspended
  53. lolison.top: suspended (reason: N O P E)
  54. mastodonapp.uk: limited (reason: Poor Moderation; “wait and see” policy on known TERFs & Nazis joining.)
  55. monads.online: suspended (reason: Racism, Harassment)
  56. mstdn.foxfam.club: suspended
  57. mstdn.io: limited (reason: Poor Moderation, Lots of Extremist Accounts)
  58. mugicha.club: suspended
  59. naz*.****al: suspended
  60. neckbeard.xyz: suspended
  61. neenster.org: suspended
  62. nicecrew.digital: suspended (reason: Extremism / Bigotry)
  63. nightshift.social: suspended
  64. nnia.space: suspended
  65. noagenda.social: suspended (reason: Allowed users to brigade someone)
  66. noagnedasocial.com: suspended (reason: Allowed users to brigade someone)
  67. outpoa.st: suspended (reason: Non-moderation of bigoted content)
  68. pieville.net: suspended (reason: A Very Gross, Angry Place)
  69. pl.gamers.exposed: suspended
  70. pl.info.***********.online: suspended
  71. pl.nat********.*nline: suspended
  72. pl.smuglo.li: suspended
  73. pl.tkammer.de: suspended
  74. pleroma.elementality.org: suspended
  75. pleroma.nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended (reason: Anti-Semitism, Unmoderated Bigotry)
  76. poa.st: suspended (reason: Nonexistent Moderation)
  77. poster.place: suspended
  78. posting.lolicon.rocks: suspended
  79. privex.social: suspended
  80. qoto.org: limited (reason: Hosts a few fascistic accounts)
  81. rak***.*pp: suspended
  82. rap***.**wn: suspended
  83. rdrama.cc: suspended (reason: Rife Anti-Senetism, Holocaust Denial, Etc.)
  84. refusal.biz: limited
  85. rojogato.com: suspended
  86. ryona.agency: suspended (reason: Gross and Bad)
  87. seal.cafe: suspended (reason: Unmoderated Bigotry)
  88. shitpost.cloud: suspended (reason: Fascistic Solo-Instance)
  89. shitpost.club: suspended
  90. shitposter.club: suspended
  91. sho**.***se: suspended
  92. shortstackran.ch: suspended
  93. sleepy.cafe: suspended
  94. sneed.social: suspended
  95. soc.mahodou.moe: suspended (reason: Extremism / Bigotry)
  96. social.076.ne.jp: suspended
  97. social.hatthieves.es: suspended
  98. social.lovingexpressions.net: suspended (reason: The works.)
  99. social.super-niche.club: suspended
  100. socnet.supes.com: suspended
  101. solagg.com: suspended
  102. spinster.xyz: suspended
  103. strelizia.net: suspended
  104. tastingtraffic.net: suspended (reason: TERF Ads?)
  105. terrible.place: suspended (reason: Extremism / Bigotry (living up to its name))
  106. thechad.zone: suspended
  107. thecitizen.icu: suspended
  108. theduran.icu: suspended
  109. thepopulist.icu: suspended
  110. toot.berlin: limited
  111. toot.community: limited (reason: Indifference to known TERFs on their instance.)
  112. traboone.com: suspended
  113. truthsocial.com: suspended
  114. tuusin.misono-ya.info: suspended
  115. tweety.icu: suspended
  116. unsafe.space: suspended
  117. uuuu.bigguys.club: suspended
  118. varis.hangout: suspended
  119. varishangout.net: suspended
  120. voicenews.icu: suspended
  121. voluntaryism.club: suspended
  122. vuju.com: suspended (reason: Transphobia, "Free Speech" Style Moderation)
  123. wagesofsinisdeath.com: suspended
  124. weedis.life: suspended
  125. whinge.town: suspended
  126. wintermute.fr.to: suspended
  127. wolfgirl.bar: suspended
  128. womyns.land: suspended
  129. wurm.host: suspended
  130. yggdrasil.social: suspended
  131. yorishiro.space: suspended
  132. youjo.love: suspended
  133. zetamu.club: suspended
  134. zotum.net: suspended
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
Date of creation Apr 27, 2022 UTC
Display name Alice
I do Linux SysOps at [[Big Cloud Provider]]
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 0 statuses, 0 logins, 0 registrations)
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Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/11/24, 8:06:12 AM UTC9/12/24, 2:58:40 AM UTC9/13/24, 2:47:58 AM UTC9/14/24, 2:30:23 AM UTC9/15/24, 1:17:59 AM UTC9/16/24, 1:54:00 AM UTC9/17/24, 1:10:51 AM UTC9/18/24, 1:28:25 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 746/755 (98.81%)