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Languages English (en)
Users 35
Active users (last month) 24
Active users (last six months) 37
Characters per post (max) 2,000
Known instances 11,649
First sight Apr 19, 2024 UTC
Last successful check Sep 18, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.0-beta.1+chuckya
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is neither suspended nor limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) birdbrands, bird, degrowth, fedicard, future, hezbollah, mozilla, tunetuesday, lebanon
Short description
Omnes te moriturum amant
Long description
Hello! This is our small Mastodon instance.


@cirro@chadthundercock.com (cirro@madhouselabs.net) @brandan@chadthundercock.com (brandan@mhm.dfuser.xyz)


This isn't really anything special. No single main "topic," just a general-use instance, because domain name funny.


Moderation here is simple. If you're a nuisance, you get the boot. That's all. If you have a concern that you think needs to be brought to my attention, you can always contact me through my listed points of contact.


Completely funded out of pocket.
Instance rules
  1. Mark sensitive content appropriately
  2. No racism, bigotry, transphobia, homophobia, etc
  3. No calls to violence or any illegal acts
  4. Do not harass, evade moderation action or otherwise "disturb the peace"
Moderated instances [?]
  1. activitypub.awakari.app: suspended (reason: awakari)
  2. activitypub.awakari.com: suspended (reason: Just to make sure (Information-gathering bot))
  3. aet**.*om: suspended (reason: Abhorrent content)
  4. awakari.com: suspended (reason: Information-gathering bot)
  5. brea******.*lub: suspended (reason: Pedophillic haven)
  6. cann****.*afe: suspended (reason: Pedophilia/zoophilia haven)
  7. eepy.****ess: suspended (reason: Pedophillic haven)
  8. feral.cafe: suspended (reason: Zoophilia haven)
  9. imo***.**cs: suspended (reason: Pedophillic haven)
  10. imouto.exposed: suspended (reason: Pedophilia haven)
  11. love.**.******i.me: suspended (reason: Pedophillic haven)
  12. m.at***.**ess: suspended (reason: Abhorrent content)
  13. maps******.de: suspended (reason: What do you think?)
  14. miiv****.*afe: suspended (reason: Pedophillic haven)
  15. mstdn.ra*************oom.com: suspended (reason: Advertisment spam)
  16. nnia.space: suspended (reason: Harbors pedophiles)
  17. norw*******.net: suspended (reason: Fits all of the boxes of "not wanting to be on our instance")
  18. oddballs.online: suspended (reason: Pedophilia haven)
  19. parc***.*ond: suspended (reason: Actively federates with and promotes hate, Epstein spawnpoint)
  20. paw**.*et: suspended (reason: Abhorrent content)
  21. po*.*t: suspended (reason: Get out (4channer safe haven))
  22. rape.pet: suspended (reason: What do you think?)
  23. shitposter.world: suspended (reason: EEYIKES! We must "slay" this “doom” guy before he ends our earthly bound conquest!)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. climatejustice.social: suspension
  2. orchard.social: limitation
  3. social.wikimedia.de: suspension
  4. sunny.garden: suspension
Date of creation Jun 16, 2024 UTC
Display name Not available
Staff meta-account for chadthundercock.com
Operated by @cirro and @brandan. Instance updates and outages (if they aren't directly affecting the ability to post said outage).
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 3152 statuses, 146 logins, 21 registrations)
S: 94
L: 8
R: 0
S: 214
L: 10
R: 1
S: 328
L: 9
R: 0
S: 165
L: 8
R: 0
S: 400
L: 11
R: 2
S: 350
L: 18
R: 5
S: 317
L: 20
R: 7
S: 218
L: 16
R: 3
S: 534
L: 17
R: 2
S: 187
L: 13
R: 1
S: 305
L: 10
R: 0
S: 40
L: 6
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/11/24, 9:29:12 AM UTC9/12/24, 1:48:33 AM UTC9/13/24, 2:42:40 AM UTC9/14/24, 1:55:12 AM UTC9/15/24, 1:05:13 AM UTC9/16/24, 1:29:06 AM UTC9/17/24, 1:52:08 AM UTC9/18/24, 1:30:30 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 153/153 (100%)