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Languages English (en)
Users 8
Active users (last month) 1
Active users (last six months) 7
Characters per post (max) 1,000
Known instances 12,329
First sight Feb 26, 2024 UTC
Last successful check Sep 19, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.2.12
Registrations Open
Meta’s Threads moderation Unknown (this instance is not listed in the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list), and its list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) Israel, infosec, cybersecurity, covid, bloomscrolling, disinformation, vegan, linkedin, CDU, harvestasongorpoem
Short description
MKULTRA MONSTER - A U.S. based LGBTQIA+ friendly Fediverse instance for fans of the underground, scifi and cyberpunk themes, and fighting back against the hivemind that controls the waves of the net.
Long description

░ ░ : Welcome to the MKULTRA MONSTER mastodon instance! This place has had multiple redos and relaunches in an attempt to get everything just right. A lot of Mastodon instances have themes, or very specific themes. MKM is about connection, it’s cyberpunk, it’s old net vs. new net. It’s a corner of the fediverse with strong rules, strong stances, and no bull. Sign-ups are welcome, but you must supply a reason for wanting to join.

░ ░ : MKM is an LGBTQ+ friendly instance.

░ ░ : You may forward any questions or DMCA notices to the listed e-mail address, and feel free to visit my website for more information about myself (the admin), and what I do: Nova Prime

░ ░ : Join the Nova Prime Discord

░ ░ : Support the instance on Ko-fi

░ : : Ko-fi subscriptions will be used for essential bills, equipment, and instance expansion.


░ ░ : Note: Please be sure to report content so that it may be actioned in a timely manner

░ ░ : A note on CWs and image descriptions:

: Using these things constitutes good manners. CWing hate, violence, death or nudity is expected. CWing anything else is up to you.

: Please try to add image descriptions when you can.

░ ░ : A note on self promotion:

: Self promotion is completely allowed. This instance does not suffer from reddit-syndrome. People who make things be it art, fiction, music, etc, need a place to share, and will not be shunned here for doing so.

░ ░ : Discriminatory and hateful behavior toward marginalized groups will not be tolerated. You may recognize these groups when they're characterized by:

  • ethnicity

  • gender identity/expression

  • sexual identity/expresison

  • physical characteristics or age

  • disability or illness

  • nationality or residency, or status of citizenship within a country

░ ░ : Most other rules listed on this instance are self explanatory. Harassment, brigading, doxxing, block-evading, nazi-ism: All of this will result in a ban, no questions asked. There is no tolerance.

░ ░ : On the topic of supposed "AI" and ai-generated "art," literature and/or fiction, and music. I feel this is a complicated topic, but what's not complicated is that, if you use an LLM to generate pictures, fiction, or music, you will be booted to the curb, silenced, and left in the dust to wonder what happened. The destruction of creativity and human expression will not be tolerated, full-stop. No exceptions.

Interacting with a GPT-esque bot is not bannable in and of itself, as there are ways to use these without harming artists (of all types), but it is recognized that everything contained within most (if not all) of these bots is information scraped without consent (a general issue that Silicon Valley seems to have from top to bottom).

░ ░ : Illegal content includes CSA related content, animated or drawn depictions of CSA. If you could go to literal prison for posting it, you will definitely be banned.

░ ░ : Spam and crossposting is also something I find to be self explanatory, but just to be one hundred percent clear: I do not prescribe to the notion that self promotion is bad. This is an idea born of Reddit, and it will die in Reddit. You may post things you've made and/or are making. This is good, you should do this.

You will not join or federate with this instance with the goal to push the following:

  • corporate ads or dropshipping (such as being paid by Temu to post links to their products)

  • phishing or scam linking (this includes keyloggers, bruteforcing, information theft, and up to and including links to websites built on the intent of connecting to a crypto wallet and stealing money)

: I encourage everyone to read up on how to avoid these things specifically

  • excessive content theft with the express intent of gaining as many followers as possible, and no other activity on your account (such as copy/pasting memes that were posted on twitter 7 years ago in hopes that nobody will notice)

  • engagement and rage-baiting

  • crossposting as a way to avoid having to engage with the fediverse, and no other content coming from your account

░ ░ : Thank you for taking the time to read all of this.


░ ░ : This is a privately hosted Mastodon instance, procured from Toot.io. There is no intention of profit through maintaining this server or community. Please contact the owner for any requests, questions, or DMCA notices.

Thank you~
Instance rules
  1. We do not tolerate discriminatory behavior and content promoting or advocating the oppression and hate of members of marginalized groups or communities.
  2. We do not tolerate threatening behavior, stalking, and doxxing.
  3. We do not tolerate harassment, including brigading, dogpiling, or any other form of contact with a user that would be considered block-evading. This includes sea-lioning.
  4. We do not tolerate mobbing, including name-calling, intentional misgendering or deadnaming.
  5. We do not tolerate violent nationalist propaganda, Nazi symbolism or promoting the ideology of National Socialism.
  6. We do not tolerate conspiracy narratives or other reactionary myths supporting or leading to the above-mentioned (and/or similar) behavior.
  7. Content that is illegal will be deleted and will lead to immediate account suspension.
  8. We do not tolerate spam, including excessive crossposts from other social networks (this shouldn't be needed, as Threads is working on federation, and Twitter is dead).
  9. AI-prompter content, i.e., AI generated “art” (art theft), scraping, AI-generated fiction, or music, is an immediate ban without warning. Even content that is marked "AI generated" is a suspension. We support artists, writers and musicians on this instance.
  10. NSFW content, violence, or death (especially photos of such) must be CWed
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. spanner.works: limitation
Date of creation Feb 16, 2024 UTC
Display name ⸸ commander ░ nova ⸸ :~$
░ Admin of mkultra.monster. // .. Artist behind Eyeshadow 2600 FM & // Author of upcoming space opera, DISSOLUTION PROTOCOL, SL creator at [REVOSA]

░I am a: Writer, composer, designer, linux-enjoyer & webdev

░ Pronouns : Any // Gender : Immortal Machine // Sexuality : Pan // Age: 39


░ Reach me on Discord at http://discordapp.com/users/cmdr_nova#1763

░ Matrix: @cmdr_nova:matrix.org

Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 1901 statuses, 16 logins, 1 registrations)
S: 151
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R: 1
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L: 1
R: 0
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R: 0
S: 145
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S: 228
L: 1
R: 0
S: 183
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S: 150
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Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/12/24, 2:46:40 AM UTC9/13/24, 1:12:43 AM UTC9/14/24, 3:08:36 AM UTC9/15/24, 2:34:46 AM UTC9/16/24, 3:17:12 AM UTC9/17/24, 2:06:21 AM UTC9/18/24, 1:07:00 AM UTC9/19/24, 1:22:50 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 206/206 (100%)