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Languages English (en)
Users 15
Active users (last month) 8
Active users (last six months) 13
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 19,133
First sight Nov 3, 2023 UTC
Last successful check Sep 17, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.2.11
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is neither suspended nor limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) silentsunday, monsterdon, misquoteyoda, birdbrands, Fotomontag, portugal, Photomonday, monday, Emmys
Short description
Express yourself freely.

Optional: Join the Robot Monkey Army, Cyborg Werewolf Ninjas, and Algebraic Velociraptors, in an epic war for the emancipation of the intergalactic proletariat.
Long description
By signing up to this server you agree to partake actively in the quest for world domination to smash the patriarchy, and free the proletariat. This may involve working with the Robot Monkey Army, Cyborg Werewolf Ninjas, Algebraic Velociraptors, and/or a Necromanced Kung Fu Audrey Hepburn.

Time travel may not have already become a part of your day-to-day experience here; #DontPanic, you have just not got to that part yet.
Instance rules
  1. #KnowTheRules
  2. #RememberTheRules
  3. #HashTagAllTheThings
  4. #TryNotToKillAnyone
  5. #NoBigotryCrimeTrollingOrHarassment
  6. Syzito allows free expression of opinion, within fair boundaries, that means no bigotry, crime, harassment, trolling or malicious misinformation.
Moderated instances [?]
  1. babka.social: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  2. beefyboys.win: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  3. breastmilk.club: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  4. clubcyberia.co: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  5. decayable.ink: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  6. detroitriotcity.com: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  7. freespeechextremist.com: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  8. iddqd.social: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  9. leafposter.club: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  10. mastodon.terabyte-computing.com: suspended (reason: Content that supports abuse to minorities.)
  11. mostr.pub: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  12. mugicha.club: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  13. nicecrew.digital: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  14. noagendasocial.com: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Paedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  15. norwoodzero.net: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  16. parcero.bond: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  17. pawoo.net: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  18. poa.st: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  19. poster.place: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  20. posting.lolicon.rocks: limited (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  21. psiren.eu: suspended (reason: Trolling drama queeniness. Does not spark joy.)
  22. ryona.agency: suspended (reason: Racist content)
  23. seal.cafe: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  24. shitpost.cloud: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  25. shitposter.club: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  26. shitposters.club: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  27. shortstacksran.ch: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  28. troll.cafe: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  29. vampiremaid.cafe: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  30. varishangout.net: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
  31. wolfgirl.bar: suspended (reason: #Racism, #Mysogeny. #AntiSemitism, #Homophobia, #Pedophilia. and #GeneralXenophobia)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. cupoftea.social: limitation
  2. hellhound.cc: suspension
  3. vmst.io: limitation
Admin account selzero@syzito.xyz
Date of creation Jul 28, 2023 UTC
Display name Deniz Opal
Evil Supervillain Overlord of Syzito.xyz.

Creator of

Potty mouthed tourist android from the dystopian cyberpunk future. :terminal_cursor:

Other games can be found at
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 16335 statuses, 72 logins, 5 registrations)
S: 1840
L: 4
R: 0
S: 1197
L: 4
R: 0
S: 1147
L: 5
R: 0
S: 1297
L: 7
R: 1
S: 1599
L: 6
R: 0
S: 1490
L: 7
R: 2
S: 1400
L: 7
R: 1
S: 1796
L: 6
R: 0
S: 1763
L: 7
R: 1
S: 1638
L: 6
R: 0
S: 949
L: 7
R: 0
S: 219
L: 6
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/10/24, 1:10:31 AM UTC9/11/24, 7:44:16 AM UTC9/12/24, 2:35:12 AM UTC9/13/24, 2:45:56 AM UTC9/14/24, 2:16:20 AM UTC9/15/24, 2:14:41 AM UTC9/16/24, 2:44:32 AM UTC9/17/24, 1:30:11 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 321/321 (100%)