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Languages English (en)
Users 3
Active users (last month) 2
Active users (last six months) 6
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 2,050
First sight Jun 2, 2023 UTC
Last successful check Oct 18, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.0
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is neither suspended nor limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) Not available
Short description
private at home (CH) hosted system for serve those LGBTQIA+ (and Allies) that are into fun adventurous things. NSFW Content!
Long description
please only legal content, NO CP!

Handling Harassment If you are being harassed, please report the user using the "…" button and then "Report." For urgent concerns, please DM a moderator. If you engage in harassing behavior, the moderator may take any action they deem appropriate, such as a warning or an expulsion. The above rules may change at any time, and you may be banned at any time based on the moderators' judgment. File Limits Photos have a maximum file size of 80MB and videos have a maximum file size of 80MB.

Data Location Uploaded files are held in own hosted System in CH
Instance rules
  1. no illegal content, NSFW allowed, no rassism or other bullshits
  2. No hate speech/discrimination/etc
  3. No harassment/stalking
  4. No gore or graphic violence
  5. No sexual depictions of children
  6. No automated spam
  7. No begging for money (giving people the option to donate is totally fine)
  8. No Business Accounts for the sole purpose of selling things
  9. no pictures where the age is unclear
  10. No automatically stuff
  11. No always on accounts that suck data
  12. Its a home hosted system, no quaranty for 100% up time, availability or data failure/loss, no direct or indirect compensation or other claims
Moderated instances [?]
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. nothing.tacowolf.net: suspension
Admin account Opted out of search engines indexing
Date of creation Not available
Display name Not available
Not available
Last 12 weeks activity
Not available
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
10/11/24, 2:27:56 AM UTC10/12/24, 1:07:06 AM UTC10/13/24, 1:21:52 AM UTC10/14/24, 2:28:47 AM UTC10/15/24, 3:09:05 AM UTC10/16/24, 2:44:06 AM UTC10/17/24, 1:38:55 AM UTC10/18/24, 1:52:50 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 432/445 (97.08%)