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Languages English (en)
Users 16
Active users (last month) 8
Active users (last six months) 16
Characters per post (max) 10,000
Known instances 10,087
First sight Apr 14, 2023 UTC
Last successful check Sep 19, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.0-beta.1+chuckya
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list, and also according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) art, MastoArt, privacy, palestine, lebanon, firefox, mozilla, librewolf
Short description
Federated Social Networking Service hosted by Omada using Mastodon Chuckya
Long description
When signing up, it will say it sends you an email, ignore this, we don't have e-mail setup. We will eventually see that you signed up. Please wait until then or e-mail us to speed it up.

Social networking, back in your hands!

Welcome to Omada's Social Networking Service running on Chuckya Mastodon. We are connected to the Fediverse, which is a large network of thousands of interconnected similar social websites, which means that a single account here lets you interact and chat with millions of people from across the entire web!

Omada is a big and open community dedicated to hosting a private services, please check out our main site

This instance's media is powered by Jortage Storage Pool — lightning-fast pay-what-you-can media storage for Fediverse instances
Instance rules
  1. Follow all global rules ( https://omada.cafe/rules/ )
  2. Do not harass other users within; or outside this instance. If someone is harassing you, report it.
  3. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia
  4. No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies
  5. Bots cannot upload media, must have owner's contact info, and must show it is a bot account
  6. Free Speech
  7. Content generated through large language/media diffusion models (more commonly referred to as "AI") must be disclosed as such.
Moderated instances [?]
  1. activi*********ll.cf: suspended
  2. activi*********xy.cf: suspended (reason: scraping)
  3. aet**.*om: suspended (reason: hosts peds)
  4. cann****.*afe: suspended (reason: pedophilic content yet again)
  5. clown.******sity: suspended
  6. cotto******.cafe: suspended (reason: ruined candy flosh)
  7. cubh**.***ial: suspended (reason: Claims to be 18+ only, focuses on erotic child roleplay)
  8. cum.salon: suspended (reason: harassment)
  9. cun****.cc: suspended (reason: eepy.*****ss relation)
  10. cutec*******.cafe: suspended (reason: "pro-contact youth-lib aligned AAM safe space")
  11. eepy.****ess: suspended (reason: take a wild guess)
  12. even******.*lub: suspended (reason: zoophilia)
  13. fedi.******.net: suspended (reason: would you believe it guys?? another pedo instance)
  14. fedi.c*********n.org: suspended (reason: Hosted pro-pedos)
  15. fer**.**fe: suspended (reason: pedophilia)
  16. fil**.**ve: suspended (reason: Pred pred whatcha gonna do shen i block you)
  17. freak.******sity: suspended (reason: pedophilia)
  18. ghet**.****ter: suspended (reason: can you pedophiles stop making life hard)
  19. imo***.**cs: suspended (reason: please stop talking about how you want to impregnate babies.)
  20. imou**.****sed: suspended (reason: Imouto)
  21. instagram.com: suspended (reason: boycott facebook - - Anti-Meta Fedi Pact)
  22. koda.*****res: suspended (reason: Pedo adjacent)
  23. kodo.*****res: suspended (reason: Preemptive chemotherapy for known kid diddler instance)
  24. lol****.*op: suspended (reason: pedo)
  25. loli***.****ork: suspended (reason: i will block all pedophiles if its the life of me)
  26. maps******.de: suspended (reason: Pedophiliac Support)
  27. mast******.com: suspended (reason: scraper)
  28. mastod**.*******s.xyz: suspended (reason: furry u18 nsfw)
  29. miiv****.*afe: suspended (reason: Predescessor to loli)
  30. min**.**fe: suspended (reason: Preds and creepos)
  31. mis****.io: limited (reason: loli but large instance with legitimate content aswell)
  32. missk**********b.cf: suspended (reason: scraper)
  33. mst**.jp: suspended (reason: large loli)
  34. nee****.*op: suspended (reason: related to pedos)
  35. nni*.***ce: suspended (reason: "Minor Attracted Persons" you mean pedophiles)
  36. oddb****.***ine: suspended (reason: successor of offkey.cat)
  37. off***.*at: suspended (reason: Degen art)
  38. pac**.us: suspended (reason: pedo instance)
  39. paw**.*et: suspended (reason: csam)
  40. ped*.****ol: suspended (reason: pedophilia)
  41. postin*.*******.rocks: limited (reason: shitposting or lolicon take your pick)
  42. rap*.*et: suspended (reason: Another fucked up domain for pedos)
  43. rqd*.*et: suspended (reason: Pro Contact Pedophilic Instance)
  44. sa*.**b: suspended (reason: Preemptive chemotherapy for known kid diddler instance)
  45. sho**.***se: suspended (reason: pedo)
  46. sing.******.wtf: suspended (reason: Pedo activists?)
  47. socia*.*****o.re: suspended (reason: get outta here!!!!!!!!11)
  48. social.nano.lgbt: suspended (reason: Make sure you block pediverse and dissociate)
  49. tenfoward.social: limited (reason: Solidarity with the undeserved blocks: lea.pet, dav1d.xyz, eepy.zone, grimgreenfo.rest, ak.ari.lt, comp.lain.la, labyrinth.zone, plasmatrap.com, app.wafrn.net, kitty.social)
  50. threads.net: suspended (reason: boycott facebook - Anti-Meta Fedi Pact)
  51. tum**.**wn: suspended (reason: Tummy Town ειναι δεν χωριο μου)
  52. whit******.dog: suspended (reason: pedo pedo on the wall what the fuck is your domain)
  53. you**.**ve: suspended (reason: Hardcore pedo)
  54. yum***.cc: suspended (reason: Related to ee**.*****ss)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. octodon.social: suspension
  2. sunbeam.city: suspension
Admin account omada@fedi.omada.cafe
Date of creation Nov 19, 2023 UTC
Display name Omada
People over Profit ✋

Omada is a community and small group of people and friends born in 2021, now working together on hosting free and open source services on the basis of , and from data brokers, advertisers, data miners, tracking, and all of the above

Profile mamaged by: @fluffery @Crystals
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 412 statuses, 80 logins, 2 registrations)
S: 5
L: 4
R: 0
S: 27
L: 5
R: 0
S: 11
L: 7
R: 0
S: 44
L: 9
R: 1
S: 21
L: 8
R: 0
S: 60
L: 7
R: 0
S: 45
L: 8
R: 1
S: 42
L: 7
R: 0
S: 59
L: 7
R: 0
S: 41
L: 8
R: 0
S: 40
L: 8
R: 0
S: 17
L: 2
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/12/24, 2:23:56 AM UTC9/13/24, 2:13:34 AM UTC9/14/24, 1:51:43 AM UTC9/15/24, 1:56:33 AM UTC9/16/24, 1:17:52 AM UTC9/17/24, 2:33:52 AM UTC9/18/24, 2:33:06 AM UTC9/19/24, 2:29:35 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 422/434 (97.24%)