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Languages Latin (la)
Users 3
Active users (last month) 2
Active users (last six months) 2
Characters per post (max) 5,000
Known instances 6,546
First sight Feb 3, 2023 UTC
Last successful check Oct 18, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.0
Registrations Closed
Meta’s Threads moderation Unknown (this instance is not listed in the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list), and its list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) mastodon, music
Short description
Meum proprium cubile :) / My own personal den. / あに (aniy -iis, n.) の自分専用お一人様サーバー
Long description
あに (aniy -iis, n.) の自分専用お一人様サーバー Meum proprium cubile :) / My own personal den. Re: Source code modifications (AGPL compliance matter)

I made modifications in Mastodon source codes (v4.3.0) as follow. For the purpose of AGPL compliance, I described below about the details of the changes I made in the codes.

1. Add a new trigger for re-fetching avatar and header 2. Change the default URL when you see limited instance page 3. Modify the aspect ratio of the server banner 4. Add "server name" above the domain name of "about" page 5. Remove "mailto:" scheme from the contact column of "about" page 6. Increase the number of fields for the profile metadata 7. Increase the maximum number of characters in a toot 8. "Really" hide your social graph 9. Reverse language filter 10. Minor layout adjustments 11. Show the first media file for OGP thumbnail, and fix a bug 12. Modify every page to be verified 13. Implementation of Latin locale 14. Eliminate "Open original page" links + α 15. Implementation of anchor link smooth scroll within this page 16. Reduce file size of image file attachments 17. Increase the maximum number of pinned posts 18. Change the style for iframes to be embedded 19. Locate AbuseIPDB badge in "Moderated servers" section below 20. Suppress notifications to be filtered by user filters I'm quite unfamiliar with the github-things so I'm keeping this section updated instead and this is my best efforts for the license respect. Please educate me if there's any problem about license matter. Thanks.

1. Add a new trigger for re-fetching avatar and header

In "app/controllers/api/v1 /accounts_controller.rb",

30 - render json: @account, serializer: REST::AccountSerializer 30 + render json: @account.refresh!, serializer: REST::AccountSerializer This is to implement a local workaround for the non-re-fetching issue in both avatars and headers after the execution of "tootctl media remove --prune-profiles".

△ top

2. Change the default URL when you see limited instance page

In "config /navigation.rb",

54 - ...admin_instances_path(limited: limited_federation_mode? ? nil : '1'),... 54 + ...admin_instances_path(limited: nil),... This is to remove "?limited=1" suffix from the default URL given from clicking "Admin > Moderation > Federation" not to show limited instances by default.

△ top

3. Modify the aspect ratio of the server banner

In "app/javascript/styles/mastodon /components.scss",

.server-banner &__hero 9271 - aspect-ratio: 1.9; 9271 + aspect-ratio: 3; .about &__header &__hero 9933 - aspect-ratio: 1.9; 9933 + aspect-ratio: 3; In "app/models /site_upload.rb",

42 - geometry: '1200x630#', 42 + geometry: '1500x500#', 52 - geometry: '2400x1260#', 52 + geometry: '3000x1000#', This is to modify the aspect ratio of the server banner to a specific size as shown above.

△ top

4. Add "server name" above the domain name of "about" page

In "app/javascript/mastodon/features /about/index.jsx",

125 - <h1>{isLoading ? <Skeleton width='10ch' /> : server.get('domain')}</h1> 125 + <h1>{server.get('title')}</h1> 126 + <p>{isLoading ? <Skeleton width='10ch' /> : server.get('domain')}</p> As shown above, this is to change the layout of this page with the "server name" added above the domain name.

△ top

5. Remove "mailto:" scheme from the contact column of "about" page

In "app/javascript/mastodon/features /about/index.jsx",

142 - ...href={`mailto:${server.getIn(['contact', 'email'])}`}... 142 + ...href={`${server.getIn(['contact', 'email'])}`}... This is to remove "mailto:" scheme so that I can put URL into the contact column of this page instead of the mail address that tends to be scraped.

△ top

6. Increase the number of fields for the profile metadata

In "app/models /account.rb",

68 - DEFAULT_FIELDS_SIZE = 4 68 + DEFAULT_FIELDS_SIZE = 15 This is just to increase the number of fields for the profile metadata up to 15 fields.

△ top

7. Increase the maximum number of characters in a toot

In "app/models/account.rb",

77 - NOTE_LENGTH_LIMIT = 500 77 + NOTE_LENGTH_LIMIT = 5000 In "app/validators /status_length_validator.rb",

4 - MAX_CHARS = 500 4 + MAX_CHARS = 5000 This is to increase the maximum number of the characters to 5,000 in a toot to be composed.

△ top

8. "Really" hide your social graph

In "app/models /account.rb",

441 + def public_statuses_count 442 + hide_collections? ? 0 : statuses_count 443 + end 444 + 445 + def public_followers_count 446 + hide_collections? ? 0 : followers_count 447 + end 448 + 449 + def public_following_count 450 + hide_collections? ? 0 : following_count 451 + end 452 + In "app/javascript/mastodon /api_types/accounts.ts",

47 - } 47 + public_statuses_count: number; 48 + public_followers_count: number; 49 + public_following_count: number; 50 + } *Thanks team, for your comment in account_serializer.rb :)

In "app/serializers/rest /account_serializer.rb",

11 - :followers_count, :following_count, :statuses_count, \ :last_status_at, :hide_collections 11 + :public_followers_count, :public_following_count, \ :public_statuses_count, 12 + :followers_count, :following_count, :statuses_count, \ :last_status_at, :hide_collections In "app/javascript/mastodon/features /account/components /header.jsx",

267 + 268 + const hideCollections = me !== account.get('id') && account.get('hide_collections'); 483 - ...title={intl.formatNumber(... 483 + ...title={hideCollections ? 0 : intl.formatNumber(... 485 - value={account.get('statuses_count')} 485 + value={hideCollections ? 0 : account.get('statuses_count')} 490 - ...title={intl.formatNumber(... 490 + ...title={hideCollections ? 0 : intl.formatNumber(... 492 - value={account.get('followings_count')} 492 + value={hideCollections ? 0 : account.get('following_count')} 497 - ...title={intl.formatNumber(... 497 + ...title={hideCollections ? 0 : intl.formatNumber(... 499 - value={account.get('followers_count')} 499 + value={hideCollections ? 0 : account.get('followers_count')} In "app/controllers/activitypub /outboxes_controller.rb",

37 - size: @account.statuses_count, 37 + size: @account.public_statuses_count, In "app/controllers /follower_accounts_controller.rb",

65 - size: @account.followers_count, 65 + size: @account.public_followers_count, 75 - size: @account.followers_count, 75 + size: @account.public_followers_count, In "app/controllers /following_accounts_controller.rb",

68 - size: @account.following_count, 68 + size: @account.public_following_count, 78 - size: @account.following_count, 78 + size: @account.public_following_count, In "app/helpers /accounts_helper.rb",

28 - [ 28 + account.hide_collections? ? nil : [ 29 - account_formatted_stat(account.statuses_count) 29 + account_formatted_stat(account.public_statuses_count) 30 - I18n.t('accounts.posts', count: account.statuses_count), 30 + I18n.t('accounts.posts', count: account.public_statuses_count), 33 - [ 33 + account.hide_collections? ? nil : [ 34 - account_formatted_stat(account.following_count), 34 + account_formatted_stat(account.public_following_count), 35 - I18n.t('accounts.posts', count: account.following_count), 35 + I18n.t('accounts.posts', count: account.public_following_count), 38 - [ 38 + account.hide_collections? ? nil : [ 39 - account_formatted_stat(account.followers_count), 39 + account_formatted_stat(account.public_followers_count), 40 - I18n.t('accounts.posts', count: account.followers_count), 40 + I18n.t('accounts.posts', count: account.public_followers_count), In "app/views/relationships /_account.html.haml",

12 - = friendly_number_to_human account.statuses_count 12 + = friendly_number_to_human account.public_statuses_count 13 - %small= t('accounts.posts', count: account.statuses_count).downcase 13 + %small= t('accounts.posts', count:\ account.public_statuses_count).downcase 15 - = friendly_number_to_human account.followers_count 15 + = friendly_number_to_human account.public_followers_count 16 - %small= t('accounts.followers', count:\ account.followers_count).downcase 16 + %small= t('accounts.followers', count:\ account.public_followers_count).downcase In "app/javascript/mastodon/features /directory/components /account_card.tsx",

110 + 111 + const hideCollections = me !== account.get('id') && account.get('hide_collections'); 200 - ...value={account.get('... 200 + ...value={hideCollections ? 0 : account.get('... 207 - ...value={account.get('... 207 + ...value={hideCollections ? 0 : account.get('... 217 - ...value={account.get('... 217 + ...value={hideCollections ? 0 : account.get('... In "app/javascript/mastodon/components /account.jsx",

126 + 127 + const hideCollections = me !== account.get('id') && account.get('hide_collections'); 145 - <ShortNumber value={account.get('followers_count')} 145 + <ShortNumber value={hideCollections ? 0 : account.get('followers_count')} This is to "really" hide the social graphs of the accounts with "Hide your social graph" option set, no matter from where you see the account profile pages.

△ top

9. Reverse language filter

In "app/models /public_feed.rb",

88 - Status.where(language: account.chosen_languages) 88 + Status.where.not(language: account.chosen_languages)\ .or(Status.where(language: nil)) In "streaming /index.js",

654 - ...indexOf(payload.language) === -1) { 654 + ...indexOf(payload.language) !== -1) { This is to reverse the functionality of the language filter as it "filters" checked languages.

△ top

10. Minor layout adjustments

In "app/javascript/mastodon /components/server_banner.jsx",

77 - <br /> 82 - <br /> 82 - ...aboutActiveUsers)}><FormattedMessage... 82 + ...aboutActiveUsers)}>&nbsp;<FormattedMessage... In "app/javascript/mastodon /locales/ja.json",

766 - "人のアクティブユーザー", 766 + "人のユーザー", *This is the Japanese environment specific modification.

In "app/javascript/styles/mastodon /components.scss",

.compose-form &__highlightable 554 + margin-top: -14px; .icon-with-badge &__badge 3199 - top: -13px; 3199 + top: -10px; .column-link 3847 - padding: 13px; 3847 + padding: 8px; .getting-started &__trends .trends__item 3943 - padding: 10px; 3943 + padding: 5px 10px; .search 5543 - margin-bottom: 32px; 5543 + margin-bottom: 18px; 5544 + margin-top: 3px; .server-banner &__introduction 9449 - margin-bottom: 20px; 9449 + margin-bottom: 17px; .server-banner &__hero 9272 - margin-bottom: 20px; 9272 + margin-bottom: 10px; .server-banner &__description 9283 - margin-bottom: 20px; 9283 + margin-bottom: 14px; 9284 + margin-top: 15px; .server-banner h4 9314 - margin-bottom: 10px; 9314 + margin-bottom: 5px; .server-banner .spacer 9328 - margin: 10px 0; 9328 + margin: 5px 0; .link-footer 9881 - padding-top: 20px; 9881 + padding-bottom: 25px; .link-footer p 9891 - margin-bottom: 20px; 9891 + margin-bottom: 10px; .about &__meta h4 9990 - margin-bottom: 20px; 9990 + margin-bottom: 10px; This is just for adjusting the layouts mainly for the left pane of non-logged-in page.

△ top

11. Show the first media file for OGP thumbnail, and fix a bug

In "app/views/statuses /_og_image.html.haml",

43 - - if player_card 43 + - break 44 + - if player_card 49 - = opengraph 'twitter:card', 'summary' 49 + = opengraph 'og:image', full_asset_url(account.avatar.url(:original)) 50 + = opengraph 'og:image:width', '400' 51 + = opengraph 'og:image:height','400' 52 + = opengraph 'twitter:card', 'summary' By default, mastodon shows the last media file among multiple attachments for OGP thumbnail but this modification changes it to the first one. Also fixed a bug came with v4.1.0 that it did not show OGP thumbnail for the toots without attachments.

△ top

12. Modify every page to be verified

In "app/views/shared /_web_app.html.haml",

14 - %noscript 14 + %a{ rel: 'me', href: 'https://aniy.jp/@aniy' } 15 + %a{ rel: 'me', href: 'https://aniy.jp/@aniyexmachina' } 16 + %noscript This is as described above to have every mastodon page of this server verified by Mastodon itself for my profile metadata. Immediate verification snippet for server admin is also available here.

△ top

13. Implementation of Latin locale

Additions and modifications of several files

mstdn_locale_la_temp.tar.gz This is a series of complement files so that Latin locale can be activated as it is set in Preferences settings screen avoiding Mastodon bug that makes application itself crash, and supplying Latin translations as much as possible (as of Oct. 10, 2024), and Roman date format functionality of my own (romandate.js).

In "app/javascript/mastodon/features /account/components /header.jsx",

37 + 38 + const DiesRomani = require("mastodon/locales/romandate.js"); 465 - <dd>{intl.formatDate(... 465 + <dd>{(intl.locale == "la") ? DiesRomani(account.get('created_at')) : intl.formatDate(... In "app/javascript/mastodon/features /status/components /detailed_status.tsx",

34 + 35 + const DiesRomani = require("mastodon/locales/romandate.js"); 365 - <FormattedDate 365 + {(1) ? DiesRomani(status.get('created_at'), 1) : <FormattedDate 372 - /> 372 + />} In "app/javascript/mastodon /components /relative_timestamp.tsx",

5 + 6 + const DiesRomani = require("mastodon/locales/romandate.js"); 147 - relativeTime = intl.formatDate(... 147 + relativeTime = (intl.locale == "la") ? DiesRomani(date.toISOString(), 3) : intl.formatDate(... 149 - relativeTime = intl.formatDate(... 149 + relativeTime = (intl.locale == "la") ? DiesRomani(date.toISOString(), 3) : intl.formatDate(... 274 - title={intl.formatDate(... 274 + title={(intl.locale == "la") ? DiesRomani(date.toISOString(), 3) : intl.formatDate(... In "app/javascript/mastodon /components /status.jsx",

38 + 39 + const DiesRomani = require("mastodon/locales/romandate.js"); 557 - ...&& <abbr title={intl.formatMessage(... 557 + ...&& <abbr title={(intl.locale == "la") ? "Renovatum " + DiesRomani(status.get('created_at'), 3) : intl.formatMessage(... In "app/javascript/mastodon /components /edited_timestamp /index.jsx",

13 + 14 + const DiesRomani = require("mastodon/locales/romandate.js"); 70 - ...values={{ date: <span className='animated-number'> {intl.formatDate(... 70 + ...values={{ date: <span className='animated-number'> {(intl.locale == "la") ? DiesRomani(timestamp, 1) : intl.formatDate(... In "app/javascript/mastodon/features /privacy_policy /index.jsx"

11 + 12 + const DiesRomani = require("mastodon/locales/romandate.js"); 48 - : <FormattedDate value={lastUpdated}...day='2-digit' /> }} 48 + : (intl.locale == "la") ? DiesRomani(lastUpdated) : <FormattedDate value={lastUpdated}...day='2-digit' /> }} In "app/javascript/mastodon/features /about/index.jsx",

144 - ...target='_blank'>Mastodon</a> }} /></p> 144 + ...target='_blank'>Mastodo</a> }} /></p> 162 - <Section open title={intl.formatMessage(messages.title)}> 162 + <Section open title={intl.formatMessage(messages.title, { domain: server.get('domain') })}> In "app/javascript/mastodon/features /ui/components/link_footer.jsx",

41 - const { multiColumn } = this.props; 41 + const { multiColumn, intl } = this.props; 53 - ...undefined}><FormattedMessage id='footer.about' defaultMessage='About' /></Link> 53 + ...undefined}>{intl.formatMessage({ id: 'footer.about', defaultMessage: 'About' }, { domain: domain })}</Link> 79 - ..._blank'><FormattedMessage id='footer.about' defaultMessage='About' /></a> 79 + ..._blank'>{intl.formatMessage({ id: 'footer.about', defaultMessage: 'About' }, { domain: 'Mastodo' })}</a> In "app/views/about/show.html.haml",

2 - = t('about.title') 2 + = t('about.title', domain: site_hostname) Above are necessary code modifications that enables Roman date format functionality. Please see how they work at this video.

△ top

14. Eliminate "Open original page" links + α

In "app/javascript/mastodon /components /status_action_bar.jsx",

257 - if (publicStatus && isRemote) { 258 - menu.push({ text:... 259 - } 257 + // if (publicStatus && isRemote) { 258 + // menu.push({ text:... 259 + // } 379 - ...counter={status.get('replies_count')}... 379 + ...counter={withCounters ? status.get('replies_count') : undefined}... In "app/javascript/mastodon/features /account/components /header.jsx"

319 - if (isRemote) { 320 - menu.push({ text:... 321 - menu.push(null); 322 - } 319 +// if (isRemote) { 320 +// menu.push({ text:... 321 +// menu.push(null); 322 +// } In "app/javascript/mastodon/features /status/components /action_bar.jsx"

206 - if (publicStatus && isRemote) { 207 - menu.push({ text:... 208 - } 206 +// if (publicStatus && isRemote) { 207 +// menu.push({ text:... 208 +// } In "app/javascript/mastodon /components /timeline_hint.tsx"

19 - <a href={url}... 20 - ... 21 - </a> As titled, this is to eliminate the links to open original pages, and remove reply counters at the bottom left corner of the toots.

△ top

15. Implementation of anchor link smooth scroll within this page

In "app/javascript/mastodon/features /about/index.jsx",

2 - import { PureComponent } from 'react'; 2 + import { PureComponent, createRef } from 'react'; 104 + 105 + constructor(props) { 106 + super(props); 107 + this.aboutref = createRef(); 108 + } 109 + 110 + smoothscroll = (e) => { 111 + e.preventDefault(); 112 + const id = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('href').slice(1) 113 + const $anchor = document.getElementById(id); 114 + const offsetTop = $anchor.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset; 115 + window.scroll({ 116 + top: offsetTop, 117 + behavior: 'smooth' 118 + }); 119 + }; 120 + 121 + async componentDidUpdate () { 122 + while (!this.aboutref.current) { 123 + await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 500)); 124 + } 125 + this.aboutref.current.querySelectorAll("a[href^='#']") .forEach(atag => { 126 + atag.addEventListener('click', this.smoothscroll); 127 + }); 128 + } 184 - className='prose' 184 + ref={this.aboutref} 185 + className='prose' Quit relying on 3rd party module, newly implemented own "anchor link smooth scroll" to deal with the inserted text by dangerouslySetInnerHTML (this "about" section), for the ease of both browsing and maintenance of this page. Please see how they work at this video.

△ top

16. Reduce file size of image file attachments

In "app/models/media_attachment.rb",

73 - pixels: 8_294_400, # 3840x2160px 73 + pixels: 518_400, # 960x540px 174 - all: '-quality 90 +profile... 174 + all: '-quality 60 +profile... This is just to reduce the size of image file attachments to save the cost of the data transfer charged by Amazon (AWS) - of course disk space as well :) Possible impact on the cost by this mod. △ top

17. Increase the maximum number of pinned posts

In "app/validators/status_pin_validator.rb",

4 - PIN_LIMIT = 5 4 + PIN_LIMIT = 10 Found this limitation and increased it up to 10 :)

△ top

18. Change the style for iframes to be embedded

In "app/views/layouts/embedded.html.haml",

14 - = theme_style_tags 'mastodon-light' 14 + = theme_style_tags 'default' Regarding "app/serializers/oembed_serializer.rb", restored it from the one of v4.2.12, and then made changes as follwos.

43 - style: 'max-width: 100%; border: 0', 43 + style: 'width: 550px; border: 0; border-radius: 12px; \ margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;', This is just for my own preference.

△ top

19. Locate AbuseIPDB badge in "Moderated servers" section below

In "app/javascript/mastodon/features /about/index.jsx",

237 - </Section> 237 + <p>&nbsp;</p> 238 + <hr className="aniy" /> 239 + <iframe className="aniy" src={`abuseipdb.html?${Math.random()}`} scrolling="no"> </iframe> 232 + </Section> This is to locate the contributor badge of AbuseIPDB in the bottom section of this page. Due to the loss of the backward compatibility in displaying SVG since v4.3.0, iframe bypass is used with https://aniy.jp/abuseipdb.html.

△ top

20. Suppress notifications to be filtered by user filters

In "app/services/notify_service.rb",

121 - blocked_by_private_mentions_policy? 121 + blocked_by_private_mentions_policy? || 122 + filtered_by_custom_filter? 127 + def filtered_by_custom_filter? 128 + return false if @notification.target_status.nil? 129 + retflag = false 130 + t_status = @notification.target_status 131 + CustomFilter.cached_filters_for(@recipient.id)\ .filter_map do |filter, rules| 132 + match = rules[:keywords].match(t_status.proper\ .searchable_text) if rules[:keywords].present? 133 + keyword_matches = [match.to_s] unless match.nil? 134 + status_matches = [t_status.id, t_status.reblog_of_id]\ .compact & rules[:status_ids] if rules[:status_ids].present? 135 + if keyword_matches.blank? && status_matches.blank? 136 + next 137 + else 138 + retflag = true 139 + end 140 + end 141 + return retflag 142 + end 143 + This is to suppress unwanted notifications that should be filtered out and muted by user filters. Due to the difference between the original filter algorithms of toots and notifications, no matter what options you set in Filter contexts section, no filtered notification will appear in the notification area. Please take a look at this toot how it works.

△ top

"Using CSS to create a CRT" by Alec Lownes https://aleclownes.com/
Instance rules
  1. Ego est lex quod possideo hunc ministrum et solus usufructuarius sum. / I, myself is the rule itself cause I own this server and I'm the only user here. / 自分専用お一人様サーバーなのでわたしがルール!
  2. Minister agens hoc est subsistendus et agendus iterum ad omnia 4:10AM (JST / GMT +09:00), ita animo linquor tum. / The server hosting this is to be rebooted at every 4:10AM (JST / GMT +09:00), so I would be fainting away then :) / 毎日午前4時10分にサーバーを再起動していますので、その数分間人事不省になります
  3. Fortasse actiones non vivabunt longiores quod purgo HDD certis temporibus propter parvissimum hujus ministri. / Maybe my actions would not survive longer because I'm periodically cleaning up HDD due to ’microness’ of this server ;p / ディスク容量が限られているため、定期的にお掃除をしています。そのため、わたしの投稿等はしばらくすると消えちゃいます多分
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. nothing.tacowolf.net: suspension
Admin account aniy@aniy.jp
Date of creation Dec 4, 2022 UTC
Display name あに (aniy -iis, n.)

discens linguam latinam
non religio nec res politica

(nominativus/vocativus) aniy
(genitivus) aniis
(dativus) anii
(accusativus) aniy
(ablativus) anii

"aniy" est factum a prioribus quattuor litteris de "aniyomechan" sicut nomen declinationis tertiae latinae :)
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 756 statuses, 11 logins, 0 registrations)
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 0
L: 0
R: 0
S: 18
L: 1
R: 0
S: 102
L: 2
R: 0
S: 158
L: 1
R: 0
S: 101
L: 2
R: 0
S: 161
L: 2
R: 0
S: 211
L: 2
R: 0
S: 5
L: 1
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
10/11/24, 1:39:00 AM UTC10/12/24, 1:05:43 AM UTC10/13/24, 3:05:30 AM UTC10/14/24, 2:24:27 AM UTC10/15/24, 1:37:43 AM UTC10/16/24, 2:53:31 AM UTC10/17/24, 1:21:33 AM UTC10/18/24, 1:26:52 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 558/558 (100%)