1. Welcome to social.edu.nlThis is the Mastodon pilot environment of SURF. A decentralized social media community platform for the Dutch research and education sector. It allows individual students, researchers, employees and institutional (social media)teams to use and explore Mastodon.
More information about this Mastodon-pilot2. How to get an account on social.edu.nlHelp:
More on how to register an account.
my institution does not seem to be listed when logging in.
This Mastodon instance is only open for registrations to students, researchers and employees of Dutch institutions in the following sectors:
- Research universities (wo)
- Universities of applied sciences (hbo)
- Secondary vocational educational institutions (mbo)
- University medical centres (UMCs)
- Research institutions and other SURF connected organizations.
3. Code of conductMost importantly, there are 3 clear server rules listed below that users must abide by.
- Be gentle and considerate.
- Don't spread disinformation, spam or advertisements.
- No activities illegal in the Netherlands.
In addition, the following Code of conduct applies, so that social.edu.nl remains a constructive, pleasant and safe place for the Dutch research and educational sector.
We are happy to see the expression of different views and opinions. We do ask users to observe the fundamental principles of good behavior. Please show respect to your fellow users and act as you would in real life, on campus, at work.
To ensure that all users have a pleasant experience on our platform, we prohibit all forms of personal attacks and harassment such as, but not limited to, stalking, dogpiling and doxing.
Can you share memes, cats or your favorite rock band on social.edu.nl? Yes! Although all users are members of the research and educational community in the Netherlands, you can certainly talk about non-scientific, non-educational and non-research topics.
We assume that a relatively large part of toots on social.edu.nl will be considered as scientific or science-related. Different standards apply to scientific toots than to non-scientific toots. Scientific integrity is essential to the proper functioning of science and can be articulated in a number of guiding principles such as honesty, diligence, transparency, independence and responsibility. A toot in which, for example, a scientific claim is made, or the conversation about it, has higher expectations when it comes to following these guiding principles, than toots about the quality of your favorite rock band.
We reserve the right to ban and/or block users on social.edu.nl that post spam or express insulting, violent, threatening or illegal views, as well as users sharing disinformation. We also reserve the right to ban, block and/or reclaim a username when someone is pretending to be someone else. This applies to impersonating individuals as well as impersonating an organization or group. Impersonation is different from parody, which is an important form of expression. When it comes to parodying a person or organziation, it should be clear that it is an expression of parody.
The policies of social.edu.nl, including the:
- moderation policy,
- server rules,
- and code of conduct
may be revised during the pilot period if when deemed necessary by SURF. The policies and what is and is not desired are also part of the research questions we try to answer in the pilot phase, with the goal of reaching a sustainable and broad-based Mastodon governance and implementation structure.
Users are solely responsible for their content. Inquiries, reports and requests for moderation on this content can be performed using the tools provided by social.edu.nl or addressed to mastodon@surf.nl.
4. SURF and Public ValuesSURF is the collaborative organisation for IT in Dutch education and research. All services (
50+) are created in consultation with the members and and are first examined together on aspects such as operation, technology and governance within explorations, proof of cocepts and pilots.
Educational and Research institutions have a public responsibility to prioritise values such as equal opportunity, freedom of choice, meaningful contact and privacy. Mastodon is designed based on many
public values shared in our community.