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Languages English (en)
Users 6
Active users (last month) 1
Active users (last six months) 2
Characters per post (max) 2,500
Known instances 12,032
First sight Jan 1, 2023 UTC
Last successful check Sep 19, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.2.12
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) harvestasongorpoem, uk, garden, Mosstodon, anime, hope, lebanon, experimentalmusic, teamsters
Short description
This is my server. Get your own. ;-) (Seriously, get your own, they're easy)
Long description
Not available
Instance rules
  1. Don't be a dick.
  2. See Rule #1
  3. No spam. No promotions of ANY kind, self or otherwise.
  4. No Warranty: You understand that this server is running on a box on my basement, and periodic downtime, while rare, is unavoidable.
Moderated instances [?]
  1. *.**z: limited
  2. babk*.***ial: suspended (reason: Not a friendly bunch)
  3. cherryberry.pink: limited (reason: Spam)
  4. childlove.su: limited (reason: it's Not Wholesome Love)
  5. club*******.co: limited
  6. cmm.fyi: limited (reason: Spam)
  7. cunnyborea.top: limited (reason: Spam)
  8. fedi.******.xyz: limited (reason: Nope, not a chance.)
  9. fv.reveca.es: limited (reason: Known for Spam)
  10. game-tecx.de: limited (reason: Spam)
  11. kolektiva.social: suspended (reason: The site for the "Loony-Left". not worth the time or effort.)
  12. m.mxin.moe: limited (reason: Spam)
  13. mastodon-ero.xyz: limited (reason: Spam)
  14. mastodon.svgun.ru: limited (reason: Fuck Russia)
  15. mentalhealth-masto.com: limited (reason: Spam)
  16. misskey.tailc0bbe.ts.net: limited (reason: Spam)
  17. monsterfuckers.online: suspended (reason: Objectionable material)
  18. noauthority.social: suspended (reason: A bunch of right-wing-trolls)
  19. obo.sh: suspended (reason: Very Bad)
  20. socia*.*****.biz: limited (reason: Spam)
  21. social.cutefunny.net: limited (reason: Spam)
  22. thread*.********m.com: limited (reason: Fuck Mark Zuckerberg)
  23. threads.net: suspended (reason: Fuck Mark Zuckerberg)
  24. true.kawi.fr: limited (reason: Spam)
  25. vivaldi.net: suspended (reason: Vivaldi.net users post anti-trans hate speech.)
  26. vivaldi.social: limited (reason: Vivaldi users post anti-trans hate speech.)
  27. youjo.love: limited (reason: Bad Content)
  28. zhu*.**nk: limited
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
Date of creation Dec 29, 2022 UTC
Display name Feeding the Shredder

Die Hard is a Christmas Movie.

Ask me about Linux as a primary operating system, yes, even for gamers.

I apparently need to say this again: If you are in any way fragile, don't follow me, it will end predictably....

If you have a 'gofundme' or 'mutualaid' link in your profile and you DM me you will be instantly blocked.

"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."

Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 515 statuses, 11 logins, 0 registrations)
S: 48
L: 1
R: 0
S: 1
L: 1
R: 0
S: 232
L: 1
R: 0
S: 38
L: 1
R: 0
S: 27
L: 1
R: 0
S: 26
L: 1
R: 0
S: 26
L: 1
R: 0
S: 50
L: 1
R: 0
S: 6
L: 1
R: 0
S: 19
L: 1
R: 0
S: 41
L: 1
R: 0
S: 1
L: 0
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/12/24, 3:25:14 AM UTC9/13/24, 1:35:06 AM UTC9/14/24, 1:52:49 AM UTC9/15/24, 2:19:48 AM UTC9/16/24, 1:32:16 AM UTC9/17/24, 3:07:59 AM UTC9/18/24, 3:18:44 AM UTC9/19/24, 1:42:19 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 547/562 (97.33%)