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Languages English (en)
Users 1,803
Active users (last month) 232
Active users (last six months) 411
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 29,683
First sight Dec 7, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Sep 18, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.2.12
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Unknown (this instance is not listed in the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list), and its list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) lebanon, mozilla, hezbollah, birdbrands, pagers, tercinema, confessionsbyannoyingpeople, tunetuesday, pager, feelingfineandlarkyoh
Short description
A community platform for justice and action.
Long description
Spore by Project Mushroom πŸ„

A community platform for justice and action on an overheating planet. A safe place free from harassment, free from bigotry, and one that promotes connection, mutual aid, joy, and transformative action at a critical moment in history.

This server is moderated and blocks all instances listed in the FediBlock.

πŸ’Έ You can support Project Mushroom financially with a one-time contribution or a recurring subscription.
Instance rules
  1. We support justice and action, specifically on climate, with the intention of bringing a better world into being.
  2. We are explicitly anti-racist.
  3. We resist white supremacy.
  4. We apply content warnings to traumatic conversations but content warnings are never used to silence conversations about justice.
  5. We do not tolerate hate-speech. We allow swearing but we do not allow bigoted language of any kind.
  6. We do not allow misogyny of any kind, particularly trans misogyny.
  7. We do not perpetuate ableism in our actions or language, including refraining from use of ableist language.
  8. We are safe for work (no nudity or pornographic images of any kind). At the same time, we support sex workers and recognize sex work is work.
  9. We support LGBTQ+ rights.
  10. We do not body shame.
  11. We are trauma-informed and abolitionist. We believe in bringing people in and giving them space to be better instead of blocking or bans.
  12. We do not allow unfounded conspiracy theories, misinformation, disinformation, and state-sponsored propaganda.
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. monads.online: suspension
  2. mytter.jp: suspension
Admin account spore@spore.social
Date of creation Nov 19, 2022 UTC
Display name Francis πŸ„πŸŒ±πŸŒŽπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
πŸ„ Instance Admin
🌳 Ecology & Climate Science @UQAM
FR/EN | He/They
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 27069 statuses, 1880 logins, 3 registrations)
S: 1885
L: 178
R: 0
S: 1882
L: 165
R: 1
S: 2337
L: 161
R: 1
S: 3059
L: 163
R: 0
S: 2429
L: 164
R: 1
S: 2704
L: 155
R: 0
S: 2594
L: 164
R: 0
S: 2435
L: 172
R: 0
S: 2211
L: 165
R: 0
S: 2705
L: 164
R: 0
S: 2464
L: 160
R: 0
S: 364
L: 69
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/11/24, 9:29:03 AM UTC9/12/24, 2:15:50 AM UTC9/13/24, 2:34:28 AM UTC9/14/24, 1:48:23 AM UTC9/15/24, 3:11:08 AM UTC9/16/24, 2:59:24 AM UTC9/17/24, 1:53:00 AM UTC9/18/24, 3:12:10 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 581/584 (99.49%)