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Languages English (en)
Users 10
Active users (last month) 4
Active users (last six months) 5
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 119,663
First sight Nov 23, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Sep 19, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.2.12
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is neither suspended nor limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) vegan, tv, activitypub, astrophotography, london, weird, steam, co2, BandcampFriday, drone
Short description
An experimental server created by James M. Branum for the Okla. Objector Community, friends & some other projects he is involved with. At this time, this server is invitation-only.
Long description
This is an experimental mastodon server administered by James M. Branum for the Oklahoma Objector Community and some other projects and causes.

We are not accepting new uninvited members at this time. (we have a very low-capacity hosting account for this server)

We do not tolerate racism, sexism, abelism, or any kind of harassment or abuse of LGBTQ people.

We do allow discussion (and criticism) of religion and politics, but do not tolerate dehumanization of people based on their religious or political beliefs.

We do not allow the advocacy of fascism on this server and do not allow militarism (including tankies).

We support the use of CW's to mark content that may be upsetting to others, particularly those who are dealing with issues of trauma related to oppression. Please also use a CW for any kind of nudity, flashing or rapidly moving images, etc. Basically if consent is required to view the image, it MUST have a CW tag.

We strongly encourage the use of alt text for pictures.

CASM (Child abuse sexual material) is not allowed. Those posting it will be reported.

We do try to block domains that regularly abuse others, but we may miss some, so please report any such content you see posted at okpeace.org.
Instance rules
  1. Do not post content that defends or legitimizes #WarCrimes or #Torture by military or police, no matter how just one might perceive the cause. - Please see https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/war-crimes.shtml
  2. We encourage the use of alt text/captions for all pictures.
  3. We require CW's for NSFW content. We encourage the use of CW's in other contexts as well, but do not require them for politics or activism.
  4. This server is hosted by the Oklahoma Objector Community and is admin'ed by @jmb@okpeace.org. At this time we are not accepting new members.
  5. No Oppression ---- Do not post content that is Antisemitic, Islamophobic, Homophobic, Transphobic, Racist, Abelist, Sexist, etc.
Moderated instances [?]
  1. *.activitypub-troll.cf: suspended
  2. *.natehiggers.online: suspended (reason: racist)
  3. anime.website: limited
  4. bae.st: suspended
  5. beefyboys.win: suspended
  6. brighteon.social: suspended (reason: fascist)
  7. eveningzoo.club: limited
  8. federated.fun: suspended
  9. freecumextremist.com: suspended (reason: homophobic hate speech by site admin)
  10. freespeechextremist.com: suspended
  11. frennet.xyz: suspended
  12. friends.nico: suspended
  13. fuckonthefirst.date: suspended
  14. gleasonator.com: limited
  15. goldandblack.xyz: suspended
  16. gs.kawa-kun.com: suspended
  17. h5q.net: limited (reason: silencing as this server allows users to post NSFW without CW's)
  18. hakui.club: suspended
  19. hentai.agency: suspended
  20. hitlers.win: suspended
  21. hotwife.social: suspended
  22. http:freezepeach.xyz: suspended
  23. https:gab.com: suspended (reason: fascist)
  24. https:melalandia.tk: limited
  25. https:wrongthink.net: suspended
  26. humblr.social: suspended
  27. jabb.in: suspended
  28. kiwifarms.cc: suspended (reason: fascist)
  29. kiwifarms.net: suspended (reason: fascist)
  30. lolicon.rocks: suspended
  31. mastodon.loliandstuff.moe: suspended
  32. masutabedon.com: suspended
  33. mstdn.jp: suspended
  34. mstdn.tokyocameraclub.com: suspended
  35. mstdn18.jp: suspended
  36. mugicha.club: suspended
  37. mymastadon.link: suspended (reason: dehumanization, antisemitism)
  38. nicecrew.digital: limited
  39. noagendasocial.com: limited
  40. pawoo.net: limited
  41. pl.natehiggers.online: suspended (reason: racist)
  42. pl.smuglo.li: suspended
  43. pleroma.rareome.ga: suspended
  44. poa.st: suspended
  45. porntoot.com: suspended
  46. preteengirls.biz: suspended
  47. shitpost.cloud: suspended (reason: hate speech)
  48. sinblr.com: limited
  49. social.allthefallen.ninja: suspended
  50. social.i2p.rocks: suspended
  51. stalin.rocks: suspended (reason: tankie)
  52. truthsocial.co.in: suspended (reason: fascist)
  53. truthsocial.com: suspended (reason: fascist)
  54. unsafe.space: suspended
  55. vipgirlfriend.xxx: suspended
  56. wagesofsinisdeath.com: suspended
  57. wxw.moe: suspended
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
Admin account jmb@okpeace.org
Date of creation Nov 19, 2022 UTC
Display name James M Branum - יעקב מתתיהו ☮

Pronouns: he/him




Posts = My opinions only
Boosts = Interest, not my opinion
Nothing I post is legal advice.

I admin the okpeace.org server, a home for several peace/justice groups and friends.

Blog: www.JMB.mx (part of the )
Work: www.JMBranum.com
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 12 statuses, 46 logins, 0 registrations)
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Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/12/24, 2:27:46 AM UTC9/13/24, 1:14:37 AM UTC9/14/24, 1:08:37 AM UTC9/15/24, 1:52:40 AM UTC9/16/24, 1:41:44 AM UTC9/17/24, 2:20:27 AM UTC9/18/24, 3:09:17 AM UTC9/19/24, 2:51:40 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 600/600 (100%)