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Name Witter
Languages Czech (cs)
Users 1,525
Active users (last month) 241
Active users (last six months) 454
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 23,059
First sight Nov 10, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Sep 18, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.2.10
Registrations Open
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is neither suspended nor limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) israel, images, photos, birdbrands, lebanon, Hezbollah, mozilla, merz, pagers, thicktrunktuesday
Short description
Witter.cz je otevřený každému, kdo chce s respektem k ostatním sdílet, informovat a diskutovat.

Bez reklam, sbírání osobních informací a sledování uživatelů.
Long description
Tento mastodon server provozuje kolektiv NoLog.cz díky darům od našich podporovatelů a podporovatelek. Pokud se k nim chcete přidat a podpořit tuto i další služby, které pro veřejnost provozujeme, podpořte nás prosím také.

Narozdíl od všech našich ostatních služeb zde dočasně ukládáne IP adresy použíté při registraci uživatele abychom omezili množství spamu a zneužívání Witteru. Nikdy ale neopustí systém Mastodon a zobrazit si je mohou pouze administrátoři*ky a moderátoři*ky tohoto serveru.

NoLog z. s. je spolek zapsaný u Městského soudu v Praze, odd. L vložka 73240.
Instance rules
  1. Žádný rasismus, sexismus, homofobie, transfobie, xenofobie.
  2. Žádné podněcování k násilí nebo propagace násilných ideologií
  3. Žádné obtěžování, dogpiling nebo doxxing ostatních uživatelů.
  4. Žádný obsah nelegální v České republice nebo EU
  5. Nesdílejte nepravdivé nebo zavádějící informace, které by mohly poškodit ostatní
  6. Sexuálně explicitní nebo násilná média musí být při zveřejňování označena jako citlivá
  7. K ostatním se prosím chovejte slušně, vyhněte se nadávkám a pokuste se udržovat příjemné prostředí. Díky!
Moderated instances [?]
  1. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended (reason: Automated spam)
  2. bae.st: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  3. baraag.net: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  4. beta.birdsite.live: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  5. birb.elfenban.de: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  6. bird.evilcyberhacker.net: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  7. bird.froth.zone: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  8. bird.nzbr.de: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  9. birdbots.leptonics.com: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  10. birdsite.b93.dece.space: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  11. birdsite.link: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  12. birdsite.monster: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  13. birdsite.slashdev.space: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  14. birdsite.thorlaksson.com: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  15. birdsite.wilde.cloud: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  16. birdsitelive.treffler.cloud: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  17. bridge.birb.space: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  18. brighteon.social: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  19. cawfee.club: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  20. chudbuds.lol: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  21. club.darknight-coffee.eu: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  22. comfyboy.club: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  23. daishouri.moe: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  24. detroitriotcity.com: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  25. dirt******.xyz: limited
  26. f.haeder.net: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  27. freeatlantis.com: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  28. freefedifollowers.ga: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  29. freespeechextremist.com: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  30. frennet.link: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  31. gab.ai: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  32. gab.com,: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  33. gameliberty.club: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  34. gegenstimme.tv: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  35. gitmo.life: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  36. glindr.org: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  37. glowers.club: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  38. honkwerx.tech: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  39. iddqd.social: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  40. itmslaves.com: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  41. jaeger.website: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  42. kenfm.quadplay.tv: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  43. kiwifarms.cc: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  44. libre.tube: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  45. lolicon.rocks: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  46. mastodon.network: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  47. mastodon.popps.org: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  48. meta-tube.de: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  49. midnightride.rs: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  50. misskey-forkbomb.cf: suspended (reason: Automated spam)
  51. mstdn.foxfam.club: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  52. nasface.cz: suspended
  53. newjack.city: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  54. nicecrew.digital: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  55. noagendasocial.com: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  56. ns.auction: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  57. ohai.su: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  58. pawoo.net: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  59. paypig.org: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  60. peertube.red: limited
  61. pieville.net: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  62. pl.info.natehiggers.online: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  63. pl.natehiggers.online: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  64. pl.tkammer.de: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  65. play.xmr.101010.pl: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  66. pleroma.kitsunemimi.club: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  67. pleroma.narrativerry.xyz: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  68. pleroma.nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  69. pleroma.rareome.ga: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  70. poa.st: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  71. repl.co: suspended (reason: Automated spam)
  72. shitposter.club: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  73. sinblr.com: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  74. skippers-bin.com: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  75. sneak.berlin: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  76. social.ancreport.com: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  77. social.urspringer.de: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  78. socnet.supes.com: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  79. solagg.com: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  80. spinster.xyz: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  81. toot.canberrasocial.net: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  82. truthsocial.co.in: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  83. tube.kenfm.de: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  84. tube.querdenken-711.de: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  85. twitter.activitypub.actor: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  86. twitterbridge.jannis.rocks: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  87. twtr.plus: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  88. varishangout.net: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  89. wiki-tube.de: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  90. wintermute.fr.to: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
  91. yggdrasil.social: suspended (reason: chaossocial-import)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. mytter.jp: suspension
  2. nothing.tacowolf.net: suspension
  3. supebase.com: suspension
Admin account nolog@witter.cz
Date of creation Nov 6, 2022 UTC
Display name NoLog.cz 🏴
Aktivistický technologický kolektiv.
Vzděláváme a poskytujeme bezpečnou IT infrastrukturu.
Staráme se o https://witter.cz
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 7700 statuses, 1850 logins, 38 registrations)
S: 519
L: 166
R: 5
S: 657
L: 160
R: 1
S: 1024
L: 164
R: 6
S: 804
L: 161
R: 1
S: 420
L: 167
R: 4
S: 548
L: 158
R: 2
S: 494
L: 152
R: 6
S: 668
L: 166
R: 4
S: 835
L: 164
R: 2
S: 855
L: 166
R: 3
S: 777
L: 165
R: 4
S: 99
L: 61
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/11/24, 7:42:17 AM UTC9/12/24, 1:11:14 AM UTC9/13/24, 2:34:27 AM UTC9/14/24, 3:12:09 AM UTC9/15/24, 1:43:29 AM UTC9/16/24, 3:15:50 AM UTC9/17/24, 1:52:31 AM UTC9/18/24, 1:16:20 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 604/612 (98.69%)