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Languages English (en)
Users 1,071
Active users (last month) 228
Active users (last six months) 360
Characters per post (max) 1,500
Known instances 26,868
First sight Nov 10, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Sep 19, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.0-alpha.5+glitch.th
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Unknown (this instance is not listed in the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list), and its list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) caturday, 個人的にフィギュアにしてほしいイラストをあげる, ai, climate, eu, russia, hope, musicwomenwednesday, fuckcancer, walkietalkies
Short description
The biggest VTuber instance, by VTubers for VTubers and adjacent content creators.
Long description
Welcome to VT Social!

NOTE: Please read the "Joining VT Social" section below before applying, or we may reject your application.

VT Social is a fediverse instance for VTubers run by VTubers. Our goal is to provide a space for VTubers and VTuber-adjacent content creators, so we can connect with each other and have a place for fans to discover our content.

About us

VT Social is run by Lina, a tech VTuber with a passion for VTuber technology and empowering everyone to be a VTuber. She spends most of her time working on open source GPU drivers, and also has experience with systems administration. She decided to start this instance to provide a place for all other VTubers to gather together! ✨

Our instance is based on the glitch-soc fork of Mastodon, which adds things like better notification controls and the ability to use formatting in posts (our own fork is here and it's based on the Treehouse version, in case you're curious!). Over time, we plan to modify Mastodon to add better tools for VTubers to share their content and allow others to find it.

This instance is hosted on our own hardware at a data center, and we have plans for expanding it and scaling it to be able to host everyone! We know VTubers love to post images and videos, so we are especially committed to having enough storage for all of you, starting with over 10TB of space right off the bat and able to scale up! Right now the instance is still on default settings for upload limits, but we will be optimizing it and customizing it to give everyone better options soon.

The VT Social logo is based on a concept by K.O.D.A., itself inspired by the nullptr::live logo by soundflora*.

Rules and guidelines

Please see our instance rules below for the official policy, but in summary: we want VT Social to be a friendly space for all VTubers free of harassment or abuse. We're all in this together trying to have a good time and connect with fans and supporters, and we hope you are too! Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Be friendly with fellow VTubers! Light-hearted rivalry is okay, but don't let it escalate into name-calling or attacks. We all want to coexist together, not fight!
  • Be respectful of others' identities and styles. VTubing gives us the power to be whoever we want to be - embrace it for yourself and for others!
  • Don't discuss the IRL identities of other VTubers, including speculation. This is considered on par with doxxing! Let's respect each others' privacy!
  • Don't sexualize others or make advances on them without consent. Many people aren't comfortable with that!
  • Tag all R18/NSFW content as sensitive, and add a CW if necessary (e.g. gore). Do not direct suggestive/NSFW content at minors, nor involve minors or minor-presenting personas in such content.

This instance allows R18/NSFW images, but all such content must be tagged as sensitive, and you should add CWs as necessary. The line for what counts as NSFW varies by culture, but we expect all content depicting sex acts (censored or not) or genitalia to be marked as such. We recommend that users who frequently post such content enable the "Always mark media as sensitive" option under Preferences → Other, and accounts primarily aimed at an 18+ audience must clearly mention "18+" in the bio. If you repeatedly fail to mark media as sensitive, we will mark your account as enforced-sensitive.

We do reserve the right to use our own judgement in difficult cases, and may ask you to tone it down or remove certain content if we think it is necessary. And although we hope to never have to resort to it, if we ever have to ask someone to leave the instance, we will give them enough time to use the Fediverse migration tools to move their account and followers to another instance.

Joining VT Social

VT Social is open to all VTubers and content creators who work with them! To make sure the people on the instance are genuine creators, we ask that you prove who you are and show that you are an active content creator.

  • If you are a VTuber, you need to have at least 2 stream VODs or videos using your avatar (2D, 3D, PNG) totaling at least 1 hour of content.
  • If you are a VTuber-related content creator or illustrator, you need to have created official content/illustration work for one or more VTubers at least two times, or be actively involved in a VTuber-centric creation or development project. VTuber managers are also welcome.
  • Illustrators with a focus on VTuber fanart are also welcome, as long as it is a significant part of your work and welcome by the VTubers you draw (memes don't count!).

These are not hard rules, and we are open to being flexible as long as you are part of the VTubing community!

In order to prove that you are who you say you are, please add your desired username (@someone@vt.social) to a website or social media page you control, and link it when you request an account on the instance (bio, tweets, subpages, posts, files on a domain, etc. are all fine). When you request an account, please tell us:

  • A little bit about yourself and what you do (just one sentence or two is enough)
  • A link to your verification post/page (you need to mention your VT Social username there!)
  • A link to your existing content
  • If you are a manager or otherwise associated with a VTuber, a link that we can use to verify your relationship

Please post a tweet or make mention of your application on your socials, so we can verify who you are! Something like "I'm joining VT Social at @myusername@vt.social", or even just "I'm applying for a VT Social account!" if you use the same username on both sites is all we need. You can also add your @myusername@vt.social ID to your bio instead. Please link to the post/tweet/bio when you apply, and tell us what you did if it's not obvious, so we can verify you quickly! This helps us make sure the person creating the account is not an imposter claiming to be you.

What if I'm just getting started and I don't have any content yet?

No worries! You can sign up on any other instance, and then, once you have some content, move to VT Social! Mastodon and the Fediverse allow you to move your account over and bring all your old followers, and make sure anyone who lands on your old account gets redirected to your new one.

What about fans?

Thanks to the awesomeness of the fediverse, you can connect with fans hosted on any other instance! We want to focus on the content creators themselves, so that we can help fans discover their content and find new VTubers to follow all in one place, as well as connect together VTubers and artists, modelers, riggers, and more. We think we can do a better job by working to make the best instance for creators, instead of having a general-purpose instance where anyone can sign up.

Federation policy

VT Social federates with everyone by default, and we only preemptively defederate instances in egregious cases (e.g. instances run by known serial harassers or openly hosting and condoning hate groups). However, we do expect all instances to have basic moderation and rules forbidding harassment. If we receive multiple reports from users of an instance, and it does not appear to have such rules nor be moderated appropriately, we will defederate it in order to protect our users. If you admin such an instance and have corrected the situation, please email lina@asahilina.net in order to request to have federation reinstated.

Content legality and CWs

VT Social is hosted in Japan and subject to Japanese law. We recognize that there are certain classes of content on other instances which many users may not wish to see, and which may vary in legality in other countries. For instances which host large amounts of such content without the appropriate CWs or sensitive tags, we may use media restrictions to effectively mark such media as sensitive in public timelines. We plan to work on our own improvements to Mastodon in the future, to provide finer-grained controls so that we can ensure we don't create unnecessary divisions between communities while empowering our users to decide what kinds of content they wish to see, and balance their own risk of exposure to unwanted content. At VT Social, we expect our own users to use sensitive tags and CWs appropriately, and have stricter policies for content on the instance as mentioned above.
Instance rules
  1. Be nice, we want everyone to feel comfortable here.
  2. Be welcoming, we support people of all backgrounds and identities.
  3. Refer to people the way they ask you to, if you can't find their pronouns on their profile, ask.
  4. Mark NSFW/R18 posts as sensitive.
  5. Add content warnings to sensitive posts. (eg. involving gore)
  6. Do not make unsolicited advances towards other members.
  7. Cryptocurrency/NFT/related spam is not allowed.
  8. Bots need to be marked as bot accounts and may not be spammy in nature.
  9. Doxxing and/or disclosing private information is strictly prohibited.
  10. Read the instructions at https://vt.social/about before applying
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. mytter.jp: suspension
  2. nothing.tacowolf.net: suspension
Admin account lina@vt.social
Date of creation Nov 7, 2022 UTC
Display name Asahi Lina (朝日リナ) // nullptr::live
Hello everyone, Asahi Lina here! I'm a Linux developer VTuber!
I also help run VT Social!

EN/日本語|she/her|🎨 |My gf: @cyan 🩵
Model https://twitter.com/NananoNanase
Design https://twitter.com/shiranui_illust
PFP @mary
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 7039 statuses, 1850 logins, 17 registrations)
S: 483
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R: 14
S: 743
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Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/12/24, 2:51:55 AM UTC9/13/24, 2:28:43 AM UTC9/14/24, 2:52:11 AM UTC9/15/24, 2:35:20 AM UTC9/16/24, 2:20:21 AM UTC9/17/24, 2:25:52 AM UTC9/18/24, 3:18:28 AM UTC9/19/24, 1:45:49 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 612/612 (100%)