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Languages English (en)
Users 5
Active users (last month) 1
Active users (last six months) 2
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 11,761
First sight Nov 9, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Sep 19, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.2.7
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is neither suspended nor limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) nature, ai, NaturePhotography, wildlife, wildlifephotography, birding, cybersecurity, hope
Short description
A wonderful little server for cool people.
Long description
Guiding Principles

We are committed to:

  • Open access. We will never make it hard for you to get your data back from us or move to a different service if you want to. We will provide you with tools to facilitate backing up your data, and we will never try to lock you into using our service in any way.
  • Interoperability. We will seek to integrate our service with other services on the Internet, following open standards, to allow you to work with other sites as much as you want to.
  • Open source. We will release every code change we make under a generally-accepted open source license, aside from internal configuration files and anything we are contractually obligated not to publish. We will provide details on what code we don't publish, and let you know why. We will work with a community of volunteer developers, and encourage and nurture the volunteer development process. We are committed to making it easy for others to install and maintain their own instances of our server code.
  • Respecting privacy. We will provide you with tools to make choices about your privacy, and respect those choices at all times. We will never sell or trade your private data. We as a company are committed to maintaining your privacy and making it easy for you to show your journal and its contents to as many -- or as few -- people as you'd like.

We operate our service under the principles of:

  • Transparency: We believe that you should know why we make the decisions we make. We will explain our reasoning as much as possible. We will make it easy for you to know as much as you want to about what we're doing. We will always err on the side of providing more information, rather than less, whenever possible. At any point, you should feel comfortable that you understand why we're making the choices we're making.
  • Freedom: We believe in free expression. We will not place limits on your expression, except as required by United States law or to protect the quality and long-term viability of the service (such as removing spam). We will provide you with tools that make creativity and free expression easy. If, at any point, we have to place restrictions on your expression, we will tell you why, and work to find the best solutions possible.
  • Respect: We believe in the inherent dignity of all human beings. We will never discriminate against any group of people. We will work hard to maintain inclusive attitudes, use inclusive language, and promote inclusiveness at all times.

We will remain advertising-free.

We won't accept or display third-party advertising on our service, whether text-based or banner ads. We are personally and ideologically against displaying advertising on a community-based service. Advertising dilutes the community experience. It also changes the site's focus from "pleasing the userbase" to "pleasing the advertisers". We believe that our users are our customers, not unpaid content-generators who exist only to provide content for others to advertise on. We are committed to remaining advertising-free for as long as the site exists.

By "third-party advertising", we mean anything where a company pays us to show their banners, graphics, or text advertisement to our users. We may make partnerships with other sites in order to add features that we don't have the resources for ourselves. If we do this, we will clearly indicate any such features, and we will include information in our Privacy Policy.

DMCA Policy

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), and specifically the provisions located at 17 USC 512, set forth the steps an online service provider such as LGTM Systems must follow in the event of copyright infringement on their servers.

We believe that the DMCA takedown process is a powerful tool that can help copyright holders protect their intellectual property from being exploited. We also believe that the DMCA takedown process is a powerful tool that is frequently misused to force a chilling effect on legitimate and legal speech. Our enforcement policy is an attempt to prevent the worst abuses of this process that we've seen over the years, while still upholding our legal obligations and protecting copyright holders from the misuse of their intellectual property.

This is a complicated process, and the law surrounding it is unclear in many situations. We've tried to make this as readable as possible. If you have any questions that aren't covered here, please contact us with your questions.

None of this material should be construed as legal advice. We cannot advise you on how to protect your rights online, either your rights as a copyright holder or your rights as someone accused of copyright infringement. If you are in need of legal advice, contact a lawyer who is licensed to practice in your jurisdiction.

Notification of Copyright Infringement

If you believe that someone on LGTM Systems Mastodon has violated your copyright, you may send us a Notification of Copyright Infringement. For us to process such a notification, it must substantially comply with the requirements set forth in United States law. To speed our handling of your notification, please make sure it complies with the following criteria:

  1. Notifications may be submitted to LGTM Systems' Registered Agent in one of two ways. You may send it via email (no attachments, please) to abuse@lgtm.systems, or you may send it via physical mail to 1658 N Milwaukee Ave, #236, Chicago, IL 60647 We prefer to receive notification via email.
  2. Notifications must be signed by the copyright holder or the copyright holder's designated agent. Signatures may be a physical signature or a digital signature in a recognized industry-standard format such as PGP. Unsigned notifications will not be processed.
  3. Notifications must specifically identify the copyrighted work being infringed upon. For instance, if the work is a published book, provide the title, author, and ISBN; if the work is a magazine article, provide the title, author, magazine name, and magazine issue; if the work is available on the Internet, provide the URL of the work.
  4. Notifications must specifically include the URL where the work is being infringed upon LGTM Systems' servers. For us to be able to reasonably identify the material, you must provide us with the complete URL, not a link to the entire journal. For instance, instead of https://lgtm.systems/@clint (a link to a specific user), provide https://lgtm.systems/web/@clint/109360694612384703 (a link to the specific post).
  5. Notifications must include sufficient information for us to contact you, including your address, your telephone number, and your email address.
  6. Notifications must contain a statement that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material in this manner is not authorized by the copyright owner(s), their agent, or the law.
  7. Notifications must contain a statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright that is allegedly being infringed.

Your notification will be forwarded, in its entirety, to the owner of the account posting the allegedly-infringing content. We reserve the right to make copies available to third parties, such as the Chilling Effects Clearinghouse, as we see fit, for purposes of academic study and legal review.

Takedown Process

When we receive a properly-formatted notice of copyright infringement, we will forward it to the account owner and provide a limited amount of time to disable access to the allegedly-infringing content.

If you have received this notice from us, this disabling can generally be done in one of two ways: you can delete the post in question or you can allow us to set the post to non-viewable. Setting an post's visibilty to private is not sufficient to qualify as 'disabling access' under the law, as this can be undone at any time.

If we do not hear back from you with information about which option you'd prefer within the length of time we provide for you to select an option (usually between 24-48 hours), we will assume that you would like for us to set the post in question to be non-viewable, and we will do so. This will not affect the rest of your account.

You then have one of three choices:

  1. You can accept the allegation of infringement, and state that you will not restore the content, file a counter-notification, or make further infringement upon the work in the future. If you choose to do this, you must delete the post, if you have not already done so. This will count against you for determination of 'repeat offender' status. If you do not reply to any of our contact about an alleged infringement within 10 days of our forwarding the notification, we must assume that you have chosen this option.
  2. You can state that you do not accept the allegation of infringement, but you do not want to file a counter-notification or have us restore access to the allegedly-infringing content. If you choose to do this, we will not restore access to the post. This will not affect the rest of your account. This will not count against you for determination of 'repeat offender' status.
  3. You can state that you do not accept the allegation of infringement, and let us know that you want to file a counter-notification under the provisions of law. If you choose to do this, please see the section below. This will not count against you for determination of 'repeat offender' status.

If you have received a notice of alleged infringement, you may not re-upload or re-post the allegedly-infringing material, unless you have gone through the counter-notification process. This applies whether you have deleted the material yourself, or you have chosen to allow us to disable access to the material. If you do re-upload or re-post the material, we will be forced to entirely disable your account.


A counter-notification is a statement, under the provisions of 17 USC 512(g)(3), that you do not believe your content infringes on another person's rights, or that your use of another person's copyrighted material falls into one of the protected categories under law.

By filing a counter-notification, you are indicating that you are willing to defend your use of the material in court, if the copyright owner chooses to bring a lawsuit against you for your use of the material. This may involve civil and/or criminal penalties. We strongly suggest you contact an intellectual property lawyer licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction before you do this, so that you are aware of your rights and obligations under the law.

There are groups that may help you understand your rights and obligations, including the Chilling Effects Clearinghouse, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the Organization for Transformative Works. We are not affiliated with any of these organizations, and they may not be able to help you, but their mission and mandate involves educating people about their rights and obligations under intellectual property law.

A counter-notification must contain the following items:

  1. Your signature. Signatures may be a physical signature or a digital signature in a recognized industry-standard format such as PGP.
  2. The URL of your entry, comment, or image that has been called into question. A statement, under penalty of perjury, that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material. This should include any reasons why you believe your use of the material is not infringing.
  3. Your name, address, and telephone number.
  4. A statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of Federal District Court where you reside, or (if you live outside the United States) that you consent to the jurisdiction of Federal District Court where LGTM Systems, LLC is located (currently Middletown, Delaware).
  5. A statement that you will accept service of process from the person who provided notification of infringement, or that person's designated agent.

Your counter-notification will be provided, in its entirety, to the person who provided notification of alleged infringement.

Restoration Process

When we receive a counter-notification, we will forward it to the person who made the original notification of alleged infringement. From that point, the original notifier has 10 business days after receiving the counter-notification to file an action in court, seeking an injunction against the use of that material.

If you have provided us with a notification of infringement, and the user of our service has chosen to file counter-notification, you must inform us that you have filed court action no more than 14 days after we forward the counter-notification to you. If you do not, we will re-enable access to the allegedly-infringing material no less than 10 days, and no more than 14 days, after we forward the counter-notification.

If you have received a notification of infringement, and you have provided us with your counter-notification, we will re-enable access to the allegedly-infringing material, or let you know that you can re-post the allegedly-infringing material, no less than 10 days, and no more than 14 days, after we have forwarded your counter-notification to the original notifier.

If you have filed a counter-notification, you can not re-upload or re-post the allegedly-infringing material until we notify you that the waiting period has expired. If you do, we will be forced to entirely disable your account during that time period.

Repeat Offenses

US law requires us to disable the accounts of repeat offenders of others' copyright. What constitutes a repeat offender is not defined by law.

We currently define a repeat offender as anyone who has received five valid notifications of copyright infringement. Instances where you have filed a counter-notification, or instances where you have indicated that you do not accept the allegation of copyright infringement but do not wish to file a counter-notification, will not count against your account for purposes of determining 'repeat offender' status. We reserve the right to alter this definition in the future, at our sole discretion.

We also reserve the right to terminate the accounts of those who, in our opinion, misuse or abuse the DMCA notification process against other users.

This policy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License. It was obtained from the DreamWidth DMCA page and modified.

Privacy Policy

Information we automatically collect


Like most website operators, we collect non-personally-identifying information such as browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request.

We collect this to understand how our visitors use our service, and use it to make decisions about how to change and adapt the service.

From time to time, we may release non-personally-identifying information in aggregate form (for instance, by publishing trends in site usage) to explain our reasoning in making decisions. We will not release individual information, only aggregate information.


We automatically collect personally-identifying information, such as IP address, provided by your browser and your computer.

We collect this information for several purposes:

  • To diagnose and repair network issues with your use of the site;
  • To estimate the number of users accessing the service from specific geographic regions;
  • To help prevent fraud and abuse.

Information you are required to provide to us on registration

In order to register for the service, you must give us your email address. We will use your email address to send confirmation of certain actions, such as when you change your password. We will contact you when it's necessary to complete a transaction that you've initiated, or if there's a critical or administrative issue affecting your use of the service.

Once you have created your account, you can choose to subscribe to certain events and have notifications of those events sent to you via email. You will be able to change your mind and opt out of receiving notifications via email at any time.

When you register, you must also give us your date of birth. This is to make sure we aren't accidentally collecting information from children, which is prohibited by United States law. We save this information so that we can prove we're complying with that law. Once you've created your account, you can specify a birthdate to make public, which does not have to be your actual date of birth.

We will never sell or provide your email address or your date of birth to any third party, with exceptions as set forth below.

Optional information you provide to us

As you use the service, you have the option to provide more personal information, through your profile, your entries, or comments you make. Providing this information is strictly optional.

We will show this information to others viewing the site, in accordance with the privacy options you've selected for the information. We may also use this information, in aggregate, to make decisions about how to change and adapt the service.

From time to time, we may release information in aggregate form (for instance, by publishing trends in site usage) to explain our reasoning in making decisions. We will not release individual information, only aggregate information.

We will not sell or provide this information to any third party, with exceptions as set forth below.

By choosing to make any personally-identifying information public, you recognize and accept that other people, not affiliated with us, may use this data to contact you. We can't be responsible for the use of any information you post publicly.

From time to time, we may allow you to provide us with your login credentials for a site that is not owned and operated by us in order to allow you to integrate data from that external service to your LGTM Systems account. Examples of this include the journal import feature and the entry crosspost feature. Providing us this information is completely optional. Your login credentials are only used for the purposes of these features, and are not used for any other purpose.

Account contents

You may optionally post content to your account with varying security levels. To the best of our ability, and limited only by the possibility of bugs or technical difficulties, we will honor the security levels you choose for your content and display that content only to those whom you have authorized to see it.

While maintaining the site, LGTM Systems staff may need to view the contents of your account, including information for which you have chosen a restrictive security level. Circumstances in which this is necessary include, but are not limited to: troubleshooting and diagnosing technical problems, investigating possible Terms of Service violations, and legal compliance issues.

LGTM Systems staff only use the ability to override your chosen security levels during the course of these investigations. At no time is your secured content disclosed to any third party, except when required by law. Any use of this ability is logged and regularly audited.

Disclosure of personally-identifying information

We disclose personally-identifying information only to those of our employees and contractors who (i) need to know that information in order to operate the service and (ii) have agreed not to disclose it to others. Some of these employees and contractors may be located outside your home country. By using this website, you consent to the transfer of your information to them.

If all of our assets were transferred or acquired, your information would be one of the assets that is transferred or acquired by a third party.

We may disclose potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information when that release is required by law or by court order, or when we believe in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect the safety or rights of us, third parties, or the public at large.

Special rules regarding children

The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ('COPPA') requires that we inform parents on how we collect and disclose the personal information of children under the age of 13.

We do not permit children under the age of 13 to use our service. To prevent this, we collect date of birth at the time of account creation. If your child under the age of 13 has mis-represented their age at account creation, please contact us at coppa@lgtm.systems. After confirming your identity, we will remove the account.


A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor's computer, and that the visitor's browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns. We use cookies to help us identify and track visitors, their usage of the website, and their website access preferences. We also use cookies to govern logging into your account.

Visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers should set their browsers to refuse cookies before using the site, with the drawback that certain features of the site may not function properly without the aid of cookies.

Confidentiality and security

No data transmisson over the Internet can ever be guaranteed to be 100% secure. You use this service at your own risk. However, we do take steps to ensure security on our systems.

Your account information is password-protected. We recommend that you choose a strong and secure password. We use industry-standard encryption to safeguard any transmission between your computer and ours.

If we learn of a system security breach, we will notify you electronically so you can take appropriate steps to protect yourself. Depending on where you live, you may have a legal right to receive notice of a security breach in writing. To receive free written notice, you should contact us at privacy@lgtm.systems.

Deleting your information

You can change or delete any optional information that you've provided us at any time. If you change or delete any optional information you've provided, the change will take place immediately.

You can also choose to delete your account entirely. If you choose to delete your account entirely, we will retain any personally-identifying information for a limited amount of time before removing it entirely. This is to allow you to undelete your account and continue using the service if you so choose. After this time, all your personally-identifying information will be removed entirely from our service, with the exception of any records we must retain to document compliance with regulatory requirements.

As part of the day to day operation of LGTM Systems, we will make regular copies of the data contained in the databases for backup purposes. These backups can potentially contain deleted data for several weeks or months. These backups will also be governed by the rules for disclosure of personally-identifying information.

Outside Vendors

Site Features

We reserve the right to contract with third-party vendors to provide site features we are unable to provide ourselves. We will only share personal information with third-party vendors to the extent that is necessary for such affiliates to provide these site features. We require our third-party vendors to provide the same level of privacy protection that we do, and they do not have the right to share or use personal information for any purpose other than for an authorized transaction. Some of our third-party vendors may be located outside of your home country. By using this website, you consent to the transfer of such information to them.

We will clearly identify which site features are provided by third-party vendors, and provide you a way to opt out of using those site features.

We provide ways for you to optionally integrate third party applications or services into your account. If you choose to do so, any data you provide to that third party is governed by the privacy policy of the person creating or hosting that application or service.

Business Vendors

From time to time, we may contract with outside vendors to provide business services that will assist us in administering and maintaining the LGTM Systems service. We will list all of our business vendors in this privacy policy, as well as providing links to their privacy policies and information on how to opt out of your information being included in those services.

Our current business vendors are:

  • Google Business Services: We use Google Business Services receiving email at lgtm.systems.
  • Mailgun: We use Mailgun for sending our email to users.
  • Amazon Web Services: We use Amazon Web Services for hosting our servers, files, and handling our DNS.


We may change our privacy policy from time to time. If these changes are minor, we will post them to this page. If the changes are major, we will post them to this page email you. Your continued use of this site after any change in this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.

Contacting us

If you have questions about this policy, you can contact us at privacy@lgtm.systems.

Creative Commons

This privacy policy is based on one developed by Automattic (http://automattic.com/privacy/) and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

Last revised November 19, 2022
Instance rules
  1. Be cool
Moderated instances [?]
  1. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended
  2. ba*.*t: suspended
  3. baraag.net: suspended
  4. bitcoinhackers.org: suspended
  5. cum.***on: suspended
  6. dobbs.town: suspended
  7. freeatlantis.com: suspended
  8. freecumextremist.com: suspended
  9. freesoftwareextremist.com: suspended
  10. freespeechextremist.com: suspended
  11. freewahaextremist.com: suspended
  12. gab.ai: suspended
  13. gab.com: suspended
  14. gab.party: suspended
  15. gearlandia.haus: suspended
  16. gleasonator.com: suspended
  17. iddqd.social: suspended
  18. kiwifarms.cc: suspended
  19. kiwifarms.is: suspended
  20. kiwifarms.net: suspended
  21. leafposter.club: suspended
  22. letsalllovela.in: suspended
  23. mastodon.green: suspended
  24. misskey-forkbomb.cf: suspended
  25. noagendasocial.com: suspended
  26. outerheaven.club: suspended
  27. poa.st: suspended
  28. rdrama.cc: suspended
  29. repl.co: suspended
  30. shitposter.club: suspended
  31. spinster.xyz: suspended
  32. truthsocial.com: suspended
  33. yggdrasil.social: suspended
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
Admin account clint@lgtm.systems
Date of creation Nov 6, 2022 UTC
Display name ‼️ Clint ‼️
I'm a software architect and programmer currently doing a bunch of stuff in Next.js on Google Cloud but previously have done work in Python for big companies like Venmo, Paypal, and Braintree.
I'm the sysop of lgtm.systems and I'm interested in running, weight lifting, programming, wood working, making music mixes, art, and fashion.
I have a lot of really cool clothes which you can see on https://instagram.com/clintecker
I split my year 40% in Colorado, 52% in Chicago and 8-10% elsewhere!
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 0 statuses, 7 logins, 0 registrations)
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Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/12/24, 1:41:24 AM UTC9/13/24, 1:38:00 AM UTC9/14/24, 1:13:26 AM UTC9/15/24, 2:25:32 AM UTC9/16/24, 1:45:17 AM UTC9/17/24, 1:04:28 AM UTC9/18/24, 2:25:46 AM UTC9/19/24, 2:34:38 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 608/613 (99.18%)