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Languages English (en)
Users 336
Active users (last month) 75
Active users (last six months) 118
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 23,548
First sight Nov 9, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Sep 19, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.2.10
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is neither suspended nor limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) indiedev, indiegame, birdbrands, harvestasongorpoem, confessionsbyannoyingpeople, whiskerswednesday, musicwomenwednesday, noeffort, meermittwoch, mickey17
Short description
A Mastodon server for Horror fans.
Long description
Welcome to HorrorHub!

This is a large server run by one nerd.

Do you love horror? Stories, movies, narrations, artwork? So do I. That's why I started this instance. I've had this domain doing nothing for years, now I finally have something to use it for.

Message @bluebassist@horrorhub.club if you're a horror content creator and would like to be included in the recommended accounts list for new users!


Support us on Patreon like these awesome people!

  • Elizabeth Lee
  • Christian Burd
  • Rottenartist
  • TheSecretDavid
  • Thudfactor
  • Sarah Wilkes
  • Brett Dyer
  • Jason Parker-Burlingham
  • grryboy
  • Dread Hag
  • Legion Podcasts
  • Goretta Synn
  • hpkomic
  • Ryan Conley
  • Jennifer Barnes
  • Caracabe
  • Will Hartzo
  • Daniel Lundh
  • esoteria
  • Hangfire Books
  • Michael Riser
  • Anthony Michael Bianco
  • C. in Fresno
  • Daisy
  • Tom O'Keefe
  • erethryn

Server Info

12 core Intel Xeon E-2236 @ 3.4ghz 32GB RAM Located in Virginia, US
Instance rules
  1. Don't be a dick. - The universal rule
  2. Slurs and hate speech are not tolerated.
  3. Use CW tags for Gore and other NSFW posts.
  4. Don't do anything that would cause another instance to defed (completely block) our instance. When I receive reports, I will take the steps necessary to resolve the remote grievance if I find it has merit, and I will reach out to you via DM to inform you of the decision I've made.
  5. Observe Mastodon etiquette as best as we can. A majority of us are new to this network that has been around for many years and has its own culture.
  6. No content that is considered illegal in the United States
  7. No posting misinformation or misleading information.
  8. No harassment, dogpiling or doxxing of other users
Moderated instances [?]
  1. 2plp6t2j8.activitypub-troll.cf: suspended
  2. 2toypi77q.activitypub-troll.cf: suspended
  3. activitypub-proxy.cf: suspended
  4. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended
  5. annihilation.social: suspended (reason: They take pleasure in triggering others with hate speech. This is not conducive to productive discourse.)
  6. asbestos.cafe: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  7. ba*.*t: suspended (reason: Free speech absolutists (racism))
  8. bar***.*et: suspended (reason: Lolicon is cp. gtfo.)
  9. beefyboys.win: suspended
  10. bird.froth.zone: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  11. boks.moe: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  12. breastmilk.club: suspended (reason: edgelords)
  13. brighteon.social: suspended (reason: Get the fuck out of here.)
  14. cawfee.club: suspended (reason: A bunch of edgelord 13 year olds.)
  15. chud****.lol: suspended (reason: Another edgelord instance.)
  16. coolsite.win: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  17. cryptodon.lol: limited (reason: Cryptobros.)
  18. cum.salon: suspended (reason: Little baby racist edgelords)
  19. detro**********.com: suspended (reason: Fuck free speech absolutists)
  20. eatth*****.**cial: suspended (reason: Free speech absolutist, transphobia)
  21. eie****.*rg: suspended (reason: Free speech absolutists (racism))
  22. feral.cafe: suspended (reason: Animals can't consent. Bestiality by any other name should not be a protected orientation.)
  23. freeatlantis.com: suspended (reason: Ittle baby edgelords)
  24. freesp************t.com: suspended (reason: Tansphobia, Hate speech.)
  25. froth.zone: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  26. gamel******.club: suspended (reason: Free speech absolutists.)
  27. hermitmountain.top: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  28. iddqd.social: suspended (reason: Chan adjacent)
  29. liberdon.com: suspended (reason: Their public timeline betrays their policies)
  30. livester.net: suspended (reason: They have decent rules, but admin is absent, quality of content is low, rules are unenforced.)
  31. lizards.live: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  32. merov******.club: suspended (reason: red pill incel psychos. Touch grass, weirdos.)
  33. misskey-forkbomb.cf: suspended
  34. misskey.anemoneya.me: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  35. mk.froth.zone: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  36. moar.cachapa.xyz: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  37. nicecrew.digital: suspended (reason: Gab)
  38. niji****.moe: suspended (reason: Lolicon is cp. gtfo.)
  39. noauthority.social: suspended (reason: Hate speech from the instance admin)
  40. nyanide.com: suspended (reason: Hate speech.)
  41. odd*.****al: suspended (reason: Chan-adjacent)
  42. onevery.ignorelist.com: suspended (reason: PRETTY SUS)
  43. paw**.*et: suspended (reason: Lolicon is cp. gtfo.)
  44. pengi-san.moe: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  45. pieville.net: suspended (reason: Racist)
  46. pisskey.io: suspended
  47. pl.valkyrie.world: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  48. poa.st: suspended
  49. pod.vladtepesblog.com: suspended (reason: Free speech absolutists)
  50. poster.place: suspended (reason: Literal nazis.)
  51. repl.co: suspended
  52. riddly.rakka.tk: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  53. rojogato.com: suspended (reason: Slurs, hate speech)
  54. rot.gives: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  55. ryon*.***ncy: suspended (reason: Chan-adjacent)
  56. sacred.harpy.faith: suspended (reason: Single user instance and that single user is a piece of shit.)
  57. sea*.**fe: suspended (reason: Fucking nah. A bunch of free speech trolls.)
  58. shit****.**oud: suspended (reason: Fascist)
  59. shitposter.club: suspended
  60. shrimpposter.club: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  61. silliness.observer: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  62. soc.ua-fediland.de: suspended (reason: Nazis)
  63. social.lovingexpressions.net: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  64. turturea.online: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
  65. udongein.xyz: suspended (reason: guilty by association edgelords)
  66. varishangout.net: suspended (reason: hate speech)
  67. xn--p1abe3d.xn--80asehdb: suspended (reason: Hate speech)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
Date of creation Nov 6, 2022 UTC
Display name The Blue Bassist
Ryan Curtis (Schremp), Voice Actor (James Kroll in Vaporum, too many commercials to list, except that Cat Tap Fever trailer), Bass Player, Lead Developer/Architect (Voqally, Voice Media Group), HorrorHub admin

Married to @PinkDrummer

Follow me for music recommendations, bass playing, horror movie opinions, creepypasta narrations, voice acting, programming, retro gaming, handheld modding, futurism...
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 8245 statuses, 680 logins, 4 registrations)
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Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
9/12/24, 1:03:07 AM UTC9/13/24, 3:15:05 AM UTC9/14/24, 1:09:32 AM UTC9/15/24, 1:23:46 AM UTC9/16/24, 1:52:35 AM UTC9/17/24, 3:06:47 AM UTC9/18/24, 2:53:04 AM UTC9/19/24, 2:45:58 AM UTC
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