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Nome SipsTea
Lingue Inglese (en)
Utentə 2
Utentə attivə nell’ultimo mese 1
Utentə attivə negli ultimi sei mesi 2
Caratteri per post (max) 1.024
Istanze note a questa istanza 10.838
Primo avvistamento Dec 6, 2024 UTC
Ultimo check riuscito Feb 2, 2025 UTC
Nociva No
Nuova No
Software Mastodon 4.3.3+glitch
Iscrizioni Aperte (con approvazione admin)
Moderazione di Threads (Meta) Threads è limitato, secondo la lista delle istanze moderate da questa istanza.
Hashtag più usati (ult. settimana) uspol, catsofmastodon, Cats, caturday, cat, signal, wordpress, saturday, BikeNite, pride
Descrizione breve
This server is intended as a safe place for individuals to socialize

We're friendly towards members of the LGBTQ+ community and aiming to offer a safe space for our users.

Descrizione lunga

Our goal is to create a safe and supportive environment and community for people. 🌸

This is a friendly and welcoming space for all who want to help create this environment.

Our other Fediverse instances:

Code of Conduct

Our Pledge

We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.

Our Standards

Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our community include:

  • Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
  • Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
  • Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
  • Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, and learning from the experience
  • Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall community

Examples of unacceptable behavior include:

  • The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind
  • Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
  • Public or private harassment
  • Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission
  • Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting

Enforcement Responsibilities

Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.

Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation decisions when appropriate.


This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. Examples of representing our community include using an official email address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event.


Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at mew@sipstea.town (email) or Mastodon DM. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.

All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of any incident.

Enforcement Guidelines

Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:

1. Correction

Community Impact: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.

Consequence: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.

2. Warning

Community Impact: A violation through a single incident or series of actions.

Consequence: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or permanent ban.

3. Temporary Ban

Community Impact: A serious violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior.

Consequence: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.

4. Permanent Ban

Community Impact: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.

Consequence: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within the community.


This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.1, available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/codeofconduct.html.

Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by Mozilla's code of conduct enforcement ladder.

For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations are available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/translations.
Regole dell’istanza
  1. Respect Others
  2. No Hate Speech
  3. Use Content Warnings
  4. NSFW content allowed with limitations
  5. Report violations
Istanze moderate [?]
  1. 076.moe: sospesa
  2. 076.ne.jp: sospesa
  3. 101010.pl: limitata (motivo: Unmoderated racism)
  4. 10minutepleroma.com: sospesa
  5. 13bells.com: sospesa
  6. 1611.social: sospesa
  7. 1745.info: limitata (motivo: Transphobic admin)
  8. 366.koyomi.online: limitata
  9. 430022.xyz: limitata (motivo: Spam)
  10. 4aem.com: sospesa
  11. 5dollah.click: sospesa
  12. 80percent.social: sospesa
  13. 8777.ch: sospesa
  14. 9kb.me: limitata (motivo: Unmoderated spam)
  15. abraham.su: limitata (motivo: Political disinfo)
  16. academia.pub: limitata (motivo: Unmoderated spam)
  17. acm.org: limitata (motivo: Unmoderated spam)
  18. activitypub-proxy.cf: sospesa
  19. activitypub-troll.cf: sospesa
  20. adachi.party: sospesa
  21. addy.gg: sospesa
  22. admins.town: limitata
  23. adtension.com: sospesa
  24. aethy.com: sospesa
  25. agdersam.no: sospesa
  26. ai.wiki: limitata (motivo: Spam)
  27. ai8w.ddns.net: limitata (motivo: Racist admin)
  28. airwaves.social: limitata (motivo: Spam (2024-02-15))
  29. alteregocreations.com: sospesa
  30. alterracloud.com: limitata (motivo: Unmodded harassment)
  31. ancreport.com: sospesa
  32. ancreport.xyz: sospesa
  33. andreybondarenko.com: limitata (motivo: Political disinfo)
  34. anemoneya.me: limitata (motivo: Spamming #fediblock)
  35. angrytoday.com: sospesa
  36. anitwitter.com: limitata (motivo: Transphobic admin)
  37. annihilation.social: sospesa (motivo: Hate speech)
  38. anon-kenkai.com: sospesa
  39. arc-en-ciel.hostdon.ne.jp: limitata
  40. asbestos.cafe: sospesa
  41. asimon.org: sospesa
  42. asteroidm.space: sospesa
  43. ating.press: sospesa
  44. attractive.space: limitata (motivo: AI-focused instance)
  45. badly.co: limitata (motivo: -)
  46. bae.st: sospesa
  47. banepo.st: sospesa
  48. baraag.net: sospesa
  49. bassam.social: limitata (motivo: Unmoderated anti-LGBTQ+)
  50. battlepenguin.video: sospesa
  51. bearygoosey.com: limitata (motivo: Unmoderated slurs)
  52. beefyboys.club: sospesa
  53. beefyboys.win: sospesa
  54. beepboop.ga: sospesa
  55. bennypowers.dev: limitata (motivo: Admin a political reply guy)
  56. berserker.town: limitata (motivo: Adming spamming #fediblock)
  57. besties.com: limitata (motivo: Spam (2024-02-15))
  58. beyond.forum: limitata (motivo: Unmoderated spam)
  59. bgzashtita.es: sospesa
  60. bibly.com: limitata (motivo: Covid denialism)
  61. bikeshed.party: sospesa
  62. bird.makeup: limitata (motivo: Twitter bots)
  63. birds.garden: sospesa
  64. bitcointv.com: limitata (motivo: Cryptocurrency-oriented instance)
  65. blob.cat: sospesa
  66. blockedur.mom: sospesa
  67. boks.moe: sospesa
  68. bondsdogs.com: limitata (motivo: Spam (2024-02-15))
  69. boobytooth.social: limitata (motivo: -)
  70. boop.network: limitata (motivo: Spam (2024-02-15))
  71. boteden.com: limitata (motivo: Bots)
  72. bottomservices.club: limitata (motivo: Spam)
  73. boymoder.biz: sospesa
  74. brainsoap.net: sospesa
  75. breastmilk.club: sospesa
  76. brid.gy: sospesa
  77. brighteon.social: sospesa
  78. brotka.st: limitata (motivo: Mod spamming #fediblock)
  79. bungle.online: limitata (motivo: Admin hangs with the freeze peach Pleroma crowd)
  80. burger.rodeo: sospesa
  81. cachapa.xyz: sospesa
  82. calobar.club: sospesa
  83. campduffel.social: sospesa
  84. cannibal.cafe: sospesa
  85. carnivore.social: sospesa
  86. catgirl.life: sospesa
  87. catposter.club: limitata (motivo: Admin boosting racists)
  88. cawfee.club: sospesa
  89. cdrom.tokyo: sospesa
  90. chaosphere.hostdon.jp: limitata
  91. cherryberry.pink: limitata (motivo: Spam (2024-02-15))
  92. childlove.space: limitata (motivo: Instance allows minors to join with pedophiles)
  93. childlove.su: sospesa
  94. childpawn.shop: sospesa
  95. chrisduffley.com: limitata (motivo: Unmodded harassment)
  96. chudbuds.lol: sospesa
  97. ckpg.space: sospesa
  98. clew.lol: sospesa
  99. clubcyberia.co: sospesa
  100. clube.social: sospesa
  101. cmm.fyi: limitata (motivo: Spam (2024-02-15))
  102. collapsitarian.io: sospesa
  103. comfyboy.club: sospesa
  104. contrapointsfan.club: sospesa
  105. coolsite.win: sospesa
  106. cottoncandy.cafe: sospesa
  107. crlf.ninja: sospesa
  108. crucible.world: sospesa
  109. cryptodon.lol: sospesa
  110. cryptotooter.com: sospesa
  111. cum.camp: sospesa
  112. cum.salon: sospesa
  113. cunnyborea.space: sospesa
  114. cunnyborea.top: sospesa
  115. cutefunny.net: sospesa
  116. cybercriminal.eu: sospesa
  117. cyberretards.xyz: sospesa
  118. cyberstorm.one: sospesa
  119. d-fens.systems: sospesa
  120. d.kg-misskey.net: limitata
  121. danksquad.org: sospesa
  122. daspr.io: sospesa
  123. decayable.ink: sospesa
  124. declin.eu: sospesa
  125. dembased.xyz: sospesa
  126. detroitriotcity.com: sospesa
  127. dev-wiki.de: sospesa
  128. develop.gab.com: sospesa (motivo: Racism)
  129. dickkickextremist.xyz: sospesa
  130. dingdash.com: sospesa
  131. disqordia.space: limitata
  132. djsumdog.com: sospesa
  133. dobbs.town: sospesa
  134. dotnet00.dev: sospesa
  135. dragonpsi.xyz: sospesa
  136. drow.be: sospesa
  137. dtzbts.xyz: sospesa
  138. eatthebugs.social: sospesa
  139. ebin.club: sospesa
  140. eientei.org: sospesa
  141. emacs.ch: sospesa
  142. endtimebelievers.com: sospesa
  143. enjoyer.network: sospesa
  144. epenguin.com: sospesa
  145. epsilon.social: sospesa
  146. eskimo.com: sospesa
  147. esmailelbob.xyz: sospesa
  148. eveningzoo.club: sospesa
  149. ey.business: sospesa
  150. fbxl.net: sospesa
  151. federated.fun: sospesa
  152. fedi*****.lol: sospesa (motivo: dmin spamming fediblock and anti-Black harassment)
  153. fedibird.com: limitata
  154. fedposters.club: sospesa
  155. femboys.love: sospesa
  156. feral.cafe: sospesa
  157. fightthis.net: sospesa
  158. firedragonstudios.com: sospesa
  159. firefaithfellowship.com: sospesa
  160. fluf.club: sospesa
  161. foxgirl.lol: sospesa
  162. fr13nd5.com: sospesa
  163. freak.university: sospesa
  164. freeatlantis.com: sospesa
  165. freesoftwareextremist.com: sospesa
  166. freespeech.club: sospesa
  167. freespeech.group: sospesa
  168. freespeechextremist.com: sospesa
  169. freetalklive.com: sospesa
  170. freethinkers.lgbt: sospesa
  171. freezepeach.xyz: sospesa
  172. frennet.xyz: sospesa
  173. froth.zone: sospesa
  174. g0v.social: limitata
  175. gab.ai: sospesa
  176. gab.com: sospesa (motivo: Racism)
  177. gabe.rocks: sospesa
  178. gameliberty.club: sospesa
  179. gamers.exposed: sospesa
  180. gangstalking.services: sospesa
  181. gearlandia.haus: sospesa
  182. genderheretics.xyz: sospesa
  183. gensokyo.club: sospesa
  184. gentoo.live: sospesa
  185. geofront.rocks: sospesa
  186. gh0st.live: sospesa
  187. ghetti.monster: sospesa
  188. gleasonator.com: sospesa
  189. glee.li: sospesa
  190. glindr.org: sospesa
  191. glowers.club: sospesa
  192. gorf.pub: sospesa
  193. goyim.app: sospesa
  194. greenish.red: sospesa
  195. h5q.net: sospesa (motivo: dni)
  196. haeder.net: sospesa
  197. hallsofamenti.io: sospesa
  198. handholding.io: sospesa
  199. handicapped.tk: sospesa
  200. hedgehoghunter.club: sospesa
  201. helladoge.com: sospesa
  202. hendrixgames.com: sospesa
  203. hentai.baby: sospesa
  204. hidamari.apartments: sospesa
  205. hirad.it: sospesa
  206. hitchhiker.social: sospesa
  207. homd.xyz: sospesa
  208. honkwerx.tech: sospesa
  209. hornyjail.pro: sospesa
  210. husk.site: sospesa
  211. icod.de: sospesa
  212. iddqd.social: sospesa
  213. ieji.de: limitata (motivo: Failure to moderate transphobia)
  214. ignorelist.com: sospesa
  215. imirhil.fr: sospesa
  216. inferencium.net: sospesa
  217. intkos.link: sospesa
  218. inumbra.xyz: sospesa
  219. ironbug.org: sospesa
  220. justbros.xyz: sospesa
  221. kawa-kun.com: sospesa
  222. kelarima.com: sospesa
  223. kenhbit.com: sospesa
  224. kitsunemimi.club: sospesa
  225. kiwifarms.cc: sospesa
  226. kiwifarms.is: sospesa
  227. kiwifarms.net: sospesa
  228. kompost.cz: sospesa
  229. krackhou.se: sospesa
  230. kurosawa.moe: sospesa
  231. kyaruc.moe: sospesa
  232. kys.moe: sospesa
  233. labo.wovs.tk: limitata
  234. lain.gay: sospesa
  235. lain.la: sospesa
  236. lain.sh: sospesa
  237. leafposter.club: sospesa
  238. letsalllovela.in: sospesa
  239. lewdieheaven.com: sospesa
  240. lgbtfree.zone: sospesa
  241. liberdon.com: sospesa
  242. librenet.co.za: sospesa
  243. librosphere.fr: sospesa
  244. ligma.pro: sospesa
  245. live-theater.net: limitata
  246. logografos.com: sospesa
  247. loli.church: sospesa
  248. lolicon.rocks: sospesa
  249. lolicon.win: sospesa
  250. lolison.network: sospesa
  251. lolison.top: sospesa
  252. longyap.name.my: sospesa
  253. loveforlandlords.com: sospesa
  254. lovingexpressions.net: sospesa
  255. lucasvl.nl: sospesa
  256. makemysarcophagus.com: sospesa
  257. maladaptive.art: sospesa
  258. mapsupport.de: sospesa
  259. marsey.club: sospesa
  260. masochi.st: sospesa
  261. mastertibbles.co.uk: sospesa
  262. masthead.social: sospesa
  263. mastinator.com: sospesa
  264. masto.globaleas.org: limitata
  265. mastodon.cf: sospesa
  266. mastodon.crazynewworld.net: limitata
  267. mastodon.la: sospesa
  268. mastodon.se: sospesa
  269. mastodong.lol: sospesa
  270. meatbag.app: sospesa
  271. meld.de: sospesa
  272. meme.moe: sospesa
  273. memen******.**cial: limitata
  274. merovingian.club: sospesa
  275. mi.nakn.jp: limitata
  276. mi.ruruke.moe: limitata
  277. midnightride.rs: sospesa
  278. midwaytrades.com: sospesa
  279. miku-enthusiast.club: sospesa
  280. milker.cafe: sospesa
  281. minds.com: sospesa
  282. minidisc.tokyo: sospesa
  283. mirr0r.city: sospesa
  284. misono-ya.info: sospesa
  285. misskey-forkbomb.cf: sospesa
  286. misskey.cloud: limitata
  287. misskey.favskey.online: limitata
  288. misskey.gamelore.fun: limitata
  289. misskey.gg: limitata
  290. misskey.io: limitata
  291. mitra.social: sospesa
  292. mk.u0conveni.club: limitata
  293. moa.st: sospesa
  294. monads.online: limitata
  295. mooo.com: sospesa
  296. morale.ch: sospesa
  297. mostr.pub: sospesa
  298. mouse.services: sospesa
  299. mrhands.horse: sospesa
  300. msky.toma09to.com: limitata
  301. mugicha.club: sospesa
  302. mulmeyun.church: sospesa
  303. mxin.moe: sospesa
  304. nalocal519.social: sospesa
  305. narrativerry.xyz: sospesa
  306. natehiggers.online: sospesa
  307. nationalist.social: sospesa
  308. nazi.social: sospesa
  309. needs.vodka: sospesa
  310. neenster.org: sospesa
  311. nekocave.xyz: sospesa
  312. neomobius.com: sospesa (motivo: dni)
  313. newsie.social: limitata
  314. nicecrew.digital: sospesa
  315. nightshift.social: sospesa
  316. niscii.xyz: sospesa
  317. nixnet.social: sospesa
  318. nnia.cc: sospesa
  319. nnia.space: sospesa
  320. noagendasocial.com: sospesa
  321. noagendasocial.nl: sospesa
  322. noagendatube.com: sospesa
  323. noauthority.social: sospesa
  324. nobodyhasthe.biz: sospesa
  325. normie.cafe: sospesa
  326. norwoodzero.net: sospesa
  327. novoa.nagoya: sospesa
  328. nyanide.com: sospesa
  329. obo.sh: sospesa
  330. occultist.space: sospesa
  331. oddballs.online: sospesa (motivo: dni)
  332. onionfarms.org: sospesa
  333. otakufarms.com: sospesa
  334. oti.st: sospesa
  335. outerkosm.us: sospesa
  336. outpoa.st: sospesa
  337. outrnat.nl: sospesa
  338. paradigm-x.tokyo: sospesa
  339. paravielfalt.zone: sospesa
  340. parcero.bond: sospesa
  341. pawlicker.com: sospesa
  342. pawoo.net: limitata
  343. paypig.org: sospesa
  344. pedo.school: sospesa
  345. peervideo.club: sospesa
  346. pettanko.art: sospesa
  347. piazza.today: sospesa
  348. pibvt.net: sospesa
  349. pieville.net: sospesa
  350. pirateradio.social: sospesa
  351. pisskey.io: sospesa
  352. pizzaf.art: sospesa
  353. pkteerium.xyz: sospesa
  354. pl.d****.xyz: sospesa (motivo: anti-Black harassment)
  355. plagu.ee: sospesa
  356. poa.st: sospesa
  357. poast.org: sospesa
  358. poast.tv: sospesa
  359. polaris-1.work: sospesa
  360. pone.social: sospesa
  361. pooper.social: sospesa
  362. poridge.club: sospesa
  363. porntoot.com: limitata
  364. poster.place: sospesa
  365. pouque.net: sospesa
  366. poweredbycocaine.com: sospesa
  367. pravda.me: limitata
  368. press.coop: sospesa
  369. preteengirls.biz: sospesa
  370. privex.social: sospesa
  371. prospeech.space: sospesa
  372. pseudo-whiskey.bar: sospesa
  373. psion.co: sospesa
  374. pube.tk: sospesa
  375. qoto.org: limitata
  376. quanta.wiki: sospesa
  377. quodverum.com: sospesa
  378. r18.social: sospesa
  379. raccoon.quest: sospesa
  380. rage.lol: sospesa
  381. rakket.app: sospesa
  382. rape.pet: sospesa
  383. rapefeminists.network: sospesa
  384. rapemeat.express: sospesa
  385. rapemeat.solutions: sospesa
  386. raspberrypi.social: limitata
  387. rayci.st: sospesa
  388. rcsocial.net: sospesa
  389. rdrama.cc: sospesa
  390. rebelbase.site: sospesa
  391. redplanetlabs.com: sospesa
  392. refusal.biz: sospesa
  393. refusal.llc: sospesa
  394. repl.co: sospesa
  395. republic.red: sospesa
  396. rojogato.com: sospesa
  397. rot.gives: sospesa
  398. roysbeer.place: sospesa
  399. rqd2.net: sospesa
  400. rss-mstdn.studiofreesia.com: limitata
  401. ruinouspowe.rs: sospesa
  402. ryona.agency: sospesa
  403. sad.cab: sospesa
  404. satoshishop.de: sospesa
  405. saynoto.lgbt: sospesa
  406. schwartzwelt.xyz: sospesa
  407. scots.network: sospesa
  408. seal.cafe: sospesa
  409. servernerds.net: limitata
  410. shadowsocial.org: sospesa
  411. sharivegas.com: sospesa
  412. shaw.app: sospesa
  413. sheep.network: sospesa
  414. shigusegubu.club: sospesa
  415. shitpost.cloud: sospesa
  416. shitposter.club: sospesa
  417. shitposter.world: sospesa (motivo: alt-right, harassment)
  418. shortstackran.ch: sospesa
  419. shortstacksran.ch: sospesa
  420. shota.house: sospesa
  421. shota.social: sospesa
  422. shotatube.xyz: sospesa
  423. shpposter.club: sospesa
  424. shrimpcam.pw: sospesa
  425. shrimpposter.club: sospesa
  426. silliness.observer: sospesa
  427. skinheads.eu: sospesa
  428. skinheads.io: sospesa
  429. skinheads.social: sospesa
  430. skinheads.uk: sospesa
  431. skippers-bin.com: sospesa
  432. skyshanty.xyz: sospesa
  433. slash.cl: sospesa
  434. sleepy.cafe: sospesa
  435. smuglo.li: sospesa
  436. sneak.berlin: sospesa
  437. sneed.social: sospesa
  438. someotherguy.xyz: sospesa
  439. songbird.cloud: limitata
  440. sonichu.com: sospesa
  441. soykaf.com: sospesa
  442. sperg.city: sospesa
  443. spinster.xyz: sospesa
  444. springbo.cc: sospesa
  445. squid.kids: sospesa
  446. starnix.network: sospesa
  447. staycuriousandkeepsmil.in: sospesa
  448. stereophonic.space: sospesa
  449. stfate.site: limitata
  450. strelizia.net: sospesa
  451. subm****.***ine: limitata
  452. supernets.social: sospesa
  453. taihou.website: sospesa
  454. takesama.com: sospesa
  455. tastingtraffic.net: sospesa
  456. teci.world: sospesa
  457. terrible.place: sospesa
  458. theapex.social: sospesa
  459. thebag.social: sospesa
  460. theblab.org: sospesa (motivo: hate-speech, racism)
  461. thechimp.zone: sospesa
  462. thenobody.club: sospesa
  463. thepostearthdestination.com: sospesa
  464. theres.life: sospesa
  465. thisisjoes.site: sospesa
  466. threads.net: limitata
  467. tkammer.de: sospesa
  468. toot.pt: sospesa
  469. tooters.fun: sospesa
  470. touha.me: sospesa
  471. troll.cafe: sospesa
  472. trumpislovetrumpis.life: sospesa
  473. truthsocial.co.in: sospesa
  474. tummy.town: sospesa
  475. turturea.online: sospesa
  476. twely.etn.icu: limitata
  477. twi.social: sospesa (motivo: dni)
  478. tyil.nl: sospesa
  479. ua-fediland.de: sospesa
  480. umbrellix.org: sospesa
  481. unbound.social: sospesa
  482. unperson.us: sospesa
  483. unsafe.space: sospesa
  484. urchan.org: sospesa
  485. ursal.zone: sospesa
  486. urspringer.de: sospesa
  487. usualsuspects.lol: sospesa
  488. uwu.social: sospesa
  489. vampiremaid.cafe: sospesa
  490. varishangout.net: sospesa
  491. vivaldi.net: limitata
  492. vladtepesblog.com: sospesa
  493. vrij.social: sospesa
  494. vtuberfan.social: sospesa
  495. wagesofsinisdeath.com: sospesa
  496. waifuism.life: sospesa
  497. wake.st: sospesa
  498. weeaboo.space: sospesa
  499. whinge.house: sospesa
  500. whinge.town: sospesa
  501. whitewomen.dog: sospesa
  502. wideboys.org: sospesa
  503. wikileaks2.org: sospesa
  504. willtrade.org: sospesa
  505. wolfgirl.bar: sospesa
  506. workers.dev: sospesa
  507. worm.pink: limitata
  508. writehere.is: sospesa
  509. wxw.moe: sospesa
  510. xhais.love: sospesa
  511. xmrposter.club: sospesa
  512. xn--p1abe3d.xn--80asehdb: sospesa
  513. xscape.top: sospesa
  514. yggdrasil.social: sospesa
  515. youjo.love: sospesa
  516. zhub.link: sospesa
  517. zztails.gay: sospesa
Istanze che sicuramente moderano questa istanza [?]
Account admin mew@sipstea.town
Data di creazione Dec 4, 2024 UTC
Nome visualizzato Mew :BlahajWavingTransFlag:
Hi, nice to meet you!

I have two cats, and I like autumn, chatting with people, developing video games, roleplaying, popular culture, and photography.

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Attività delle ultime 12 settimane (totali: 215 stati, 10 accessi, 2 iscrizioni)
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Ultimi check (verde: OK; rosso: KO)
1/26/25, 2:58:38 AM UTC1/27/25, 2:59:14 AM UTC1/28/25, 3:23:11 AM UTC1/29/25, 4:17:06 AM UTC1/30/25, 3:01:35 AM UTC1/31/25, 4:14:13 AM UTC2/1/25, 3:08:21 AM UTC2/2/25, 2:13:08 AM UTC
Check riusciti: 59/59 (100%)