Lingue Inglese (en)
Utentə 51.328
Utentə attivə nell’ultimo mese 2.924
Utentə attivə negli ultimi sei mesi 6.392
Caratteri per post (max) 500
Istanze note a questa istanza 36.948
Primo avvistamento Nov 10, 2022 UTC
Ultimo check riuscito Nov 23, 2024 UTC
Nociva No
Nuova No
Software Mastodon 4.3.1
Iscrizioni Aperte
Moderazione di Threads (Meta) Sconosciuta (quest’istanza non è elencata nella lista dell’
Anti-Meta Fedi Pact, e la sua lista delle istanze moderate non è accessibile).
Descrizione breve
Mastodon Party is a general-purpose Mastodon instance. Welcome to the fediverse!
Descrizione lunga
Mastodon Party is a new general-purpose instance open to everyone!
Important InformationStatus Updates: status.fediverse.usModeration Information: see
mpp.bus-hit.meDonationsThis instance is generously supported by
our contributors, if you use this instance to interact with the Mastodon network please
make a monthly contribution on Open Collective, all support is immensely helpful!
SponsorsIf you would like to see your company's logo with a go follow link on this page, you can become a sponsor here.
New links on this page are added manually. We reserve the right to reject sponsorships if we believe the association could harm our brand. If you are not sure if your link will be accepted, reach out to Party is operated by
Fediverse Communications LLC, a Minnesota (USA) company, and is hosted on servers operated in Germany and Finland. All content on this server is expected to be legal in all of these jurisdictions. If you have any copyright, trademark, legal concerns, please email us directly.
- DMCA Complaints:
- Trademark Complaints:
- Abuse Complaints:
Regole dell’istanza
- Posts that contain nudity, sexually explicit, or violent content must be marked with an "NSFW" content warning and media marked as sensitive when posting
- No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, or casteism
- No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies
- No harassment, dogpiling or doxxing of other users
- No content illegal in the United States, Germany, or Finland
- Do not share intentionally false or misleading information
- Bots must be marked as bots in their profile preferences, and automated posts should be unlisted (exceptions apply). Twitter-mirroring instances like BirdsiteLIVE will be suspended, if you want to browse Twitter, use Twitter.
- Do not spam or abuse network features.
- You must select the appropriate language for each post.
- Please read for moderation information and best practices.
Istanze moderate [?]
Non disponibili
Istanze che sicuramente moderano questa istanza [?]
Data di creazione Feb 10, 2023 UTC
Nome visualizzato #MstdnParty Announcements
Status updates and announcements from Admin team:
@jonah(For timely matters, please cc an admin as well as mention this account)
Attività delle ultime 12 settimane (totali: 71083 stati, 15935 accessi, 517 iscrizioni)
S: 6727 A: 1446 I: 36 | S: 6801 A: 1400 I: 39 | S: 6635 A: 1345 I: 37 | S: 5953 A: 1314 I: 34 | S: 6091 A: 1344 I: 39 | S: 4833 A: 1347 I: 37 | S: 5123 A: 1316 I: 51 | S: 6030 A: 1286 I: 50 | S: 8979 A: 1427 I: 48 | S: 6954 A: 1565 I: 69 | S: 6122 A: 1603 I: 69 | S: 835 A: 542 I: 8 |
Ultimi check (verde: OK; rosso: KO)
11/16/24, 3:43:40 AM UTC | 11/17/24, 2:54:27 AM UTC | 11/18/24, 3:35:17 AM UTC | 11/19/24, 4:16:48 AM UTC | 11/20/24, 3:09:54 AM UTC | 11/21/24, 2:32:20 AM UTC | 11/22/24, 2:36:03 AM UTC | 11/23/24, 3:04:49 AM UTC |
Check riusciti: 676/677 (99,85%)