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Languages English (en)
Users 40
Active users (last month) 13
Active users (last six months) 21
Characters per post (max) 500
Known instances 10,203
First sight Dec 29, 2023 UTC
Last successful check Jan 15, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.2
Registrations Open
Meta’s Threads moderation Unknown (this instance is not listed in the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list), and its list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) Not available
Short description
One Photo Club is a semi-private photo-sharing community focused *solely* on travel + outdoor adventures; all posts are limited to those topics. Please see https://about.onephoto.club before joining.
Long description
OnePhoto.Club is a social community for people who love travel and outdoor adventures.

We’re different than a normal “general use” mastodon instance. This is a semi-private club that functions with special rules, having transitioned to the social web from a private social network. This experiment in thematic constraints and curation leads to an uncommonly fun and unique social web experience—if you love travel and the outdoors, that is.

About OnePhoto.Club

"A photo a day is an adventure replay." The primary purpose of OPC is to share photos from our travel and outdoor adventures as a regular practice of re-living our trip memories.

As a result, we only allow posts on travel and outdoor adventures.

Yep, that’s it—just trip photos and related discussion. We are also experimenting with maintaining a similarly-curated “federated” feed (more on that below).

Please read the About the OnePhoto.Club site to better understand our club philosophy and policies.

Joining the Club

We’re in a private testing period right now as we transition club members over to the platform, but will be opening up to new users later in February.

Please contact Scott for more information on joining. If you join without checking in first, you’ll be removed from the site without warning.

Posting Conventions

Again, we keep our posts laser-focused on travel and outdoor adventures.

Many of our posts are inspired by regular OPC prompts, most notably #opcWeeklyTheme, #opcSpecialTheme, and #opcOnThisDay.

While the original OPC had a one photo a day post limit (hence the name!), we’ve eliminated that restriction. You can now post as often as you’d like, and you can post up to 4 photos at a time.

And, you’re not limited to photo posts—feel free to add text-only ones as well. We’ll just keep everything focused on travel or outdoor adventures.


A new #opcWeeklyTheme is announced every Wednesday and runs daily until the next weekly theme is announced. Please include the announced theme hashtag and #opcWeeklyTheme in the post.


Occasionally, a special theme is announced. These are one-day-only themes tied to a particular occasion. Similar to weekly themes, please include the announced theme hashtag along with #opcSpecialTheme.


Another longtime favorite prompt among OPC members is posting a photo taken on this day of the year, but in previous years. Please include both #opcOnThisDay and the year in which the photo occurred.

OPC Theme Calendar + Announcements

You can participate in OPC themes even if you're not a member.

The themes are announced via the @themes@onephoto.club account, so you’ll want to follow it and turn on notifications. To do that, go to the @themes profile, click follow, and then click the bell icon next to it.

You can also add this link as a subscription calendar in your calendar app or bookmark this webpage to see what's scheduled in the future. The title of each event includes the hashtags to use in your post.

Pro tip: add text replacement shortcuts for the OPC hashtags (I use opcw for #OPCWeeklyTheme, opcs for #OPCSpecialTheme, otd for #OnThisDay) that you use regularly.

Other Themes

As we join the social web, you’re no longer limited to official OPC themes, as long as you keep your posts focused on travel or outdoor adventures. There are a number of popular theme days you can participate in, including #MountainMonday, #WaterfallWednesday, and others.

Using Hashtags

Because of how federation works, hashtags play a big role in helping non-OPC members find your posts, so it’s good to add some additional ones to your posts. If you’re not sure what hashtags to use, I generally like adding a location, type, and/or activity (eg, #Iceland #Waterfall #Hiking).

Using Apps

The easiest way to access your OPC account is via the website, which can be added as a fully functioning web app on your phone. On iOS, click the share button, then the Add to Home Screen button. The code word for joining is spellbinder. On Android, hit the three dot “meatball” menu and click Install App, then confirm by clicking install.

Boom! You now have an app icon on your Home Screen that you can use—even with native notifications! This is the simplest way to use the site, but you can also install third party apps if you’d prefer.

A Few More Rules

  • This is a good vibes only community. Simply put, don’t be a dick to others, and let’s keep the conversations centered around our core theme.
  • We’re about people, not brands. So this is an ad-free zone (including logos as profile photos).
  • We only post our own photos here, so don’t use anything AI-generated, or repost someone’s else photos (even with credit)

Moderation + Federation

We’re excited to delve into the social web and make new friends. But we’re also experimenting with maintaining a highly-curated federated feed. That means that we’re avoiding following or interacting with accounts that post on other topics. So we often limit the reach of those accounts on our public feeds. If you see something that shouldn’t be on the federated feed, please report it.

So while we happily interact with others on the social web, we may not boost or follow you from our OPC accounts (many of us have alt accounts for this!)._ But don’t worry, we’ll see your posts if you’re using relevant hashtags.


Please contact your Mediocre Host© Scott with any issues.
Instance rules
  2. OPC Members ONLY post about our travel + outdoor adventures. Yep, that’s right—this is a single-topic server.
  3. At its heart, OPC is a photo sharing community that serves as a remembering practice for our adventures.
  4. Posts are often driven by ongoing prompts, like #OPCWeeklyTheme, #OPCSpecialTheme, #OnThisDay, and others. You can participate in these even as a non-OPC member.
  5. Boosts/reblogs/retweets/etc are currently not allowed.
  6. Good vibes only (no politics, bad behavior, ai-generated photos, etc).
  7. We’re about people, not brands, so this is an ad-free zone.
  8. OPC is a semi-private club with strict rules of conduct and a well-established culture, but is open to new members. We love connecting with new friends!
  9. You MUST READ the guidelines at https://about.onephoto.club/ before signing up. Use the code word when doing so.
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
Admin account scott@onephoto.club
Date of creation Jan 11, 2024 UTC
Display name Scott
Photos from my travel adventures via OnePhoto.Club prompts ☀︎ Mediocre host of + ☀︎ Purveyor of fine travel quests at ☀︎ Visited all 430 US National Parks + 490 TreasuredPlaces.us ☀︎ aka rscottjones ☀︎ I primarily follow from my other fedi account ☀︎
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 24 statuses, 87 logins, 1 registrations)
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Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
1/8/25, 2:50:07 AM UTC1/9/25, 3:57:01 AM UTC1/10/25, 3:17:18 AM UTC1/11/25, 4:05:42 AM UTC1/12/25, 3:53:45 AM UTC1/13/25, 4:17:15 AM UTC1/14/25, 2:14:54 AM UTC1/15/25, 2:32:18 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 385/385 (100%)