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Languages German (de)
Users 10,033
Active users (last month) 876
Active users (last six months) 1,523
Characters per post (max) 5,000
Known instances 29,005
First sight Before Oct 14, 2020 UTC [?]
Last successful check Feb 11, 2025 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.3-stable+ff1
Registrations Open (by admin approval)
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is suspended, according to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact list, but it’s currently impossible to verify it because this instance’s list of moderated instances is not accessible.
Most used hashtags (last week) SilentSunday, science, wissenschaft, ÖPNV, academia, forschung, MdRzA, Mobilität, MountainMonday
Short description
Welcome to this Fediverse instance for climate justice activists.
Long description

This is a Fediverse/Mastodon instance for climate justice activists and everybody who feels they belong to the climatejustice movement and follows our rules and principles as described below.


Then please sign up on https://climatejustice.global instead, as that is the instance for activism groups.
Individuals, political parties and small businesses belong here on climatejustice.social.


Creator and main (non-technical) admin: @PaulaToThePeople

Moderation: @LasseGismo @xha @PaulaToThePeople

Hosting and technical administration: Fediverse Foundation ( https://fediverse.foundation/en )


The usage of the server is free, but we encourage donations to cover our expenses.
Please donate directly to the Fediverse Foundation if you can: https://fediverse.foundation/en/spenden/


Please carefully read the principles, rules and guidelines before signing up. You can find them under "Server rules" below.


These are just examples for further clarification. Our "server rules" below are what you have to stick to.

What will get you banned immediately:

  • open discrimination
  • right wing ideologies
  • harassment, trolling, spam and porn
  • calls for violence
  • sympathy for oppression
  • pro-authoritarianism
  • spreading of anti-science stances, fake news or propaganda
  • breaking the law drastically or repeatedly

When will we ask you to leave our instance:

  • when you don't align with our principles
  • when you follow our rules, but post almost nothing related to climate justice
  • when you appear more critical of other leftists than the people on the right
  • when we recorded multiple strikes against you and you don't cooperate
  • when you show a pattern of failing to condemn violence or show unreflecting solidarity with a violent, oppressive or authoritarian group of people
  • when you do things that break Austrian law, but are okay somewhere else
  • when even after multiple hints you completely disregard our guidelines

What will get your post deleted and a strike recorded against you:

  • likely unintentional discriminatory behavior or wording
  • likely unintentional behavior that doesn't respect someone else's bondaries
  • likely unintentionally posting something that could lead to violence
  • likely unintentional spreading of false or unverified information
  • when you post something that we fear might get us in trouble with the law

When will we ask you to edit your post and/or consider something for the future:

  • clearly unintentional inconsiderate or unreflecting behavior or wording

Mastodon has an "appeal" function which you can use if you disagree with a modeation decision. Our decisions are not final and we encourage feedback and debate. But we request you keep a calm and respectful tone.


Paula Kreuzer
Sillerplatz 8, 1130 Wien
Instance rules
  1. Before signing up please read the full set of principles, rules and guidelines
  2. We stand for climate justice, which includes justice for all marginalized people as well as other living beings and we stand against discrimination and exploitation.
  3. We consider ourselves on the left side of the political spectrum and stand up against right wing ideologies.
  4. We believe the Fediverse should be a place for respectful discourse and we stand against harassment, trolling and spam.
  5. We stand up for peace and against violence, oppression and authoritarianism.
  6. We stand behind the science and against fake-news & propaganda.
  7. Also, we stick to Austrian and EU law and we don't post pornography.
  8. We try to follow the following guidelines
  9. Disclaimer
Moderated instances [?]
Not available
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. cathode.church: suspension
  2. glaceon.social: suspension
  3. jubi.life: limitation
  4. krgr.social: limitation
  5. mastodon.raykoworld.com: suspension
  6. mytter.jp: suspension
  7. octodon.social: limitation
  8. solarpunk.moe: limitation
Date of creation Jul 18, 2020 UTC
Display name PaulaToThePeople
Paula (she/her), nonbinary.

Profile picture: My logo which is a mix of these:
:QueerFlag: the intersex-, trans- and BIPoC-inclusive queer flag
🌍 the globe
:LuetziBleibt: the yellow X from LützerathBleibt
:BLM: the black lives matter fist
:natenom: the logo of bike-activist Natenom (RIP 2024)

Header: Portrait of me. I have long wavy brown hair, brown eyes, acne-scarred skin and I try to smile.
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 85275 statuses, 6128 logins, 89 registrations)
S: 6283
L: 517
R: 7
S: 7095
L: 513
R: 7
S: 7132
L: 478
R: 2
S: 6862
L: 489
R: 3
S: 5765
L: 494
R: 2
S: 6594
L: 492
R: 5
S: 7541
L: 536
R: 9
S: 7822
L: 558
R: 7
S: 9458
L: 611
R: 26
S: 9869
L: 585
R: 12
S: 9528
L: 573
R: 8
S: 1326
L: 282
R: 1
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
2/4/25, 3:34:00 AM UTC2/5/25, 2:59:06 AM UTC2/6/25, 3:38:52 AM UTC2/7/25, 3:11:30 AM UTC2/8/25, 2:59:04 AM UTC2/9/25, 2:49:12 AM UTC2/10/25, 4:12:08 AM UTC2/11/25, 3:57:34 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 900/901 (99.89%)