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Languages English (en)
Users 704
Active users (last month) 154
Active users (last six months) 510
Characters per post (max) 12,000
Known instances 20,312
First sight Dec 27, 2022 UTC
Last successful check Nov 21, 2024 UTC
Noxious No
New No
Software Mastodon 4.3.1
Registrations Open
Meta’s Threads moderation Threads is limited, according to this instance’s list of moderated instances.
Most used hashtags (last week) makeasongorpoemdull, tdor, bombcyclone, baddaycures, transdayofremembrance, meermittwoch, whiskerswednesday, tdor2024, transgenderdayofremembrance
Short description
Speak your mind with respect. Boston, MA area, but open to all. Posting size is 12K characters because you have interesting things to say. Cloudflare aggressive AI Bot blocking. Threads federating.
Long description
This is a general-purpose Mastodon server administrated in the Greater Boston, Massachusetts area. All are welcome to sign up, so long as the rules are followed.

We federate with Threads, some do not. Read our Threads FAQ.

We use Cloudflare to block artificial intelligence (AI) bots, crawlers, and scrapers from scraping your content for training large language models (LLM) to recreate posts without your permission.

While most Mastodon servers are limited to 500 character posts, here posts can be up to 12,000 characters because we think you have important things to write.

We also relay with over 1,500 other servers, some very large. This means we share each other's posts and accounts in real time. Your posts go to those servers immediately, even if there are no follow relationships. Servers without relay relationships only share posts when there are follow relationships. Your audience is large here, and you see more posts than you would on servers that do not relay.

You can see the incoming messages arriving here from all over the Fediverse from the relay by going to our Live feed

We do not secretly shadow-ban our own users ("limit" or "silence"). We will always notify the account owner of the action and the reason.

When signing up, you must read the quick, short, set of rules presented to you. Requesting an account is confirmation that you have read and agree to abide by our rules.


Donations are appreciated, but are never required! They go toward supporting this Mastodon instance and the other apps that I run, which are now averaging about $300/month in total. Besides this Mastodon server, I also run:

Peertube (a Fediverse YouTube equivalent): https://my-sunshine.video

Piefed (a Fediverse Reddit equivalent): https://feddit.online

Friendica (like Mastodon + Facebook + Reddit in one and also integrates Bluesky, Tumblr, and RSS Feeds into the Home Feed): https://my-place.social

BlueSky PDS (Private Data Server) https://blue-ocean.social: If you are interested in a Bluesky account where your data and identity are not kept on their corporate server, but rather on the blue-ocean.social server, email Jerry@blue-ocean.social and I will send an invitation code. Your Bluesky account will be named similar to mine, @jerry.blue-ocean.social

Where you can donate

Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/JerryL

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JerryFediverse

Liberapay: https://liberapay.com/JerryFediverse

Bitcoin: bc1qqgjydw28athy9jare342eh703jagmwecmmgemm
ETH: 0x07aD621C7661f75123b0667407C007B4A3acb5c6


Excellent Mastodon FAQ

Tips on using Mastodon

Lots of information on how to use Mastodon

Technical information and work log

Important to know to get the most from Mastodon, is to understand the difference between hashtag use on Twitter and on Mastodon.

You can follow hashtags in Mastodon so that any posts visible to this server that have the hashtag, will appear in your timeline. You don't have to search for a hashtag as you do on Twitter.

Therefore, using hashtags in Mastodon is important if you want people in other instances to see your post. And it's a great way to be discovered and to discover other interesting people.

You can follow a hashtag by clicking on it within a post and then clicking the "+" in the top-right corner.

On this server, the maximum number of characters in a post is 12,000. The Mastodon default is 500, but I bumped it higher. Also, note that a URL in a Mastodon post always counts as 23 characters, regardless of its true length. URL shorteners are not required for Mastodon posts.

Leaving Twitter? Add your Mastodon account name to your Twitter profile, so others can find you on Mastodon. Your Mastodon account name looks something like this: @jerry@hear-me.social

DMCA Takedown Notices: We adhere to the rules regarding DMCA Intellectual Property takedown notices. Please send notices to DMCA@hear-me.social. This email address is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office

This server prohibits posting copyright-protected materials, and we will remove these materials when notified. Anyone found posting copyrighted materials may or may not be notified before having their account suspended. A suspended account has 30 days to contact us, at admin@hear-me.social, to appeal.

This server prohibits posting Child Sexual Abuse Materials (CSAM). Images are actively scanned. Their mathematical hashes are compared to the hashes of known CSAM images in the NCMEC.ORG database. Any matches are automatically reported, and the image is blocked. Nobody, nor any software, looks at the actual images, it's just a mathematical calculation on the bits.

While I do not believe anyone on this server posts CSAM material, since we relay with over 1,500 other servers, it is necessary to scan the images the server is exposed to.
Instance rules
  1. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, threats, doxing, trolling, or ageism. No attacks on someone's religion, culture, language, or country of origin. Don't be insulting and argumentative.To be here, you must be nice to people.
  2. No spreading of misinformation
  3. Do not spam or create spam accounts
  4. No impersonating people or brands. Satire must be clearly labeled
  5. Do not post Copyrighted materials. We adhere to DMCA take-down notices. See our DMCA policy at the bottom of https://hear-me.social/about. DMCA Registration number: DMCA-1044123
  6. No ads without permission. Accounts that appear to be created just to promote products and websites will be suspended. In some cases, we may allow the account to remain, but may limit the account.
  7. NO CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE POSTINGS (CSAM)! Be aware that we have Cloudflare automatically scan cached images for CSAM violations. They match mathematical image hashes to a database of known CSAM hashes.
  8. Posting nude photos or controversial pictures and posts without content warnings and appropriate hashtags is not allowed. Also, using inappropriate hashtags to unfairly extend the reach of a post is also not allowed
  9. Targeted misgendering, deadnaming, or promotion of so-called "conversion therapy" is prohibited.
  10. Content created by others must be attributed, and use of AI must be disclosed. Profiles that only post AI-generated content will be suspended
  11. You must be at least 13-years-old to open an account here
  12. Treat others with the same respect and courtesy that you would expect in a face-to-face conversation. This means no personal attacks, insults, or any form of harassment. No doxxing or piling on.
Moderated instances [?]
  1. 10minutepleroma.com: limited (reason: spam)
  2. 13bells.com: suspended (reason: transphobia, queerphobia)
  3. 1611.social: suspended (reason: Extreme antisemitism, antivax, anti-intelligence)
  4. 2.distsn.org: limited
  5. 434.earth: limited
  6. 5dollah.click: suspended (reason: Extreme racism)
  7. 7td: limited
  8. 80percent.social: limited
  9. 9kb.me: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  10. a.sc: limited (reason: hate speech)
  11. a.sukazyo.cc: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  12. ac.akirin.xyz: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  13. acat.world: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  14. accela.online: limited
  15. activitypub-proxy.cf: suspended (reason: DDOS and destablization)
  16. activitypub-troll.cf: suspended (reason: Causing DDOS mischief)
  17. activitypub.actor: suspended (reason: Trying to disrupt the network)
  18. activitypub.awakari.app: suspended (reason: Scrapes data and sells it. No need to support this activity.)
  19. activitypub.awakari.com: suspended (reason: Scrapes data and sells it. No need to support this activity.)
  20. aether.run: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  21. afterlife.masto.host: limited
  22. agyilag.zokni.xyz: suspended (reason: Extreme transphobia)
  23. ai.wiki: suspended (reason: Created for the purpose of hosting spammers)
  24. ak.kyaruc.moe: suspended (reason: Uncontrolled racism at its worst)
  25. akkoma.kikuri.moe: limited (reason: Reported for innapropriate content, but cannot see a public timeline and is not federating with us)
  26. albin.social: limited
  27. america.social: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  28. andrew.xyz: suspended (reason: Other admins reporting CSAM content)
  29. anime.website: suspended (reason: innapropriate content)
  30. annihilation.social: suspended (reason: Antivax, misinformation. Racism. Homophobia. More.)
  31. archaeology.social: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  32. archivefedifor.fundefinitely-not-archivefedifor.funfuck-man-i-just-want-like-one-friend.xyz: suspended
  33. aria.company: limited
  34. asbestos.cafe: suspended (reason: Antisemitism, doxing, and so much more)
  35. asocial.social: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  36. awakari.app: suspended
  37. awakari.com: suspended (reason: Seems to be following everyone to collect data. Intends to sell it. Don't want to support this.)
  38. awwter.online: suspended (reason: Harassment and racism)
  39. bae.st: limited (reason: Fascism, harassment)
  40. baraag.net: suspended (reason: lolicon, ChildPorn)
  41. bassam.social: suspended (reason: racism, antisemitism, all hatred is welcome because free speech)
  42. batchats.net: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  43. beefyboys.club: suspended
  44. beefyboys.win: suspended
  45. beehub.org: limited
  46. berserker.town: limited
  47. bestgore.fun: suspended (reason: gore, making fun of executions)
  48. besties.com: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  49. beyond.forum: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  50. bgzashtita.es: limited (reason: misinformation)
  51. bigguys.club: suspended
  52. bikeshed.party: limited
  53. bird.makeup: limited (reason: X bridge. Limiting to keep uneeded traffic from public timeline)
  54. blog.adtension.com: suspended (reason: Racism)
  55. boks.moe: suspended (reason: Racist stupidity)
  56. bols.games: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  57. bondsdogs.com: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  58. bots.krohsnest.com: limited (reason: Weather bots and stuff. Limiting so timeline not filled with weather reports)
  59. boymoder.biz: suspended (reason: Racism, hatred, rape, and things morons like to do)
  60. brands.town: limited (reason: spam)
  61. brasil.goonj.xyz: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  62. breastmilk.club: limited
  63. brighteon.social: suspended (reason: conspiracy theories)
  64. bsd.moe: limited (reason: harassment)
  65. buildthatwallandmakeamericagreatagain.trumpislovetrumpis.life: limited (reason: Don't trust what might come of of this)
  66. burggit.moe: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  67. caekis.love: suspended (reason: Antisemitism and generally run by an idiot)
  68. calckey.social: suspended (reason: It is no more. No reason to keep the accounts in the database)
  69. callmails.com: suspended (reason: Created 4,000 accounts on flipboard.social. Don't want to find out why)
  70. cannibal.cafe: suspended (reason: Admin is pro loli and pro contact with minors)
  71. catcore.life: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  72. catgirl.life: limited (reason: harassment)
  73. catposter.club: limited (reason: Reports of innapropriate content)
  74. cawfee.club: suspended (reason: racism)
  75. cherryberry.pink: limited (reason: Spam problem with bot sign-ups. Has open registration, no hcaptcha, and no timely moderation)
  76. chil*****.*hop: suspended (reason: innapropriate content)
  77. childlove.space: suspended (reason: Pedophilia and white supremacy)
  78. childlove.su: suspended (reason: Loli)
  79. chudbuds.lol: suspended (reason: innapropriate content)
  80. cliterati.club: limited
  81. clubcyberia.co: suspended
  82. cmm.fyi: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  83. cnet.site: limited (reason: harassment)
  84. cock.fish: limited
  85. comfysnug.space: limited
  86. comingto.org: limited (reason: Spam problem not being addressed)
  87. coom.club: limited (reason: harassment)
  88. cottoncandy.cafe: suspended (reason: Loli pro-contact)
  89. crypto-group-buy.com: limited
  90. cryptodon.lol: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  91. cum.desupost.soy: limited (reason: hate speech)
  92. cum.salon: suspended (reason: HomoMisia, racism, suicide-proposal)
  93. cunny.finance: limited (reason: innapropriate content)
  94. cunnyborea.space: suspended (reason: Nazi crap and other innapropriate content)
  95. cunnyborea.top: suspended (reason: Reported spam is not stopping)
  96. cuyes.mooo.com: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  97. cyberstorm.one: limited (reason: hate speech)
  98. daffodil-11.org: limited (reason: spam)
  99. decayable.ink: suspended (reason: Nazis, racism, and more)
  100. deepnexus.link: limited
  101. deepspace.cafe: suspended (reason: harassment and account impersonations)
  102. degenerates.fail: limited (reason: hate speech)
  103. detroitriotcity.com: suspended (reason: racism, HomoMisia)
  104. disarray.nof.st: limited
  105. don.neet.co.jp: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  106. educhat.social: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  107. edusocial.it: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  108. eientei.org: limited (reason: innapropriate content)
  109. elderscrolls.space: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  110. eveningzoo.club: limited
  111. exited.eu: limited
  112. exycubs.xyz: suspended (reason: Rebirth of sexycubs.xyz which is blocked)
  113. fava.com.au: suspended (reason: Blatent antisemitism. Created after owner kicked off many servers)
  114. federate.net: suspended (reason: Christofacism, hate, misogony, etc.)
  115. federated.fun: limited
  116. fedi.absturztau.be: limited
  117. fedi.syspxl.xyz: suspended (reason: Reports of nasty nazi stuff, racism, trolling, and abuse)
  118. fedichive.tk: limited
  119. fediverse-lite.com: suspended (reason: homophobia, misinformation)
  120. fetistodon.com: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  121. fr13nd5.com: limited (reason: misinformation)
  122. freak.university: limited (reason: welcomes pedophiles by their own admission)
  123. freeatlantis.com: suspended (reason: misinformation)
  124. freecumextremist.com: limited (reason: Rape)
  125. freefedifollowers.ga: limited
  126. freesocial.co: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  127. freesoftwareextremist.com: suspended
  128. freespeech.fans: suspended
  129. freespeech.firedragonstudios.com: suspended
  130. freespeech.host: suspended
  131. freespeechextremist.com: suspended (reason: racism, HomoMisia, harassment)
  132. freezepeach.xyz: limited (reason: harassment)
  133. friendica.eskimo.com: limited
  134. froth.zone: limited (reason: Shut down, maybe permanently, so limiting in case it gets taken over)
  135. fuckgov.org: suspended
  136. functor.pro: limited
  137. furry.lgbt: limited (reason: innapropriate content)
  138. gab.ai: suspended
  139. gab.com: suspended
  140. gab.sleek.eu: suspended
  141. gabfed.com: suspended
  142. game-tecx.de: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  143. gameliberty.club: suspended
  144. games.retrotalk.live: limited (reason: The only accounts posting are bot created spam accounts)
  145. gasthe.lgbt: suspended
  146. gay.camera: limited (reason: Pornography, so limiting)
  147. gaygeek.social: limited (reason: Moderator posts self-nudes using common hashtags to trick people. Others post innapropriate content.)
  148. gearlandia.haus: limited
  149. gendercritical.club: suspended
  150. gendercrtical.space: suspended
  151. geofront.rocks: limited
  152. girlcock.club: limited (reason: Limiting because of 18+ age content)
  153. gitmo.life: suspended
  154. gleasonator.com: suspended
  155. glee.li: suspended (reason: Racism, homophobia, etc.)
  156. glindr.org: limited
  157. glittersluts.club: limited
  158. glowers.club: suspended
  159. goto.org: limited (reason: Thinks hate speech is free speech appropriate)
  160. goyim.social: suspended (reason: Created in honor of Adolf Hitler)
  161. happyfedi.better-than.tv: limited (reason: 1 user who follows over 34K accounts after 1 day. No rules. No info. Too suspicious.)
  162. honey.church: limited
  163. honkwerx.tech: suspended (reason: gore TransMisia)
  164. husk.site: limited
  165. i.transmit.love: limited (reason: Appears abandoned, and trasmitting spam a lot more than love)
  166. iddqd.social: suspended (reason: TransMisia, racism, AntiSemitism, conspiracism)
  167. idic.social: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  168. idolheaven.org: suspended (reason: CSAM!)
  169. ihatebeinga.live: suspended
  170. imouto.exposed: suspended (reason: I saw Lolicon and racism when I visited)
  171. indy.rest: suspended (reason: Data scraper that keeps coming up with new domains to try to sneak past blocks)
  172. inex.rocks: limited
  173. jiaojiao.org: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  174. jpop.club: limited
  175. juche.town: limited
  176. justicewarrior.social: suspended
  177. kernkraft.social: suspended (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  178. kids.0px.io: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  179. kisslolis.com: limited
  180. kitsui.life: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  181. kitsune.moe: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  182. kitty.haus: limited (reason: Unsure about the content that may get posted)
  183. kiwifarms.cc: suspended
  184. kokuusa.club: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  185. kommunismus.social: limited (reason: Spam problem with bot sign-ups. Has open registration, no hcaptcha, and no timely moderation)
  186. kopimi.space: limited (reason: Spam problem with bot sign-ups. Has open registration, no hcaptcha, and no timely moderation)
  187. kotodama.space: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  188. krdtube.org: limited (reason: misinformation)
  189. kyou.social: limited (reason: Unsure about the content that may get posted)
  190. lain.com: limited (reason: Unsure about the content that may get posted)
  191. lain.sh: suspended
  192. lawsocial.org: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  193. leafposter.club: suspended
  194. leftlibertarian.club: suspended
  195. lets.bemoe.online: suspended
  196. lets.saynoto.lgbt: suspended
  197. liberdon.com: suspended
  198. ligma.pro: suspended
  199. linuxrocks.online: suspended (reason: Admin admits to allowing racism and homophobia as just unpopular opinions)
  200. liveview.cf: suspended
  201. lllsecurity.com: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  202. loli.church: suspended (reason: pedofilia, lolicon, racism, you name it)
  203. love.is.notacri.me: limited (reason: Limiting based on Admin reports of innapropriate content)
  204. love.xn--vusz0j.life: limited (reason: Reports of innapropriate content)
  205. m.corduba.tech: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  206. m.deepspace.cafe: suspended (reason: harassment and account impersonations)
  207. m.n1l.dev: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  208. m.techsocial.site: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  209. majestic12.airforce: suspended (reason: racism, antisemitsm, homophobia)
  210. mapsupport.de: suspended (reason: Pediphilia)
  211. marsey.moe: suspended
  212. mastinator.com: limited (reason: Not sure about this. They say they set up temporary read-only accounts but also say you can "toot at" others. I don't want toots from throw-away accounts)
  213. masto.globaleas.org: limited (reason: Huge number of weather bots. Limiting so timeline not filled with weather reports)
  214. mastodon-ero.xyz: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  215. mastodon-jp.com: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  216. mastodon-swiss.org: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  217. mastodon.acm.org: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  218. mastodon.adtension.com: suspended (reason: Extreme racism)
  219. mastodon.art: suspended (reason: Admin practices terrible character assasination and revenge blocking against anyone who won't do what she wants)
  220. mastodon.buzhangjiuzhou.com: limited (reason: Uncont)
  221. mastodon.caruhel.fr: limited (reason: Spam problem with bot sign-ups. Has open registration, no hcaptcha, and no timely moderation)
  222. mastodon.cocamserverguild.com: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  223. mastodon.conquestuniverse.com: limited
  224. mastodon.deepspace.cafe: suspended (reason: harassment and account impersonations)
  225. mastodon.io.seg.br: limited (reason: Spam problem with bot sign-ups. Has open registration, no hcaptcha, and no timely moderation)
  226. mastodon.joaoleitao.org: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  227. mastodon.li: limited (reason: Target of bots opening spamming accounts because of open registration with no hcaptcha)
  228. mastodon.lol: suspended (reason: Instance has shut down)
  229. mastodon.london: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  230. mastodon.lookbusy.org: limited
  231. mastodon.omikron-alpha.net: limited (reason: Spam problem with bot sign-ups. Has open registration, no hcaptcha, and no timely moderation)
  232. mastodon.r3networks.uk: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  233. mastodon.sexycubs.xyz: suspended (reason: Innapropriate content)
  234. mastodon.site: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  235. mastodon.sl: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  236. mastodon.snmsoc.org: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  237. mastodon.starrevolution.org: suspended
  238. mastodon.svgun.ru: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  239. mastodon.unpluggedrva.com: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  240. mastodonters.nl: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  241. mentality.rip: suspended
  242. mercurial.blog: suspended (reason: Racist stupidity)
  243. merovingian.club: suspended (reason: A lot of hate postings against groups)
  244. metreee.com: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  245. miiverse.cafe: suspended (reason: Innapropriate content)
  246. milkers.online: limited (reason: Reported to set up fake accounts to downgrade reputations. About page would seem to promise innapropriate posts)
  247. minds.com: suspended (reason: Created to spread misinformation)
  248. misskey-forkbomb.cf: suspended (reason: Causing DDOS mischief)
  249. misskey.favskey.online: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  250. misskey.gg: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  251. misskey.io: limited
  252. misskey.lalafell.org: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  253. misskey.mofumofu.me: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  254. misskey.pepabo.com: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  255. misskey.suzuri.jp: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  256. mk.chiwa.net: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  257. mk.hoshisaki-h.com: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  258. mk.magicka.org: limited (reason: Innapropriate posts)
  259. mkacg.com: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  260. moar.cachapa.xyz: suspended (reason: Racism)
  261. mobile.co: suspended
  262. mobile.tmediatech.io: suspended
  263. moe.cachapa.xyz: suspended (reason: Racism)
  264. molaguay.xyz: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  265. morale.ch: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  266. mstdn.business: limited (reason: Huge number of spam accounts. Appears to not care much)
  267. mstdn.foxfam.club: limited (reason: 3rd party bots)
  268. mstdn.funil.de: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  269. mstdn.jp: limited (reason: Reports of illegal content that site won't remove. Don't want our server to cache stuff found there. People can still follow, and be followed, by their members)
  270. mugicha.club: suspended (reason: Brigading, racism, and anti-semitism)
  271. myxoz.port0.org: limited (reason: Spam)
  272. nasface.cz: limited
  273. nationalist.social: suspended (reason: Loaded with racist nazi morons)
  274. naturalstate.social: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  275. nazi.social: suspended
  276. neckbeard.xyz: suspended
  277. neenster.org: suspended
  278. nekos.cafe: suspended (reason: At minimum, pedophilia and transphobia)
  279. nekton.social: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  280. neuroscience-mastodon.com: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  281. nicecrew.digital: suspended
  282. niederbayern.social: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  283. nnia.space: suspended (reason: Promotes relationships with children)
  284. noagendasocial.com: suspended (reason: racism, antisemitism)
  285. noauthority.social: limited (reason: Innapropriate posts. Misinformation. Conspiracy theories. Some claim racist posts)
  286. nomoresha.me: suspended
  287. norwoodzero.net: suspended (reason: Much antisemitism, racism, etc)
  288. nsfwmisskey.narazaka.net: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  289. obo.sh: limited (reason: Unmoderated and nasty stuff so limiting this)
  290. odenwald.social: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  291. oliphant.social: suspended (reason: Spreads misinformation about other Admins, attempts to bully other servers by publically creating block lists)
  292. oneway.masto.host: suspended
  293. onlybsds.com: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  294. ost.social: suspended
  295. ostalb.social: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  296. paravielfalt.zone: suspended (reason: "We welcome people of all sexual identities, including pedophiles")
  297. parcero.bond: suspended (reason: Extreme racism, harrassment, and everything you think it would do)
  298. pawoo.net: suspended (reason: Child porn,racism, HomoMisia, harassment)
  299. pedo.school: suspended
  300. pettanko.art: suspended (reason: Pediphelia)
  301. phyrexia.ru: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  302. piclub.social: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  303. pieville.net: suspended
  304. pika.moe: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  305. pkteerium.xyz: suspended (reason: Racism and spreading misinformation)
  306. pl.765racing.com: suspended
  307. pl.absolutelyproprietary.org: suspended (reason: Racism and antisemetism)
  308. pl.kys.moe: limited
  309. pl.lifeweb.cc: suspended
  310. pl.smuglo.li: suspended
  311. pl.tkammer.de: suspended
  312. pl.valkyrie.world: suspended
  313. pleroma.adachi.party: suspended (reason: Facism. Only fascists allowed to join)
  314. pleroma.comfy.moe: suspended
  315. pleroma.kitsunemimi.club: suspended
  316. pleroma.kiwifarms.net: suspended
  317. pleroma.mouse.services: suspended
  318. pleroma.nobodyhasthe.biz: suspended
  319. pleroma.rareome.ga: suspended
  320. poa.st: suspended (reason: racism, HomoMisia, violence, conspiracism)
  321. pointbob.org: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  322. portal.0svc.com: suspended (reason: Constant connection failures)
  323. portside.social: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  324. poster.place: suspended (reason: Extreme racism. You'll need to deep clean yourself after visiting)
  325. posting.lolicon.rocks: suspended
  326. pp.dembased.xyz: suspended
  327. pravda.me: limited (reason: First blush, appears ready to spread misinformation. Limiting for now to be cautious)
  328. press.coop: limited (reason: Bot advertising)
  329. princess.cat: suspended
  330. puls.social: suspended (reason: Unmaintained and taken over by spam accounts)
  331. qa.social: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  332. quey.org: limited
  333. rakket.app: suspended
  334. rape.net: suspended
  335. rape.pet: suspended (reason: Pedophilia)
  336. rapefeminists.network: suspended
  337. rapemeat.solutions: suspended (reason: Extreme inapropriate deranged posts)
  338. rawr-xd.club: suspended
  339. rayn.bo: suspended
  340. rdrama.cc: suspended
  341. repl.co: suspended
  342. rightmastodon.com: suspended
  343. robo.super-niche.club: suspended
  344. rojogato.com: suspended (reason: Nazi shit and white supremacy)
  345. rot.gives: limited
  346. rqd2.net: suspended (reason: Pedophilia, bestiality)
  347. ryona.agency: suspended
  348. sacred.harpy.faith: suspended (reason: Bigotry and homophobia wrapped in a bible)
  349. scfzfilm.org: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  350. seal.cafe: suspended (reason: Racism, homophobia, etc.)
  351. sealion.club: suspended
  352. search.fedi.app: suspended
  353. seda.social: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  354. semiosen.de: limited (reason: Spam problem with bot sign-ups. Has open registration, no hcaptcha, and no timely moderation)
  355. shigusegubu.club: suspended
  356. shitpost.cloud: suspended (reason: They are what they say they are)
  357. shitposter.club: limited (reason: Well, s/b obvious)
  358. shitposter.world: limited (reason: Some innapropriate content that walks the line)
  359. shortstackran.ch: suspended
  360. shortstacksran.ch: suspended (reason: Racism, misinformation)
  361. shota.house: limited (reason: Unsure if all posts will be appropriate)
  362. shrine.moe: limited
  363. sinblr.com: limited (reason: spam)
  364. skippers-bin.com: suspended
  365. snac.deepspace.cafe: suspended (reason: harassment and account impersonations)
  366. sneak.berlin: suspended
  367. sneed.social: suspended (reason: Because people who are outright racists, facist morons should be in a corner to only talk to each other)
  368. soc.h4x.group: suspended
  369. soc.mahodou.moe: suspended
  370. social.culturewar.us: suspended
  371. social.cutefunny.net: suspended (reason: Unstopped spam and CSAM reported)
  372. social.foxfam.club: suspended
  373. social.getgle.org: suspended
  374. social.handholding.io: suspended
  375. social.kyiv.dcomm.net.ua: limited (reason: Spam problem with bot sign-ups. Has open registration, no hcaptcha, and no timely moderation)
  376. social.librem.onelibrem.one: suspended
  377. social.nofftopia.com: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  378. social.quodverum.com: limited (reason: misinformation and conspiracy theories)
  379. social.snopyta.org: suspended
  380. social.sphere.com.ai: suspended
  381. social.uggs.io: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  382. societal.co: suspended
  383. socnet.supes.com: suspended
  384. solagg.com: suspended
  385. speakfree.world: suspended
  386. spinster.xyz: suspended
  387. springbo.cc: suspended
  388. staging.moth.social: suspended (reason: Apparent test instance)
  389. startrekshitposting.com: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  390. stereophonic.space: suspended
  391. subs4social.xyz: suspended (reason: Racism)
  392. sylveon.club: suspended
  393. syringa.social: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  394. take.iteasy.club: suspended
  395. tcpcat.net: suspended (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  396. teamhydra.social: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  397. tech.retrotalk.live: limited (reason: The only accounts posting are bot created spam accounts)
  398. terrible.place: suspended
  399. the.asbestos.cafe: suspended (reason: Antisemitism, doxing, and so much more)
  400. the.hedgehoghunter.club: suspended
  401. the9thcircle.club: suspended
  402. thebag.social: suspended
  403. thechad.zone: suspended
  404. thewizardingworld.com: limited (reason: Appears abandonded. One active account is a known spammer.)
  405. threads.net: limited (reason: Limiting to protect this server from expected inadequate moderation)
  406. tickler.cc: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  407. toot.fan: limited (reason: Spam problem with bot sign-ups. Has open registration, no hcaptcha, and no timely moderation)
  408. toot.love: limited (reason: harassment)
  409. tooters.org: suspended (reason: Server is gone but they did not run the self-destruct. Blocking to stop failed queue traffic)
  410. tootnet.nl: suspended (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  411. traboone.com: suspended
  412. transforthe.win: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  413. trouth.eu: limited (reason: CSAM report)
  414. truthsocial.co.in: limited (reason: Conspiracy theories and misinformation)
  415. truthsocial.com: suspended
  416. tube.4aem.com: suspended (reason: Antisemitism)
  417. twitchfr.social: limited (reason: Spam problem. Open registrations, no captcha, and no quick action against spammers)
  418. ubiqueros.com: limited (reason: Spreads misinformation about other servers)
  419. unfufadoo.net: limited (reason: Innapropriate content)
  420. unsafe.space: suspended
  421. uoh.cx: limited (reason: Unsure about the content that may get posted)
  422. urweibo.com: limited (reason: Spamming issue not being addressed.)
  423. usasa.ky: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  424. utter.online: limited (reason: Spam problem with bot sign-ups. Has open registration, no hcaptcha, and no timely moderation)
  425. varishangout.net: limited
  426. vtuberfan.social: suspended (reason: Admin is a racist and supports racism on the instance)
  427. wagesofsinisdeath.com: suspended
  428. waifuappreciation.club: suspended
  429. wank.social: limited (reason: Innapropriate posts and CSAM report from Cloudflare)
  430. waterlily.tokyo: limited (reason: Appears abandoned and taken over by spam accounts)
  431. weedis.life: suspended
  432. westen.social: limited (reason: Spam problem with bot sign-ups. Has open registration, no hcaptcha, and no timely moderation)
  433. wetfish.space: suspended
  434. whitesmokebbq.social: suspended
  435. winslots.org: suspended
  436. wolfgirl.bar: suspended
  437. write.dembased.xyz: suspended (reason: Extreme racism)
  438. writer.oliphant.social: suspended (reason: Spreads misinformation about other Admins, attempts to bully other servers by publically creating block lists)
  439. wurm.host: suspended
  440. www.banepo.st: suspended (reason: Antisemitism, racism, transphbia, etc.)
  441. www.gctaisentl.com: limited (reason: Uncontrolled spam account problem)
  442. x.good.news: suspended (reason: Bad news for other servers with thousands of junk accounts using 30 GB of space)
  443. xn--xn6r8h-xg0c.tk: suspended
  444. xscape.top: limited (reason: Got 4 CSAM reports. Can't reach an Admin. Appear to host a lot of porn)
  445. yggdrasil.social: suspended
  446. yuga.surf: suspended (reason: Extreme racism)
Instances certainly moderating this instance [?]
  1. artisan.chat: suspension
  2. asso.lgbt: suspension
  3. blackqueer.life: suspension
  4. cathode.church: suspension
  5. mastodon.art: suspension
  6. mastodon.sandwich.net: suspension
  7. nileane.fr: suspension
  8. old.mermaid.town: suspension
  9. rage.love: suspension
  10. scintilla.social: suspension
  11. simcha.lgbt: suspension
  12. social.catppuccin.com: suspension
  13. spanner.works: suspension
Admin account admin@hear-me.social
Date of creation Dec 19, 2022 UTC
Display name Admin Jerry
Just a techie guy running hear-me.social to allow nice people to communicate, make friends and acquaintances. Odd coming from a happy introvert, right? (https://jerry.hear-me.blog/about)

I also own:
Alternative Mastodon UI: https://phanpy.hear-me.social
Peertube instance: https://my-sunshine.video
Friendica: https://my-place.social
Piefed: https://feddit.online
Bluesky PDS: https://blue-ocean.social (jerry.blue-ocean.social)
and more...
Last 12 weeks activity (totals: 19257 statuses, 888 logins, 111 registrations)
S: 1532
L: 70
R: 8
S: 1504
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R: 5
S: 1622
L: 73
R: 8
S: 1668
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R: 10
S: 1901
L: 76
R: 9
S: 1659
L: 78
R: 9
S: 1538
L: 84
R: 12
S: 1674
L: 77
R: 10
S: 1952
L: 92
R: 15
S: 2179
L: 89
R: 11
S: 1950
L: 95
R: 14
S: 78
L: 17
R: 0
Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)
11/14/24, 4:07:27 AM UTC11/15/24, 2:34:46 AM UTC11/16/24, 3:53:58 AM UTC11/17/24, 3:58:07 AM UTC11/18/24, 4:06:30 AM UTC11/19/24, 2:44:17 AM UTC11/20/24, 3:04:07 AM UTC11/21/24, 3:52:33 AM UTC
Succesful checks: 630/630 (100%)