Frmsn.nework is a general purpose Mastodon instance dedicated to the world's oldest fraternity, Freemasonry. We strive to make our world a better place by starting with the internal, not the external to make the man a better person. We stand for the ancient beliefs of Faith, Hope and Charity.
If you would like to support you can contribute to our
Open collectiveGeneral InformationAbuse / Harassment: If you are being harassed, please report the user using the "…" button and then "Report." Moderators may take any action they deem appropriate, such as a warning or an expulsion.
When reporting accounts, please make sure to include at least a few posts that show rule-breaking behavior, when applicable. If there is any additional context that might help make a decision, please also include it in the comment.
This server follows the
Mastodon Server Covenant:
- We agree to active moderation against racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia
- We agree to daily backups to ensure your data is safe
- We have backup administrators ready to operate this server in emergencies or my unexpected absence
- In the unlikely event this instance shuts down, we agree to give our users a 3 month period to migrate to another instance
As a general-purpose instance, we do not have heavy moderation in terms of what topics people are allowed to post about, however all users are expected to follow our rules at all times, and generally be nice and friendly on the federation.
Please report all content you see which might violate our rules for evaluation. If you are on a remote server, please forward any reports of our users to our server for our moderators to take action, we pledge that remote reports will remain confidential within our moderation team and will not be used for any form of retribution against the reporter.