episcodon.net is a
Mastodon server for individuals and groups associated with
The Episcopal Church. However, episcodon.net is neither officially affiliated with nor endorsed by The Episcopal Church.
episcodon.net is committed to the
Mastodon Server Covenant and is listed on the Mastodon
Servers page.
Membership on this server is free. However, the owner incurs monthly overhead costs to keep the server up and running. Please consider making a one-time or recurring donation using
Patreon.Our core values as Episcopalians are expressed in the
Baptismal Covenant. We encourage all server members to exemplify these values—especially the promise to "strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being"—as they interact with others.
Remember that our Anglican heritage began as a
via media (middle road) between Catholicism and Protestantism. Episcopalians today hold diverse positions on religious, political, social, and other issues. We ask server members to give each other the grace to hold different beliefs, and to discuss their differences civilly.
Our server rules are intended to make episcodon.net a safe and enjoyable place for all members. Hate speech of any kind is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, expressions of support for the following:
If you encounter content that violates server rules, please report it. The server admins will review it as soon as possible. Content that violates server rules will be removed at the discretion of the server admins. Users who violate server rules will be suspended at the discretion of the server admins.
Please be aware that Mastodon is free and open-source software (FOSS), so anyone can start a Mastodon instance. Also, Mastodon is only one part of the larger fediverse. Our server becomes automatically federated with any other server with which our users interact. Some of those servers may contain content that is objectionable to you (and probably the majority of our users). If you encounter such servers in your Federated timeline, please report them. The admins will investigate them and, if necessary, block them. You can find a list of blocked servers at the bottom of our
About page.
Server recommendations- Be kind. Love your neighbor as yourself.
- Complete your user profile. Other users are more likely to follow you if you add your name, a bio, a header image, and an avatar image. If you prefer to remain anonymous, that’s fine.
- Introduce yourself with an initial post. Indicate your interests with hashtags.
- Add descriptive text to all images, videos, and audio files you attach to posts. People who use screen readers need descriptive text to interpret content they cannot see.
- Use the appropriate level of privacy for your posts. Do you want a post to be visible to everyone, only to people who follow you, or to the specific people mentioned in the post?
- Make good use of content warnings. Ask yourself, “Is what I’m posting likely to be a trauma trigger for some readers?” If the answer is yes, add a content warning to your post.
- Keep in mind that text-based communication is limited. The visual and auditory clues present in face-to-face communication are missing. If a post hits you the wrong way, gently ask the author for clarification.
- If you have an issue with someone else’s post, try to discuss your concern with that person privately. If you are unable to resolve the issue, file a report.
- Don’t use the server rules to censor users who hold different positions from your own. Instead, be curious and ask open questions. However, if the user is clearly violating server rules, file a report.
- Use camel case in hastags. For example, type #TheEpiscopalChurch rather than #theepiscopalchurch. Camel case is easier to read and is a necessity for people who use screen readers. Be aware that Mastodon may try to lowercase your hashtag.